• 締切済み




こんばんは。以下回答致します: The traffic here <was> very dense, この<was>がポイント。 かつてはとても密集していて、警官がいなかったら頻繁に事故が起こっただろうに(警官がいたから事故は頻繁ではなかった、が現実) もし警官がいなかったならば If it had not been for the policeman If の省略で倒置になり Had it not been for the policeman なので(5) ※ 1) 修正箇所なし 2) (5) 多分これです。


  • 英語の誤文訂正問題です

    以下の英文の1~10の中で謝りを含む箇所はありますか? (1) Blocks and /(2) simple things like dishes and empty boxes/(3) can be/(4) not just/(5) cheaper and/(6) more fun/(7) for young children/(8) to play,/(9)but /(10) more educational.

  • 英文の構造について

    以下の英文の1~10の中で謝りを含んでいる箇所はありますか? 誤りは1箇所だけですが、全くない場合もあります。 (1)(1) Blocks and /(2) simple things like dishes and empty boxes/(3) can be/(4) not just/(5) cheaper and /(6) more fun/(7) for youngchildren/(8) to play,/(9)but /(10) more educational. (2)(1)The history of animal species/(2) shows that/(3) the most successful/(4) in the struggle/(5) for survival/(6) has been/(7) those which/(8) were most adaptable/(9) to changes/(10) in their world.

  • 英語の誤文訂正問題です

    以下の英文の1~10の中で謝りを含む箇所はありますか? (1) The traffic here/(2) was very dense,/(3) and there would often/(4) have been accidents/(5) had it not for/(6) the policeman/(7) who stood/(8) in the centre/(9)of the crossways /(10) and controlled it.

  • 高校英語の問題です

    以下の英文の1~10の中で謝りを含んでいる箇所はありますか? 1.(1)Blocks and /(2)simple things like dishes and empty boxes /(3)can be /(4)not just /(5)cheaper and /(6)more fun /(7)for young children/(8) to play, /(9)but /(10)more educational. 2. (1)The history of animal species /(2)shows that/(3) the most successful/(4) in the struggle /(5)for survival /(6)has been/(7) those which /(8)were most adaptable /(9)to changes /(10)in their world.

  • 高校英語の問題

    以下の英文に誤りはありますか? (1)Blocks and simple things like dishes and empty boxes can be not just cheaper and more fun for young children to play, but more educational. (2)The history of animal species shows that the most successful in the struggle for survival has been those which were most adaptable to changes in their world.

  • 英文の意味を教えてくれませんか?

    アメリカのネットショップで小物を購入予定です。発送の件でメールが来たんですがちょっと意味がわかりません。すっみませんが意味を教えて下さい。お願いします。 I have just checked Fedex again and say if you were to order more stock and it came to AAA boxes it would cost you 100ドル to post those AAA cartons. I know it's a bit high but It's not too bad. What do you think? If you have your own courier feel free to book them to pick up the boxes.

  • 英文の意味を教えて下さい。

    アメリカのネットショップで小物を購入予定です。発送の事で相手からメールが来ました。すみませんが意味を教えてくれませんか?お願いします。 Yes, I have attached the details. Please check. Please see if you can find cheaper quotes. I have so far only found a quote for $36 and that was the cheapest. My manager will look into it as well. However, if in the meantime you can find something cheaper I would say go for it as I do not think that overall the shipment will get any cheaper than $30. Please keep me posted.

  • 以下の英文の意味を教えてください。

    More important , one finds that the more complex and multi-levelled the history is , and the more important the issue which it raises for today , the less possible it is to sustain a fact-value division.

  • 次の英文の文法で質問がいくつかあるのですが

    Thus, there are misconceptions among humanists and scientists alike that are in need of correction. This correction leads to a much more acceptable position that could be called "scientific humanism," attempting as it does to combine the common elements of both disciplines. Both science and the humanities attempt to describe and explain. 1. alikeここではどういう使われ方をされているのですか?副詞でしょうか?なくても意味が変わらない気がするんですがどう変わるのですか? 2.as it does toってどういう意味ですか?attempting to combineではだめなのですか? 3.describeは他動詞なのに目的語がないのはなぜですか? In achieving this understanding, science in fact does not depend exclusively on measurable data, and te humanities in fact profit from attempts at controlled evaluation. 上の文章から察するにcontrolled evaluationはscienceのことだと思うのですがどうしてそうなるんでしょうか...scienceのどこら辺がcontrolled evaluationなのか科学にくわしい方いらっしゃいますか?

  • 正誤問題

    文法上間違った箇所を訂正する問題です。お願いします。 1The weather forecast said it rains in the night. 2The girls lay on the grass by their eyes closed. 3I know the man that bycycle was stolen yesterday. 4If you could have a faver, you should not go out today. 5The suspect was seen entered the building at midnight. 6The handout was very well organized and easy to look. 7Hardly had he finished to eat when he felt hungry again. 8I will lend you the book when I shall have done with it. 9The sign reads, “Please let the elderly to sit in these seats.” 10I have lost my cellular phone. I think I must buy it today.