• 締切済み


‘But it looks like a river. And there’s a bridge.’ ‘Sometimes there’s water in it,’ she says. ‘When the storms come. But most of the time it’s dry. It’s not really a river, you see, it’s just a place where the water runs when it rains in the hills.’ (前回の終わりの部分です) ‘Oh,’ I say. I am slightly disappointed that there’s no water, but the not-a-river is peculiar and a little magical. I let my gaze travel up along its length, tracing the course back up through the valley. It twists and meanders from side to side a bit, but I can make out its paler route among the dark earth and grey-green grasses and scrub right up towards the foothills of the valley’s end. Just at the point where it fades from sight, I can see a little building: white walls and rust-coloured roof, standing alone in the middle of nowhere. ‘What’s that?’ ‘Where?’ she asks. I point, and she bends her head down to follow the line of my arm. ‘That. The little house.’ ‘Oh,’ she says. ‘That’s not a house. That’s a church.’ She pauses for a moment. ‘Well, rightly it’s more like a chapel. That’s a small church. It’s not used now. You know the church in the town?’ ‘Yes.’ ‘People go there. The chapel – well, it’s a ruin now. Not many people live up that end of the valley any more.’ ‘Mm,’ I say. ‘There’s a story about that place,’ she says after a second. ****************************************** 主人公のAlexはartistで、展示会に備えるために、幼い頃過ごしたイタリアに戻ってきています。この英文は回想シーンだと思われます。 It twists and meanders from side to side a bit, but I can make out its paler route among the dark earth and grey-green grasses and scrub right up towards the foothills of the valley’s end.の中に出てくるscrubの意味がわかりません。make outは見分けるでしょうか? ‘Well, rightly it’s more like a chapel. That’s a small church. It’s not used now. You know the church in the town?’ というセリフがありますが、You know the church in the town?のthe churchは二人が見つけた教会のことを指しているのでしょうか?それとも一般的にある町の教会を指しているのでしょうか? theがついているのでよくわからなくなってしまったのですが、二人が見つけた教会はIt’s not used nowと言っていて、You know the church in the town?のセリフの後にPeople go there.と言っているので一般的にある町の教会の方でしょうか? Not many people live up that end of the valley any more.のupはどのように意味をとるのでしょうか?その谷の終わりの上の方にはもはやたくさんの人は住んでいません? 教えてください。お願いします。

  • 英語
  • 回答数3
  • ありがとう数7


  • SPS700
  • ベストアンサー率46% (15295/33014)

 #1です。補足と訂正です。 >>補足  4。theがついているのでよくわからなくなってしまったのですが、二人が見つけた教会はIt’s not used nowと言っていて、You know the church in the town?のセリフの後にPeople go there.と言っているので一般的にある町の教会の方でしょうか?  二人が見つけたのは chapel チャペルで、普通の教会よりは小さく、仮に「礼拝堂」としておきます。  したがって、二人が見つけた礼拝堂は、今は使われていない(=人は行かない<あの近所に住んでいる人がもう多くないから)わけです。  それに反して「あの町の、あの特定の教会、知ってるでしょ?あの町の人が行く(教会)よ」という感じです。 >>訂正 5。Not many people live up that end of the valley any more.のupはどのように意味をとるのでしょうか?の回答を  水があるときは川「上」になる、渓谷の標高の高い方です。と訂正します。すみませんでした。



再度回答してくださってありがとうございました! 二人が見つけたchapelは「礼拝堂」という感じなのですね。 You know the church in the town?は二人の間では認知しあっているような感じでしょうか。 Not many people~の個所は”渓谷の標高の高い方”ということですね。わかりました。ありがとうございます。 You know the church in the town?のところが回答が割れてしまい、私もはっきりとした正解が出せない感じになってしまいました。お二方の回答を参考にさせていただきたいと思います。いつもすみません。

  • Nakay702
  • ベストアンサー率80% (9728/12102)

>It twists and meanders from side to side a bit, but I can make out its paler route among the dark earth and grey-green grasses and scrub right up towards the foothills of the valley’s end.の中に出てくるscrubの意味がわかりません。make outは見分けるでしょうか? ⇒(1) scrubは、「(やぶ草や低木が雑然と生えている)雑木林」の意味です。 (2) make outは、おっしゃるとおり、「見分ける、識別する」というニュアンスです。 >‘Well, rightly it’s more like a chapel. That’s a small church. It’s not used now. You know the church in the town?’ というセリフがありますが、You know the church in the town?のthe churchは二人が見つけた教会のことを指しているのでしょうか?それとも一般的にある町の教会を指しているのでしょうか? ⇒「ある町の」教会でなく、「いわゆる街中にある」教会を指していると思います。「あれは教会(の部類)ですが、いわゆる街中にある教会とはずいぶん違うでしょう?」というような、行間の、暗黙のセリフが聞こえてきそうです。 >theがついているのでよくわからなくなってしまったのですが、二人が見つけた教会はIt’s not used nowと言っていて、You know the church in the town?のセリフの後にPeople go there.と言っているので一般的にある町の教会の方でしょうか? ⇒theには「同じ種類のものを代表して表す」機能があります。このtheの用法はそれに当たると思います。(印欧語では一般に、不定冠詞は「部分」を、定冠詞は「全体」〈を代表して〉表すという対比があるようです。) >Not many people live up that end of the valley any more.のupはどのように意味をとるのでしょうか?その谷の終わりの上の方にはもはやたくさんの人は住んでいません? ⇒(1) このupは、「(渓谷の)上流に」という意味を表す、前置詞でしょう。 (2) Not many ~ は、「あまり多くの ~ はない」ですから、この部分の訳は、「その渓谷の端っこの上流には、もはやあまり多くの人は住んでいません」という感じになります。



とても丁寧に回答してくださってありがとうございました! scrubは「(やぶ草や低木が雑然と生えている)雑木林」の意味なのですね。 the churchについて、theには「同じ種類のものを代表して表す」機能がある、ということで、ここでは「いわゆる街中にある」教会を指しているのですね。 upのところは「(渓谷の)上流に」で、Not many ~の個所は、「もはやあまり多くの人は住んでいません」になるのですね。 You know the church in the town?のところが回答が割れてしまい、私もはっきりとした正解が出せない感じになってしまいました。お二方の回答を参考にさせていただきたいと思います。いつもすみません。

  • SPS700
  • ベストアンサー率46% (15295/33014)

1。scrubの意味がわかりません。  scrub 下記の2名詞の第一義「(貧弱な)低木、雑木」の意味です。 http://eow.alc.co.jp/search?q=scrub 2。make outは見分けるでしょうか?  はいそうです。 3。のthe churchは二人が見つけた教会のことを指しているのでしょうか?それとも一般的にある町の教会を指しているのでしょうか?  これはどちらでもなく、町の一定の「あの」教会です。 4。theがついているのでよくわからなくなってしまったのですが、二人が見つけた教会はIt’s not used nowと言っていて、You know the church in the town?のセリフの後にPeople go there.と言っているので一般的にある町の教会の方でしょうか?  「あの」町の「あの」教会です。ですから定冠詞が二回、You know the church in the town? と使ってあります。 5。Not many people live up that end of the valley any more.のupはどのように意味をとるのでしょうか?  水があるときは川「上」になる、谷の標高に高い方です。 6。その谷の終わりの上の方にはもはやたくさんの人は住んでいません?  おっしゃる通りです。この言い方では「たくさんの」より「誰も」に近い感じです。  



とてもわかりやすく回答してくださってありがとうございました! scrubは「(貧弱な)低木、雑木」の意味だったのですね。ゴシゴシと~を洗う、という動詞だとばかり思ってしまい、全く意味がとれませんでした。(この名詞と動詞では意味の共通点がないような感じですが、同じscrubというのが不思議です。) リンク先、ありがとうございます。 You know the church in the town? のところは、「あの」町の「あの」教会、となるのですね。 Not many~のところは「誰も」住んでいない、に近いニュアンスになるのですね。なるほどです。


  • わからない箇所を教えてください。

    As she talks she goes round to her bed, sits down, pulling off her trousers. ‘No – it was this business-man type, maybe forty. Such a letch. I thought I was going to get groped for sure.’ ‘Did you?’ ‘No. Spineless. I kept the second half of my Coke ready, though, so I could chuck it over him when he did. That’s probably why I’m so dehydrated.’ (前回の終わりの部分です) She stands up and pulls her shirt off over her head. I look quickly away, pretending I haven’t noticed. I know she doesn’t care – wouldn’t mind me seeing her standing there in her underwear – but I’m not sure I can carry off the pretence that I don’t care. It’s easier to look away. She says, ‘Not a bad view either. There’s a little square down there, and a tree. I think that’s a church. You know all this stuff better than I do. You’ll have to tell me about it later.’ ‘It’s a deal,’ I say, looking fixedly at the writing-desk in the corner. I hear her walk over to where the towels are laid out, bare feet padding on the stone. ‘I’d say I won’t be long, but I probably will be,’ she says, a smile in her voice. I risk looking up. She has a towel wrapped around her, and I am able to pretend that, as far as I’m aware, this is how it’s always been. ‘There’s no hurry,’ I say. ‘Take as long as you like.’ ‘Thanks. I’ll see you in a bit.’ She closes the door after her and, a few moments later, there comes the first hiss of water from the shower, and somewhere far off the rumble and clang of air through the plumbing of the old building. I am left lying on my bed, staring at the wall, trying to keep the thought of her out of my head. ****************************************** 主人公のAlexはartistで、展示会に備えるために、幼い頃過ごしたイタリアに戻ってきています。she(Anna)はAlexの幼なじみです。(Annaとの回想シーンだと思われます) ‘Not a bad view either. There’s a little square down there, and a tree. I think that’s a church. You know all this stuff better than I do. You’ll have to tell me about it later.’ のNot a bad view either.がよくわかりません。悪い眺めではない。両方とも??all this stuffのstuffとはどういう意味ですか?You’ll have to tell me about it laterのitはa churchのことですか? I’d say I won’t be long, but I probably will be,の意味は、長く生きていないでしょうと言っていました、でも多分生きます、という意味ですか?それとも長くはいないと言っていました。でも多分長くいます。という意味ですか?beの意味が漠然としててよくわかりません。 She has a towel wrapped around her, and I am able to pretend that, as far as I’m aware, this is how it’s always beenのI am able to pretend that~のところがわからないのですが、(文をつなげると、I am able to pretend that this is how it's always beenだと思うのですが)、私はこれがいかにいつものことだというふりをすることができる?という意味ですか? I am able to pretendと言っている意味がいまひとつわかりません。 ‘There’s no hurry,’ I say. ‘Take as long as you like.’ ‘Thanks. I’ll see you in a bit.’ のセリフについてですが、彼女がシャワーを浴びていて、急がないから好きなだけ浴びてていいよ、と主人公が言って、彼女がちょっとしたら(シャワーから出て)会いにいきます、と言っているシーンですか? 教えてください。お願いします。

  • わからない箇所について教えてください。

    When I last left, twenty-six years ago, the place felt hollow: all that had once filled it was gone. I left sure that I could discard it. Then, a fortnight ago, there’s the phone call, and everything changes. Lena has died, a few weeks short of her eighty-fourth birthday. The house is empty now, and there are decisions to be made: whether to sell, to rent it out again, to have work done on it. I know at once that I have to come myself. Max wants me to do it all by phone –get a surveyor in, have the solicitors in Salerno handle everything; but I can’t. It’s my house, and I shall check it over in person. When I see he’s genuinely worried about how much time this will take, I reassure him that there’s nothing much to do. Just look things over, sign a few papers. Two or three days; 【that’s all.】 Besides, I say, it will be good for me to have a break. The past few months have been exhausting. A chance to escape from London and all the endless preparations will do me good. In the end, he relents. 【I think about it all 】on the plane to Naples, and on the train to Salerno, and on the bus all down the forty-mile stretch to the head of the valley: about how I’ve lied to Max. There’s no point my coming here, not really. He’s quite right that it could all be handled easily enough over the phone. It’s not even that I’m keen to see Altesa again: it’s hard to imagine that the hollowness has in any way ebbed over the past twenty-six years. 【It’s none of that. 】 Guy BurtのThe Dandelion Clockからの英文です。 *********************************************************** 【that’s all.】のthatは何を表しているのでしょうか? Just look things over, sign a few papers.ですか? 【I think about it all 】のitは何を指しているのでしょうか? how I’ve lied to Maxですか? 【It’s none of that. 】の意味がわかりません。 長くなってしまってすみません。 お願いいたします。

  • わからない個所を教えてください。2

    At last, just as Lena is saying that maybe we should be heading back, I see a bridge ahead of us in the dirt road. ‘Lena – a bridge!’ She smiles. ‘Go on, then.’ (前回の終わりの部分です) I dash on to reach it. The sides of the bridge are higher than they have looked, and as I wait for Lena I haul myself up to lean over the edge. Below me, though, there isn’t a river, as I’d hoped; the ground is dry, sandy, though there are what look like waves and ripples in the sand. The sand – or dust; some of it looked more that way – is reddish, like all the earth around Altesa, but much finer, and smooth. Where rocks stand up in its surface, the sand seems to have flowed round them, making strange, fluid shapes. In several places there are matted thatches of dead sticks and twigs and rubbish and leaves, turned brown and dry by the sun. Lena stands beside me and looks over also. ‘There’s no water,’ I say. ‘No,’ she agrees. ‘But it looks like a river. And there’s a bridge.’ ‘Sometimes there’s water in it,’ she says. ‘When the storms come. But most of the time it’s dry. It’s not really a river, you see, it’s just a place where the water runs when it rains in the hills.’ ****************************************** 主人公のAlexはartistで、展示会に備えるために、幼い頃過ごしたイタリアに戻ってきています。この英文は回想シーンだと思われます。 The sides of the bridge are higher than they have looked, and as I wait for Lena I haul myself up to lean over the edge.の個所がなのですが、 橋の端は見た目よりも高い。。。橋の端が高い、というのはどういう感じなのでしょうか? In several places there are matted thatches of dead sticks and twigs and rubbish and leaves, turned brown and dry by the sun. について、この中のrubbishは”ごみ”という意味なのでしょうか?ふきわらの屋根の素材で dead sticksとtwigs とleavesはわかるのですが、rubbishがわかりません。 教えてください。お願いします。

  • わからない個所を教えてください。

    "It's Alex," I say. "Alex. How's Italy?" His voice sounds very far away; a bad connection, perhaps. "It's fine." "And the house and so on? Everything sorted out all right?" "Well---" I say. "Not yet. I mean, there's---" "Is it legal stuff?" he breaks in. "You don't need to worry about that kind of thing. You've seen the attorney there?" "Yes," I say. "I got the key from him yesterday. I was going to call in again on my way back. But it's not that. It's--- the place is really run down, Max." I grope for a way to explain it to him. "I mean, it's a terrible mess. I don't think anyone would touch it the way it is at the moment." "Oh," he says. "Yes. I see. Are there structural problems?" "I don't know. I don't think so. I mean, the verandah--the one my mother had---well, that's all rotted at one end. And the chimney's broken loose. From the stove. I think a storm did that. I've hardly had a proper look---I'm going to do that today. There are bound to be other things as well. I mean, there's a window broken in the room where I slept, and the garden's---the garden's awful. It needs work doing on it, that's all. It's mostly small things." ****************************************** 「The Dandelion clock」からの英文です。 :主人公のAlexと知人と思われるMaxが電話で話している場面です。 "I got the key from him yesterday. I was going to call in again on my way back. But it's not that. It's--- the place is really run down, Max." のBut it's not that. は、Alexが帰りの途中で代理人に電話をしなかった(いまだにしていない)、ということですか?itとthatの代名詞が使われていてよくわからなかったのですが。 "I mean, it's a terrible mess. I don't think anyone would touch it the way it is at the moment." のat the momentは、「今の所は」という意味だと思うのですが、 I don't think anyone would touch it at the moment.とすると 全体の意味が変わってしまうのでしょうか? the way it is at the moment.の個所について、なぜthe way it isが入っているのかがわかりません。 最後の方にあるIt needs work doing on it, that's all.のon itは庭で、ということですか?workは単に作業の意味でしょうか?修理ですか?that's allとありますがthatはAlexが話した家の壊れた個所のことですか?それですべてだよ、みたいな。 たくさんになってしまいましたが、教えてください。お願いします。

  • 読めない個所を教えてください。

    Nothing much has changed. The few shops, the small church with its seventeen white steps. The few streets winding off - no signposts, but I know where each of them goes. The drinking-fountain with the lion's head that sits in the corner opposite the church: Lena's church. On the steps there, the water lies in sheets, not running away, and I remember Lena saying the terraces in the valley are like that. To keep the water. And I remember telling Jamie, to try to satisfy some of his questions about the valley, and I remember him accepting it, soaking the information away into himself, moving on to something different. Guy BurtのThe Dandelion Clockからの英文です。 *********************************************************** The few streets winding off - no signposts, but I know where each of them goes. この英文のwinding offのところがわかりません。 巻き戻す、ほどく、という意味があるようなのですが。 but I know where each of them goes. 私はそれらのおのおのが何処へいくのかわかっている。。。 意味がよくつかめません。 On the steps there, the water lies in sheets, not running away, and I remember Lena saying the terraces in the valley are like that. ここの running awayはどういう意味ですか? 水がnot running away? I remember him accepting it, soaking the information away into himself, moving on to something different. ここのawayの意味の取り方はどういう風になるのでしょうか? soaking the information into himselfだとわかるのですが。 質問がいくつかに分かれてしまってすみません。 教えてください。お願いします。

  • わからない個所を教えてください。1

    My parents still talk about it sometimes. He makes me tell him about the people – the figures he’s seen around town, the other children, our neighbours. I pour out all of Lena’s patchwork history of the town while he sits, attentive, soaking it up again. And I tell him the things Lena doesn’t know, or doesn’t like to mention: like Lucia being a witch. Like Signor Ferucci. (前回の終わりの部分です) ‘Up there on the side of the valley,’ I say, pointing out the window. ‘Well, you can’t really see it from here. But there’s a big white house, and it’s got a wall all round, high up, and gates. For miles. And he lives in there and he never comes out. Well, hardly ever.’ ‘Have you ever seen him?’ Jamie asks. ‘Well, sometimes. In town. He’s got a beard and he looks a bit scary. He’s really tall.’ ‘Is it a mad beard – like, all wild?’ ‘No,’ I say, slightly surprised. ‘No, it’s neat.’ ‘Oh.’ ‘Nobody knows what he does in there,’ I add. ‘Lena says—’ There’s a pause. I concentrate very hard on not going away from Jamie. He doesn’t always mind it when I do, but sometimes I sense that he is a little worried. Lena’s word comes drifting back to me. ‘Lena says he’s – recluse,’ I say. ‘What’s that?’ ‘Someone – someone who doesn’t like to come out.’ ‘Why?’ ‘I don’t know.’ ‘Maybe he’s a vampire,’ Jamie says. ‘Yeah.’ I think for a moment, and something else comes back to me. ‘I think he used to be that other thing,’ I say vaguely. The word hits. ‘Politician.’ Jamie says, ‘I’ve got a whole story about vampires from a haunted tomb in one of these.’ He indicates the several stacks of comics that are lined up against the wall of his room. ****************************************** 主人公のAlexはartistで、展示会に備えるために、幼い頃過ごしたイタリアに戻ってきています。この英文は幼い頃の回想シーンです。 But there’s a big white house, and it’s got a wall all round, high up, and gates. For miles.のFor milesはどうやって訳すのでしょうか? I concentrate very hard on not going away from Jamie. を訳すと、僕は Jamieから去らないことに非常に一生懸命に集中した、ですか?これはどういう意味なのでしょうか? 教えてください。お願いします。

  • わからない個所を教えてください。

    ‘People go there. The chapel – well, it’s a ruin now. Not many people live up that end of the valley any more.’ ‘Mm,’ I say. ‘There’s a story about that place,’ she says after a second.(前回の終わりの部分です) ‘Tell me!’ Lena’s stories are always good. It’s Lena who tells me about the people in the town, and the things that happened when she was young; and about the strange white house high up on the far side of the valley, where Signor Ferucci lives, and hardly ever comes out. ‘Well – maybe on the way back home. Now have a good look, and fix it in your mind so you can picture it when I tell you.’ I do so, staring at the distant building, frowning with concentration. Lena smiles. ‘Right, that’s enough. Let’s go.’ I jump down from the bridge and trot along beside her. ‘What’s the story?’ I say. She clears her throat the way she does when she’s going to tell me something. ‘Well now. Like I told you, the chapel there isn’t used any more. I don’t know when they built it – maybe hundreds of years ago, for all I know – but now it’s a ruin. And it was a ruin thirty years ago, when I was a girl.’ We walk on in silence for a few yards, while she orders her thoughts. ‘But for a long time, back then, it wasn’t quite deserted. There was a hermit, you see, who lived there.’ ‘What’s that?’ ‘A hermit?’ ‘Mm.’ ‘He’s a man who lives all alone. They’re supposed to be monks, though I don’t know if this one was. Maybe he was just a tramp, or a gypsy; but because he lived in the chapel people began to think of him as if he was a holy man. He lived there for – oh, many years.’ ****************************************** 主人公のAlexはartistで、展示会に備えるために、幼い頃過ごしたイタリアに戻ってきています。この英文は回想シーンだと思われます。 I don’t know when they built it – maybe hundreds of years ago, for all I know の最後のfor all I knowの個所がわかりません。forはどのような用法ですか? He’s a man who lives all aloneとHe’s a man who lives aloneはどのような違いがあるのでしょうか? They’re supposed to be monks, though I don’t know if this one was.のI don’t know if this one wasの個所は、この人が修道士かどうかわかりませんが、という意味ですか? 教えてください。お願いします。

  • わからない個所を教えてください。

    I look for Orion, and find him almost at once, a small smile of acknowledgement twitching the corner of my mouth. There are a few clouds low on the line of hills, but leaning out of the window I can see that the sky overhead is clear.(前回の終わりの部分です) I find myself searching the darkness at the head of the valley for the winking green light that is my signal, but I am more than forty years too late. There is nothing there, and yet I still can’t get rid of it: the suspicion that I might catch it out of the corner of my eye – the three blinks of green from up by the dandelion clock that mean it is time to set off. I shake my head. There is no hermit any more. There never was a hermit; not a real one. I look up at the sky again. It’s not the time of year for the shooting stars yet; a few months must pass before the Perseids wash through the Earth’s orbit and burn briefly through the high atmosphere. Jamie tells me all about them. We watch them together. *************************** 主人公のAlexはartistで、幼い頃過ごしたイタリアに帰ってきています。 JamieはAlexの幼友達です。 I find myself searching the darkness at the head of the valley for the winking green light that is my signal, but I am more than forty years too late. のところがわかりません。 私は谷の頂上で暗闇を探している。。。私の合図であるウィンクしている緑の光に対して??search for~で熟語になっているような気もするのですが。。。 There is nothing there, and yet I still can’t get rid of itの最後のitはthe winking green light ですか? the three blinks of green from up by the dandelion clock that mean it is time to set off.ここのthe dandelion clockはこの作品のタイトルにもなっているのですが、 ここの英文の意味はどうやってとるのでしょうか?(the dandelion clock はタンポポの綿毛?it is time to set off=出発の時間である? from up byの前置詞が繋がっているところがよくわかりません) thatは関係代名詞でしょうか?先行詞はthe three blinks of green from up by the dandelion clockですか? 教えてください。お願いします。

  • わからない個所を教えてください。その2

    (その1からの続きです) Then he says, ‘Oh, listen, Alex. There's something I meant to say to you before you left. You know Julia Connell?' ‘Of course,' I say. ‘She's got this idea for the catalogue; a kind of overview of your work in conversation with the artist. She wants to meet up and talk to you about some of the paintings –hang on –I have it right here—' ‘Max?' I say. ‘Max, can you hear me?' There's a moment's pause, and then, ‘Yes,' he says. ‘Have you got a bad line?' ‘I don't know,' I say. ‘You just sound –very distant.' ‘Oh. I'll try to speak up. Yes –it says here that she wants to cover themes in your work, and she's listed a few. She wanted me to ask you if you can think these over and come up with some ideas –you know, why they feature, what significance they have for you, symbolism, all that. Then she'll talk to you and turn it all into some kind of stream-of-consciousness thing. I think –yes, she says she wants to run it along the bottom third of some of the catalogue pages, with the pictures and the notes on them above. Can you visualize that? Alex?' ****************************************** ‘She's got this idea for the catalogue; a kind of overview of your work in conversation with the artist. She wants to meet up and talk to you about some of the paintings –hang on –I have it right here—' ここでthis idea=a kind of overview of your work in conversation with the artist.ですか? I have it right here—のitは何を指しているのでしょうか? rightは「ちょうど」、という意味ですか? Then she'll talk to you and turn it all into some kind of stream-of-consciousness thing. I think –yes, she says she wants to run it along the bottom third of some of the catalogue pages, with the pictures and the notes on them above. の中にある turn itと run itのitはthis ideaですか? along the bottom third of some of the catalogue pagesの中のthirdは三番目という意味でしょうか?カタログページのいくつかの三番目の底に沿って?ですか?意味がとれないのですが。。 三分の一という意味ですか? 最後のwith the pictures and the notes on them aboveのon themはthe catalogue pagesにという意味だと思うのですが、最後にaboveがついているのがわかりません。 細かくなってしまいましたが、教えてください。お願いします。

  • わからない箇所について教えてください。

    "The valley is sharp, and Altesa extends about a quarter of the way up it from the sea. The buildings of the town are huddled together between shoulders of land that rise on either side. From the very top of the town, the coast is only an hour’s walk away, if you’re young. You can go the whole way in bare feet in that time. The beaches are rocky, and there are inlets and coves hidden away which can be reached only by the cliffs, or by scrambling around promontories. In summer, the sea from the cliffs is hugely blue, like deeply fired ceramic, but glittering with motion. Gentle Mediterranean currents guide the shoals of fishes, and underwater the rocks are furred with weed and patterned with constantly moving bands of cool light." Guy BurtのThe Dandelion Clockからの英文です。 *********************************************************** Altesa extends about a quarter of the way up it from the sea.の個所について。 Altesaというのは地名だと思うのですが、about a quarter of the way up it from the sea.のところがわかりません。itはThe valleyですか?about a quarter(4分の1?) of the wayとは? The buildings of the town are huddled together between shoulders of land that rise on either side. の個所について。 shoulders of land that rise on either side.のところがよくわかりません。どんな感じなのでしょうか? 教えてください。お願いします。