• ベストアンサー


Long ago and far away this happened. Once. I got to yell something in the mic while standing on the stage at universal amphitheater. I just wish I remember what I was yelling.

  • tsf12
  • お礼率86% (1168/1348)
  • 英語
  • 回答数1
  • ありがとう数1


  • ベストアンサー
  • Nakay702
  • ベストアンサー率80% (9726/12098)

ずっと前に、遠いところで、これが起こった。一度(だけ)。 私は宇宙の円形劇場の舞台に立っていた。その間に、マイクに向って何かを叫ぼうとしていた。(そして叫んだが、その中味を覚えていない。)叫んだことを覚えていたかったなあ。





  • 翻訳をお願い致します!

    Chester also commented on what it was like playing with STP for the first time: Bennington: When we got together, right away it was three songs from Dean, three songs from Robert, three songs from me — overnight! All this adrenaline was injected right into our hearts. If we got together and it was weird, it wouldn't have happened. But we got together and it was amazing. The new music needed to feel like it was us. It was still STP but it's me and I don't want to be doing a caricature of Scott. Live, I'm singing Scott's melodies and Scott's songs so I want to stay honest to that and present it in a way that people feel they're getting an STP show. … It's been an interesting and very rewarding experience so far.

  • 翻訳をお願い致します。

    December 3, 2016 I lost my best friend last year on this day. I remember standing side by side speaking at Jeremy's funeral... two friends died in the Wildabouts in only one year in an 8 month period. A horrible nightmare of a year. But we also had some of the most amazing positive experiences in the last 10 years we played/spent time together. I got to create so much beautiful music with him and was blown away even that he wanted to write. Our record never got to see the light of day, he said many times Blaster was his favorite album since Core. It was a blessing to create music with him. I have so many good stories I can't even begin... Not a day has gone by that I have not thought about Scott. Today Scott would be want everyone to be happy and listen to music. I miss you my friend...

  • 翻訳してください(>_<)

    海外の方とペンパルになっているのですが英語が読めないのでメッセージがわかりません(>_<) hmm... my Japanese is bad, Megumi-san. But my english is good enough. I'm currently able to read something in ひらがな also my japanese vocalubary still poor. I was born and live in Indonesia, East Java Province, and believe me it's so far far away from your hometown. And hey, we're on same age. I'm 19 too, just a few days ago because I was born in december. I hope we can be a good friend. message whenever you'd like to. Have a good day! どうぞよろしくお願いしますm(_ _)m

  • 翻訳をお願い致します!

    Whether it's the bickering and legal problems that have developed from the STP separation or having moved on rather abruptly from Velvet Revolver five years ago, Weiland seems to have taken something away from each ended relationship. Two decades of stardom hopefully won't leave an individual without growth, but then again, Weiland has always seemed a shape-shifter and extremely malleable. "I've always tried to remain sort of a chameleon artistically, style-wise," he says.

  • 翻訳をお願い致します。

    Someone is making big money on the stock markets unprecedented volatility. Theory: Trump tells his secret broker to short X amount of Y stock under a false entity. The next day he attack’s Y in the press - prices drop he makes millions. I know it seems far fetched but if trump and Cohen were dumb enough to start an influence peddling business WHILE they knew they were under investigation - maybe he is dumb enough to try this too. Remember you read it here first folks because I’m positive he’s got some market scam going.

  • 大至急、翻訳をお願い致します!

    Did you know Scott Weiland well? “A little. We got on well. A truly talented guy.” What happened to the SP message board that was up around the time Machina came out? “I got tired of paying a big hosting bill for people to squat on there and tell me what to do or say that I sucked or we sucked or that they should become our bass player or lighting designer.” FYI the SP Reddit is mostly positive and friendly. Probably more trolls/zombies over here. “Maybe I’m jaded (I honestly don’t look) but I did a Reddit chat once and mod said it was the worst negativity they’d ever seen on over 100 Q&A’s. And when I did look back in the day (you know the boards) all I saw was FAT STUPID IDIOT WASHED UP HAS BEEN WISH HE HAD DIED/WAS DEAD over and over.” What do you think mainstream guitar culture and music disappeared? “I disagree with the question. I think there is a mainstream rock culture. It’s just that pop culture has grown and used tools beyond music to stay relevant.”

  • 翻訳をお願い致します!

    During the middle of the last encore song, (Unglued), my friend and I walked outside of the venue and waited by the stage door. Scott came out stumbling, and seemed lost. I shook his hand, but I don't even think he knew I was there. Some other people got their stuff signed, but I forgot a sharpie so I was out of luck with that. Doug walked out after, and my friend and I said “great show”. He seemed like a cool dude. All in all, I would see Scott again if he comes 15 minutes away from my house, but I do fear that he is back on something more than the bottle. Hopefully he stops doing STP songs, and cleans up with his new solo record.”

  • 英語で 「一度でいいから記憶をなくすほど酒を飲んでみたい」はなんていえ

    英語で 「一度でいいから記憶をなくすほど酒を飲んでみたい」はなんていえば? I wanna get drunk once as far as I don't remember ですか?記憶を無くすほどという表現が難しいです。。。。

  • 翻訳お願いします

    This is Mr.Kato, the person (who) will be guiding us today. I know a little boy (whose) parents have passed away. She is a good interpreter (who) I believe can help you. That's the restaurant (which/that) just opened six months ago. Yukari got everything (that) she wanted. Nagasaki is a city (which/that) I'd like to visit. That house, the roof of (which) is red, is mine. He is the man with (whom) I talked last night. Beth told me the phone number of the hotel (which/that) she was staying at. This is the very house (that) I wish to live in.

  • 至急:翻訳お願いします

    This is Mr.Kato, the person who will be guiding us today. I know a little boy whose parents have passed away. She is a good interpreter who I believe can help you. That's the restaurant which just opened six months ago. Yukari got everything that she wanted. Nagasaki is a city which I'd like to visit. That house, the roof of which is red, is mine. He is the man with whom I talked last night. Beth told me the phone number of the hotel which she was staying at. This is the very house that I wish to live in.