• ベストアンサー


findの訳し方がよくわからないときがあります。「思う」と訳せばいいと考えていますが、下の文のようなときは意味が通らなくなります。find の訳し方について教えてください。宜しくお願いします。 He moved between us and the door as he spoke.  中略 Slowly,the professor cooled down and moved away from the door. We were happy to find ourselves outside the house and in the quiet street

  • ippey
  • お礼率88% (266/302)
  • 英語
  • 回答数4
  • ありがとう数5


  • ベストアンサー
  • Nakay702
  • ベストアンサー率80% (9721/12093)

>findの訳し方がよくわからないときがあります。「思う」と訳せばいいと考えていますが、下の文のようなときは意味が通らなくなります。find の訳し方について教えてください。宜しくお願いします。 ⇒確かに「思う」ないし「分かる」というニュアンスで使われることがよくありますね。例えば、 I found English very difficult.「私は英語がとてもむずかしいと分かった。」 しかし、本文の場合は少し違って、find oneself「自分がいる(←自分自身を見出す)」の例ですね。 >He moved between us and the door as he spoke.  中略 Slowly,the professor cooled down and moved away from the door. We were happy to find ourselves outside the house and in the quiet street ⇒「彼は話しながら我々とドアの間を動き回っていた。…徐々に、教授は興奮からさめ、ドアから遠ざかっていった。我々は戸外の静かな通りにいて幸運だった。」 この場合、to find ourselvesが「いる」という意味なら、これをto beに代えられるか。 ⇒代えられないことはないが、ニュアンスが少し異なる。「意識や意図があるかないかの違い」です。次の例を見てください。 I was under the bed.「私はベッドの下に(もしかしたら、隠れて)いた。」 I found myself under the bed.「私は(気づいたら)ベッドの下にいた。」




その他の回答 (3)

  • Him-hymn
  • ベストアンサー率66% (3489/5257)

findの基本的な意味は (努力して)(偶然に)発見する(宮岸羽合編著、英単語レボリューションより) です。 ご質問の文では「(偶然に)発見する」→「偶然~にいることに気づく」「気づいたら~にいる」の意味になります。 ただ、これは日本語にはない表現方法なので難しく感じるのだと思います。 We found ourselves outside the house.  気づいたら、家の外にいた。 I found myself lying in a hospital bed. 気づいたら、病院に横たわっていた。 I found myself falling in love. 気づいたら、恋におちいっていた。 I found myself copying him and his mannerisms. 気づいたら、彼とそのマナーをそっくり真似していた。 Watching the baseball game on TV, I found myself shouting. テレビで野球を観ていたら、気づいたら、叫んでいた。 こんなふうに使います。 以上、ご参考になればと思います。




  • sknuuu
  • ベストアンサー率43% (408/934)

findの意味を英英辞典で調べると,意味としてdiscoverという単語が多く使われていると思います 日本語に訳すと,「発見する」「(今まで知らなかったことを)知る,わかる」という意味です この意味でfindは大体訳せます How do you find Japan? 「日本に来てみてどう思いましたか?(=それまでは来たことがないからわからない)」 だからWhat do you think of Japan? というのとはちょっと違う意味合いが含まれます だから,質問の文も(もうちょっとcontextがほしいんですが)「家の外にいて,静かな道の通りに面したところにいてよかった」という意味でいいと思います この場合は,自分たちの状況を「(気がつくと)静かな場所にいた」と客観的に表現しているのだと思います そういう状況にいたから,cool downもできたのではないでしょうか 何で行ったり来たりしていたかわからないので(1文の前にその理由がある書いてるはず)推測です





こんばんは。 この場合のfindは、~だと分かる、気がつく という意味ではないでしょうか? 参考にして頂ければ幸いです。





  • 日本語訳を!

    お願いします (17) The priests who performed Tut's funeral had poured sacred oils over the mummy and the coffin. The oils glued the two together. Carter tried to loosen the resin by warming it in the hot desert sun, but it was no use. Tut was stuck. They called in a professor of anatomy to perform the examination on Tut's remains. The professor sliced away the linen wrappings only to find that it wasn't just the wrappings stuck to the coffin. The body was stuck, too. First the professor tried to chisel away the body, and when that didn't work, he tried heated knives. Finally, he hacked the torso in half and removed the body by sections. How much would we have been able to learn using today's scientific methods had the body not been so brutally handled? (18) The arm and leg bones pulled from their joints allowed the professor to calculate King Tut's age. He was about 18 years old when he died. He was thin, and five feet six inches all. Cause of death was never bonsidered.

  • 和訳

    Soseki stayed in Britain for two years. During his stay,he lived in five different boarding houses. He stayed at the first two for only a few weeks each because the rents were too high. The third boarding house was cheap,but some months later,the landlady decided to move to a different area and open a new boarding house. Soseki was not at all fond of the landlady,but he did like her sister,Kate Brett. Unlike the landlady,Kate was a quiet and thoughtful woman. When Kate asked him to move to the new house with them,he accepted. Soon a young Japanese scientist,Ikeda Kikunae,moved in. He was a very bright person,and Soseki must have enjoyed his company. After a few months though,Ikeda moved to another place,and it encouraged Soseki to look for a better boarding house. He put an ad in the paper: “Japanese gentleman looking for boarding with an English family,with literary taste. Quiet and convenient flat in N.,or S.W. preferred.” 和訳していただければ嬉しいです

  • 和訳

    Soseki stayed in Britain for two years. During his stay,he lived in five different boarding houses. He stayed at the first two for only a few weeks each because the rents were too high. The third boarding house was cheap,but some months later,the landlady decided to move to a different area and open a new boarding house. Soseki was not at all fond of the landlady,but he did like her sister,Kate Brett. Unlike the landlady,Kate was a quiet and thoughtful woman. When Kate asked him to move to the new house with them,he accepted. Soon a young Japanese scientist,Ikeda Kikunae,moved in. He was a very bright person,and Soseki must have enjoyed his company. After a few months though,Ikeda moved to another place,and it encouraged Soseki to look for a better boarding house. He put an ad in the paper: “Japanese gentleman looking for boarding with an English family,with literary taste. Quiet and convenient flat in N.,or S.W. preferred.” 和訳していただけたら嬉しいです。

  • 翻訳をお願い致します。

    He also said that the band are comfortable being a greatest hits bands and find that whenever they go outside their comfort zone it is unrewarding and fans don’t care.

  • 翻訳をお願い致します!

    During the middle of the last encore song, (Unglued), my friend and I walked outside of the venue and waited by the stage door. Scott came out stumbling, and seemed lost. I shook his hand, but I don't even think he knew I was there. Some other people got their stuff signed, but I forgot a sharpie so I was out of luck with that. Doug walked out after, and my friend and I said “great show”. He seemed like a cool dude. All in all, I would see Scott again if he comes 15 minutes away from my house, but I do fear that he is back on something more than the bottle. Hopefully he stops doing STP songs, and cleans up with his new solo record.”

  • 例文解説してください

    次の文を解説してください。 (1)He wants to get outside, and as far away from high buildings as he can. この文章なんですが、andの後にwant to get という言葉が省略されているのですか? でももしそうだとしたら、get+距離 をあらわす形容詞で、何かの意味があるんですか?このand以下からわがいまいちつかめないので、ご解説お願いします。 これは文じゃないのですが、「diet」という単語を見たんですが、辞書には 不加算名詞で「規定食」 加算・不加算で「常食」って意味なんですが、まったく逆だと思うんですが、どうしてこのような反する意味になのですか?教えてください

  • 英語 問題

    Soseki stayed in Britain for two years. During his stay,he lived in five different boarding houses. He stayed at the first two for only a few weeks each because the rents were too high. The third boarding house was cheap,but some months later,the landlady decided to move to a different area and open a new boarding house. Soseki was not at all fond of the landlady,but he did like her sister,Kate Brett. Unlike the landlady,Kate was a quiet and thoughtful woman. When Kate asked him to move to the new house with them,he accepted. Soon a young Japanese scientist,Ikeda Kikunae,moved in. He was a very bright person,and Soseki must have enjoyed his company. After a few months though,Ikeda moved to another place,and it encouraged Soseki to look for a better boarding house. He put an ad in the paper: “Japanese gentleman looking for boarding with an English family,with literary taste. Quiet and convenient flat in N.,or S.W. preferred.” 上の文章は以前訳してもらった英文です。 上の文章に基づいて下の問いに英語で答えてもらいたいです。 1、Why did Soseki leave the first two boarding houses? 2、What boarding house do you think was ideal for Soseki? 3、What kind of person was Ikeda Kikunae?

  • 文の意味(つながり)がわかりません。

    She paused and looked at the boy standing awkardly as near the door as he could be and still be inside the house. "and still be inside the house"の主語は誰ですか。何故動詞はbe(原形)になっているのでしょうか。

  • 強調構文の時制について教えてください。

    別サイトの”教えて!Goo”で見つけた質問文です。 http://okwave.jp/qa/q4405305.html It was not until he had been away from home for many days that he found how he loved his father and mother.   この文章、過去完了形が使われていてすごく不自然な感じがあります。 (でも、回答では誰も訂正していないので正しい文なのだと思います) 私は言い換え文で悩んでしまいました。 He didn't find how he loved his father and mother until he had been away from home for many days.→? 色々調べましたが、強調構文で過去完了を使って時差を表している文が見当たりません。 時制はどうしたらいいのでしょうか? 事の流れがわかるから、私は全部過去形で書きたいです。

  • 和訳をよろしくお願いします

    Q. Opposite of hoarding?: You field a lot of questions about hoarding behavior. Is there such a thing as the opposite of a hoarder? I’ve been dating a guy for a few weeks, he has seemed great and without obvious quirks ... outside of his house. He lives alone in a big house that is very empty. There are several totally empty closets and bare shelves. There is not a photo or picture to be seen. He takes mail from his mailbox directly to the trash bins outside and sorts it there. He takes mail from his mailbox directly to the trash bins outside and sorts it there.の和訳をよろしくお願いします