• ベストアンサー


次の文について質問します。 Shouldn't we have hired a temp while Hanako is on maternity leave? ちなみに訳は「産休の間に臨時職員を雇えないかしら? 」となっていました。 まず仮定法であることは排除して考えたいと思いますが、 何故shouldの後が現在完了形になっているのかが分かりません。 解説をお願いします。

  • 英語
  • 回答数2
  • ありがとう数2


  • ベストアンサー
  • Him-hymn
  • ベストアンサー率66% (3489/5257)

★ちなみに訳は「産休の間に臨時職員を雇えないかしら? 」となっていました。 →花子先生が産休で休むのだが、我々は臨時職員を採用すべきだった( のにしなかった)。 ★まず仮定法であることは排除して考えたいと思いますが、 →何故shouldの後が現在完了形になっているのかが分かりません。 I should have told her the truth. 彼女に真実を告げておくべきだった。(それなのに、しなかった) We should've hired a temp while Hanako is on maternity leave. 花子先生は産休をとっています。我々は一時採用をするべきだったーー実はしなかった。 以上、ご参考になればと思います。



Him-hymn さん、いつもご回答ありがとうございます。 やはり少々おかしな文であったようですね。何か知らない語法があるのだろうか…と考え込みましたが、すっきりしました。

その他の回答 (1)

  • Oubli
  • ベストアンサー率31% (744/2384)

shall の過去形がshouldですが、これは時制とは関係なく、いわゆる仮定法になります。 後続がhave+過去分詞になった場合は、時制としては現在完了ないし過去です。英語ではこれを区別できません。 正しい訳は「臨時職員を雇うべきだったんじゃないでしょうか?」です。





  • should leaveはmust go と同じ?

    We should leave soon for the meeting, shouldn't we?は、We must go soon for the meeting, mustn't we?に言い換えても意味は同じですか? お礼必ず書きます。ご存じのかた、教えてください。

  • 仮定法過去完了?

    (1)we might(just) as well have stayed at home. (家にいた方がましだった。(実際には外出してしまった)) (2)You should have made every effort to gain it. (君はそれを得るためにあらゆる努力をすべきであった) これらの文は、(1)は仮定法過去完了ではなく、(2)は仮定法過去完了だと教えてもらったんですが、 本当でしょうか? どちらも過去の非実現を表しているので、同じ種類の文にみえるのですが・・・ あと、 (3)He should have arrived there by now. (今ごろまでには、彼はそこへ着いたはずだ。) これは実際には着いていた場合も着いていなかった場合も表すことがあるそうなのですが、 着いていなかった場合、過去の非実現を表すと思うのですが、その場合仮定法過去完了になるのでしょうか? すみません、二点について、解答をお願いします。

  • 現在完了形

    Q. Stuck in a state of confusion: My husband is constantly making obscene comments to me and our children. He tells other people that our boys are not his, that they are from my first marriage, and that he only had them so that they would do all of the things he doesn’t want to do. I cannot begin to tell you how badly this hurts both me and my children, because they are his biological children and he knows that. He is constantly yelling at them, cursing at them, and threatening them, and if I intervene, he starts yelling at me too! I’ve suggested marriage counseling, and he laughed and told me to go by myself. So I have been, for six months. My therapist thinks that I should divorce him, but I am not in a financial position to leave. I have no family that I can stay with, and we just moved to a new state, and I don’t know anyone around here that would be able to accommodate three extra people. Once I graduate from school I will be able to support all of us, but I don’t know if I should wait to graduate or drop out of college with a year left to find a full-time job. Help! A: That you should leave your husband is without question. If he is going so far as to threaten your children, you absolutely should divorce him and sue for sole custody. The less your sons remember of him, the better off they will be; however, I want you to be prepared and in the strongest emotional and financial situation possible when you go. Find your local chapter of the National Coalition Against Domestic Violence—it can help you with a job search and finding an affordable place to live. Consult the National Domestic Violence Pro Bono Directory to find low-cost or free legal advice. If you live in a community property state, you are entitled to half of the assets acquired during your marriage. The Allstate Foundation offers a free “financial empowerment” service to people leaving abusive relationships; you may also find this helpful. If you have not started one already, open a bank account in your own name and put away whatever you can for your getting-the-hell-out-of-Dodge fund. If you have friends back in your home state you can trust, consider asking for financial support as you prepare to leave your marriage. Do not drop out of college until you have found work, but make leaving your marriage your highest priority. until you have found workはなぜ現在完了形なのでしょうか?until you find workではいけないのでしょうか?よろしくお願いします

  • 【should】の用法についてお尋ねします。

     いつもお世話になっております。下記の英文の【should】の用法がよく理解できず質問します。 Do you think we should have a surprise party for him? (彼のためにサプライズ・パーティを開きませんか) That's a good idea. (いい考えですね) 【should】は必要なのでしょうか?shallの過去形として使われているのでしょうか。そうであればなぜ過去形になるのでしょうか?仮定法なのでしょうか?いろいろ考えますが、よくわかりません。  どうぞよろしくご教示下さいませ。

  • 並べ替えられませんでした。おしえてください

    レジの台に品物をお載せください。 Please [ checkout / counter / on / put / the / up / your things ]. 量っているときに、はかりをチェックすべきだった。 We [ being / checked / have / it / should / the scale / was / weighed / while ].

  • 英文の意味

    Now and again there would arise a feeling that it was hard upon my mother that she should have to do so much for us, that we should be idle while she was forced to work so constantly; but we should probably have thought more of that had she not taken to work as though it were the recognized condition of life for an old lady of fifty-five. we should probably have thought 以降がどういう意味なのかちょっとわかりません。その前までは「母親が苦労して働いているのに自分たちは・・・」という感じなのだろうと思うのですが。 お手数かけますが、ご教示を宜しくお願い致します。

  • 英語の文法問題です。

    英語の文法問題です。 (1)You (should ask/would ask/should have asked/would have asked) his phone number when he called. (答)should have ask (2)He said that I (call/called/will call/might call) whenever I wished. (答)might call (3)She doesn't answer her cell phone. She (must leave/has to leave/must have left/had to leave) it at home again. (答)must have left (4)E-mail (may/might/may be/may have) changed the way we communicate, but that doesn't mean the handwritten letter is dead. (答)may have (5)People spent their time to send us their thoughts and words, (choose/chose/choosing/chosen) the paper, the envelope, and postage stamps. (答)chose (6)What spam (could/ought/must/had to) come with a postage stamp on it? (答)could 僕の答えであってるでしょうか?どなたかお願いします。

  • 英語の問題

    1:She proposed that a doctor()be called in immdiately. (1)would (2)should (3)could (4)ought 2:I don't see Tom. I wonder why he's late. Well,he()his train or maybe he overslept. (1)might have missed (2)might miss (3)should have missed (4)should miss 3:It's not very important. We might()forget about it. (1)as much (2)as possibly (3)as quickly (4)as well 4:Before marriage she made him agree that he ()never break his promises. (1)could (2)shouldn't (3)would (4)wouldn't ()に入る答えと和訳をお願いします

  • 誕生日についての文ですが、意味が理解できません。どなたか、ご協力お願いします。

    I should be able to have it where I want it and to decide who to invite. Let other people do their own birthday parties the way they wish, but they should leave mine alone. That way, we can all be happy at least one day each year. Is this too much to ask?

  • 日本語に訳してください

    遠戚のアメリカ人よりメールが届きました 私は全く英語ができないので 訳してください それに対しての返信は何といえばいいと思いますか? みなさんも 遠戚の者だと仮定して よきアドバイスお願いします at the moment i was staying at my employees place. they hired me and we were getting the visa done but they were not sure it would be finished by the time my visitors visa ended. so i had to make sure i leave before my visa expires on the 2nd of june. that is why i got a ticket home. now i am deciding on if i should come back. the ticket was round trip. now i am trying to figure out if i do stay in the usa how to pack up the stuff i still have here. not sure if that makes sense.....