• ベストアンサー



  • ベストアンサー

 文の意味を読み取る時に、接続詞や関係代名詞など、省略された語を復活させて考えるのは、あまり巧くいかないようです。困った時ほど前から順序よく、が鉄則です。 A mother takes her four-year-old to the pediatrician ある母親が4歳の子(文末で娘だと分かります)を小児科医に連れて行きます。 reporting she’s worried about the girl’s hearing. 小児科医(she:女医さんだと分かります)は、その女の子の聴力に心配があると報告しています。 ※reporting の主語は直前の pediatrician です。she 以下は報告(診察結果)の内容です。 ※takes と現在形になっているので、医師の指示に従って、定期的に診察をうけていると分かります。この事実関係を崩さずに文章を整えるといいでしょう。





  • worryの使い方

    She worries about her children. と She is worried about her children. 両方可能な文だと思うのですが、 違いはどこにあるのでしょうか。

  • 翻訳お願いします!

    この長文を翻訳してください。お願いします。 長いので、2パートほどに分割します。 (1) Once upon a time, there was a poor girl alone in a village. Her dad and mom died, her relatives weren't there, and at the age of 12, she finally lost her house. Only the poor clothes she wore and a piece of bread were the girl's belongings. However, even in such a situation, the pure and gentle girl believed in God. She believed that even in such a situation, God is sure to protect me.. The girl was walking alone on the road where the cold wind blows. Then a traveler talked to her girl. 「Young lady, give me food . I'm about to die.」 The girl saw the traveler's Skinny face and pitifully gave her a piece of bread, 「May you have God's blessing.」 she saw the traveler happily chewing on the bread, and the girl started walking again. This time, a little boy, a little younger than the girl, was crying. 「I am very cold. my hat was blown by the wind.」 The girl stroked the boy's head, then took off her hood and put it on the boy. The boy stopped crying and thanked her girl and went somewhere.

  • 質問

    This 2-Year-Old Can’t Take It When Her Dad Says She Doesn’t Have A BF. Take の意味がわかりません。 ご教示ください。

  • now that構文?

    For the last three years I’ve had full custody of my (now) 9-year-old daughter. It hasn’t been easy. I was never enthusiastic about having a child and, while I adore her now she’s here, being a parent hasn’t come naturally to me. now she’s hereはどのような訳になるでしょうか?now that構文のthatが省略された形でしょうか?よろしくお願いします

  • 急望です、英文の翻訳お願いします

    エキサイト翻訳などでやるとどうしてもおかしくなってしまうので、どなたか翻訳お願いします DEAR ABBY:I'm in my first year of junior high,and I've been going with this guy for a couple of months. Now he wants a more grown-up relationship, and I'm not ready for it. I don't want to have sex before I'm ready, but I'm afraid if I say no I will lose him. I don't want to lose him, but I don't want to pushed into something I'm not ready for. should I give in and risk losing him? He is very persistent, and I like him a lot. SCARED DEAR SCARED:What a wise(and honest)girl you are. If you have to ask, you're definitely not ready. Any boy who would put a girl in this position is selfish, uncarind immature and a user. Don't worry about "losing" him; tell him you're not ready for that kindof relationship, and if you lose him, consider yourself lucky. DEAR ABBY:I'm writing about that 15-year-old girl signed "Brokenhearted Four Times." She wants to stay a virgin until she's married, but says it's not easy because guys don't want nice girls anymore. I totally agree with you, Abby, when you say it's not trun but maybe she'll believe it if she hears it from a boy. I'm a 19-year-old guy. I'm not a virgin myself, but I never mess with nice girls. When I get married I hope to get someone like her. in. A. IN W. DEAR A.:Just because a girl is not a virgin doesn't necessarily mean she's not "nice." You say you never mess with "nice" girls. Well, every girl was a virgin until some guy came along and changed her no to yes, If a gguy wants a virgin for a wife, he himself should remain one.

  • わからない英文があるんですが。

    今現在、不定詞の勉強をしてるのですが、 "I'm worried about Anna. She's really been depressed lately." この文の、She's really been の部分で、何故be動詞が2つも出てくるのかがわかりません。 辞書を引いたら"be depressed"で意気消沈する、という意味までわかったんですが She's really depressed lately. では駄目なんでしょうか。分かる方いれば教えてください。

  • 翻訳お願いします

    Margie made a face. “School? What's there to write about school? I hate school.” Margie always hated school , but now she hated it more than ever. The mechanical teacher had been giving her test after test in geography. She had been doing worse and worse. In the end , her mother had shaken her head sadly and sent for the County Inspector. He was a little man with a red face. He had a whole box of tools with dials and wires. He smiled at her and gave her an apple. Then he took the teacher apart. Margie had hoped he wouldn't know how to put it together again. But he knew how , all right. After an hour or so , there it was again - large and black. It had a big screen , on which all the lessons were shown and the questions were asked. That wasn't so bad. The part which she hated most was the slot where she had to put the homework and test papers. She always had to write them our in a punch code they made her learn when she was six years old. The mechanical teacher calculated the mark in no time. The inspector had smiled after he had finished , and patted her head. He said to her mother , "It's no the little girl's fault , Mrs. Jones. I think the geography part was geared a little too quickly. I've slowed it up to an average 10-year level. In fact , the overall pattern of her progress is quite satisfactory." Again he patted Margie's head. Margie was disappointed. She had been hoping they would take the teacher away. They had once taken Tommy's teacher away for about a month , because the history part had not worked.

  • singled out

    Dear Annie: I have an 88-year-old friend who can't hear and refuses to get tested for a hearing aid. I have talked with her many times about this situation, but she either makes excuses about her hearing problem or gets angry and refuses to discuss the issue. She just smiles and nods when people try to talk to her or tells them she can't understand them. Talking on the phone with her is impossible. And her hearing problem has gotten her into trouble when she's at appointments with doctors, as she sometimes misses what they tell her. The cost is not an issue, because she could easily afford hearing aids, and I have offered to drive her to any appointments. You cannot have a conversation with her, and she is becoming more isolated and distracted in her interactions with others. I am losing patience with her. Help! -- Frustrated Friend Dear Frustrated Friend: Denial can be a dangerous coping mechanism, but it's a coping mechanism nonetheless -- so your friend will cling to it until she's ready to let go. Continue encouraging her to get her hearing tested, and even suggest getting your own hearing checked at the same time. If she were to feel less singled out, she might feel less defensive and more open to the idea. If she were to feel less singled outの意味を教えてください。よろしくお願いします

  • 翻訳お願いします

    Mary Lou Robertson is an experienced bird-watcher at a very young age. In fact, she is so knowledgeable about them. Not bad for a 13-year-old girl who is still in school! So when did this young schoolgirl first become interested in bird-watching? It all started when her family moved to a new neighborhood. Mary Lou explains that she would feel very lonely at times when she first moved to her new home. She had left her friends behind when she moved, and on her new street there were not many children to play with. Becoming a bird-watcher helped her to settle into the new neighborhood and to feel more at home. "After moving to a new neighborhood without many kids living on my street,"she says,“the wildlife sort of brought me closer to feeling like I had friends.”  Every morning mary Loe takes her binoculars and heads out to look for birds. But when qualities do birdwatchers need? Mary Lou explains that in order to watch birds, one must be quiet and calm and not make a lot of noise. She says that if the watcher makes any sudden movements, the birds will probably become scared because they will think that the person is a predator. 自分で訳してみても全く文章にならないので、翻訳お願いします。

  • 英語のわかる方、翻訳をお願いいたします。

    インタビュー記事です。 The cameras follow her from New York to Los Angeles, and she admits her lifestyle means she doesn't see her 14-year-old son as often as she'd like. ‘I'm a f**king renaissance woman!’ she declares at one point. Jodie has said in the past about her bold style: 'I got a lot of grief about two years ago for my faux-hawk. People were making fun of it on comedy shows. 'But I don’t like to walk with the pack anyway, so of course they are going to make fun of me. I don’t care. 'Anybody really creative is going to end up on those lists.' よろしくお願いいたします。