
  • 購入したアメリカ製の耳掃除製品について、英語での説明があり、一部分が分からないため、教えていただきたい。
  • この製品は、目薬の容器のようなものに入った液体を耳に垂らして、数分後に吸い取るという使い方をする。
  • 分からない箇所は、製品名が主語になっており、foam upon being placed in the ear の部分が理解できない。
  • ベストアンサー


耳垢を掃除するアメリカ製の製品を購入しました。 説明がすべて英語で、一部分からないところがあるため、教えていただければと思います。 目薬の容器のようなものに入っている液体を数滴耳に垂らし、数分後にスポイトのようなもので吸い取る、という使い方の製品です。 説明は、WarningsやDirectionsなどいくつかのカテゴリーに分かれています。 お聞きしたい英文は、Other informationのカテゴリーにあります。 下記、その英文です。 製品名 foam upon being placed in the ear due to the release of oxygen. 製品名が主語になっています。 分からないのは、foam upon being placed in the ear の部分です。 宜しくお願いいたします。

  • 英語
  • 回答数3
  • ありがとう数1


  • ベストアンサー
  • ddeana
  • ベストアンサー率74% (2976/4019)

>foam upon being placed in the ear due to the release of oxygen 酸素が放出されるので、耳の中に入れた状態で泡立つ 耳垢を気泡のような感じでつみこんでふやかして取りやすくするということかと存じます。



なるほど。そういうことなんですね。 どうもありがとうございました。

その他の回答 (2)

  • marbleshit
  • ベストアンサー率49% (5033/10253)

foam upon being placed in the ear due to the release of oxygen. 活性酸素発砲中耳内留置洗浄

  • marbleshit
  • ベストアンサー率49% (5033/10253)




'製品名 foam upon being placed in the ear due to the release of oxygen.' という文章として訳すと、どのようになりますか?


  • 訳と語彙のニュアンス

    When a friend cries in the course of intense conversation, we know among other things that a serious demand is being placed upon our attention: tears demand a reaction. 上の文で、後半の we know among other things that a serious demand is being placed upon の文法的・語彙的なものがイマイチ分かりません。 「(泣いている人からは)マジメな要求が発せられているのだが、それはリアクションを取ることだ。」 というような大雑把な意味は分かるのですが、 1、「among other things」という言葉があることでどういった意味とニュアンスになるのか。そして何を指しているのか。 2、be placed upon の正確な意味 の二つがはっきりと分かりません。 お願いします。

  • 英語の1文の翻訳と説明

    ご覧いただきましてありがとうございます。 英語の勉強をしています。 being pulled in many directions. この文章の意味と、文法的に説明していただけますか? どうぞよろしくお願いいたします。

  • 日本語訳をお願いいたします。

    Through 1916, the food crisis deepened, compounded by a poor potato harvest across all of the Low Countries; in neighbouring Belgium, the harvest was between 30% and 40% down on the previous year. Although many Luxembourgers were on near-starvation level dietary intakes, the country managed to avoid famine. In part, this was due to a reduction of German soldiers' dependence upon local food sources, instead relying on imports from Germany. Despite the avoidance of a famine, the Luxembourgish government lost much of the faith placed in it by the public and by the politicians. On 22 December 1916, Michel Welter, the minister responsible, was censured by the Chamber of Deputies, which demanded his resignation. Thorn procrastinated, seeking any option but firing the leader of one of three major parties, but could find none. On 3 January 1917, Welter was fired, and replaced by another socialist, Ernest Leclère. Even after the change and von Tessmar's promise of his soldiers' better conduct in future, Léon Kauffmann was capable of citing thirty-six instances of German soldiers caught smuggling foodstuffs between March 1917 and June 1918.

  • substituteの日本語訳

    いつもお世話になります。 http://okwave.jp/qa3417836.htmlではお世話になりました。 技術資料の日本語訳をしていて、PFOS,PFOAがどれだけ製品に含まれているか・・・を販売先に調査する資料を訳しています。 色々項目別に調査して、○、×を記入するフォームを訳しているのですが、よく出てくる substitute の訳し方で悩んでいます。 「Materials used in delivered products」というカテゴリの中に、(1)「Availability of substitute technology」(2)「Challenges for substitute」(3)「Planned substitute date」という3つの項目があって、その状況をそれぞれ空欄に書いていくということになっています。 substituteは本来「代理」という意味じゃないでしょうか? ということは、(1) 代理の技術を利用する事         (2) 代用品を使ってみたこと         (3) 代用品を使う予定日 というような 訳でいいのでしょうか? この場合、本当にsubstituteは代理とか代用品という意味なのでしょうか? お詳しい方、ご意見をお聞かせ頂ければ幸いです。

  • 日本語訳をお願いいたします。

    The Lone Pine battlefield was named for a solitary Turkish pine that stood there at the start of the fighting; The tree was also known by the Anzac soldiers as the "Lonesome Pine", and both names are likely to have been inspired by the popular song "The Trail of the Lonesome Pine". The battlefield was situated near the centre of the eastern line of the Australian and New Zealand trenches around Anzac Cove on a rise known as "400 Plateau" that joined "Bolton's Ridge" to the south with the ridge along the east side of "Monash Valley" to the north. Being towards the southern end of the area around Anzac Cove, the terrain in the Lone Pine region was comparatively gentle and the opposing trenches were separated some distance with a flat no-man's land intervening. Due to its location relative to the beachhead and the shape of the intervening ground, Lone Pine's importance lay in the fact that its position provided a commanding view of the Australian and New Zealand rear areas. From the 400 Plateau it was possible to observe as far south as Gaba Tepe and its possession would have afforded the Ottomans the ability to place the approaches to the Second Ridge under fire, preventing the flow of reinforcements and supplies from the beachhead to the forward trenches. The main part of the Australian position at Lone Pine was centred on a feature known as "The Pimple", where a salient had developed at the point where the Australians' position was closest to the Ottoman line. To the east of the salient, opposite The Pimple, the Ottoman line extended from the head of a gully—known as "Owen's Gulley" by the Australians—south for 400 yards (370 m) towards the neck of Bolton's Ridge and continued south along a spur called "Sniper's Ridge". Because of the salient around The Pimple, the Ottomans had focused on developing the trenches along the flanks of the position more than the centre, and had placed the firing positions in the centre in depth in order to gain the advantage of being able to pour enfilade fire upon any attacking force. At the rear of the Ottoman line, near Owen's Gully, was a depression called "The Cup" that was not visible from the Australians' position on The Pimple. Despite overflights of the area by British reconnaissance aircraft in June, the Australians were unaware of The Cup's existence, and at the time of the attack they believed this area to be flat and to consist of further trench lines. In reality it was actually a reserve area where the Ottomans had established a regimental headquarters and sited a series of bivouacs in terraces and at the time of the attack there were large numbers of reinforcements camped there.

  • 日本語訳お願いします

    この英文サイトの日本語訳お願いします。 The white-coated professionals at your neighborhood drug store do a lot more than just fill prescriptions. Pharmacists do indeed dispense medicines, but first they check for any possible interactions with other medicines or medical conditions. They also instruct patients on how to take the medicines and will inform them about what to do if certain side effects arise. A pharmacist will also keep meticulous records, coordinate with insurance companies, supervise pharmacy technicians and keep up to date with continuing education courses. "Pharmacists are becoming a more integral part of the health care team," says Heather Free, a pharmacist working in the District of Columbia. She says that pharmacists are doing more to support doctors and clinicians, for example, by giving patients immunizations and making sure that all of a patient's doctors are informed about the diverse medicines that have been prescribed. Some pharmacists are also getting involved in adherence monitoring (why it's hard for a patient to take his/her meds) and medication therapy management, or MTM, which seeks to optimize what drugs do for a patient's overall well-being. The unique mix of medicinal knowledge and interpersonal skills required to run a pharmacy counter remain in high demand. Over the next decade, more Americans are expected to seek health services either because they're getting older or because the Affordable Care Act has made prescriptions, well, more affordable. In fact, the Bureau of Labor Statistics projects 14.5 percent employment growth for pharmacists by 2022, with the field adding 41,400 new jobs. Solid employment growth and a high median salary help make pharmacist a top contender on this year’s list of Best Jobs. http://money.usnews.com/careers/best-jobs/pharmacist

  • 日本語訳をお願いします。

    An official communique was published by the United States at 2:30 pm: "In accordance with the terms of the Armistice, hostilities on the fronts of the American armies were suspended at eleven o'clock this morning." News of the armistice being signed was officially announced towards 9 am in Paris. One hour later, Foch, accompanied by a British admiral, presented himself at the Ministry of War, where he was immediately received by Georges Clemenceau, the Prime Minister of France. At 10:50 am, Foch issued this general order: "Hostilities will cease on the whole front as from November 11 at 11 o'clock French time The Allied troops will not, until further order, go beyond the line reached on that date and at that hour."[21] Five minutes later, Clemenceau, Foch and the British admiral went to the Élysée Palace. At the first shot fired from the Eiffel Tower, the Ministry of War and the Élysée Palace displayed flags, while bells around Paris rang. Five hundred students gathered in front of the Ministry and called upon Clemenceau, who appeared on the balcony. Clemenceau exclaimed "Vive la France!"—the crowd echoed him. At 11:00 am, the first peace-gunshot was fired from Fort Mont-Valérien, which told the population of Paris that the armistice was concluded, but the population were already aware of it from official circles and newspapers. Although the information about the imminent ceasefire had spread among the forces at the front in the hours before, fighting in many sections of the front continued right until the appointed hour. At 11 am there was some spontaneous fraternization between the two sides. But in general, reactions were muted. A British corporal reported: "...the Germans came from their trenches, bowed to us and then went away. That was it. There was nothing with which we could celebrate, except cookies." On the Allied side, euphoria and exultation were rare. There was some cheering and applause, but the dominant feeling was silence and emptiness after 52 exhausting months of war. The peace between the Allies and Germany was subsequently settled in 1919, by the Paris Peace Conference and the Treaty of Versailles that same year. Many artillery units continued to fire on German targets to avoid having to haul away their spare ammunition. The Allies also wished to ensure that, should fighting restart, they would be in the most favourable position. Consequently, there were 10,944 casualties, of whom 2,738 men died, on the last day of the war. An example of the determination of the Allies to maintain pressure until the last minute, but also to adhere strictly to the Armistice terms, was Battery 4 of the US Navy's long-range 14-inch railway guns firing its last shot at 10:57:30 am from the Verdun area, timed to land far behind the German front line just before the scheduled Armistice.

  • all the right thingsの訳

    ABC(商品名)-all the right things that you need in a pair of earbuds 以上の英文ですが、どういう意味でしょうか? Edifier TWS1pro-ワンペアのイヤホンに必要とするすべての正しいものが揃っています。 ですか? 英語のカテゴリで日本語の質問をしてしまって、申し訳ございません。 日本語学習者です。 よろしくお願いいたします。

  • in express reliance upon the foregoing?

    以下のような英文では、撮影されているのを理解し、肖像権を放棄することに 同意することを意味しているのだと思いますが、in express reliance upon the foregoingは、前文で説明されているとおり、というような意味になるのでしょうか?契約書独特の言い回しだと思いますが、決まり文句と考えていいのでしょうか? I understand that XXXXs(組織名)and/or any other approved video or entertainment organization are videotaping and photographing the Event in express reliance upon the foregoing, and I represent and agree that I am free to grant the rights ... アドバイス宜しくお願いいたします。

  • 動詞の修飾について

    question debated question to be debated question being debated 河合塾のテキストによると、文法問題に於いては この3つは厳密に区別されるのだそうですが、 何を基準に区別されているのかよくわかりません。 理屈を説明していただけるとありがたく思います。 例) The question "to be debated" tomorrow is whether income taxes should be decreased. これは debated では不可だそうです。 If the committee members are in desagreement, refer them back to the rules originaly "agreed upon" これは being agreed upon では不可だそうです。