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※ ChatGPTを利用し、要約された質問です(原文:英文翻訳をお願いします。)

The Battle with a Numerically Superior Foe: Disagreement and Retreat

  • There is considerable disagreement about the actual conduct of the battle, but the Montenegrins did defeat a numerically superior foe.
  • The battle was intended to give the Serbian Army enough time to reach the Albanian mountains in their retreat to Corfu, but most of the Serbian troops had already crossed the mountains and reached the coast.
  • The Montenegrin army held the Berane-Andrijevica-Mojkovac-Tara River line until withdrawing on 18 January, while the Austrians continued their offensive south.


  • ベストアンサー
  • Nakay702
  • ベストアンサー率79% (10089/12638)

>There is considerable disagreement about the actual conduct of the battle, but the Montenegrins did defeat a numerically superior foe. ⇒戦いの実践方法に関してはかなりの相違があったが、実にモンテネグロ軍は、数値的に上回る敵を撃破したのである。 >The battle was intended to give the Serbian Army enough time reach the Albanian mountains in their retreat to Corfu, but in fact most of the Serbian troops had already crossed the mountains and reached the coast and were battling their way south between Scutari (Shkodër) and Durazzo (Durrës). ⇒戦いは、コルフに退却するセルビア方面軍がアルバニアの山地を渡るのに十分な時間を与えることを目的としていたが、実際は、大部分のセルビア軍隊はすでに山を横断して、海岸に到着し、スクタリ(ショコデル)とドゥラッツォ(デュレス)の間で南下するための戦いをしていた。 >The Montenegrin army continued to hold the Berane-Andrijevica-Mojkovac-Tara River line until withdrawing on 18 January. The Austrians then continued pushing their offensive south. ⇒モンテネグロ方面軍は、1月18日に撤退するまでベラネ‐アンドリジェヴィカ‐モジコヴァック‐タラ川戦線を占拠し続けた。それで、オーストリア軍は、彼らの攻撃の矛先を南へ向けて押し続けたのである。




