
  • 最新の実験で、たった18人の人々が3本の頑丈なロープと少しの練習で、1000kgのモアイレプリカを数百メートルも簡単に移動することができることが示されました。
  • モアイレプリカの大きなお腹が前に傾いており、D字型のベースは取り扱い側がサイドからサイドへロールや揺れ動きを行うことができました。
  • 「The figure's fat bellies」は「1000kgのモアイレプリカ」を指しています。
  • ベストアンサー

Recent experiments indica

Recent experiments indicate that as few as 18 people could, with three strong ropes and a bit of practice, easily manoeuvre a 1000 kg moai replica a few hundred meters. The figure's fat bellies tilted (2)them forward, and a D-shaped base allowed handlers to roll and rock them side to side. 解説おねがいします。 (1)The figure's fat belliesとはa 1000 kg moai replicaのことですか? (2)themは何を指していますか? (3)The figure's~の訳をおねがいします。 (4)最後のside to sideですが、from side to sideと同じですか? よろしくお願いします。

  • 英語
  • 回答数3
  • ありがとう数4


  • ベストアンサー
  • SPS700
  • ベストアンサー率46% (15295/33014)

 「モアイの肥った腹は前のめりにモアイを傾け、D~型の基台を作業員たちが右左に揺れ動かすことを可能にした。」  下記の「コーロコロ」というあたりが from side to side の動きを示しています。  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mkpreRv6XQU  腹が肥っているのは下記の起き上がり小法師の連想がお役に立つと思います。  https://www.google.co.jp/search?q=%E3%81%8A%E3%81%8D%E3%81%82%E3%81%8C%E3%82%8A%E3%81%93%E3%81%BC%E3%81%97+%E4%BC%9A%E6%B4%A5&tbm=isch&tbo=u&source=univ&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwj61rbyp-ncAhVO-6wKHUouBkQQsAR6BAgDEAE&biw=1920&bih=875#imgrc=85rN1VTxe1gQ5M:  



ご回答ありがとうごさいます。 お返事が遅くなってしまい申し訳ございません。他の方のコメントにも書かせて頂きましたが、バタバタしおりまして確認するのが遅れてしまいました。 教えて下さったのにもかかわらず、失礼しました。

その他の回答 (2)

  • ILFocus
  • ベストアンサー率36% (17/47)

モアイ像の移動方法についての記述ですね。これ以外の前後の文章と思われるものを参照しましたが、それによると、特にレプリカにこだわって書かれているわけではないですよね。 (1)The figure's fat belliesはモアイの複製ではなく、イースター島に実在するモアイ像たちのことを指しているため、複数になっています。 (2)同様にthemは実物のモアイ像 (3)、(4)はすでに回答があるとおりだと思います。



お返事ありがとうごさいます。 また私事ですが、引っ越しをしておりまして、お礼をお伝えするのが遅くなってしまいました。大変申し訳ございません。

  • SPS700
  • ベストアンサー率46% (15295/33014)

1。The figure's fat belliesとはa 1000 kg moai replicaのことですか?  はい、そうです。a 1000 kg moai replica の肥った腹 でしょう。 2。themは何を指していますか?  モアイの複製だと思います。 3。The figure's~の訳をおねがいします。  モアイの像の(肥った腹部) 4。最後のside to sideですが、from side to sideと同じですか?  はいそうです。



お返事ありがとうございます。 (3)ですが、The figure's~の訳、としてしまいましたが、The figure'sから始まる全文の訳を教えて頂けませんでしょうか。


  • 和訳お願いします。

    “I don't consider that you really belong among them. You just tumbled on to the Board by chance. The Trustee, as such, is fat and pompous and benevolent. He pats one on the head and wears a gold watch chain.”

  • 訳がよくわかりません。

    訳に手こずっています。宜しくお願いします。 (1) The bullet lodged in my left shoulder - a little lower, and I should have been in Paradise long ago. (2) We are complaining that our days are few, and acting as though there would be no end to them.

  • 比較級の語順に関して

    こんにちは。 Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix [UK, adult版]p.762 真ん中あたりの文に関してです。 "He had just noticed ropes thick as saplings stretching from around the trunks of the largest nearby trees towards the place where Grawp lay curled on the ground with his back to them." 日本語訳では、 "ハリーは、若木ほどの太い縄が、近くの一番大きな数本の木に括りつけられていることにたった今気づいた。縄は、地面に丸まり、背を向けて横たわっているグロウプのところまで伸びていた。" となっております。 この文の"noticed ropes thick as saplings stretching ..."の語順が理解できておりません。 私なら"noticed as thick ropes as saplings stretching ..."としてしまいそうです。 "noticed ropes thick as saplings stretching "はどのように理解すればよいのでしょうか? 教えてください。 よろしくお願いします。

  • 英文を添削してください

    The lavender scareについての文です。 The lavender scare refers to a witch hunt and the mass firings of gay people in the 1950s from the United States government. It paralleled the anti-communist campaign known as McCarthyism and the Second Red Scare. Gay men and lesbians were said to be security risks and communist sympathizers, which led to the call to remove them from state employment. The Lavender Scare was fueled by postwar fears that the U.S. was in a state of moral decline, dominated by a new class of powerful government bureaucrats, and threatened by communism. ⇨The lavender scare refers to a witch hunt and the gay people. It paralleled the anti-communist campaign known as McCarthyism and the Second Red Scare. Gay men and lesbians were said to be security risks and communist sympathizers, which led to the call to remove them from state employment. The Lavender Scare was fueled by postwar fears that the U.S. was threatened by communism. 上の文をまとめたのですが、長かったので⇨以降、またまとめ直しました。 ⇨以降の英文を添削して欲しいです。 もし、ここも省いてもいいよ、もっと簡単な表現があるよ、などあればそちらも教えて欲しいです。 さらに短くなれば、嬉しいです。 よろしくお願いします。

  • このas much ~ as ・・・「・・・と同量の」の・・・の部分が無いように見えるこの文の文構造教えてください。

    こんにちは、いつもお世話になります。 Bruce Foryce と Marielle Renssen著のMarathon Runner's HANDBOOKという本を読んでいてタイトルのような文構造が難しい文に出会いました。 長距離走に必要な食事の取り方を解説したページ(82ページ)より引用します。 It is important for runner to follow a balanced diet with as much protain, carbohydrate and fat as is necessary to fuel their particular workload. 筋が通る文として理解するには「走者の個々のトレーニングにエネレルギーを補給する必要があるために、走者にとってたんぱく質、炭水化物、脂質を含むバランスのとれた食事をすることは重要です。」というような事をいっていると思うのですが、 この文は、 ・It is important for runner to follow a balanced diet with 「as much protain, carbohydrate and fat as」 is necessary to fuel their particular workload.という区切りでしょうか? そうするとタイトルのような『as much ~ as ・・・「・・・と同量の」の・・・の部分が無い』ように」見えます。 それとも、 ・It is important for runner to follow a balanced diet 「with as much protain, carbohydrate and fat」 as (it) is necessary to fuel their particular workload.という「(先行する数詞に呼応して)as much=~と同量」であり、as muchはfollow a balanced dietにかかるのでしょうか? ニュアンスとしては、「a balanced diet with as much protain, carbohydrate and fat バランスの取れた食事と同量の、たんぱく質、炭水化物、脂質を含む」みたいな感じでしょうか? どうも文構造が掴めません 。 参考までに前後の文を転記します。 The key for successful marathon runner is balance, common sense and restraint. It is important for runner to follow a balanced diet with as much protain, carbohydrate and fat as is necessary to fuel their particular workload. They also need to understand the role vitamins and mineral supplements can play and to incorporate a daily regime of these supplements in order to give the exercising body every advantage. よろしくお願い致します。

  • 無生物主語の穴埋め、3問です。

    問題の中から、自分が分からなかったところをピックアップしました。回答お願いします。 1 数分歩いたら公園に着いた。   A few minutes´()()me to the park.   ()I walked a few minutes´I() to the park. 2 彼女はお父さんが急に亡くなって仕事を探さねばならなくなった。   Her father´s()death()her to look for a job. 3 この新しい洗濯機を使えば多くの時間と手間が省けます。   This new washing machine()()you much time and trouble.

  • 英文の句の意味

    The asset owners invested in funds are far from homogenous, and range from individuals, to pension funds, to insurers, to banks, to charities and sovereign wealth funds, to name just a few. 上記英文中,最後のto name just a fewの意味が分りません。ご指導下さい。宜しくお願い致します。

  • この英文を、同じ意味でかきかえていただきたいです。

    Annibale Carracci’s artwork, The Coronation of the Virgin – 1590-1609, this piece of the soul and the mind. This picture grabbed my attention because it is one of the few paintings in which God, Jesus, and Mary are represented as “equals”, because of their sizes. The arrangement of the figures, and the colors implemented by the artist were other elements that interested me. In the following essay I will discuss the subject matter of the painting, and the technique used, as well as a brief discussion of the features that identify this artwork with the time period when it was painted. In this painting Mary is being crowned by Jesus and God, after her ascension to heaven. This action is taking place in heaven, because angels that are sitting in the background and also clouds closer to the border of the painting surround the three main figures. Jesus, Mary, and God are the main figures. In the center, Mary extends her arms as if welcoming a son/daughter or family member and her face expresses tranquility and acceptance. To her right is Jesus, who lifts His right hand to hold the crown, and His face shows kindness and respect. On Mary’s left, is God, who raises His left hand to hold the other side of the crown that is being placed on Mary’s head. God’s face also shows kindness towards Mary, and as the Father and the Son put the crown on Mary’s head, the Holy Spirit, represented as a dove, descends over her. Crowds of angels sit in order, one on the side of the other, around the semicircular theater in the background of the painting, and others, closer to the viewer’s point of view, are represented playing instruments and holding books, as if they were singing. In the center small human figures are shown, one of them holding a scroll as if they were asking Mary to intercede for them before God. Organization, light, and clothing are important elements of this representation, because they make a reference to the style under which it was created. On “The Coronation of the Virgin,” figures form three triangles. The first and smallest one is formed by Mary’s head and extended arms. Jesus and God’s arms and bellies form the second triangle. The third and biggest triangle starts on the Holy Spirit and extends from both sides to the two low corners of the painting. Triangles may serve as reference to the Holy family and also to the Trinity, which are formed by three figures, the same as triangles have three angles and sides. The organization of the figures in this painting make reference to the High Renaissance where the arrangement of the figures played an important role in the meaning and message that the artist was seeking to convey. This painting is also full of light and color, which bring to this picture a sense of natural appearance, characteristic of the Byzantine and High Renaissance, and also of the Baroque. Clothing is another important element of this painting for it is a reminder of the Classical revival. The colors of the draperies are very basic; blue and pink on Mary’s drapery, white on God and Jesus, and red on two angels in the right corner of the painting, and some green in the center, and a lot of yellow in the background. Another important feature that relates this painting with the style the artist implemented is the body types, especially in Jesus and God. Jesus is shown as having Byzantine facial features, and a classical body type, where muscles and a well shaped body are visible. Also God’s body has been idealized, due to the fact that His body looks as young as His son’s body; giving to this picture a characteristic usually seen during the classical period.

  • 前置詞が欠落しているような・・・

    ガラスを説明した文で、 Melt it by raising its temperature a few hundred degrees, and it will be as easy to shape as you like. と言うのがありましたが、a few の前に by か up to が欠落しているような気がするのですが、どうでしょうか。もしも正しいとすれば、「数百度あげる」 「数百度にあげる」いずれでしょうか。

  • 英文を訳して下さい。

    Uncertainty over the criteria had not been resolved before the war ended, Verlustlisten excluded lightly wounded and the Zentral Nachweiseamt records included them. Churchill revised German statistics, by adding 2 percent for unrecorded wounded in The World Crisis, written in the 1920s and the British official historian added 30 percent. For the Battle of Verdun, the Sanitätsbericht contained incomplete data for the Verdun area, did not define "wounded" and the 5th Army field reports exclude them. The Marin Report and Service de Santé covered different periods but included lightly wounded. Churchill used a Reichsarchiv figure of 428,000 casualties and took a figure of 532,500 casualties from the Marin Report, for March to June and November to December 1916, for all the Western Front.