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つまらなく訳したら、 ゆっくり動く水のシート、膜、層、、、何ていう感じですかね。 ただ、内容からすると、sheet of waterの上に湿地の生態系を載せたままゆっくり動いているイメージなので、 ゆっくり動く水の草原、大地、温床、、、 うまくいかないですね、 「フロリダにある、1947以来国立講演になっているのエバーグレーズは、広大な湿地帯で、まるでゆっくり動く水の草原だ。」 ちなみに4年ほど前にエバーグレーズに行きました。まだまだ珍しい野鳥やワニなんかがぞろぞろいましたが、周辺のマイアミなどでの水源の摂取によって年々湿原が縮小していて、講演のムードも大自然を満喫と言うよりは、貴重な生態系を危機から守れと言う感じでしたよ。



大変詳しい説明ありがとうございました(*^_^*) またお願い致します。


  • 英文の訳

    The graph shows the number of faults in each system area of a large, important software system in the UK. コンマ以降をどのようにつなげればいいのか分かりません。どなたかご教授お願いします。

  • ★至急 英文翻訳

    There is an official report that includes some surprising facts. In developed nations,on average, one person uses 1,000 tons of water per year. In japan, one person uses only 700 tons of water per year. The japanese seem to use lees water. However, in japna, one person also uses 600 tons of virtunal water pet year. What is virtanal water ? It is the water that is used to produce a country's imports. The total amount of this virtual water plus domestic water in japan is 1,300 tons per person.

  • 次の英文を大至急訳してください

    An Australian has launch the latest accessory for pamper dogs ―bottled water in flavors like chicken and corn. The man who placed the water on the market says it is like a sports drink for dogs. Each bottle contains half a dog’s recommended daily in take of vitamins. He notes dogs that are bored with plain water deserve variety just as much as humans. He now plans a similar line of drinks for cats.

  • 英文和訳希望

    以下の英文を和訳していただける方のみで。 お願いできますでしょうか? 多分難解ではなさそうです。 どうぞよろしくお願いいたします。 When will you meet?; Your own spirit always knows the answer, it knows what’s ahead, like a memory but in reverse. So much of one’s spirit is below the surface, like a lake, where you cannot see the depth and all is smooth an unchanged like a mirror as though ages slip by and nothing alters, all is still. The world of love un-flickering and remote from your every day life, but underneath everything is felt, echoed magnified, the waiting heart yearns and cries in silence, the soul reaches out in advance of time to clasp the moment of being together. The boundaries of time are like ice on water or like the skin on a jug of hot milk, dividing the two worlds, spirit and material, dream and reality, emptiness and love, liquid and solid.

  • 英文を訳して下さい。

    The fighting ended with the Allied forces in possession of the plateau north and east of the village, in a position to menace the German bastion of Thiepval from the rear. The cost had been very large for both sides and in the words of Australian official historian Charles Bean, the Pozières ridge "is more densely sown with Australian sacrifice than any other place on earth."

  • 英文和訳の件で質問します.

    英文和訳の件で質問します.英語が得意な方,よろしく御願いします. 水の密度が温度で変化する内容を扱った内容です. 第3文の”a fortunate circumstance ”と,第4文の”the bodies of water”が理解できません. Although the variation of density with temperature is very slight an can usually be ignored in engineering calculations, its significance can not be understated. Water has its greater density at approximately 4℃. Consequently, at the freezing point its density is slightly less, a fortunate circumstance since ice therefore floats rather than accumulating on the bed of oceans and lakes. The density variation is also responsible for currents in the bodies of water.

  • ★至急 英文 翻訳

    翻訳お願いします The earth is a planet covered with water. But only 2.5 percent of it is fresh water. In fact , this fresh water is so rare that it is called ''blue gold" A century ago, there were only about two billion people in the world. Now there are more than six billion, and people consume six times as much water as they did then. Today, one person in five does not have clean drinking water. According to the United Nations, there will be eight billion people in 2025, About sixty percent of them will not have enough water. The water shortage will be an urgent problem for people who live in Africa, the Middle East, and South Asia.

  • 英文を訳してください。

    The State of Hawaii is made up of hundreds of islands in a chain, or line, that is over 2,400 kilometers long. 以上ですが、特にin a chain, or lineの部分ですね。

  • 英文和訳希望

    以下の英文を和訳していただけるかたのみで、 お願いできますでしょうか? 2つの段落になっています。 抽象的シリーズが続きますが、 どうぞよろしくお願いいたします。 His complexion is mixed in tone, it has a smooth background of yellow and pink tones like antique or old yellowing ivory, a yellow paleness, like a handsome parchment. And undertones of warm pink. He has short dark neat tidy eyebrows, the same deep shade as the hair. They follow the line of the eye socket in a rounded sort of shape. The face is long the cheekbones are high and there is just some hint of russet or obscure soft pink ruddiness like the faint bloom on a apple, or bloom on a pomegranate lighting the upper cheek and cheek bone area of the face. The rest of the complexion has obscure oily looking brown tones. The over all picture tending to appear more light brownish and parchment like blended together, rather than fair or light skinned. He has Bright smart looks, no dullness in the hair or complexion or eyes. Just a vivid quality that makes him look smart and outstanding in a crowd.

  • この英文を訳してください

     On August 19, 2000, the New York Times reported that an icebreaker cruise ship had reached the North Pole only to discover this famous frozen site was now open water. For a generation that grew up reading the harrowing accounts of explorers such as American Richard Byrd trying to reach the North Pole as they battled bitter cold, ice, and snow, this new view taxed the imagination.  In its many earlier trips to the North Pole, the cruise ship had allowed passengers to disembark in order to be photographed standing on the ice. This time, the ship had to move several miles away to find ice thick enough for the photo session. If the explorers of a century or so ago had been trekking to the North Pole in the summer of 2000, they would have had to swim the last few miles.  Media reports of melting ice typically focus on individual glaciers or ice caps, but the ice is melting almost everywhere. Given that the 14 warmest years since recordkeeping began in 1866 have all occurred since 1980, this does not come as a surprise.   Water shortages are also in the news. Some of the world's major rivers are being drained dry, failing to reach the sea. Among them is the Colorado, the major river in the southwestern United States. In China, the Yellow River, the northernmost of the country's two major rivers, no longer reaches the sea for part of each year. In Central Asia, the Amu Darya sometimes fails to reach the Aral Sea because it has been drained dry by upstream irrigation.  Wells are going dry on every continent. As population expands and incomes rise, the demand for water is simply outrunning the supply in many countries. Those with money drill deeper wells, chasing the water table downward. Those unable to deepen their wells are left in a difficult position. The situation promises to become far more precarious, since the 3.2 billion people being added to world population by 2050 will be born in countries already facing water scarcity. With 40 percent of the world food supply coming from irrigated land, water scarcity directly affects food security. If we are facing a future of water scarcity, we are also facing a future of food scarcity. Since agriculture began, the earth's climate has been remarkably stable. Now the earth's temperature is rising, apparently due to the greenhouse effect—the warming that results from the rising concentration of heat-trapping gases, principally carbon dioxide (CO2), in the atmosphere. This rise in CO2 concentration comes from two sources: the burning of fossil fuels and deforestation. Each year, more than 6 billion tons of carbon are released into the atmosphere as fossil fuels are burned. Estimates of the net release of carbon from deforestation vary widely, but they center on 1.5 billion tons per year. The release of CO2 from these two sources is simply overwhelming nature's capacity to fix carbon dioxide. When the Industrial Revolution began in 1760, carbon emissions from the burning of fossil fuels were negligible. But by 1950, they had reached 1.6 billion tons per year, a quantity that was already boosting the atmospheric CO2 level. In 2000, they totaled 6.3 billion tons. (See Figure 2-1.) This fourfold increase since 1950 is at the heart of the greenhouse effect that is warming the earth. The carbon emissions of individual fossil fuels vary. Coal burning releases more carbon per unit of energy produced than oil does, and oil more than natural gas. The global fleet of 532 million gasoline-burning automobiles, combined with thousands of coal-fired power plants, are literally the engines driving climate change. In addition, in recent years the world has been losing 9 million hectares of forest per year. Forests store easily 20 times as much carbon per hectare as does land in crops. If the net loss of forests can be eliminated, this source of carbon emissions will disappear. In the northern hemisphere, the forested area is actually increasing by 3.6 million hectares a year.