General Kövess was awarded the Silver Merit Medal and promoted to Generaloberst.
The troops of the 3rd Austrian Hungarian army occupied Montenegro and invaded Albania, taking Scutari and Durazzo.
The Battle of Mojkovac was fought between Austria-Hungary and Montenegro near Mojkovac.
General Kövess was awarded the Silver Merit Medal (Signum Laudis) with war-ribbon on the 12th of January 1916 and promoted to Generaloberst on the 26th of February 1916.
During the following weeks the troops of the 3rd Austrian Hungarian army occupied the rest of Montenegro and invaded Albania, taking Scutari and finally Durazzo at the end of February. The evacuation of the Serbian army had been completed on 10 February.The Battle of Mojkovac (Serbian: Бој на Мојковцу, Boj na Mojkovcu) was a World War I battle fought between 6 January and 7 January 1916 near Mojkovac, Montenegro, between the armies of Austria-Hungary and Montenegro.
>General Kövess was awarded the Silver Merit Medal* (Signum Laudis) with war-ribbon on the 12th of January 1916 and promoted to Generaloberst** on the 26th of February 1916.
⇒ケヴェス将軍は、1916年1月12日に戦争‐リボン(卓越の象徴)つきのシルバー・メリット勲章*(ラテン語:Signum Laudis)を与えられて、1916年2月26日に上級大将**に推奨された。
*Silver Merit Medal:チェコスロバキアで戦功のあった将官に与えられた勲章。なお、「リボンつき」は、卓越の象徴。
**Generaloberst:英語のSenior GeneralまたはArmy Generalに相当するドイツ語。大将の上に位置する、将官の最高位の階級。
>During the following weeks the troops of the 3rd Austrian Hungarian army occupied the rest of Montenegro and invaded Albania, taking Scutari and finally Durazzo at the end of February. The evacuation of the Serbian army had been completed on 10 February.
⇒次の週の間に、オーストリア‐ハンガリー第3方面軍の部隊がモンテネグロの残り部分を占領し、アルバニアを侵略してスクタリを奪取、最後は2月末にドゥラッツオを略奪した。 セルビア方面軍の撤退は、2月10日に完了した。
>The Battle of Mojkovac (Serbian: Бој на Мојковцу, Boj na Mojkovcu) was a World War I battle fought between 6 January and 7 January 1916 near Mojkovac, Montenegro, between the armies of Austria-Hungary and Montenegro.
⇒「モジコヴァックの戦い」(セルビア語:Бој на Мојковцу(ボジ・ナ・モジコヴク))は、1916年1月6日~1月7日に、モンテネグロのモジコヴァック近くで、オーストリア‐ハンガリー方面軍とモンテネグロ方面軍の間で戦われた、第一次世界大戦中の戦いであった。