One of the most basic needs is the need for affection. Without some contact with other human beings, we would not develop normally. The need for affection, however, does not seem to apply only to people. Studies has shown that animals, too, require love and affection. Beginning in the 1950s, psychologists Harry and Margaret Harlow carried out a series of important tests with monkeys, pointing out the affectional needs of animals.
The Harlows stumbled on their first finding by accident. Trying to produce a group of young monkeys completely free from disease, they isolated each of 56 infants in a wire cage shortly after birth. The infant monkeys could see and hear the other monkeys, but they could not engage in any physical contact with one another. Now were the infants“mothered”, as monkeys usually are after they are born.
In a sense, the researchers achieved their goal. The animals were indeed physically healthy. However, they gradually showed sigh of severe emotional disturbance. They would sit in a corner for hours just staring into space. Some held their heads tightly in their hands and rocked back and forth. Others, when approached, would fly into attacks of rage, tearing at themselves with such force that they sometimes needed medical care.
When the female “motherless” monkeys themselves became mothers, they still displayed abnormal behavior. They ignored their offspring and sometimes even attacked them brutally. Some of the infants had to be removed from the cages because of the mothers´ refusal to feed them. In fact, had these infants not been raised in a laboratory environment, they would probably not have survived. The role of contact with others cannot be stressed enough. It seems that from almost the moment of birth, we need contact with others to adjust properly.
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