• 締切済み


In the age of abundance, the apparent availability of virtually all material necessities tended to lead people to expect speedy gratification of their desires and to have little sense of the length of time over which people in other times and places had had to wait in order to have some of their more basic material needs satisfied. お願いしますm(__)m


  • Nakay702
  • ベストアンサー率80% (9822/12245)

だいたい次のように訳せると思います。 (訳文) 「豊かな時代には、事実上すべての重要な必需品が入手可能であることが明らかになったことで、人々が自分たちの欲望の迅速な充足を期待するようになり、他の時代や場所では、より基本的な必需品を手にするために待たねばならなかった時間の長さをほとんど感じなくなる傾向がありました。」





  • この英文の和訳お願いします。 難しいです。

    There are therefore 192 subjects(forty per cent of the sample) whose happiness and domestic efficiency are to a greater or lesser extent dependent on the ready accessibility of their children or other relatives. No solution of the problems of old age will be acceptable to the people themselves or to their children which does not take the family factor into account. King, Sir Geoffrey, formerly Permanent Secretary, Ministry, of Pensions and National Insurance, "Policy and Practice", Old Age in the Modern World, 1995. Studies in other places such as Hammersmith, Acton, and Northern Ireland have also produced some evidence of close ties between old people and their relatives and of a willingness to bear the burden of nursing care. But the evidence gained in these inquiries was incidental to their main purposes. There has been no specialized study of the place of the old person in the family. Yet such detailed knowledge may be fundamental to any understanding of old age or of its problems. That is the starting point of this study. How often do old people see their children and their brothers and sisters, and do they live near or far? What services do relatives perform for each other every day and at times of crisis? What is the differences in family role of an old man and an old woman? Can a more precise meaning be given to loneliness and social isolation and what does it mean to be widowed, single, or childless? Is the status of old people undergoing change? Which old people make the greatest demand on the State aid or replace the efforts of the family? These are some of the questions which will be discussed in this report.

  • この英文の和訳をお願いします

    1行目 Advertisers have long turned to psychologists in their efforts to understand how to motivate human desires. 2行目 Earlier than most, for example, the influential advertising couple, Stanley and Helen Resor, saw the advantages of employing someone who claimed to have some understanding of human behavior. 3行目 In the 1920s, their agency, the J. Walter Thompson Company, hired the renowned father of behaviourism, John B. Watson, away from the John Hopkins University Psychology Department to serve as a vice president. で、この文章に対する問いが、 Why was Watson hired? となっていますが、文章が理解できず、回答できませんでした。 宜しくお願いします。

  • 英文の和訳をお願いいたします

    以下の英文を和訳していただけるかたのみで。 お願いできますでしょうか? 内容的にまだ続いてる感じだと思います。 どうぞよろしくお願いいたします。 Yet he had a fairly happy family life and childhood. Background and family history are important to him. He may have had a strong attachment or respect for his father, who was affluent and a sense of family pride. He may have missed out on parental love in his childhood. He would have grown reserved and cautious. May have had some health weakness or weakens of constitution. His interest would have centered on the family. He wanted to shine out. Make his family proud of him, and he would have helped other family members out and taken an interest in their lives and affairs.

  • 英文の和訳をお願いします。

    A blind date is a date for two people who have never met before. Their mutual friends usually arrange the match. With the rise of the Internet, blind dates are becoming more common than before. Through instant messaging and Internet chat forums, people have a chance to meet people. Blind dating is exciting for some people, but it can be a stressful emotional experience for others. This may be mainly due to a lack of self-confidence and the inevitable fear of meeting an unknown. In the United States, people often talk about the experience of their friends. Some people like to gossip a lot. People who like to gossip often talk about individuals they may not know and that can be hurtful, especially if rumors and gossip continue to be shared. This conversation is between two friends about another friend. In this case, the two friends, Amy and Lisa, having the conversation want the information to remain confidential in order to protect this mutual friend, Toshi. At the end of this conversation, the two friends agree to keep their information confidential. "I've got your back" is a phrase used as reassurance between friends. the phrase is used to show confidentiality, solidarity and trust.

  • 英文を訳してもらえませんか?

    We Shall Rebuild Our Society On March 11, 2011 a magnitude-9 earthquake and tsunami struck the eartern part of japan. An unbelievable number of people died and lost their homes, and about four thousand people had to leave their hometowns. Many of the survivors lost family members and suffered mentally as well as physically. But even so, people helped each other and tried to keep a smile. In fact, the victims of the earthquake and tsunami have bulit a community to look after each other . Their efforts and perseverance surprised Japan and the world. 長い文章ですが、よろしくお願いします。

  • 和訳お願いしますm(_ _)m

    Coming-of-Age Day Coming of Age Day is a national holiday which falls on January 15. This national holiday was created in 1948 and a described in the N ational Holidays Act as the day when young people are made aware of their achievement of adulthood and are congratulated. On this day large-scale ceremonies are held in all parts of Japan. The local cities and communities play host at the celbration ceremonies to all the young men and women who have had their twentieth birthday during the past year. The new adults gather together to hear congratulatory messages from the heads of their local government. Then one of the young people, speaking on behalf of the others, formally acknowledges that they have reached adulthood and pledges their determination to become good members of society. At the age of twenty young people receive the right to vote, smoke and drink, and obtain the freedom to marry without their parents' consent, but, at the same time, they must bear the responsibilities of adults.

  • 英文和訳をお願いします。

    The ability to own and dispose of property under a rule of law, a notion spawned by the 18th century’s Enlightenment, spread through Europe and North America. It produced new ways to organize society’s pursuit of the industrial means required for people to the Enlightenment, people could barely improve upon their short and miserable lives. Indeed for generation after generation, people tilled the same of land. Material progress was marginal at best. Global life expectancy was 25 year, unchanged for a millennium.

  • 英文の和訳です。

    できるだけ、意訳を避けて訳していただけると助かります。 知らない化学物質の名前などが多く、難しく感じました。あと、人の名前もよく分かりません… スペルのチェックはしましたが、もしも間違っていましたらすみません。 お願いします。  Dr.Michael Liebowitz has found that love is not that spontaneous, mysterious feeling, but is the result of chemical reactions.  Scientists still do not know very much about the chemistry of human emotions; however, they have known for some time that specific chemicals are the cause of feelings and emotions.  Working at New York State Psychiatric Institute, Dr.Liebowitz has identified the chemical that transfers the feeling of love to the brain. This “love chemical” has the formal name phenylethylamine and is a member of the amphetamine family. Amphetamine are chemicals that cause adrenaline to be produced in the body. When your body produces adrenaline you will breathe faster and will feel your heart beat faster. Also, your face may get red and your hands may shake. In other words, you will be acting as if you are in the first stage of falling in love.  In addition, Dr. Liebowitz has found another connection between love and the “love chemical” phenylethylamine. This connection is chocolate, which contains large amounts of the chemical. When observing parents who tended to fall in and out of love rather more often than the average person, he noticed that when a romance ended, these people tended to eat chocolates. Dr. Liebowitz concluded that brokenhearted people, without actually realizing it, eat chocolates to get a similar feeling of being “in love”. So he or she eats chocolates to increase the body´s level of the love chemical. (Could it be that when we give our loved ones chocolates, we unconsciously expect to increase their levels of the “love chemical”, and consequently their feelings of love?)  It has also been found that love is based in the brain, not in the heart. Dr. J. Money, of John Hopkins University, has found that people who have had certain kinds of brain operations are incapable of experiencing romantic love, although they can experience other emotions. Dr. Money thinks that the day will come when we will be able to fully explain the chemistry of love. 以上です。

  • 英文の和訳を希望します

    和訳をしていただけるかたのみで、 お願いできますでしょうか? 1つの段落の後半部分となります。 どうぞよろしくお願いいたします。 He liked music, dance and prophecy ands poetry and may have liked to travel a restless character He may have played a musical instrument, and did not much like work or hard labor, though he was a dutiful man. He would have worked long and hard for poor return in the past and developed no taste for it. He was the keeper of family secrets. People could confide in him knowing it would go no further. When they were small your soul mates father would have seemed to have had a cold and forbidding exterior. Stern gruff traditional, occasionally cruel and harsh;. The dominant head of the house. But as the children grew older they could see through this father act, to his wealth of kinder character and his love and affection. He had many material goods and was practical and prosperous.

  • 英文の和訳をお願いします。

    Our need to affiliate - to feel connected and identified with others - boosted our ancestors' chances for survival, which may explain why humans in every society live in groups. When ostracized (excluded or shunned by others), people suffer from stress and depression - a real pain that increases activity in the same brain areas that respond to physical pain. Those who are socially secure in their friendships, families, or marriages tend to be healthier and to have lower levels of depression, suicide, and early death. When socially exclude, people may engage in self-defeating or antisocial behaviors.

  • テレビはSONYの2020年11月購入のKJ-65 A8H。
  • HDD内蔵ブルーレイデコーダーはSONY製のBDZ-FBT4000を持っています。
  • 4K映像を御社のHDDにダビングしたいのですが6TB以上の容量で、ダビングできる外付けHDDの型番製品名を教えてください。また、参考にSSDも型番製品名を教えていただければありがたいです。こちらはパソコンで問い合わせしています。