• ベストアンサー

役をおりる の英語教えて下さい

一部の人が彼女は役をおりるべきだとおどかした。 Some people thteatended her that she should kick out of this role. で通じますでしょうか? おりりべき、下がるべき のような英語を教えて下さい。

  • ryu616
  • お礼率98% (154/156)
  • 英語
  • 回答数2
  • ありがとう数3


  • ベストアンサー
  • SPS700
  • ベストアンサー率46% (15295/33014)

1. Some people thteatended her that she should kick out of this role. で通じますでしょうか?  通じないと思います。 be kicked out と受身にすれば使えますが「蹴り出されるべき」というのはフラストを起した部下たちが、飲み会のこき下ろし談義の中で言うにはいいと思います。 2。おりりべき、下がるべきのような英語を教えて下さい。  she should step down, leave the office, resign, quit などがあります。 3。一部の人が彼女は役をおりるべきだとおどかした。 Some people threatened her that she should resign (from the post). とも。



step down、resignありがとうございます。 またkick out は受動態ですね、また使う場所を考えないとダメな動詞ですね。 大変参考になりました。

その他の回答 (1)

  • Nakay702
  • ベストアンサー率80% (9724/12096)

>一部の人が彼女は役をおりるべきだとおどかした。 >Some people thteatended her that she should kick out of this role. >で通じますでしょうか? ⇒十分通じると思いますが、kick out ofの代りに次のような語句を使うこともできるでしょう。 drop out of(~から去る)、give up(あきらめる)、leave(離れる)、quit(やめる)、 retire from(~を引退する)、など。 以上、ご回答まで。



ありがとうございました。 補足いただいた単語を使えるように覚えたいとおもいます。


  • 英語の訳をお願いします!!

    I was in the cafe by the north entrance to the station, reading my paper and having a coffee .I had an appointment with a client nearby and I was killing time because I'd arrived half an hour early.I suddenly heard a terrible shout, and when I looked out of the window,I saw that a woman was in the middle of the crossing. I assumed she'd fallen off her bicycle because it was lying on the tracks and all her shopping had come out of her basket.People were calling out to her from the road.Some were telling her to stay put and others were telling her to get off the crossing. She didn't seem to know what to do.She just say there.One of the waiters in the cafe saw this and ran out to get her.

  • 英語教科書の和訳です

    英語教科書の和訳です。 一部分だけなので、文章の流れがよくわかりません。 A young man, a long scarf twisted around his neck, was standing outside the Curzon cinema, his muscular body supported on an umbrella that seemed on the point of snapping beneath his weight. It was not the young man seen in the train that evening but this one, too, had gazed at her on some occasion in the recent past, though she could not remember when or where. Now, too, he gazed at her as she passed: first at her legs, then at her face, then at her breast. Should she stop, making the photographs on display outside the cinema her excuse? For a moment she did so; and as she paused, the man himself straightened and began to wander over. But then, with a shake, she hurried on. Surprised, she realized that so far from this possible encounter filling her excitement, it had caused in her a jolting kind of strong disgust. 1. 最後の文ですが、 驚いたことに、この偶然の出会いが彼女の興奮を満たすよりむしろ、衝撃的な嫌悪感を彼女の中に引き起こした。 というような訳になるのでしょうか。 日本語らしくするのは、どのような訳がよいのでしょうか。 2. 構文は分詞構文でしょうか。 3. she realized that ~ ~を思い出した、でしょうか。 4. Should she stop, making the photographs on display outside the cinema her excuse? の訳は、写真を撮ることを言い訳にして、彼女は止めさせるべきでしょうか。 となるのでしょうか。 よろしくお願い致します。

  • 英語の和訳です。お願いします!!

     The young woman's injuries were serious - third-degree burns over 35% of her body. It took 27 months for her to recover. Unfortunately, the burns on her legs damaged the muscles so severely that she could never perform again.  The physical recovery did not mark the end of the healing process. The psychological damage was much deeper and more painful than the terrible burns. Yet this young woman found the courage and strength to cope with the disappointments from the accident. In the hospital, she saw other people who had injuries worse than hers. She leaned that talking about one's problems relieves some of the pain. Most important of all, she leaned that she was not alone, That knowledge enabled her to go on with her life-a new kind of life but one that she has filled with new meaning and new joy.  The story of how this young ballerina coped with disappointments inspires me whenever I feel " down in the dumps." It is the story of my sister Teena.

  • 先行詞に数量詞がある時は関係代名詞thatを使う方が自然?

    こんにちは。 高校の英語の教科書なのですが、 ・She wants to see for herself many of the things 【that】 I have written her about. ・She would also like to visit some histric sites 【that】 are well known to people in Korea. ・She pointed out many things 【that】 are common to both Japan and Korea. ・She said that she has several friends 【that】 are studying Japanese. という風に、thatが使われていました。 これは先行詞にmany、some、severalのような数量詞があるから、 thatが使われる方が自然ということでしょうか? 実際の会話ではどちらでもよいと思われますが、 一応受験英語の観点からお答えいただければ嬉しいです。 またこれとは別に、thatが好んで用いられる場合がございましたら 教えて頂けたらと存じます。 尚、最上級、the onlyなどの限定の語が先行詞にくるという理由 以外でよろしくお願いいたします。

  • 英文の訳をお願いします

    先日、英国のお見舞いを送った方から、お礼の手紙が届いたのですが(秘書の方が代筆されてます)一部どう訳したらよいのか分からないところがありますのでよろしくお願いいたします。文面は以下です。 She was very touched that you should think of her in this way, and sends you her best wishes. Yours sincerely,

  • thatが文頭にくる場合・・接続詞?

    that についてお聞きしたいことがあります。 And I cannot bear to think of her being mistress of this house! That I should be forced to make way for her and live to see her take my place in it! この that は文法的にどういう働きをしているのでしょうか? お願いします。

  • 和訳をお願いします。

    海外の友人が英語について教えてくれているのですが、何と書いてくれているのでしょう? ***"check it out/check that out" is just a way of saying "look at this/that!" You can say it about pretty much anything like a song, movie, book, TV Show, website etc. Some people will say things like "check her out" or "check him out," and when they do that it has a sexual connotation.

  • refer

    I broke up with someone a year ago. After we broke up, she unfriended me on social media, never responded to my birthday message, and stopped spending time with mutual friends lest she end up around me. Recently I found out that she is looking for new work opportunities. A friend of mine works in the same sector and has a job opening that would be perfect for her. She is extremely qualified, and I think she would enjoy this role. Should I reach out and let her know I can refer her? refer herはどのような意味でしょうか?よろしくお願いします

  • この英語のくだけ具合を教えてください

    以下の文はスペイン人の書いたものなのですが、内容はだいたいわかるものの、あまりにも砕けていて 英語として可能なのだろうかと不思議に思いました。たとえば、 Is the unique thing i see from TV because me never see TV and this kind of things don't like. Because is yor play not the play of that people Anyway is easy don't see the comments is the best way. People always more interesting in the things of the other people than is own things... このような感じです。ということで質問です。 (1)この英語はどの程度砕けていますか?具体的に程度を教えてください。 (2)この中で一応可能な砕け方はなんでしょうか? (3)まずい砕け方を教えてください(動詞と述語がめちゃくちゃ、など) よろしくおねがいします

  • 英訳お願いしますΣ

    英訳お願いします! some people say that stories about lost civilizations should always be taken with a grain of salt. However let me just say this. お願いしますm(_ _)m