• 締切済み






  • 歌詞の内容

    ネット上で検索してみたんですが、歌詞がわからなくて・・・。 エドワード・エルガー作曲、作品39「威風堂々」の1番についている、「Land of Hope and Glory"」という題名の歌詞です。 Land of Hope and Glory,Mother of the Free, How shall we extol thee who are born of thee? Wider still and wider shall thy bounds be set: God,who made thee mighty,make thee mightier yet. この2行目と3行目が、訳せないんです。 2行目の「born of thee」や、3行目全般が、文の形式がつかめなくて・・・。 どうかよろしくお願いします。

  • and は順接か並列かどちら?

    Arise, shine; for thy light is come, and the glory of the LORD is risen upon thee. この接続詞 "and" は 順接(何々せよ、そうすれば)なのか 並列(for the glory of...)なのかどちらでしょうか?

  • 日本語訳をお願いします!

    詩の形式なので、日本語に直すのが難しいです…!日本語訳をお願いします。 BELOVED SANAT KUMARA Sanat Kumara, gracious Lord and King- Before your throne, our homage now we bring. Offerings and gifts of humble service true, Reverence and gratitude to God for you! Humbly we bow before your glorious throne, Clothe us in love and make us all your own! Give us your courage, strength and patience rare; Flood through us Venus’ love for all to share. Flood us with light, sustain us by your power, Give us your wisdom, guide us every hour, Seal us in peace- in love’s own God-control; Let your great wings of love our worlds enfold. You are God’s glory, majesty and grace! Your patient care has held for Earth her place. All through the ages that have gone before- Your love has been for Earth the open door. Now lift our Earth from strain and stress today, Free all her life - so earnestly we pray! Forces of nature, elementals, too, Sanat Kumara, dear! ALL call to you! Glory and honor unto you belong! Let all men free you now in grateful song! Let all that lives upon this planet raise Heart, soul and spirit to your name in praise! Great Central Sun, your gifts of love we call. For our dear friend of Light and Lord of All! Bless his dear Venus - Goddess from the Sun; Bless their dear planet and all life thereon!

  • これどういう意味ですか?

    Let us go. Come. Our separation so abides and flies That thou, residing here, goes yet with me, And I, hence fleeting, here remain with thee. Away! これどういう意味ですか? うまく訳せません わかる方、教えてください。

  • 訳について

    Sure, we've got to balance the budget. And we will. We have to be extremely careful with every dollar that we spend. But we've also got to take of our family and not slash programs people need. We should be enabling, healing, curing.One of the smartest things we can do about disability is invest in research that will protect us from disease and lead to cures. This country has a long history of doing just that. When we put our minds to a problem, we can usually find solutions. But our scientists can do more. And we've got to give them the chance.の翻訳お願いします。自分で訳したら「確かに、我々は予算の均衡を保たなければなりません。そして、我々はそうします。我々は、我々が使うあらゆるドルに、とても注意しなければなりません。しかし、我々は家族を取って、人々が必要とするプログラムを切らなくなりもしました。我々は効果的でなければなりません。そして、回復します。そして、病気が直ります。我々が障害についてすることができる最も利口なことのうちの1つは、我々を病気から保護して、治療に至る研究に投資することです。この国には、ちょうどそれをした長い経歴があります。我々が我々の心を問題に至らせたとき、我々は通常解決を見つけることができます。しかし、我々の科学者は、それ以上のことができます。そして、我々は彼らにチャンスを与えなければなりません。」となりました。

  • 日本語訳で困っています。

    日本語訳で困っています。だれか教えてください。お願いします。 (1)Controlling greenhouse gases will be more difficult, because carbon dioxide ― the major greenhouse gas ― is more closely linked to the global economy than CFCs ever were. (2)Transforming our economy ― and changing our personal habits ― will be a challenge. (3)But our experience with the ozone layer shows us that the people of the world actually can work together to repair some of our own mistakes, despite our often conflicting political and economic interests. (4)Today, as the CO2 crisis unites us, we must remember the lesson of the CFC battle;that cool heads can prevail and alter the course of environmental change for the better.   (4)のCO2は二酸化炭素の意味です。

  • 次の英詩の訳を教えてください。

    Swiftly walk over the western wave, Spirit of Night! Out of the misty eastern cave Where, all the long and lone daylight, Thou wovest dreams of joy and fear, Which make thee terrible and dear, Swift be thy flight! (Percy Bysshe Shelley) (試訳) 西洋の波をゆっくりと歩いて越えていく 夜の気分 東洋の霞のかかった洞窟からの脱出 ?

  • 英文を訳して下さい。

    to bless your's job, strengthen her to achieve the goal of her career, to be an excellent in your work with satisfaction and good channel in good things. bless me to be an outstanding businessman to help more people with the wisdom and talent from God. Dear Father God, help us to achieve our career and financial goal that we would have more time for our sweet relationship and love. May Go bless us to be the blessings to people via our jobs. よろしくお願いします。

  • 次の英文の訳をお願いします

    Lindner's Educational Publishing is organizing a promotional event to take place on March 11. And, as one of our most valued customers, you are invited to celebrate with us! The event will be held in the conference room of the Benton Hotel. All of our employees will be attenfding, as will several of our investors and customers, like yourself. The purpose of the gathering will be to introduce our newest line of educational books for elementary students. We feel that this series has potential to become one of our best sellers! Please see the attached sales packet for more information on this exciting series. If you would like to join us on March 11, please call Mr. Nacy in our customer relations office at 39-46

  • 訳お願いします!

    "And when we put in a crop, why, we'd be there to take the crop up. We'd know what come of our planting." を、訳してほしいです!