• ベストアンサー
※ ChatGPTを利用し、要約された質問です(原文:文法(2))



  • ベストアンサー
  • marbleshit
  • ベストアンサー率49% (5033/10253)

【1】英文の空所にあてはまる語を入れなさい。ただし、最初の1文字は与えられている。  (1) Please (answer) the phone if someone calls us.  (2) Antonio’s (mother) tongue is Spanish. He is from Mexico.  (3) “May I turn on the light?” “Sure. Please go (ahead)”  (4) Please give my best (regards) to your family. 【2】各組の英文の(  )に共通して入る適語を答えなさい。  (1)(a)Why didn’t you (keep) your promise?    (b)I ran hard to (keep) up with the marathon runner.  (2)(a)”Have you called Kenta yet?” “I did, but the line was (busy)”    (b)The street was (busy) with a lot of cars and pedestrians.  (3)(a)It might (take) me a few weeks to complete this work.    (b)The airplane didn’t (take) off on time.  (4)(a)I don’t (waste) my money. I only but what I really need.    (b)The problem is how to reduce industrial (waste).





  • 英語単語を並べ替えて意味の通る文章にする問題です

    そんなに難しくはなさそうなのですが いまいちよく分からない上に答えがありません どなたかお力添えを頂けると助かります 意味の通る英文になるように()内の単語を並べ替えなさい  ・ ( go  You  to  must ) the hospital.  ・ I ( need  tonight  study  to).  ・ Please ( not do on the step grass ).  ・ My name is Sayaka ( call but Saya me please).  ・ ( very I during the was nervous ) intervew. 以上になります お手数ですが和訳も合わせて記入して頂けると助かります 宜しくお願い致します。

  • 英文法について教えてください。

    次の下線部の動詞について,それぞれの動詞が「自動詞」か「他動詞」かを答えよ。 1. I would (1)love to go to the exhibition with you,but I’m afraid I can’t (2)spare time. 2. She (3)promised that she would pay me this week,but she didn’t (4)keep her word. 3. My telephone (5)is out of order so I’ll have to ask my neighbor if I can (6)borrow his. 4. The teacher (7)told her students what to (8)write in their notebook. 5. A young man (9)wearing glasses and pajamas (10)rushed into the room. 以上です。よろしくお願い致します。

  • 意味と文法的解説をよろしくお願いします

    I was supposed to be getting married this weekend, but 10 days ago my fiancée called it off saying, “It wasn’t right.” This was a huge blow, of course, and I’m still struggling with it. My problem is that once it was announced I was inundated with messages from people asking about their gifts. I get that they want their gifts back, and I’m going to return everything. But I really need some space here just for a few days until I can get to a better place. Is it rude to put out a message on social media just saying that? just saying that?の意味と文法的解説をよろしくお願いします

  • 文法的にわかりません

    Dear Prudence, I was pretty badly bullied in high school for my appearance and being two years younger than everyone else. In college I started lifting weights, “blossomed” into my looks and life got much better. But the emotional scars remained. Earlier this year I started a new job and discovered the administrative assistant for my group was one of my bullies from high school. I know she recognized me because she made a joke about how much I’d changed and said we had to “catch up sometime.” I was cold but polite for the sake of our professional relationship, but she must have mistaken it for forgiveness, because last week at a work happy hour, she apologized again that “everyone” was so rough on me in high school—then she hit on me. I was so infuriated that I ended up being very cruel and mocked her until she left in tears. It turns out revenge doesn’t feel so good after all, and I’ve been avoiding her entirely. I’m afraid my boss is going to start asking why I’m wasting time on things the admin should be doing. Still I don’t feel like apologizing to her, because what kind of jerk hits on someone they used to treat like dirt? Should I tell my boss what happened? I know he values me highly, so he might be willing to let me work with his administrative assistant, but I’m afraid that might come off as childish. —Did I Bully My Bully? I don’t want to rub your face in what might have been, but you could absolutely have brought this issue up with your boss before the incident occurred. Had you told him it would be difficult for you to work with your former high school bully, he might have been able to set you up with his own administrative assistant before things got to the breaking point. Had you told him it would be difficult for you to work with your former high school bully, he might have been able to set you up with his own administrative assistant before things got to the breaking point.のカンマのあとはtold himを受けてthatが省略されているのでしょうか?よろしくお願いします

  • この英文の意味と文法を教えてください!

    この英文の意味と文法を教えてください! I would be happy to chat through skype, if your fine with it. I'm not sure how to connect with someone on it, since I barely use it.But i will try my best. Message me back. Bye

  • 【至急・英語】 高校英文法 <準動詞編>

    準動詞(不定詞・動名詞・分詞)の分からないor自信のない問題を載せました。 力を貸して頂けるとありがたいです。 解答だけでも助かりますが、解説までつけて下さると非常に助かります!! どうぞよろしくお願いします。 【A】 次の2つの英文(a)と(b)がほぼ同じ意味になるように、空所に適語を入れなさい。  (a) I went all the way to my friend's house, but in vain.  (b) I went all the way to my friend's house, ( ) to find him out. 【B】 次の日本語とほぼ同じ意味になるように、( )内の語を並びかえなさい。  ただソファの上で、気を楽にしてればいいんですよ。   All (you / is / have / do / to) relax on the sofa. 【C】 次の英文の[ ]内の中で誤りのある箇所を記号で指摘し、それを正しい英語に直しなさい。  (1) The strong wind made (ア)[it] (イ)[impossible] (ウ)[by] the plane to (エ)[land].  (2) What a mess! Everything has been smashed (ア)[to] pieces. There seems to (イ)[be] a fight (ウ)[or something] (エ)[here].  (3) If you (ア)[will] be (イ)[enough kind] to wait for a moment, I'll have the necessary documents (ウ)[prepared] so that you can (エ)[look them over] here.  (4) (ア)[At] first he was not good at (イ)[to play] tennis, but (ウ)[enentually] he (エ)[got to] enjoy the game.  (5) The idea (ア)[of] my watch (イ)[to be] wrong (ウ)[didn't] (エ)[occur] to me.  (6) I (ア)[was walking] over the bridge when I (イ)[saw] (ウ)[a] UFO (エ)[shaping] like a cigar.  (7) (ア)[Comparing with] Americans, (イ)[Japanese people] are more likely to go (ウ)[in groups] (エ)[when traveling], even in their own country.  (8) (ア)[Comparing] (イ)[with] other (ウ)[countries], Japan is a very expensive country to live (エ)[in]. 以上10問です。

  • 文法的に分かりません

    Dear Amy: I recently received a postcard from the sheriff's department stating that a neighbor is a "registered sex offender." The notification said his crime was committed 30 years ago and that he failed to register properly when he moved here. It does not state where the original offense occurred. I've been on a neighborly first-name basis with him for several years in our community and he has always seemed like a nice enough guy, though I don't know him well. I don't feel threatened by him. We waved and exchanged a "Hi" yesterday for the first time since I received the notice. I assume he knows all of his neighbors have received it. I hate to display my ignorance, but what, if anything, has changed with receipt of that postcard? -- Wondering Neighbor Dear Neighbor: What has changed is your knowledge that your neighbor committed a crime against another person 30 years ago. You can learn as much as is legally allowable by using the sex offender database to search your neighbor's record. as much as is legally allowableが文法的に分かりません。isの前に何か省略されているのでしょうか?意味も教えてください。よろしくお願いします

  • 日本語に訳して欲しいです

    I am Capt Ken Anderson a United States solider in Afghanistan. I was married before but my wife is late and i am left with my little daughter who is in USA under the care of a nanny. i am 46 years and i wish to have a good relationship with you.bye please send me email

  • 英語 文法 穴うめ

    ・(  )に入る適語を下から選び、記号で答えなさい。 1. I was born ( ) February 29, 1992.   a: in b: on c: at d: of 2. Steve bought that PC ( ) only ten dollars.   a: to b: at c: in d: for 3. The concert will start ( ) seven thirty.   a: in b: at c: on d: with 4. ( ) my stay in Kyoto, I visited many famous temples.   a: During b: While c: At d: In 5. Do not speak ( ) your mouth full.   a: on b: at c:in d: with よろしくお願いします。何度もすみません_(._.)_

  • 訳しかたを文法的に教えて下さい。

    T1 ) Isn't a bonus a considerable amount of money in japan? D1) Yes, bonuses and commissions in Japan are quite high, because they encourage people to work harder. T2) The promise of promotion is also a great motivator,right? D2 ) Yes,but big promotions such as those to the board of directors with a higher spending allowance are hard to get. T3 ) I see. I've also heard many Japanese want to stay the same company until they retire. Do you think it's old -fashioned to give such priority to the same company for your whole life? D3) Yeah, I do. that way of thinking is thoroughly out-of-date. 上記の英文のD2 ) Yes,but big promotions such as those to the board of directors with a higher spending allowance are hard to get. をどの様に訳していけばいいかわかりません。また those が何を指してるのかもわかりません。 また、T3 )の to give suchの箇所でつまづいて訳すことができません。 教えて下さい。よろしくお願いします。