Why Do Foreign Residents Come to Japan? Find Out Their Reasons

  • Discover the various reasons why foreign residents choose to come to Japan. From studying Japanese culture to martial arts, teaching English, or pursuing a relationship, there are numerous motivations. However, my reason for coming to Japan was unexpected: a university timetable.
  • Is the word 'for' necessary after 'reason why' in the sentence? Find out the answer and learn how to use it correctly. Additionally, explore alternative ways to express the idea of 'some...some...but others...' as seen in the paragraph. Gain a better understanding of these usages.
  • In this paragraph from a past essay in Weekly ST, different motivations for coming to Japan are discussed. Some individuals are interested in Japanese culture, while others focus on martial arts. However, there are also those who come to teach English or due to a romantic relationship. The author's unique reason for coming to Japan, unrelated to the mentioned options, is revealed as well.
  • ベストアンサー


Every foreign resident has a different reason for why they come to Japan. Some come to study Japanese culture, such as manga, flower arranging or the tea ceremony. Others come to study martial arts, such as judo or karate. Yet others come to teach English or because of a Japanese boyfriend or girlfriend they met overseas. The reason I came to Japan is "none of the above." In my case, it all started with a university timetable. 週刊STの過去エッセイ(Why did you come to Japan?) にあったパラグラフです。 質問1: reason for why のforはあってもなくてもいいですか? 質問2: 「~の人もいれば、~の人もいる、しかしまた~の人もいる」 こういう文を書きたい時、some~, some~, but others~.という形も使えますか? 上記のパラグラフに出てきた使い方を知らなかったので疑問に思いました。 解説お願いします。

  • 英語
  • 回答数1
  • ありがとう数1


  • ベストアンサー
  • SPS700
  • ベストアンサー率46% (15295/33014)

1。reason for why のforはあってもなくてもいいですか?  はい、無い方がいいと思います。 2。「~の人もいれば、~の人もいる、しかしまた~の人もいる」こういう文を書きたい時、some~, some~, but others~.という形も使えますか?  はい、前もって構成するとそうなります。その時の即興でつけたりを重ねると、ご質問の文のようになりますが、それが自然な時もあります。





  • 英文を訳してください

    I have some questions. 1, Why they can’t make big boats to compete to others? They don’t have budget to do? Or they don’t have ports to moor such big boats? If only they have bigger boats the same as others or more, they can make a living by it? Which is their wish? To make a living by fishing or tourism? If possible do they want to live as fishermen in the city? If only they have big budget they can make gig boats and can compete from others? Or once they know the other way (tourism), they don’t want to come back to instability life anymore? 2, why could they make their city such a big place for tourism? Even if only the reason is beauty, historic and registered world heritage, I think there are many places such kind of cities, for example in Japan Kyoto ,Nara and so on. but they aren’t so increasing . Are there any other reason? Reply Commented on at 8:53 AM on May 25, 2011

  • 和訳おねがいします。

    和訳をお願いします。 for whom the bell tolls Understanding the global marketplace is only one reason why people study economics. Somepeople study economics becauce they hope to make money. Others worry that they will be illiterate if they cannot understand the laws of suppy and demand. People are also concerned to learn about how we can improve our environment or why countries like Russia and China are moving from a planned to a market economy よろしくおねがいします。

  • 英語の文章で

    He will go to France to study art some day. They have to study for many hours every day to pass the exam. ある本にのっていた文章です。 some day とevery dayの置く位置ですが、 例えば、some dayの位置は、study の後ろ、every dayは、一番後ろにつけても大丈夫なのでしょうか?ダメであればその理由を教えてください。

  • 指示代名詞が何を指しているかわかりません。

     "Those who are called the elite in Japan come straight up to Tokyo University, and it's as if they've just a manual to study for the examination all the way along," he said contemptuously.  "They answer quiestions,but they can't ask them. Those ( ) other talents are excluded from the process." 上の英文で、 (1)第二パラグラフのThoseが何を指しているのか? (2)()にあてはまる前置詞をしたから選べ。 with,so,from,that,for,in,who.against,such,of,as (3)全訳せよ という問題がでました。 (1)(2)どっちも分かりませんでした。 (3)は第一パラグラフだけできました。 「日本でエリートと呼ばれる人は東大にストレートで入る、そして彼らはずっと試験に対して勉強するためのマニュアルしかもっていない」彼は軽蔑して言った。 誰か分かる方教えてください。

  • これらの文章は、文法上はどうなるのですか?

    (1)I came from Canada to study Japanese culture. 不定詞の位置がわかりません。なせこの位置にto studyが来るのでしょうか?from Canadaの前ではダメなのでしょうか?つまり、I came to study Japanese culture from Canada. です。この文章ではダメなのでしょうか?そして、to studyに続くJapanese cultureは文法上何と言うのでしょうか?不定詞の目的語?動詞studyの目的語とでもいうのでしょうか? (2)I think Japan too much like a Western country. このlikeは形容詞と思いましたが、前置詞のようです。この文章で解らないのは、too muchがなぜこの位置にくるのかです。このtooは副詞でmuchは形容詞ですが、tooがmuchを修飾し、副詞句になっているのでしょうか?そして、副詞句too muchがlike a Western countryを修飾しているのでしょうか? I(主語) think(動詞)Japan以下(目的語)の文章だと思うのですが、Japan以下は句になっているのでしょうか?よくわかりません。 (3)Japan must remember that it is part of Asia. thatは従属接続詞で「~ということ」という意味でしょうが、その後のit は必要なのでしょうか?なぜ、itがくるのか解りません。 (4)Japan learned a lot from China. この文章の a lot の意味が解りません。名詞で目的語となり、「たくさんのこと」という意味なのでしょうか?a lotで「たくさんのこと」という意味になるのでしょうか? 以上の4点ですが、疑問に思ってよくわかりません。どなたか解る方教えてくださいませ。

  • 英作文の問題に関する質問です

    人間は何事につけ意見が一致しないものである。たとえば、天気も言い争いのタネになる。 暖かいのがよいという人がいるかと思えば、いや涼しいほうがよいという人もいる。 People will disagree on anything. For example, even the weather can be a subject for argument. Some say they like warm days, while others say they like it to be cool. 問題と解答例は上のようになっていたのですが、最後の文を Some say they like it to be warm, while others say they like cool days. とするのも可能でしょうか。もし可能であるならば、同じような表現をす るのに敢えて異なった形の文にしたのは、英語ではそうすることがより好まれるためでしょうか。 分かる方がおられましたらよろしくお願いいたします。

  • 和訳お願いします!

    ■Hi Sawa! (For some reason, my computer wont write Japanese, so I'll just write in English for now. Hope that's ok^^;) I saw your drawings, they're so pretty! I also have a devArt ▼これがよく分かりません。 (For some reason, my computer wont write Japanese, so I'll just write in English for now. Hope that's ok^^;) ▼これは絵が可愛いと言っているのですよね? I saw your drawings, they're so pretty! I also have a devArt

  • 留学生すべての親がこっちに来るとは限りませんを英語で・・

    今年卒業でプロムがあるんですが両親がきません。たぶんホストファミリーなんかにもどうしてって聞かれると思うんですが(1)「必ず両親がこれるとも限りません」(2)「いろいろな理由でこれません」ってどういう風にいえばいいんですか? (1)? (2)They cant come for some reason. なんかおかしい響きのような気がします。

  • 自由英作添削お願いします!!11.早稲田政経

    添削お願いします!!                                早稲田政経では文法ミスなどがなければ細かい論理構成までは減点をしません!20点満点でお願いします!!   問題. Read the statement below and write a paragraph giving at least two reasons why you agree or disagree with it."English should be the only official language of Japan" I disagree with the idea that English should be the only official language of Japan.First,it is almost impossible to put this idea into practice. Some Japanese people cannot speak even a word in English,so they will not be able to speak English well,no matter how hard they study English.They are not intelliget enough to learn English.Second,even though English is more widely used than any other language in the world,people who do not go abroad or communicate with foreign people do not have to study English.They have only to be able to speak Japanese language. 20点満点でお願いします!!

  • たまにはこういう質問はどう?

    なんか最近、このカテも宿題系や翻訳依頼ばっかりになってきたと思いませんか? さて、日本に来る外国人に対する応対について日本人が書いた文章を私が少し手を加えたものです。 My friend works in a convennience store, which is visited by a lot of foreigners who don't undestand English. Peahaps they are alomost Brazilian. Then, which view is most appropriate? (1)We are in Japan and then both English and Portuguese are equally foreign languages for us, therefore we have no need to treat favourably people who speak English. We may speak Japanese also with foreign customers, but it is enough to speak slow and easy Japanese, considering they are foreigners. (2)Since English is in some way the worldwide common language and therefore Japanese people have learnt it in any case like other people, we sould treat foreign costomers with English as far as we can, but we may treat neflectfully peole who don't speak even English though they are the majority. (3)It is preferable that we learn the minimum necessary expressions of Portuguese or others which are spoken by foreign customers. (4)Doing utmost to cope with any foreigners, in using pictures or others. そこで質問です。設問に英語で答えてくだされば幸いです。 (1)Which is the best manner to traet foeigners? (2)Why do you think so?