Professor Fukushima regained communication with others through finger Braille ( ) gave him the courage to live. He thinks we all wish for a spiritually rich life with others and information helps obtain this. So we need to tear down the information divide to achieve better understanding of human beings.
Professor Fukushima remembers regaining his desire and courage to live when he was able to communicate with others. Also, another vital factor was that there were people around them who would communicate with him using Braille. This support from others, from society, is an important thing not just for him, but also for everybody.
What does this have to do with the information divide? First, let's stop and think: what's the most important thing in our life? To be happy, or to try to be happy. To pursue our happiness, we need each other's support and we need information and communication. Happiness is our goal, and information can help us get there. If we feel communication is impossible, that will be a psychological barrier against getting information. Until his mother created the method of finger Braille, that was Professor Fukushima's "information divide."
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