• ベストアンサー


I think it's great they are moving on. I have not watched this guy sing yet but I know they would not pick a slouch. He's going to have a hard time filling Scotts shoes. But I wish them all well.

  • tsf12
  • お礼率86% (1168/1348)
  • 英語
  • 回答数2
  • ありがとう数4


  • ベストアンサー
  • Nakay702
  • ベストアンサー率80% (9728/12102)

(訳文) 彼らが活動を続けていくのは素晴らしいことだと思う。私はまだこの男が歌っているのを見ていないが、彼らが下手な人を引っぱってくるはずがないことは分かっている。彼がスコットの後を継ぐには苦労が多いことだろう。けれども、私はすべてうまくいくことを願っている。 (語句) ☆ moving on:「活動を続ける」。 ☆ pick a slouch:「能無し・不器用な人を選び出す」。 ☆ filling Scotts shoes:「スコットの後を継ぐ、後釜に座る」。




その他の回答 (1)

  • SPS700
  • ベストアンサー率46% (15295/33014)

 彼らが続けていくのは非常にいいことだと思う。この男の歌うのはまだ(気をつけて)聞いたことがないが、彼らが下手な人を雇うはずはない。  スコットの築き上げたレベルにまで達する(<スコットの靴に合わせる 下記)のはたやすいことではないが、うまくいくことを祈っている。 https://eow.alc.co.jp/search?q=fill+shoes





  • 翻訳をお願い致します。

    以下の翻訳お願い致します。 ーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーー I can only pay through paypal at the moment as i do not have access to my bank account online,but i have it attached to my pay pal account, and this is why i insisted on using paypal to pay,all i will need is your pay pal email address to make the payments,and if you do not have a paypal account yet,its pretty easy to set one up at www.PayPal.com,i will be expecting your email.I have a pick up agent that will come for the pick up after payments has been sorted and kindly mail me with some pics of the ride if available Regards.

  • 翻訳をお願い致します!

    He continued: "Chester was really the only person we thought of having come in. He was a fan of STP and when we talked to him his full idea was 'If we're going to do this, I want to do this honoring the past but moving forward in a direction with contributing something valid to music.' That's where we really agreed in the utmost — having that sentiment of moving forward. "There's a lot of songs that I'm really anxious to play, especially with someone who can sing those songs and perform those songs the way they were written.

  • 翻訳お願いします

    Yep they both look to be moving along just fine. It can be slow sometimes and it is yet past 30 days. Sometimes they take a little longer as well but not more than 45. If you can shoot me your email I can look up the order and have you check to make sure the addresses are correct.

  • 翻訳をお願い致します。

    But at this phase of my life, I want to write and not have to think about whether a song is going to be a hit. I want to explore the music that inspires me, and I don't want to ape myself.

  • 翻訳をお願い致します。

    What's next? Are they going to roll out their false flag ops? I'm sure they have a few already planned just waiting in the wings.

  • 翻訳をお願い致します。

    This guy John not only does security here but he's a fireman and a dance teacher..

  • 大至急、翻訳をお願い致します!

    What Biden should have said to Harrris: “Civil Rights is hard - we’ve been working on it for years. Yes we didn’t get it right yet but to the best of my ability I’ve been fighting for civil rights my whole career. I’m not perfect, I’ve not always held the best positions - especially in hindsight - but that was the past. Now I’m dedicated to moving forward to build a more free and equal America.”Blah blah blah. That’s what he should of said but instead he went on the defensive and just kind of looked like a shouty old white man. I’m not for or against Biden but I think he missed a real opportunity to show a bit of humility and soften his public face but instead he went all “get off my lawn” and looked rattled and a bit scared.

  • 翻訳をお願い致します!

    “To me it's just like, I don't know man. To me it's like gratitude is a little bit cooler than crapping all over everybody. I love Scott, love him, but I also know what it's like to have fans, and I shake hands every day and sign autographs and stuff like that. It's just like when you start thinking that like they're just going to show up every single day and not care and it's okay, at some point it's going to come back and hurt you.

  • 翻訳をお願い致します。

    Never in our country's history have the republicans been so hypocritical. On one hand, they have such a sexual hang up, that they won't let gay people marry but on the other hand this could be their First Lady. I'm okay with artistic pictures but Dude!!

  • どのように解釈したらよいのかわかりません。どなたか翻訳をお願い致します

    どのように解釈したらよいのかわかりません。どなたか翻訳をお願い致します。 I think i will find that special lady, she will be asian, a woman not a girl, i hope she will be beautiful inside too. i think you have all of these qualities, and i hope i can convince you, that im a serious guy, who is serious about you. I hope i have not shocked you, please forgive me, im not sure how you feel about a younger guy.Maybe i have said too much. メル友(イギリス人男性 年下)から”ソウルメイトがなかなか見つからない”という内容のメールに対して、”あなたなら素敵な人が見つかるから大丈夫”と返信しました。 その後、このメールを受け取りました。”serious about you ”をどのように解釈したらよいのでしょうか? 英語圏で生活経験のある方、ご存知でしたら教えて下さい。 よろしくお願い致します。