Cytokines: Secreted Polypeptides That Regulate Inflammation

  • Discover the role of cytokines in regulating inflammation
  • Learn about the different types of cytokines and their functions
  • Understand the balance between pro-inflammatory and anti-inflammatory cytokines
  • ベストアンサー


以下の英文の日本語訳をお願いします. Among these factors are secreted polypeptides called cytokines, which include tumor necrosis factor-α (TNF-α), interleukin-1β (IL-1β), interleukin-6 (IL-6), interleukin-10 (IL-10), IL-1 receptor antagonist (IL-1ra), and soluble TNF-α receptor (sTNF-R). TNF-α and IL-1β are pro-inflammatory cytokines, IL-6 has both anti- and pro-inflammatory properties, while IL-10, IL-1ra, and sTNF-R are anti-inflammatory cytokines.

  • 英語
  • 回答数1
  • ありがとう数1


  • ベストアンサー
  • 92128bwsd
  • ベストアンサー率58% (2275/3919)

これらの要因の中に、サイトカインと呼ばれる分泌されたポリペプチドがある。これらの要因には次の物がふくまれる。Tumor Necrosis Factor-α (TNF-α)、Interleukin-1β(IL-1β)、Interleukin-6 (IL-6)、Interleukin-10(IL-10), IL-1 receptor antagonist (IL-1ra) そしてsluble TNF-α Receptor (sTNF-R). TNF-αとIL-1βは炎症性サイトカインであり、IL-6は抗炎症性、炎症性両方の性質を持っているが、IL-10, IL-1raとsTNF-Rは抗炎症性サイトカインである。





  • 理系の論文英語がうまく訳せません

    訳して頂けたら助かります。 Cyclodextrins are cyclic oligosaccharides forming molecular inclusion complexes with a wide range of hydrophobic molecules. The ability to allocate active molecules into the oligosaccharide hydrophobic core offers several opportunities in drug solubility, stability, and bioavailability optimization (1-3). However, aside from ç-cyclodextrins, which have been used in parenteral drug administration, systemic application of natural cyclodextrins, namely R- and â-cyclodextrins, entails the risk of toxic effects such as hemolysis and nephrotoxicity (4-5). Aimed at reducing the toxicity and enhancing the biopharmaceutical properties of cyclodextrins, semisynthetic derivatives were prepared by introduction of hydroxyalkyl or sulfoalkyl functions or by conjugation to water-soluble polymers (3, 6). Although cyclodextrins possess interesting properties for delivery of therapeutics with high pharmacological activity, low therapeutic index, and poor physicochemical properties, they cannot be used for active drug targeting because they are devoid of any specificity for biological structures. To exploit cyclodextrins as targetable drug delivery systems, the oligosaccharide structure should be properly functionalized with targeting moieties such as peptides, hormones, vitamins, antibody fragments, etc. Folic acid is a vitamin that binds selectively the folate receptor (FR), a glycosylphosphatidylinositol-anchored cell surface receptor that is overexpressed in many human tumors, including ovarian, endometrial, colorectal, breast, lung, renal, neuroendocrine carcinomas, and brain metastases (7). Upon receptor interaction, the folic acid-FR complex is taken up by cells and moves through many organelles involved in endocytic trafficking, providing for cytosolic disposition (8). The folate receptor mediated endocytosis was largely investigated to expand the therapeutic value of drugs by increasing delivery to the target tissue as well as the target/nontarget tissue ratio. Examples of targetable drug delivery carriers functionalized by folic acid conjugation include radionuclide deferoxamine-folate complexes for radiopharmaceutical imaging, liposome-folate encapsulated drugs, liposome-folate encapsulated polylysine- DNA, cytotoxin-folate conjugates and folic acid decorated nanoparticles (9-13). Recently, we synthesized a new targetable drug delivery system by folic acid conjugation to â-cyclodextrins through a 700 Da poly(ethylene glycol) (PEG) spacer arm. Preliminary studies demonstrated that the derivative possesses suitable properties for drug delivery: high solubility, ability to form inclusion complexes with few drug models, and negligible hemolytic activity (14). In the present study the biological and biopharmaceutical properties of the new β-cyclodextrin-PEG-folic acid bioconjugate were investigated. The affinity of the bioconjugate for the immobilized folate binding protein (FBP) and for the cell membrane folate receptor was determined by Biacore and cultured tumor folate receptor overexpressing KB cells, respectively. The ability of the conjugate to be taken up by folate receptor overexpressing and nonexpressing cells was also investigated, and its intracellular localization was determined.

  • 大学数学の問題です

    Floating-point numbers a and b are given with relative erros Ra and Rb. Estimate the relative error R of their ratio a/b. という問題が全然わからないんですが、どなたか解答お願いします。

  • 次の英文を日本語にするとどうなりますか?

    To date, no published controlled clinical studies show efficacy in used of stem cell treatment for any of the conditions being treated. The reason that many soft-tissue injuries end a horse’s racing career, Gillis explains, is because most owners allow the animal to run free too soon, when the pain from the initial injury has faded but the tissue is still fragile. よろしくお願いします。

  • 次の日本語を英文にして下さい。お願いします。

    子どもの事ですが、英悟に詳しい方、次の例1、例2、を英文にして下さい。お手数をかけますがよろしくお願いします。 例1.これから先も笑顔をふりまき、のびのびと元気に明るい子に育ってくれればいいかなと思っているよ。 例2.育児は大変な面もあるけれど、子どもの可愛い笑顔をみると凄く癒されるよ

  • 次の日本語を英文にしてもらいたいです

    日本語の文を英文にしてもらいたいです。よろしくお願いします。 ・太平洋戦争で日本は東南アジアに大きな影響を与えました Japan did aggect to many countries in SouthAsia, throuth the Pacific war. ・日本が起こした太平洋戦争は日本および海外でも評価が分かれています The Pacific war that Japan coused is evaculated two ways, in Japan also all over the world. ・私は日本が植民地解放目的で行った側面が強いと思います。でなければあんなに戦地を広げなかった

  • 次の英文を日本語に訳してください。お願いします。

    (1)Positive and negative effects occur hand-in-hand. Telephones allow us to communicate with anyone anywhere; yet they also cause us to forget the pleasure of sending and receiving letters. Television enables us to view distant places, though it also teaches us to favor images over actual experiences. (2)Although I have a car, I prefer to travel by train. As the train travels at speed through the countryside, I can relax, drink coffee, read a book, or just gaze out of the window. Sometimes the movement of the train makes me fall asleep.

  • 次の日本語を英文にして下さい。お願いします

    翻訳サイトなどを使うと変な英文になってしまうので、英語に詳しい方、次の日本語を英文にして下さい。よろしくお願いします。 『今から家族でハワイに行きます。久しぶりのハワイだから楽しみです♪』 英語に詳しい方、よろしくお願いいたし ます。

  • 次の英文を、日本語に訳してもらいたいです。

    メールでのやりとりで、相手から送られてきたメッセージの一部です。 長い文の一部分なので、前後の流れがわからないと、訳しにくかったら、ごめんなさい。 I know how it felt, so I don't think I could have ever done something similar to anyone. ↑は、誰かに同じような思いをさせたくない、というような意味でしょうか?それとも、また同じような思いをしたくない、というような意味なのでしょうか? もう一つ、 My saying sorry will not change anything for you, nor will it make you feel better, however I feel I took it too fast. これについては、ほとんどわかりません。 どうぞよろしくお願いします。

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  • 次の日本語を英文にしてください。
