
  • 線路に沿って取り付けられた無線アンテナは、列車の位置を正確に知らせます。
  • 列車の位置を正確に知る方法として、線路に沿って固定された無線アンテナを使用します。
  • 無線アンテナが線路に沿って取り付けられており、列車の位置を正確に知ることができます。
  • ベストアンサー


Radio antennas fixed along the track will tell you exactly where each train is to the foot. <自分の暫定的な訳> 線路に沿って取り付けられた無線アンテナは、列車が足元のどこにいるか正確におしえるでしょう。 to the footが訳せないのです。 where以下は、 each train is where to the footが元の文と考えられ、 the footがwhereを後置修飾しているのでは、と思ったのですが、 「足元のどこにいるか」という訳はどうも間違っているように思います。 自分の文法解釈は正しいでしょうか。 以上、お力添え、何卒よろしくお願い致します。

  • 英語
  • 回答数2
  • ありがとう数2


  • ベストアンサー
  • bran111
  • ベストアンサー率49% (512/1037)




この度は、御回答戴き、大変助かっております。 成程、納得であります。 勉強させて頂きました。 貴重なお時間を割いて御回答戴き 深く感謝致しております。 敬具

その他の回答 (1)

  • SPS700
  • ベストアンサー率46% (15295/33014)

 線路沿いの無線アンテナで、各列車の現在位置が何フィートかまでかわかる。    フィートは30.48センチメートルですから、大体その範囲まで分かる、という意味だと思います。  例えば「こだま36号の先頭車位置は,現在熱海駅から654フィート西」と言った情報が手に入るということでしょう。  



SPS700様、前回も前々回も、大変お世話になりました。 またしても御回答戴き、大変助かっております。 成程、そういうことなのですか。 お示しの例も分かりやすいです。 貴重なお時間を割いて、御回答戴き、 深く、感謝致しております。 敬具


  • 次の英文がわかりません

    次の英文がわかりません The current system of locating most cycle paths within bus lanes has the unintended effect of forcing cyclists to inhale the most dangerous air, spewed out by diesel-powered buses and taxis. spewed out~taxisは分詞構文ですか?それとも過去分詞の後置修飾ですか? もう一つお願いします 15 healthy men cycled on exercise bikes in a chamber while being exposed to levels of diesel exhaust comparable to those in the air they would inhale cycling along a busy road. cycling along~roadは分詞構文ですか?それとも現在分詞後置修飾ですか? 質問多くてすみません よろしくお願いします

  • 次の英文が分かりません。

    Water rushing down the East River to the ocean accelerates to 6 knots. <自分の暫定的な訳> 水は、イーストリバーを6ノットに加速しながら海へ勢いよく流れる。 このacceleratesが分かりません。 この部分は分子構文の付帯状況?として、 acceleratingとするべきではないのでしょうか? それとも、直前に関係代名詞(that)が省略されWaterを修飾でもしているのでしょうか? なお、ドキュメンタリー映画の台詞ですので、誤植ということは絶対にありません。

  • 次の英文の訳と訳し方を教えてください。

    Gravitation is the force which causes objects to be attracted towards each other. 上記英文について、訳と訳し方を教えてください。

  • 次の英文を和訳してください。お願いいたします。

    英語が苦手で翻訳ができません。どうかよろしくお願いします。 訳していただく時に下の語句を参照してください。  The Global Positioning System (GPS) enables anyone with a GPS receiver to determine exactly where they are on the Earth’s surface. It is a miracle for anyone who has ever been lost. It is based on 24 satellites nearly 18,000 kilometers above the Earth’s surface, each orbiting the Earth every 12 hours.   The way the system works is perhaps easiest to understand in two dimensions. If you ask someone in Hong Kong how far away from them you are and they say that you are 900 kilometers away, you draw a circle 900 kilometers in radius around Hong Kong and know that you are somewhere on that circle. If someone in Manila then tells you that you are 1,200 kilometers away from them, you draw a circle 1,200 kilometers in radius around Manila. This circle intersects the Hong Kong circle at two points, and you know that you must be at one of those points. If someone in Hanoi then says that you are 700 kilometers away, this third circle will intersect with only one of those two points. And this is where you are: in a boat about 200 kilometers off the coast of Vietnam.   The same principle works in three dimensions using four centers and four spheres. Your GPS receiver tells you how far it is from four satellites. If it knows exactly where each satellite is, it can tell you exactly where you are. The orbits of the satellites are very predictable and each GPS receiver has the details of where every satellite should be at any given time. The gravitational pull of the sun and moon can alter an orbit very slightly. These changes are monitored by the U.S. Department of Defense and this information is sent via the satellite to the receiver. The distance between the satellite and the receiver is calculated based on the time the satellite signal takes to reach the receiver. This requires the use of very accurate clocks.   By fixing a GPS receiver at one spot on the Earth’s surface and taking repeated readings, scientists can tell if that spot is actually moving. The Tsing Ma Bridge in Hong Kong, one of the world’s longest suspension bridges, is built to move with winds and traffic. But too much movement could seriously damage the bridge. Fourteen permanent GPS receivers are attached to various parts of the bridge to record the vertical and horizontal of each part 10 times a second. In Japan, a grid of more than 1,000 GPS receivers has been set up to monitor small, slow movements of the Earth that could provide early warning of an earthquake. Each receiver receives a signal every 30 seconds and can detect movements of less than one centimeter.   The GPS was developed by the U.S. military to guide its missiles and bombers to their targets (and to tell its soldiers where they are). It is now offered free for civilian use. But the European Union is worried that because the GPS is operated by the U.S. military, there may be a conflict between its military and civilian use at some time in the future. So the EU has decided to develop its own system, to commence operations around 2007, to guarantee uninterrupted use by civilians. 【語句】 Global Positioning System (GPS) 「全地球測位システム」 radius 「半球」 Manila 「マニラ」 Hanoi 「ハノイ」 sphere 「球体」   details 「詳細」   the U.S. Department of Defense 「アメリカの国防総省」   Tsing Ma Bridge 「青馬橋」 European Union 「欧州連合 (EU)」

  • 次の英文を和訳してください。お願いいたします。

    英語が苦手で翻訳ができません。どうかよろしくお願いします。 訳していただく時に下の語句を参照してください。  The Global Positioning System (GPS) enables anyone with a GPS receiver to determine exactly where they are on the Earth’s surface. It is a miracle for anyone who has ever been lost. It is based on 24 satellites nearly 18,000 kilometers above the Earth’s surface, each orbiting the Earth every 12 hours.   The way the system works is perhaps easiest to understand in two dimensions. If you ask someone in Hong Kong how far away from them you are and they say that you are 900 kilometers away, you draw a circle 900 kilometers in radius around Hong Kong and know that you are somewhere on that circle. If someone in Manila then tells you that you are 1,200 kilometers away from them, you draw a circle 1,200 kilometers in radius around Manila. This circle intersects the Hong Kong circle at two points, and you know that you must be at one of those points. If someone in Hanoi then says that you are 700 kilometers away, this third circle will intersect with only one of those two points. And this is where you are: in a boat about 200 kilometers off the coast of Vietnam.   The same principle works in three dimensions using four centers and four spheres. Your GPS receiver tells you how far it is from four satellites. If it knows exactly where each satellite is, it can tell you exactly where you are. The orbits of the satellites are very predictable and each GPS receiver has the details of where every satellite should be at any given time. The gravitational pull of the sun and moon can alter an orbit very slightly. These changes are monitored by the U.S. Department of Defense and this information is sent via the satellite to the receiver. The distance between the satellite and the receiver is calculated based on the time the satellite signal takes to reach the receiver. This requires the use of very accurate clocks.   By fixing a GPS receiver at one spot on the Earth’s surface and taking repeated readings, scientists can tell if that spot is actually moving. The Tsing Ma Bridge in Hong Kong, one of the world’s longest suspension bridges, is built to move with winds and traffic. But too much movement could seriously damage the bridge. Fourteen permanent GPS receivers are attached to various parts of the bridge to record the vertical and horizontal of each part 10 times a second. In Japan, a grid of more than 1,000 GPS receivers has been set up to monitor small, slow movements of the Earth that could provide early warning of an earthquake. Each receiver receives a signal every 30 seconds and can detect movements of less that one centimeter.   The GPS was developed by the U.S. military to guide its missiles and bombers to their targets (and to tell its soldiers where they are). It is now offered free for civilian use. But the European Union is worried that because the GPS is operated by the U.S. military, there may be a conflict between its military and civilian use at some time in the future. So the EU has decided to develop its own system, to commence operations around 2007, to guarantee uninterrupted use by civilians. 【語句】 Global Positioning System (GPS) 「全地球測位システム」 radius 「半球」 Manila 「マニラ」 Hanoi 「ハノイ」 sphere 「球体」   details 「詳細」   the U.S. Department of Defense 「アメリカの国防総省」   Tsing Ma Bridge 「青馬橋」 European Union 「欧州連合 (EU)」

  • put one's foot の意味を教えて下さい。

    put one's foot の意味を教えて下さい。 【例文】 Step by step, he edges further ahead, and between each one he paused to decide exactly where next he should put his foot. 辞書でput one's foot down(断固とした態度をとる)しか調べることができませんでした。 宜しくお願い致します。

  • 次の英文を和訳してください。お願い致します。

    英語が苦手で翻訳ができません。どうかよろしくお願いします。 訳していただく時に下の語句を参照してください。  The Global Positioning System (GPS) enables anyone with a GPS receiver to determine exactly where they are on the Earth’s surface. It is a miracle for anyone who has ever been lost. It is based on 24 satellites nearly 18,000 kilometers above the Earth’s surface, each orbiting the Earth every 12 hours.   The way the system works is perhaps easiest to understand in two dimensions. If you ask someone in Hong Kong how far away from them you are and they say that you are 900 kilometers away, you draw a circle 900 kilometers in radius around Hong Kong and know that you are somewhere on that circle. If someone in Manila then tells you that you are 1,200 kilometers away from them, you draw a circle 1,200 kilometers in radius around Manila. This circle intersects the Hong Kong circle at two points, and you know that you must be at one of those points. If someone in Hanoi then says that you are 700 kilometers away, this third circle will intersect with only one of those two points. And this is where you are: in a boat about 200 kilometers off the coast of Vietnam.   The same principle works in three dimensions using four centers and four spheres. Your GPS receiver tells you how far it is from four satellites. If it knows exactly where each satellite is, it can tell you exactly where you are. The orbits of the satellites are very predictable and each GPS receiver has the details of where every satellite should be at any given time. The gravitational pull of the sun and moon can alter an orbit very slightly. These changes are monitored by the U.S. Department of Defense and this information is sent via the satellite to the receiver. The distance between the satellite and the receiver is calculated based on the time the satellite signal takes to reach the receiver. This requires the use of very accurate clocks.   By fixing a GPS receiver at one spot on the Earth’s surface and taking repeated readings, scientists can tell if that spot is actually moving. The Tsing Ma Bridge in Hong Kong, one of the world’s longest suspension bridges, is built to move with winds and traffic. But too much movement could seriously damage the bridge. Fourteen permanent GPS receivers are attached to various parts of the bridge to record the vertical and horizontal of each part 10 times a second. In Japan, a grid of more than 1,000 GPS receivers has been set up to monitor small, slow movements of the Earth that could provide early warning of an earthquake. Each receiver receives a signal every 30 seconds and can detect movements of less than one centimeter.   The GPS was developed by the U.S. military to guide its missiles and bombers to their targets (and to tell its soldiers where they are). It is now offered free for civilian use. But the European Union is worried that because the GPS is operated by the U.S. military, there may be a conflict between its military and civilian use at some time in the future. So the EU has decided to develop its own system, to commence operations around 2007, to guarantee uninterrupted use by civilians. 【語句】 Global Positioning System (GPS) 「全地球測位システム」 radius 「半球」 Manila 「マニラ」 Hanoi 「ハノイ」 sphere 「球体」   details 「詳細」   the U.S. Department of Defense 「アメリカの国防総省」   Tsing Ma Bridge 「青馬橋」 European Union 「欧州連合 (EU)」

  • 後置修飾について

    下記のような例文がありました。名詞への後置修飾は形容詞もOKなのでしょうか。 分詞がOKなのはわかるのですが。 A is a writer famous to the people who ~ となると、名詞への後置修飾で可能なものは他のどんなものがあるのでしょうか。 教えていただけますと助かります。

  • 書き換え問題です よろしくお願いします

    He said to me , “Where should get off the train ?” の書き換え問題で、これを下のようにしました。 He( told )me Where ( to ) get off the train .  しかし解答では told が asked になっていました。 tell と ask の使い分けが分かりません。使い分け方を教えてください。よろしくお願いします。

  • 次の英文は不自然でしょうか?

    高校英語教師をしている友人からの質問で、 自由英作文で生徒が以下の文を書いたそうです。 Niigata is a city where the Shinano river is beautiful. ALTがいうには不自然だそうですが、なぜ不自然かは説明できないそうです。 おそらく生徒は「新潟は信濃川が美しい町です」と言いたかったのだと思います。 文法は受験英語レベルではあってるとは思うので、ネイティブの感覚的なものでしょうか? 文法は修正の余地はあって例えば、 Niigata is a city, where the Shinano river is beautiful. Niigata is the city where the Shinano river is beautiful. などとすればニュアンスは変わりますが、ネイティブが不自然という原因の 解決にはならないと思います。 自分は、はじめ文脈がないのがその原因かと思いました。そこで以下のような 文章を作ってみましたが、より自然になるわけでもなく文脈の問題ではない気がしました。 The Shinano river flows through several prefectures from Hokuriku to Kanto area. Most part of the Shinano river is in Niigata prefecture and the river flows through the center of Niigata city. The local people are proud that Niigata is a city where the Shinano river is beautiful. 文脈の有無が関係ないなら関係代名詞の使用が不自然の原因かと考えました。 関係代名詞使わないなら、 The scenery of the Shinano river in Niigata city is beautiful. などと自分なら書きますが、元の構文がそんなにダメなのかと再考しました。 「新潟は信濃川が美しい町です」というのはお国自慢なわけです。 美しい信濃川の風景が存在することによって新潟市はすごいだろと自慢している。 そのニュアンスを活かすと以下のようになりましょうか。 Niigata is a city where you can see the beautiful scenery of the Shinano river. 「信濃川が美しい場所」を「信濃川の美しい風景を見ることができる場所」 とすることで断定性を弱めた結果、少し自然になったような気がします。 ここまで考えて、where the Shinano river is beautiful という断定的な表現が 違和感の原因ではないかという気がしてきました。断定的表現でも Niigata is a city where rivers are beautiful ならましに聞こえるわけです。 ところが、the Shinano river という固有名詞になると断定性が強まる。 新潟ではbeautifulでほかの場所に行くと uglyになるのかと違和感を覚える。 where the Shinano river flows とかだったら議論の余地のない普遍的事実を 述べているだけだから違和感は生じない。 こんな風にいろいろ考えたのですが、よくわかりませんでした。 考えすぎでしょうか? 1.文法的に問題はないか? 2.表現として自然か? 3.「新潟は信濃川が美しい町です」の一番シンプルな英訳は? この2点に関してご意見を頂ければと思います。 できれば英語専門家の方、帰国子女、ネイティブの方のご意見を頂ければと思います。 友人は生徒に明後日に説明したいとのことなので、すぐに回答をいただけると 大変ありがたいです。