
  • 国民黒人議会でのランドルフの最後の演説は、「裏切り者」という叫び声や騒動によって断続され、彼の聴衆の3分の2は、終了する前に暴走した。
  • しかし、この演説は他の政治的な動きと比べて、まれに見る自信と独立を示している。
  • 彼の演説は30文字前後のセンセーショナルなタイトルを持ち、約100文字程度の要約文を3つ作成しました。
  • ベストアンサー


英語⇨ Randolph’s final speech to the National Negro Congress was punctuated by hisses and shouts of “traitor,” and two-thirds of his audience stormed out of the hall before he was finished, but it displayed a level of confidence and independence that is rarely seen in political movements of any stripe. 国民黒人議会でのランドルフの最後の演説は、「裏切り者」という叫び声や騒動によって断続され、彼の聴衆の3分の2は、終了する前に暴走したが、これは他のストライプの政治的い動きの中では、ほとんど見られないレベルでのの自信と独立を示した。 ⇨訳してみたのですが、これであってるでしょうか?? またstripeはここではどのように訳せばいいでしょうか?(種類・タイプ)という意味ですか?

  • 英語
  • 回答数3
  • ありがとう数3


  • ベストアンサー
  • Nakay702
  • ベストアンサー率80% (9728/12102)

すでによい回答が寄せられていたので一旦引っ込めたのですが、食事のあとで、削除しようとちらと見たら、違いもあることに気づきましたので、投稿することにしました。 >訳してみたのですが、これであってるでしょうか?? >国民黒人議会でのランドルフの最後の演説は、「裏切り者」という叫び声や騒動によって断続され、彼の聴衆の3分の2は、終了する前に暴走したが、これは他のストライプの政治的い動きの中では、ほとんど見られないレベルでのの自信と独立を示した。 ⇒以下のとおりお答えします。 ☆語句 *punctuated:「(何度も)中断した」 *hisses:「シーッ」(という非難や制止の声) *stormed out of~:「(なだれを打って)~から飛び出した」 *a level of~:「(~に関する)レベル・水準の高さ」 *is rarely seen:「めったに見られない」 *stripe:「種類、特色」 ☆添削訳 「国民黒人議会」でのランドルフの最後の演説は、「シーッ」という非難の声や「裏切り者」という叫び声によって何度も中断され、聴衆の3分の2は、彼の話が終る前にホールから飛び出したが、それは他のどんな種類の政治運動にもまず見られない自信や独立心に関するレベルの高さを示すものだった。 >stripeはここではどのように訳せばいいでしょうか?(種類・タイプ)という意味ですか? ⇒この場合のstripeは、おっしゃるとおり、また上記のとおり、「種類」と訳せばいいと思います。



訳していただいた文、大変分かりやすかったです。 そして単語の日本語訳を一つずつ記載していただき、勉強になりました!! とても参考になりました。 回答ありがとうございます。

その他の回答 (2)

  • SPS700
  • ベストアンサー率46% (15295/33014)

 #1です。題が「和訳」でしたね、すみません。  試訳  国民黒人議会でのランドルフの最後の演説は、「シーッ」という非難の声や「裏切り者」という叫び声で何度も中断され、彼の演説が終わる前に、聴衆の3分の2は会場から飛び出す、という騒ぎであった。  しかしこれでも、どのような政治運動の集まりにも見られないほどの信頼と独立の水準を示すものであった。  http://eow.alc.co.jp/search?q=hiss



わざわざ追加で回答していただきありがとうございます!! hiss、そのように訳せばいいのですね! サイトまでつけていただき大変参考になりました! ありがとうございます。

  • SPS700
  • ベストアンサー率46% (15295/33014)

1。⇨訳してみたのですが、これであってるでしょうか??  hisses の訳がない、原文と「暴走」の感じがちょっと、などを除けばいいと思います。 2。またstripeはここではどのように訳せばいいでしょうか?  すじ、(スカンクのような)毛並みから「どのような派閥の」という意味だと思います。 3。(種類・タイプ)という意味ですか?  おっしゃる通りです。





  • 和訳を手伝ってもらえますか?

    USATodayの記事の一部です。 「The military phase of the Bush administration's campaign against bin Laden and his allies hasn't even begun and the fear of how the terrorists might respond has set off a wave of jitters across the globe. In India - another country that has joined the U.S. anti-terrorist coalition - a bogus report of hijackers aboard a passenger jet caused the pilot to lock the cockpit and reroute the plane to New Delhi. It wasn't until after the plane landed and was stormed by Indian commandos that the hoax was discovered.」 この、「It wasn't until after the plane landed and was stormed by Indian commandos that the hoax was discovered.」はどう正しく訳すべきでしょうか。

  • 和訳をお願いします。

    Aristide Briand (French: [a.ʁis.tid bʁi.jɑ̃]; 28 March 1862 – 7 March 1932) was a French statesman who served eleven terms as Prime Minister of France during the French Third Republic and was a co-laureate of the 1926 Nobel Peace Prize.He was born in Nantes, Loire-Atlantique of a petit bourgeois family. He attended the Nantes Lycée, where, in 1877, he developed a close friendship with Jules Verne. He studied law, and soon went into politics, associating himself with the most advanced movements, writing articles for the Syndicalist journal Le Peuple, and directing the Lanterne for some time. From this he passed to the Petite République, leaving it to found L'Humanité, in collaboration with Jean Jaurès.At the same time he was prominent in the movement for the formation of trade unions, and at the congress of working men at Nantes in 1894 he secured the adoption of the labor union idea against the adherents of Jules Guesde. From that time, Briand was one of the leaders of the French Socialist Party.

  • 和訳お願いします

    Kummer, like all other great mathematicians, was an avid computer, and he was led to his discoveries not by abstract reflection but by the accumulated experience of dealing with many specific computational examples. The practice of computation is in rather low repute today, and the idea that computation can be fun is rarely spoken aloud.

  • 添削お願いします

    英文⇨ This book author XX is Professor of history at the University of XX. He emphasized the (origin / background) of the March on Washington and the circumstances in the black trade union movement in this book. He focused on A. Philip Randolph. He led and was in charge of the March on Washington for jobs and freedom. The March on Washington in 1963 was not first plan that Randoplh was planning. 日本語⇨ この本の作者のXXはXX大学の歴史教授だ。彼は行進の原点、黒人労働組合運動におけるいきさつをこの本で強調した。 彼はA. Philip Randoplhに焦点を置いた。彼(フィリップ・ランドルフ)は仕事と自由のためにワシントン大行進で指揮をとり導いた。 1963年に行われたワシントン大行進はランドルフが計画していた初めのプランではなかった。 こちらの英文の添削をお願いしますm(_ _)m

  • 添削してください。

    日本語⇨ ランドルフは雇用差別を終わらせるために働き続けた。 1960年、彼はネグロアメリカ労働協議会(NLCA)の設置を手伝い、1963年3月にNALCは「雇用」を目的とした行進を計画し始めた。 英語⇨ Randolph continued and worked to ending at employement discrimination. Then, in 1960, he helped to establish Negro American Labor Council, and in March 1963, NALC started the plan to object to "employment". こちらの文章を添削して欲しいです。 よろしくお願いします。

  • 和訳お願いします。

    和訳お願いします。 There was nothing primitive about this language that flowed from people's hands,nothing we say now that could not be said in the endless array of movements passible with the fine bones of the finguers and wrists. 「,」までですが、訳してみました。 人々の手から流れ出ているこの言語について原始的なものは何もない。 上の日本語であってますか? よろしくお願いします。

  • 英文の和訳をお願いします

    以下の文章です。 It is, of course, true that the emancipation of Asia and Africa and the development of the European crisis went hand in hand. Among the factors which facilitated the rise of independence movements in Asia and Africa, we must include the weakening of the grip of the European powers, Iargely as a consequence of their own discords and rivalries and of the wastage of resources in which their wars resulted. From the time of the First World War the incipient nationalist movements in the non-European world profited and the sudden collapse of the European empires after 1947 was to a large extent a consequence of external pressures and of the impact of world politics. In Asia neither the British nor the French nor the Dutch ever recovered from the blows inflicted by japan between 1941 and 1945; while in Africa and the Middle East they were checked and forced into retreat by pressures from the United States-acting directly and through the United Nations-which had a strong anti-colonial tradition of its own and was unwilling to stand aside while colonialism drove the peoples of Asia and Africa over to the side of the Soviet Union. Nationalism came to Asia a century later than it came to Europe and to black Africa fifty years later than to Asia. Two external events in the early years of the twentieth century were a powerful stimulus in its rise. The first was the victory of Japan over Russia in the war of 1904-5ー a victory hailed by dependent peoples everywhere as a blow to European ascendancy and proof that European arms were not invincible. Its impact was redoubled when, ten years later,the Japanese defeated the Germans in Shantung; and the successful campaigns of Kemal Ataturk against France in 1920 and Greece in 1922 were greeted in the same way as Asian victories over western military power. The second event was the Russian revolution of 1905ーa revolution which produced scarcely an echo in Europe but which, seen as a struggle for liberation from despotism, had an electrifying effect throughout Asia. The wave of unrest extended as far as Vietnam, and its impact, in sparking off the Persian revolution of 1906, the Turkish revolution of 1908 and the Chinese revolution of 1911, and in the new impetus it gave to the Indian Congress movement in 1907, was such that its consequences in Asia have been compared with those of the French revolution of 1789 in Europe.

  • 添削してください

    日本語⇨ そのランドルフの決定に多くの人が残念に思ったが、このランドルフによる The March on Washingtonの計画は今後の活動の原動力になった。 またXX(作者)が記述するように、the March on Washingtonは「仕事と自由のため」の行進であり、人種差別 (racial segregation and discrimination)を終わらせることを目的とせず、全てのアメリカ人に平等の教育、住まい、仕事や賃金を求めた。 英語⇨ A lot of people disappointed Randolph's decision, but the March on Washington's plan by Randolph became the motivation to continue acting after that. Also as XX described, the March on Washington was for jobs and freedom, it did not aimed the end of the racial segragation and discrimination, but they demanded the equal of education, housing, jobs and wages for all of Americans. ・その本に差別(discrimination and racial segregation)という単語が出てきたのでそのまま引用しました。 両方「差別」という意味ですよね?racial segregationは人種差別、という意味になるのでしょうか?(添削してください、という質問なのに単語の意味を聞いてすみません。もしわかるようであれば回答いただければ嬉しいです) こちら英文の添削をお願いします。

  • 英語(和訳)わかるかた教えてください!!

    次の和訳を教えてください!!  HOW MUSEUMS BEGAN by Robert A paine The word "museum" comes from the Greek word mouseion, mean-ing "temple of the muses", The Muses were goddesses of the arts,whose lives were removed from the cares of everyday life. One of the institutions to be called a mouseion was founded in Alexandria, Egypt, in the 3rd century B.C. The aim of the Museum of Alexandria, as it was known, was to collect information from everywhere that could be of interest to scholars. Scholars lived and did their research here. The museum displayed a collection of ob-jects of art and curiosities that included statues, instruments used in astronomy and surgery, elephant tusks, and hides of unusual animals. such a museum as the Museum of alexandria might today be known as an institute for scientific research. Some of the early Greek temples displayed a jumble of objects with no plan or order. Works of art were shown together with bones of prehistoric animals and other objects of natural history.

  • 和訳をお願いします。

    An 11 January War Cabinet decision to reduce large scale operations in Palestine was reversed on the 26 February Anglo-French Congress, and the Egyptian Expeditionary Force (EEF) was now required to capture the stronghold of Gaza as a first step towards Jerusalem. Gaza was one of the most ancient cities in the world, being one of five city-states mentioned in the Bible as ruled by the Philistines, and had been fought over many times during its 4,000-year history. The Egyptians and the Assyrians had attacked Gaza, followed in 731 BC by the Greeks, with Alexander conducting three attacks and the Siege of Gaza in 332 BC. The town was completely destroyed in 96 BC and rebuilt slightly to the south of the original site. This Gaza was captured by Caliph Omar in 635 AD, by Saladin in 1187 AD, and by Napoleon in 1799. At Gaza there was an important depot for cereals with a German steam mill, barley, wheat, olives, vineyards, orange groves, and wood for fuel were grown as well as many goats grazed. Barley was exported to England for brewing into English beer and in 1912 the 40,000 inhabitants of Gaza imported £10,000 of yarn from Manchester. Maize, millet, beans, and water melon, all harvested in early autumn, were cultivated in most of these localities. All of the Desert Column mounted and infantry divisions had fought during the first battle of Gaza, when the column's 53rd (Welsh) Division had been heavily involved.