Poem for New Drivers: Dead at Seventeen

  • Discover a powerful poem called 'Dead at Seventeen' that aims to raise awareness about the dangers and responsibilities of driving.
  • A concerned grandparent seeks a copy of the poem 'Dead at Seventeen' to share with their 17-year-old granddaughter, who recently obtained a driver's license.
  • Get insights on the usage of 'Might you have' and the grammatical structure of 'whom I'd like to see it' in the context of the query.
  • ベストアンサー


Your predecessor Ann Landers published a poem called "Dead at Seventeen" to get the attention of new drivers and impress upon them the dangers and responsibilities of driving a car. Might you have that on file somewhere? I have a 17-year-old granddaughter with a new driver's license, whom I'd like to see it. Might you haveはDo you happen to haveみたいな意味でしょうか?あと、whom I'd like to see itが文法的に分かりません。whomの後に完全な文体があるのはOKなのでしょうか?whomはgranddaughterにかかっているのですよね?I have a 17-year-old granddaughter with a new driver's license, whom I'd like to see it.全体の意味もよろしくお願いします

  • corta
  • お礼率76% (4123/5358)
  • 英語
  • 回答数2
  • ありがとう数2


  • ベストアンサー
  • Nakay702
  • ベストアンサー率80% (9726/12098)

>Might you haveはDo you happen to haveみたいな意味でしょうか? ⇒はい、ほとんど同じような意味になりますね。「(もしかしたら)お持ちかもしれませんね?」といったニュアンスでしょう。 >あと、whom I'd like to see itが文法的に分かりません。whomの後に完全な文体があるのはOKなのでしょうか?whomはgranddaughterにかかっているのですよね? ⇒はい、whomはgranddaughterにかかる関係代名詞「目的格」です。ということは、このwhom を元に戻せば、I'd like her to see it 「彼女にそれを見て欲しい」となります。これでなぞは解消すると思います。 >I have a 17-year-old granddaughter with a new driver's license, whom I'd like to see it.全体の意味もよろしくお願いします ⇒「私には免許とりたての17歳の孫娘がいますので、彼女にそれ(詩)を見て欲しいです」。




その他の回答 (1)

  • SPS700
  • ベストアンサー率46% (15295/33014)

1。Might you haveはDo you happen to haveみたいな意味でしょうか?  はい、おっしゃる通りです。 2。あと、whom I'd like to see itが文法的に分かりません。whomの後に完全な文体があるのはOKなのでしょうか?  まあ、これは英語の先生が書いたわけではないのでしょう。 3。whomはgranddaughterにかかっているのですよね?  そのようです。 4。I have a 17-year-old granddaughter with a new driver's license, whom I'd like to see it.全体の意味もよろしくお願いします  今度初めて新しい運転免許証をもらった、十七になる孫娘に見せたいと思います。(という思いで、間違った目的格になっているのでしょう)





  • カルパチアンって何

    (私) Do you have a license? I got a license when I was ○○ years old. I miss the school and I miss it. How old are you from? Do you know it? (相手注意超長文です。)I do not have a video camera. I shoot video on a smartphone. Quick and convenient. I have a Chinese Le Max2. Now Chinese smartphones are sold worldwide. Do you have a video camera ? Wow! You have it.This Big and small ? Take a photo of your car, please. Japanese are the best in the world. I like cars. Convenient and fast ride around the city. Unfortunately I do not have a it.(disappointed) It's expensive for me to buy a it.(coldsweat) Licenses for driving either. I want to go to car driving courses and get a license. So in Japan, I could drive a car.(car) I already told you. You must have forgotten. I am ○○ years old. I look much younger than my age.(blush) Good morning(closed eyes smile) Sorry for the long answer. (sweat) I am surprised. Your money tree is blooming. (lotus)This happens very rarely. Thanks for the photo with flowers. A lot of pots. No need to crop photos. Badly visible photo. I understand you have a small car. I know that small cars in Japan are not expensive to sell. You have a great experience driving a car. (sedan) Do you drive a car well? Do you like to drive fast?Now Chernobyl safe territory. Many tourists go to see the abandoned city. Many Japanese come. Western Ukraine is very beautiful. Many beautiful mountains Carpathians, mountain streams. Beautiful nature such as in Japan. I know that the Japanese come to see the Carpathians . (mountain) Do you live in the city center or outside the city? Is the sea far from you? のカルパチアンに会いにくる日本人は、呆れている感じですか? あと、私の年齢を忘れてるわね?ってどのへんで、そう思いますか?要約して、カルパチアン って何ですか?。

  • mayとmightとmay beとmaybe

    i cant find a knife. she might have it この場合、she may have itもOKですか? また、I may(might) go to library tomorrowの形はOKですか? また、I may be there tomorrowというかたちもありますか?

  • 翻訳ソフトを使いました。添削お願いします。

    外国の子供に初めましての手紙を送ります。 出来るだけ英語っぽい日本語で訳して貰いましたが、不安です。 おかしな所がないかチェックしていただけないでしょうか。 それと、英語で手紙なんて初めてです。 文頭と、文末はどうすれば良いのでしょうか? Nice to meet you My name is oobankoban. I live in Tokyo in Japan. It introduces my family. My mother is 86 years old, and the acknowledgment syndromes. My husband is 61 years old. He is doing the work of the design in the company. My daughter is 21 years old, and she is senior. She works at the company when she comes the spring of next year. And, I am 57 years old, and housework is done while looking after my mother. It might be very good for me this year. I wanted to do good for you just a little. If possible, I want to support it for a long time until you grow up. You have two younger brothers. Do you look after them? And, do you help father and your mother? Have you gone to school though study is very important? Please teach your usual life in the letter.

  • 彼女の書いたメールの意味。

    これはこの前彼女とナイトクラブに行ったときについての メールのないようです。 I wanted you to come out to have fun too,but you seemed like you wanted to be close to me and I feel uncomfortable like that. I have other friends who I like to see,not just you. I thihk you can have a good time meeting new peopel and dancing you don't need ME to be there!baka. これは自分が彼女に近づいたことは不快だったのでしょうか?ちょっと確認したくって・・・。

  • to beの使い方

    How old do you have to be to get a driver's license? は 「何歳で免許がとれるの?」という日本語訳になるみたいですが、 How old do you get a driver's license?と同じ訳になりますか? 最初の英文のhave to beにはどんな意味があるのでしょうか? ご存知の方いらっしゃいましたら教えてください。 よろしくお願いいたします。

  • 訳を教えてください

    I have an 18-year-old child who is very critical. “Chris” is bipolar (like me) and loves attention. They say they are transgender, but while I am a huge LGBT rights supporter, I don’t see it. I don’t see itの訳を教えてください。よろしくお願いします

  • 訳をみてください

    下のふたつの英訳を見ていただけないでしょうか? おかしなところがあれば直してください (意訳になってもかまいません)。 どうかよろしくお願いします。 私は最近は元気でやってます。 あなたの風邪はどうなの? 熱はあるのですか? 早く良くなるといいね。 温かくして、よく寝てくださいね。 ↓ I'm doing fine these days. How is your cold? Do you have a fever? I wish you get well soon. Please keep yourself warm and have a good night sleep. あなたならどんな髪型でも似合うと思うよ、 お世辞じゃなくて本当にそう思う。 もし髪を切ったら、写真に撮って送ってね。 髪を切ったあなたをとても見てみたいです。 ↓ I think any hairstyle suits you, I mean it! Please send me a photo of your new hairstyle when you have a haircut. I'd like to see it.

  • 英文法チェックしてください

    1 Japan and China have been in a danger situation these days, we have to solve this problem as soon as possible. 2 it is a great pleasure to inform you that Yumi and I have got married for 10 years. 3 I have been to the United Stated since I was at 8 years old. Now, unfortunately, I forgot how to speak Japanese. 1 I accidently bump into a bear when I go to a forest deeply. 2 Yumi call me back as soon as she realized that I called her. I guess she might like me. 3 Japan will inevitably go through an recession within 10 years, we all Japanese have to prepare for it from now on.

  • X'masカードの内容なのですが。

    X'mas カードに書く内容なのですが, 今年は貴方が忙しかったので、貴方の好きな温泉や山登り等に行く時間がなかったね。来年は行けるといいね。 You did not have time to go Onsen and climb mountain etc,this year which you like it. I hope you have a time to go there next year. これでよいでしょうか?

  • 奨学金が欲しいと英語で言うには…

    I'd like to get a scholarship, so do you have it that I apply to? 奨学金が欲しいのですが、私が申請できるもの(奨学金)はありますか? これでいいでしょうか? 添削お願いします。