• ベストアンサー


不思議な国のアリス 冒頭を訳してるんですがとてもおかしいです 何かアドバイスお願いします。 Alice was begin to get very tired of sitting next to her sister by the river and of haveing nothing to do : アリスはたくさんてにいれるためにセッティングしようと試み始めていたのだった 次に彼女は川と何もないことを抱いていた

  • 英語
  • 回答数3
  • ありがとう数3


  • ベストアンサー

Alice was begin to get very tired of sitting next to her sister by the river and of having nothing to do : 「アリスは、彼女の姉の隣に座っていることと、何もすることがないことに、大変に退屈になっていった」  ↓ 「アリスは、川辺でお姉さんの隣に座っていたけど、とても退屈になってきた。だって、何もすることがなかったから。」



今読み直したらtriedとtiredを間違えて辞書ひいてたりめちゃくちゃでした(汗 回答ありがとうございました。

その他の回答 (2)

  • SPS700
  • ベストアンサー率46% (15295/33014)

    アリスは、川岸で姉の傍にすわって、何もする事が無いのに、退屈しはじめていた、     Alice was begin to get very tired of アリスは、退屈し始めていた     sitting next to her sister by the river 川の近くで、姉の横にすわって     and of haveing nothing to do 何もする事がなくて     



今読み直したらtriedとtiredを間違えて辞書ひいてたりめちゃくちゃでした(汗 回答ありがとうございました。

  • tanuki4u
  • ベストアンサー率33% (2764/8360)

http://ameblo.jp/crell/entry-10080494088.html なんか そもそも 日本が違うんじゃないの? was begin と 本動詞が2つあるのも変



そうですねbeginingです。 回答ありがとうございます。


  • どうしても分らない文法

    Tom was beginning to get very tired of sitting by her sisiter on the bank and of having nothing to do. 上記の文章でand以降の"of having nothing to do"文法が良く分りません、宜しくお願いします!

  • 日本語と英語の比較

    いつもお世話になっています。 以下の言語的事実を表している文を分析するという課題が出されました。 1 日本語は自然とそうなるという表現を好む「ナル」言語であり、英語は同じ事態を構成する上で「ス ル」という表現を好む「スル」言語である 2 英語は所有表現を好む「HAVE言語」であり、日本語は存在表現を好む「BE言語」である 自分でも探してみたのですが、以下の文がこれらに当てはまっているか確認をお願いします。 「ナル」と「スル」 (1)アリスはそのとき土手の上で、姉さんのそばにすわっていたけれど、何もすることはないし、たいくつでたまらなくなってきてね。 ALICE was beginning to get very tired of sitting by her sister on the bank and of having nothing to do (2)脳神経外科で国内有数の北原脳神経外科病院(東京都八王子市)が来年早々、カンボジアに進出することが明らかになった。 Kitahara Neurosurgical Institute, one of Japan's leading neurosurgical medical centers, is planning to build a large-scale general hospital in Cambodia, a first for a Japanese hospital, it has been learned (3)前の世紀がモノの豊かさを追求する時代であったならば、21世紀は人材、文化、知恵が、豊かさの基盤としてますます求められることになるでしょう。 If the previous century was an age in which we pursued material affluence, the twenty-first century should be one in which human resources, culture, and wisdom are increasingly sought as the foundations of well-being. 「HAVE」と「BE」 (1)アリスはそのとき土手の上で、姉さんのそばにすわっていたけれど、何もすることはないし、たいくつでたまらなくなってきてね。 ALICE was beginning to get very tired of sitting by her sister on the bank and of having nothing to do: (2)姉さんの読んでいる本を一、二度のぞいてみたけれど、挿絵もなければせりふもでてこない。 once or twice she had peeped into the book her sister was reading, but it had no pictures or conversations in it, (3)石炭や鉄といった資源・材料の共有を目的に設置された共同体が、通貨や外交政策まで共有する連合に発展し、これが20世紀の地域共同体のモデルとなりました。 This Community, established with the goal of sharing the resources and materials of coal and steel, developed into a Union which even has a common currency and foreign policy, and this became the twentieth-century model for regional communities. (4)民間から出資を募る株式会社病院とし、7年かけて医科大学を併設する大規模総合病院(1000床規模)とし、東南アジア各国から患者を呼び込む計画。将来的には現地で株式上場を目指す。 Officials plan to make the hospital a private corporation that will receive its funding from private sector investors and hope to have the hospital listed on Cambodia's stock market. よろしくお願いします。

  • 言語的事実の比較

    課題が出されたのですが、やり方がいまいち分からないので、どなたか良い方法を教えてください。 課題の内容は、日本語版と英語版の同一内容の文章を比較するというものです。 1.日本語は自動詞構文を好み、英語は他動詞構文を好む 2.日本語は自然とそうなるという表現を好む「ナル」言語であり、英語は同じ事態を構成する上で「スル」という表現を好む「スル」言語である (例)I found that I wanted to see him again.    私は彼に会いたく「なった」。 3.英語は所有表現を好む「HAVE言語」であり、日本語は存在表現を好む「BE言語」である (例)I 「have」 two children.   私は子供が二人「いる」 上記の三点の言語的事実が実際の翻訳物でも用いられているかどうか調べるという内容です。 調べるのは、動詞になると思うのですが、どの範囲まで調べれば、正確な結果がだせるでしょうか? 例えば、 (1)自動詞と他動詞の数を数えるときは、述語動詞だけではなく、準動詞も動詞として数にいれるべきか。日本語の動詞はどのように数えればいいのか。 (2)2と3の言語的事実を調べるときも全ての動詞を対象とするべきか。 具体例を出しておきます。 以下のような文章ではどのように数えて比較すればいいでしょうか? <英語版> Alice was beginning to get very tired of sitting by her sister on the bank and of having nothing to do: once or twice she had peeped into the book her sister was reading, but it had no pictures or conversations in it, "and what is the use of a book," thought Alice, "without pictures or conversations?" <日本語版> アリスはそのとき土手の上で、姉さんのそばにすわっていたけれど、何もすることはないし、たいくつでたまらなくなってきてね。姉さんの読んでいる本を一、二度のぞいてみたけれど、挿絵もなければせりふもでてこない。「挿絵もせりふもない本なんて、どこがいいんだろう」と思ってさ。 アドバイスなど何でも結構です。 どなたかご回答よろしくお願いします。

  • 英文の和訳お願いします

    和訳お願いします。 One summer's day in 1862, a young man and a pretty little girl got into a rowing boat on the River Thames. The man was Charles Dodgson, a professor of mathematics at Oxford University, and the pretty dark-haired girl was Alice Liddell, his friend's daughter. It was a very hot day and as he gently rowed the boat on the peace- ful river, his young companion began to get restless. "Tell me a story," she said, "with plenty of nonsense in it." So Dodgson began to invent a fantastic story to amuse his pretty young friend. "Alice was beginning to get very tired," he began, "sitting with nothing to do... Dodgson made Alice the central character of the story, and as he described her fantastic journey, little Alice Liddell listened atten- tively, smiled, laughed and cried. This was the beginning of a story that would captivate children throughout the world for the next hundred years. He called the story, "Alice's Adventures in Wonder land' and published it under the name of Lewis Carroll. In the winter of 1928, a little old lady entered Sotheby's, a fa mous auctioneer's in London. "Excuse me," she said, "I was told you accept manuscripts for auction. You see, I need some money, so I would like to sell thi old manuscript. "Yes, we do accept manuscripts," said the auctioneer, "but they have to be original and by famous authors. "This is an original manuscript, it was given to me many years ago by a friend of my family," replied the old lady, "I don't want to part with it, but I have to sell it." She handed him the manuscript. He opened it and read the hand- written inscription inside. "A Christmas gift to a dear child in memory of a Summer's day. The auctioneer stopped reading and looked up at the little old woman who was standing in front of him. Tears were rolling down her cheeks. You... you are Alice," he said slowly. "Yes," replied the old lady, "I am Alice." The manuscript was sold to an American collector for $77,000, and Alice lived comfortably until her death.

  • 英語が得意な人に質問

    昨日は、とても暑かったので、私達は、川へ泳ぎに行きました。 これを、英文にする時、私の解答は、 Because it was very hot yesterday,we went to swim to river. でした。 だけど、解答は、 We went swining in a river because it was so hotyesterday. 私の解答があたっているか教えてください。 そして、soが何故あるのか中2レベルの解説付きでお願いします。

  • 英語長文です。答えを教えてください。

    About fifteen years ago a little girl was sitting in a rusty wheelchair outside the central hospital of Maputo, the capital of Mozambique. The girl had no legs and she was perhaps ten years old. Her name was Sofia. Today, Sofia is one of my closest and dearest friends.(1No one has taught me as much as she about the conditions of being human. )Nor has anyone taught me more about poor people's unprecedented power of resistance--those who are forced to survive at the bottom of society in a world we all share and inhabit :so unjust and brutal. It was early in the morning. Sofia and her sister were running along a small road in her village. Sofia knew very well that she and her sister should keep to the road. There was something she called (2earth crocodiles) buried in the ground by the side of the road and they could snap at you. The girls were running. Children play, as it is their given right, and they forget, which is also their given right. With her right foot Sofia accidentally stepped to the side of the road. She put her foot on a land mine. However, (3the mine had been placed in the ground in such a manner that the major part of the explosion that followed was directed at her sister Maria, )who died instantly. Sofia was brought to the hospital, drenched in her own blood. The doctor who took care of Sofia when she arrived at the hospital said, "Since she was so seriously damaged, we were hoping that Sofia would die along with her sister. Her legs torn apart, her chest blown to pieces, everything." Yet Sofia survived. She had greater strength than the entire military industrial complex that tried to take her life, which continues to hold the poor hostage, the poor who cannot defend themselves (4on equal terms. )Within her body and mind Sofia carried with her the strong will to ( 5 ) of the poor people of the world. Today, Sofia has become a symbol all around the world of the resistance against the usage of land mines. For many young people, she has become a heroine. She is a heroine for me as well. When I saw Sofia walk with her new artificial legs, I experienced profound happiness in my life. At that very moment I also claimed what would later be my, as well as Sofia's, motto in life. "It is never too late! Everything is still possible!" In an instant her life was blown apart, but she resisted and she fought back. Nothing could defeat her. What Sofia brings me is hope, hope for the future. Her (6indomitable) spirit cannot be broken. 問題 1.下線部(1)を日本語に直しなさい。 2.下線部(2)と同じものを具体的に表す語句を本文中からそのまま抜き出しなさい。ただし、単複数の別は問わないものとする。 3.下線部(3)を日本語に直しなさい。 4.下線部(4)の意味として最も適切なものを選びなさい。 (1)対等に (2)条件付きで (3)仲良く (4)同じ用語で 5.空所(5)に入れるのに最も適切なものを選びなさい。 (1) learn (2) walk (3) resist (4) play 6.下線部(6)の意味として最も適切なものを選びなさい。 (1)impossible to discourage (2) having an optimistic view of life (3) independent-minded (4) very friendly and helpful 7.本文の内容に合うものを2つ選びなさい。 (1)About fifteen years ago, the author visited the central hospital of Maputo to see one of his closest friends, Sofia . (2) It was quite natural for Sofia and her sister to forget about land mines buried in the ground while running along the road. (3) Sofia was so hopelessly injured that the medical staff at the hospital gave up doing anything to help her survive. (4) Among those around the world who are against using land mines, Sofia is admired as a symbol of resistance. (5) The author decided his motto in life on seeing Sofia walk with her new artificial legs.

  • 英語

    1 When I told Meg the news, she seemed (). アsurprising イto have surprised ウto surprise エsurprised 2 Although my trip to Okinawa was very (), I enjoyed it. アexcited イexciting ウtired エtiring 3 Tell me a word () with A. アbegin イbegins ウbegan エbeginning 4 You will find the word “psychology” () under “P” in your dictionary. アhave listed イlist ウlisted エlisting 5 Tom must be made () reality. アface イfacing ウto face エto facing 6 Mariko had her bag () and lost all her money. アsteal イstole ウstealing エstolen 7 The girl had her mother () her favorite book when she went to sleep. アread イreads ウto read エreading 8 This is so good product that I got my husband () it. アuse イusing ウto use エshould use 9 “Haven't we met somewhere before?” “Yes, I remember () you at the party last week.” アmeeting イof meeting ウto meet エto meeting 10 This letter is important and it must reach him as soon as possible. Please don't forget () it tomorrow morning. アmail イmailing ウto mail エmailed I (the book,chapters,had,when,read,the first few,hardly,of) I became tired of reading it. I was happy (had given,him,I,interested in,the book,the boy,to find). Shakespeare (as,still looked,that England,the greatest poets,is,has,one,of,upon) ever produced. 以上です。解説等、お願い致します。

  • 英語の質問です!

    These books are all Tom's. () of them belong to me. 1 All 2 Some 3 None 4 Few The climate of Tokyo is milder than () of New York. 1 it 2 this 3 that 4 one She knew that she looked most charming() her green dress. 1 to 2 for 3 in 4 of Summer vacation begins () July 20. 1 at 2 from 3 in 4 on I sometimes have to work late () I'm tired. 1 even as 2 despite 3 in spite of 4 even thought We were () after playing tennis all afternoon. 1 tiring 2 to tire 3 tired 4 have tired My friends hope you'll come back soon and (). 1 I do so 2 I too so 3 so I do 4 so do I Susan () on her back and stretched out on the grass. 1 laid 2 lay 3 lied 4 lies The policeman () the boy of shoplifting. 1 blamed 2 doubted 3 suspected 4 wondered 解答と解説お願いします!

  • [英語] ()に当てはまるものを教えて下さい><

    1. I thought it was a bad idea for Sally to go hiking all alone, so I tried to talk her () it. (1) against (2) away from (3) out of (4) up against 2. The boy begged his parents () the toy for him. (1) bought (2) buy (3) should buy (4) to buy 3. The theater was filled to (). (1) capacity (2) completion (3) fullness (4) size 4. If you () to water the flowers every day, they may die. (1) neglect (2) object (3) reflect (4) reject 5. William got () nothing for designing the new library computer system. (1) beside for (2) even in (3) next to (4) of for

  • [英語]()に入るものを教えて下さい><

    1. These books will give you () about the topic. (1) useful information (2) a useful information (3) an useful information (4) some useful information 2. You have to change () at the next station for New York. (1) train (2) trains (3) a train (4) the train 3. You can see a () of small fish in the river. (1) herd (2) flock (3) pack (4) school 4. () of the boys plays very well in the baseball game. (1) Each (2) Every (3) All (4) Some 5. I consider () necessary to meet him in a week. (1) it (2) one (3) this (4) that 6. This brand of coffee is different from () I usually buy. (1) one (2) the one (3) which (4) it 7. The twin sisters look so much alike that I can't tell one from (). (1) other (2) another (3) the other (4) others 8. I don't want () of these two dresses. (1) nothing (2) either (3) neither (4) none