• 締切済み


McDonald's can turn out a zillion perfect french fries in a day in more than eleven thousand restaurants all over the United States, but at a hospital someone might take out the wrong kidney or cut off the wrong leg? カンマ+butからよく分かりません。。 文法等を含め教えてください!

  • 英語
  • 回答数3
  • ありがとう数1


  • Oubli
  • ベストアンサー率31% (744/2384)

後半は「左右を間違えて腎臓を取ったり、脚を切断したりするかもしれない」ということで、ここのsomeone は医者です.マクドナルドが全店でまともなフライドポテトを作れている(ほんとかね)ことと対比しています。

  • trytobe
  • ベストアンサー率36% (3457/9591)

たぶん、but 以降は文法的には適切ではなくて、疑問提起しようとして文を書いて、疑問形になっていないのに最後に?をつけちゃった、というだけだと思います。 (マクドナルドがどうこういってるけど、病院は病院でどうなの?、って言いたいのが勝ってしまって、推敲せずに?つけちゃった状態で公開してしまった、など)

  • trytobe
  • ベストアンサー率36% (3457/9591)






  • in とout of の使い分けについて

    添付ファイル文章で、 out of (“out of “of one man out of a thousand ) とin ( “in “ of One in ten thousand ). のつかいわけがされていますが、 どういった意味ニュアンスの違いがあるのか分からないです。 解説お願いしたいです。

  • カジュアルな英訳お願いします(その16)

    英訳宜しくお願い致します。 1 嫁さんと朝ごはん食べながら「今日病院行くの?」って聞いたら「いや、今日は行かない」  と言ったのでオレはポツリと「そうか・・」と言った。 During breakfast-time,I asked my wife,Are you going to the hospital today? My wife said,No,I won't. I agreed her answer calmly. 2 嫁さんはパソコン新しいの買っていいよ!って言ってくれたけど、完全に壊れるまで  時間かかっても立ち上がるからいらないよ!と言った。 My wife adviced to me buy a new PC,but I answered her, If this PC perfectly broken ,then I will buy,but it is still working! 3 病院代のことを考えると新しいパソコンを買うような状況じゃないもんなあ(独り言)  To think of the hospital payment,I can not buy a new PC in my situation. 4 ご飯を食べながら家内が、調子の悪い時は味がわかんないと言った。  Having a breakfast,my wife told me that in the bad condition time is she can't distinguish the the taste. 5 生ゴミを嫁さんが知らないうちに捨ててきて、部屋に戻ってきて苦しそうに息をしていた。  なんで、こんな調子がわるいのにゴミなんか捨てに行く?玄関の前に置いておけば  オレが捨てるのにと思った。  My wife took out the burnable garbage before I know, and she came back home with being out of breath.Why did she take out the burnable garbadge? I will surely take out it, just put it in front of the door. 宜しくお願い致します。

  • 英語について

    It's nothing to be surprised about, not like being in the hospital. 訳を教えてください。 また、nothing to beはなんでこのような語順になるんでしょうか?nothingとtoとbeの成分を教えてください。 あと、not like beingとはどういうふうな成分が組み合わさりできているのでしょうか? ちなみに、前の文章は、 When people are "in" the hospital, it's serious. They'll be there for days or weeks, maybe months.When someone is "at" the hospital, it's just a short time.They might be there to see a doctor, or they might be visiting someone who is in the hospital. です。 なぜ、be in the hospitalで、入院する、になるんでしょうか? このときのbeの成分はなんですか? inとatで違う理由が分りません。 inにはどういう意味が含まれているんでしょうか? atにはどういう意味が含まれているんでしょうか? また、be surprisedは受動態なんでしょうか? あと、surprisedは自動詞なんでしょうか?

  • すいません英訳して下さい。。。

    The item for sale is a Brand New Le Creuset Cast Iron Caribbean Blue Round 2 1/4 Qt. Braiser/Casserole. It has a factory second on it but as far as I can tell(see the photo's there appears to be nothing wrong with it: The enamel is perfect, no chips scratches, or imperfections. It is made in France. Item does come with factory box and I carefully pack my items very well to prevent them from getting damaged. この商品は新品ではあるけれども、なんかちょっと訳あり商品であるみたいです。。。 ただその理由が上記の文章に書いているようなのですが、上記の文章を理解することが出来ません。。 何と書いているのでしょうか??? google翻訳を使って見ましたが、理由が全く分かりません。。。

  • 英訳文を訂正して頂けませんか?

    原文:「聞かないけど 新しいシャツ その背中に 誰かがいる」 シチュエーションは、「私」が元彼と久しぶりに逢ったが、 元彼のシャツの背中を見ると、いわゆる「女の勘」で、 新しい彼女の存在に気付いてしまった。 ということで以下のように訳しました。 I ask you nothing but see your new shirt and feel someone special on your back. (日本語がわからない)ネイティブの人に 上記のチェックをお願いし、要望を加えて再チェックお願いすると、 最終的に以下のように校正されました。 I ask nothing but seeing your new shirt I sense that there is a new someone special in your life. ご覧の通り、"on your back"が削られてしまいました。 「その背中に」は「女の勘」が具体的に働いたところなので、 除けないと思うのです。 "on your back"は"in your life"の後に置けば良いと思うのですが、 そうすると、"in your life on your back "と くどい表現になってしまいます。 助けてください。

  • 英訳お願いします。また、空欄を埋めて下さい。

    (1)Today we refer to the medieval European era as the "Dark Ages", even though, as it turns out, it was a much more "enlightened" period of science than we commonly think. Indeed, significant discoveries in physics, chemistory, and astronomy were made by medieval scholars, (1) considerable resistance to their efforts by the religious oligarchy of the era. (1) 1.whereas 2.although 3.as 4. despite (2)But in one area of medieval knowledge, the expression "Dark Ages" may be appropriate, after all. Until the early thirteeth century, little progress had been made in mathematics - not because of any opposition from religious authorities, and certainly not for any lack of talent, but because such progress was likely delayed by by the awkward and inefficient numeration system in use at time - the Roman numeral one - which was based on several alphabet letters, each with a specific numerical value : I = one ; V = five ; X = ten ; L = fifty ; C = one hundred ; M = one thousand. To understand how awkward that system was, consider how the numeral " two thousand two hundred fifty-three" was put together : MMCCLIII= two thousand two hundred fifty-three. (3)Now cpmpare the Roman numeral with the one we use today : 2253=two thousand two hundred fifty-three. Ours is clearly much easier to read, because the principle that is used to construct it is simple - the position of each digit in the numeral indicates its value as a power of ten. This is (3) our system is called "decimal" (from the Latin word decem, "ten"). Below is how the decimal numeral 2253 is read - note that "one thousand" can be represented by 10^3 (because 10^3=10×10×10=1000),"one hundred" by 10^2 (because 10^2=10×10=100),"ten" by 10^1, and "one" by 10^0. (3) 1.why 2.when 3.because 4.how

  • 英訳お願いします。

    loneliness is a state of the heart with out love. I have been in places with hundreds of people who say they are my friend and still I felt lonely, but I never felt lonely with you. think what you want but you are special to me... I won't bother you with it anymore.

  • 英訳添削お願いします。

    課題で英訳問題が出ました。 「自分の会社が本当に燃えていたとは、思わなかった。もちろん、築5年の20階建てビルが、ゴミ袋に火を点けられたくらいで簡単に消失するわけがなく、ボヤで消し止められただけだったのだが、何者かの意志によって自分の会社が燃やされようとした事実は、それなりに私を動揺させた。誰かに、『燃えてもいい』と判断されたのだ。『燃えたほうがいい』と望まれた可能性も、ある。」 I'd never thought that my workplace had been burnt. Of course, a 5-year-old, 20-story building couldn't have been burnt down so easily just because the garbage in it had been fired. The fire had been put out as a small fire. But the fact that someone, of his own accord, had attempted to burn my workplace jolted me to some extent. Someone had determined that it might as well be burnt, or possibly that it should be burnt. よろしくお願いします。

  • 学校の宿題の英訳><

    学校で英文を日本語に訳す宿題がでたのですが、全くわかりません>< 誰か英訳が上手い人よろしくお願いします! 以下が本文です。 Finally the day came for the benefit concert. By then, the number of participants had grown to more than one thousand. Rows of cello cases of different colors were heading for the hall. It seemed that the cases were like shadows of the sorrowstheir owners had experienced in the earthquake. In the concert hall, more than ten thousand eyes and ears were upon us. Gathered there were people who had lost family members, relatives and friends. I wondered if the family of the cello's previous owner were in the audience. I wondered if the girl's friends were there as well. The hall was so quiet that I could hear nothing but the beating of my own heart. The conductor cellos sang all at once:high, low, fast, slow, gentle, strong... Some players leaned forward and others backward. They listened attentively to one another and played in perfect harmony. One thousand bows looked like the coming and going of waves. The cellos sounded like a wind blowing through the music hall. The girl was absorded in her playing. I felt as if I saw birds flying around her. I was sure she was hearing Flora sing with her. I held an invisible dog as I played. One thousand cellos were telling one thousand differennt stories, all at the same time. One thousand sounds were made into one soul. Has our sound been entirely forgotten? I don't think so. I would like to think it has reached all the people of Kobe and that the wind of one thousand cellos willl reach a new tomorrow.

  • 英訳なんですがわかりません

    うまく訳せません。わかる方いましたらお願いします ちなみにどのような感じで言っているのかも知りたいです。私との約束は少し迷惑そうな感じでしょうか?教えてください Got your message...I've been in meetings for the last few days...We are getting ready to release a CD project in the Philippines in March, and I am recording a song with Rachelle Ann Go, my producer just finished the song so now we are getting ready to record my part here in the states, then he goes to the PI in two weeks to record her part there in the Philippines. So, I have been pretty busy, but I have not forgot about your lyrics...I promise that you will have them by the end of next week, and I don't make promises that I can't keep