• ベストアンサー
※ ChatGPTを利用し、要約された質問です(原文:エッセイの一部にわからないところがあります。訳を教)



  • ベストアンサー

incidental というのは,「何かにともなって行われ,主ではない」 読書の場合,読むこと自体に対してページをめくるというのは,ともなっているが, もちろん,本の内容を読むことが主である。 いい本というのは,字から字へ,ページからページへと展開していくという。 でも,ふつう,ページをめくるというのは(展開していくわけで,後に進まないといけない, ページをめくらないといけないんだけど)付随的なもので(必要なんだろうけど,主ではない, どうでもいい,やりたくないようなもの),長い本ならなおさら,煩わしい。 (自分的には)何かが9ページに起きようが,289ページに起きようが,問題ない。 (9ページにあってもいいのに,展開していくわけだから,289ページに進まないといけないんだろうなあ) 本を読んでいると,時に,本を持ちあげなくてもよくなればいいのになあ,と思うことがある。 それだけ重たく感じるからだが,動くスクリーンか巻物の上で,ちょうどいい速度で, 活字の海が自動的にめくれていって,一度に一文字ずつ焦点が合うような場面を空想するのである。



詳しくかみくだいてくださって、ありがとうございます! お礼が遅くなってすみません!


  • 大学留学応募の際のエッセイについて

    お願いします。下記のお題でエッセイを提出します。文法、文章の流れなど添削頂けると涙が出るほど助かります。 大学側の題:What sets you apart from other applicants, based on unique educational or life experiences, personal or family circumstances, obstacles overcome and/or achievements? (200 words or less) 私のエッセイ:I filled with spirit than anyone else. I used to work as door to door sales man about 10 years ago. To sale a $3,000 water cleaner, I would often visit more than 100 houses everyday. At that time, Japanese were not only so interested in that device but also they usually drank tap water. In those days, people used to think that purchasing water was ridiculous and say “drink tap water!” Great majority of Japanese was not interested in water. Therefore, I was always turned down and was jeered and yelled by them. Some people scattered salt at me. It means driving away evil sprit. I believed that I could find a customer as long as I do not give in. I became discouraged several times. Nevertheless, I had kept knocking a door hundred of times and then I had encountered a customer. At sales convention, I was awarded a first prize among over 1,000 company members. Through this precious experience, I learned patience and must have been paid off and I understood that if people make efforts desperately, God presents us a miracle. My weakness was turned to strength. This life experience is my treasure. (197 words) よろしくお願いします<(_ _)>

  • 訳をお願いします。

    (1)The party was caught in a shower on the way . 2)People are concerned about what will happen to the Japanese economy in the next few years . (3)I've been working on this for weeks . I'm tired of it (4)We are all fed up with his complaints about his boss . (5)He was absorbed in a book and didn't seem to hear me . 6)I'm inclinedto fall asleep whenever I try to study English . (7)I'm going shopping now , but I'll be back before long. よろしくお願いします。

  • 大学入学の際のエッセイ添削希望

    お願いします。以下私のエッセイの文法の誤り、文章の構成などアドバイスを是非よろしくお願いします<(_ _)> 大学側:What sets you apart from other applicants, based on unique educational or life experiences, personal or family circumstances, obstacles overcome and/or achievements? (200 words or less) 私のエッセイ:I have a special sales experience than other applicants. I had sold water cleaners as a door to door sales man about 10 years ago. I would have often visit more than 100 houses everyday in order to sell$3,000 water cleaners. I learned how to develop good communication with customers from my own experience. Decade ago, Japanese were not interested in the device since they usually drank tap water. In those days, people had thought that purchasing water was ridiculous. Therefore, I was always turned down. People would have yelled at me and some even scattered salt at me to drive away evil spirits. Since I want to be a success, I had kept knocking on hundred of doors. I realized that it is more important to become a customer’s friend than just a salesman. If friend who would suggest using the device for their friend health. Therefore, I tried becoming their best friend. The Result of patience, effort and ingenuity, I was awarded a first prize among over 1,000 company members at a sales convention. Through this experience, I learned that if people exert maximum effort, God will present miracles. I believe that I put my experience to study. (200 words)

  • 大学留学の際のエッセイ

    お願いします。200文字以内でエッセイを書けとの設問で以下のように書きましたがどうしても203文字になってしまいます。同じような内容で200文字以内で収めることは出来ませんでしょうか。また文法の誤りがあれば教えて頂けると助かります 大学側:What sets you apart from other applicants, based on unique educational or life experiences, personal or family circumstances, obstacles overcome and/or achievements? (200 words or less) 私が考えた内容:I used to work as door-knocker. I was rejected by people and was yelled me. however, At sales convention, I obtained a first prize. Through this experiment, I learned patient and my efforts must pay off.

  • 大学留学応募のエッセイ

    お願いします。下記のお題でエッセイを提出します。文字数は丁度200wordsです。文法、文章の流れなど添削頂けると涙が出るほど助かります。 なお、文章中の()は英語に自信がない場合に日本語入れています 大学側のお題:What sets you apart from other applicants, based on unique educational or life experiences, personal or family circumstances, obstacles overcome and/or achievements? (200 words or less) 私のエッセイ:I used to work as door to door sales man about 10 years ago. To sale $3,000 water cleaner, I would often visit more than 100 houses everyday. At that time, not only Japanese are not so interested that device but also people usually drinks tap water. In previous times, people used to think that purchase natural water are ridiculous and said “drink tap water as much as you like, do not waste your money!” Great majority of Japanese did not interested water at all. Therefore, I was always turned down and was jeered and yelled at me. I had an experience with scattered salt by a man(男性から塩をかけられた経験があります). It means purify evil sprit. I believed that I could find a customer as long as I do not give in. I became discouraged several times. Nevertheless, I had kept knock a door hundred of times and then I had encountered the customers(冠詞に迷いました、the としたのは思い描いたそのお客さんに出会えたとし定冠詞にしました). At sales convention, I obtained a first prize among over 1,000 company members. Through this precious experiment, I learned patient, efforts must be pay off and I understood that If people efforts desperately, God presents us a miracle. My weakness was changed strength(by ○○はあえて書きませんでした、キリスト教系の大学なのでここは神様と読み手は考えると思うからです). This life experience is my treasure. よろしくお願いします<(_ _)>

  • essayについて

    最近、アメリカと日本の大学の教育制度の違いについて、構造はIIntroduction(hookとthesis)→IIBody(1)(似ているところ)→IIIBody(2)(違うところA)→IVBody(3)(違うところB)→VConclusionという形でessayを書いてみたのですがどうも何を言いたいのかが上手く書けていないと感じます。そこで、ぜひこのessayを見てもらって、ここはこういう風にしたほうがいいんじゃないみたいなアドバイスがありましたら、是非教えてください。よろしくお願いします。 essay本文  I.It is the common objective of educational system in any countries to foster its citizens to become productive members of its society. Every country has its own education system. Two countries United States and Japan have also their own education systems. After World War II, the Japanese education system was built based on American's education system, so the education system in the United States and Japan have a lot in common fundamentally. American and Japanese educational principle is similar. However, the entrance processes are quite different.  II.At first glance, pursuing university education of American and Japanese universities appears to be straightforward. The basic system seems to be identical. Both countries have two-year university, four-year university and technical school. Students enter college after they have graduated from high school, or simply demonstrate their ability to get higher education. Students can take any classes that they wish to take and they are free to devote most of their time to education. Both countries put children of 6 years to 15 years old under an obligation to be a part of education system. III.Even though American and Japanese university basic system seems to be identical, the entrance processes are vary significantly. In America, compared with Japanese university, it is easy to enter university. Students do not have to take the admission examination to enter the universities and all what students have to do is just to submit the required documents such as high school transcript. When students just enter their universities, they are not expected to have good academic skills. However, it is difficult to get units and graduate from university, because they have to show their good skills in the class, so not a few students who can’t get the units and it take much time to graduate. In short, students who want to enter American university need to study hard after entering university. IV.On the other hand, at Japanese university, it is difficult to enter university. Students have to take admission examination instead of submitting the required documents to enter. For Japanese universities, it differs from American universities in that you need to take an entrance exam for the specific university. If you pass the exam then your high school grades don’t matter at all. In short, contrary to American university, students who wish to enter Japanese university need to study hard before entering university. V.To conclude, while basically, American and Japanese education system are similar, the entrance processes to enter university are poles apart. There is no answer which education system is better, but it can be said that education system always should be reviewed to meet student’s needs.

  • 英語のエッセイを読んでいて訳せない文があります

    英語のエッセイを読んでいて訳せない文があります。 英文は以下のとおりです。 I was then,too,somuch an enemy to all constractions,that my masters could never prevail on me,by any persuasions or encouragements,to learn without book the common reles of grammar,in which they dispensed with me alone ,because they found I made a shift to do the usual exercises out of my own reading and observation. という文章です。 全体の訳もわからないのですが、特に分からない部分を箇条書きにします。 (1)I was then,too,somuch an enemy to all constractions,の後半 to all constractionのtoはas(~という)に置き換えてみて訳したほうがいいのでしょうか? (2)by any persuasions or encouragements,to learn without book the common reles of grammar, 先頭のbyの訳し方は「~によって」?ですかね・・・。教えてください (3)in which they dispensed with me alone , in which の in は入らないような気がします。(その語の文のどの部分に入るのか分からないので) そこの文法的な役割も教えていただきたいです。 以外にも前置詞が英文では、重要ということに気づきました。 どなたかお力添えをよろしくお願いします。

  • 英語の問題

    僕がわからない問題です。 わかる人がいましたら、ぜひ教えてください。 和訳をしなさい (1)A burnt child dreads the fire. (2)The falling leaves were dancing in the wind. (3)The fallen leaves were dancing in the wind. 分詞構文を用いて(    )を埋めなさい。 I went into the hall and saw a lot of pictures on the wall. ( ) into the hall,I saw a lot of pictures on the wall. When I was crossing the bridge,I met Mr.Collins. ( ) the bridge,I met Mr.Collins. As I did not know what to do next,I just sat at my desk. ( )( ) what to do next,I just sat at my desk. Because this book is written in simple English,it has become a best seller. ( ) in simple English,this book has become best seller. I was unable to bear the cold,so I put on an overcoat. ( ) to hear the cold,I put on an overcoat. Since I haven’t seen the movie,I can’t comment on it. Not ( )( ) the movie,I can’t comment on it.

  • 日本語訳を! 6-(3)

    お願いします。 (8) With so much to lose, the Egyptians came up with a cheat sheet. During the Old Kingdom, only pharaohs could get into the Field of Reeds. Not wanting to risk forgetting a name or a spell, the kings had the answers to all the questions, along with all the magic spells, buried with them. We call the book of spells from the Old Kingdom the Pyramid Texts. During the Middle Kingdom, when the Field of Reeds was open to everyone, the spell were conveniently written on the sides of the coffins. We call those the Coffin Texts. In the New Kingdom the spells were written on scrolls and buried with the body. The words written during the New Kingdom are now known as the Book of the Dead. The Egyptians thought of every possible unpleasantness and wrote spells to protect against it. They even had a spell that prevented them from having to stand on their head and eat feces―or step in some. "What I detest is feces, and I will not eat it... and I will not touch it with my toes." Obviously the ancients weren't taking chances on anything less than a perfect afterlife.

  • エッセイといえますか?

    以下の文はエッセイといえるでしょうか。後、文法の確認をしていただけると助かります。 I began to learn soft tennis at the time of a junior high school student. Even now, it is striving for a game and practice. Soft tennis derives in tennis. Tennis will be the sport briskly performed mainly by France and Italy around the 11th century. (必須単語 derives) 訳:私は、中学生の時にソフトテニスを習い始めた。今でも試合と練習に励んでいる。ソフトテニスはテニスに由来する。テニスは11世紀頃、フランス、イタリアを中心に盛んに行われたスポーツである この他に、preserveを使ったエッセイが必要なのですがなかなか良い文章が浮かびません。どなたか、アドバイスお願いします。 (既に、一つ類似した質問をさせていただいています、文字数の関係で二つに分けさせてもらいましたm(__)m)