予約内容とアドバイス | イランのホテル予約についてのメール

  • イランのホテルに予約をした際のメール内容です。予約が確定し、空港からの送迎サービスも手配されています。
  • 2日前にリマインダーメールを送信するように依頼し、ピックアップに関するアドバイスも送られてくる予定です。
  • 10日間で2つの都市を訪れる旅行計画が書かれているとのことですが、イスファハンからイカ空港までの直通バスがあり、時間とお金を節約できます。
  • ベストアンサー


イランのホテルに予約をした際に返信がきたメール内容です。宜しくお願いします Your single room booking and pick up service from IKA airport to firouzeh hotel is confirmed . please send a reminder e-mail 2 days before arrival day too , then i send you some advices for pick up later , do you use any messenger service like yahoo or msn messenger or skype , for talking online ? i was wondering about your itinerary that you wrote me ,is so pity for about 10 days journey just going to visit 2 cities , hut now i have a french guy who has japanese wife who would stay 10 days , i gave him advices for visiting at least tehran then shiraz and then yazd and esfahan city , then no need to come back to tehran for catching plane to home , because best bus company of iran offer vip bus directly from esfahan main bus terminal to IKA airport in different time , and many solo female even they like it , because is safe and good for saving time and money too , as you know IKA airport is 55km far from city center and that vip bus drive in 5 hours from esfahan to ika airport , and if you want to visit tehran can do in your first visit as much as you want . Are you in home now or traveling ?up to what time before flight you access to internet before flight ?

  • 英語
  • 回答数2
  • ありがとう数2


  • ベストアンサー
  • sayshe
  • ベストアンサー率77% (4555/5904)

お客様のシングル・ルーム予約とIKA空港からfirouzehホテルへの送迎サービスは、承りました。 到着日の2日前に確認の電子メールを送ってください、そうすれば、後ほど、送迎に関する注意事項をお送りします。 オンラインで話すために、あなたはヤフーかmsnメッセンジャーかskypeのようなメッセンジャー・サービスを利用しますか? お客様に送っていただいた旅程について考えましたが、10日の旅行で、わずか2都市の訪問は残念です。現在、10日滞在予定の、日本人の奥様のいるフランス人男性がいます、この方には、少なくとも、テヘラン、shiraz、それから、yazd と、エスファハン市を訪問するようアドバイスを差し上げました、そうすれば、帰国の飛行機のために、テヘランに戻る必要は、ございません。なぜなら、イランの最高のバス会社が、エスファハンの主要バスターミナルからIKA空港まで、様々な時刻に、直行のvipバスを提供しているからです、多くの一人旅の女性にも好まれています、と申しますのも、安全で、時間とお金の節約にもなるからでございます、ご存じのように、IKA空港は、市の中心から55km離れております、エスファハンからIKA空港までは、5時間のvipバスの旅です、テヘラン訪問をお望みであれば、最初の訪問で心行くまで楽しんでいただけます。 現在は、自宅におられますか、それとも、ご旅行中でしょうか?飛行機の便の何時間前までに、インターネットにアクセスしていただけますか? ☆だいたいの訳です、後半になるほど、読み辛い文章になっています。



訳して頂きとてもとても助かりました! どうもありがとうございました。

その他の回答 (1)


私の想像ではこのカテで質問丸投げは嫌われスルーされるので、自分なりの訳をつけて、「この部分が分からない」と言った方がいいです。 かつ、多分、あなたの質問を見た人は「そんな英語のやり取りができないのにイラン(!)に行くなんてとても危ないから、その手伝いをするのはやめてあげた方が親切だろう」と思うのではないかと。 その上で、私の想像では、いずれにせよあなたはイランに行ってしまうので、あなたの危険を下げるには、少しでも回答した方がまだましのように思いました。 【注意!】私もすぐ隣で質問しているぐらい英語が弱いので、あまり信じないでくださいよ。私の誤った回答により、あなたがイランで危険な目にあったら本当に困りますので。 >Your single room booking and pick up service from IKA airport to firouzeh hotel is confirmed . あなたのシングルルームの予約と、IKA空港からのピックアプサービスはfirouzehホテルにより確認されました。 please send a reminder e-mail 2 days before arrival day too , 到着2日前に思い出させるためのe-mailを送ってください。(reminder e-mailとは何か知りませんが、それを送らないともしかすると予約が白紙に戻るのかも??) then i send you some advices for pick up later , そうしたら、私はあなたに<後でピックアップの件について>または<遅いピックアップの件について>教えます。 do you use any messenger service like yahoo or msn messenger or skype , for talking online ? ヤフーやMANやスカイプのサービスを使っていませんか? オンラインで話したいんです。 i was wondering about your itinerary that you wrote me , あなたが書いてきた旅程が心配です。 is so pity for about 10 days journey just going to visit 2 cities , hut now i have a french guy who has japanese wife who would stay 10 days , i gave him advices for visiting at least tehran then shiraz and then yazd and esfahan city , then no need to come back to tehran for catching plane to home , because (↑分かりません。旅程が2都市を回るには長すぎるか短すぎるか言っているようです。最後の行「その場合、家への飛行機を捕まえるためにテヘランに戻る必要はありません、なぜなら」で切れてますが、なぜでしょうか。) best bus company of iran offer vip bus directly from esfahan main bus terminal to IKA airport in different time , and many solo female even they like it , because is safe and good for saving time and money too , as you know IKA airport is 55km far from city center and that vip bus drive in 5 hours from esfahan to ika airport , and if you want to visit tehran can do in your first visit as much as you want . (空港からのバスの選択についてアドバイスをしているようです。違う時間、一人旅の女性、安全、といった単語が見えます。esfahanからIKA空港まで5時間かかる?とかも。本当にスカイプなどの電話で聞いた方がいいですよ。) Are you in home now or traveling ? あなたは家にいますか、それとも旅の途中? up to what time before flight you access to internet before flight ? (↑分かりません。飛行機に乗る前にネットにアクセスできますか?でしょうか。要するに飛行機に乗る前に連絡が取りたいということのようです。)



訳して頂き大変感謝しています。 自分でも情けないほどの英語力を感じています。


  • どなたか下記の英文を訳して頂けないでしょうか

    ↓海外のホテルを予約した際に返ってきたメール内容です。宜しくお願いいたします。 Is ok to book a single bed room for you , our rooms has own shower but shared toilet ,is ok for you ? would you send me a digital copy of your passport for confirmation ? what time do you arrive to hotel and tehran ?by which airline do you fly ? do you need pick up service from ika airport to hotel too ?we do and cost 300,000 IR , is ok for you ?this is not including room charge , but is same if you want to catch taxi by own , and many who comes by own even overcharge than this price , but i do pick up with reasonable price , because is more comfortable for my guests .but up to you , do you have visa before or apply in ika airport ?

  • どなたか下記の英文を訳して頂けないでしょうか

    ホテルのピックアップサービスに付いてのメール内容です。 ↓宜しくお願いいたします。 your single room booking and pick up service from ika airport to firouzeh hotel is confirmed. Do you have long stop over in abu dhabi city ?and can check your e-mail there ? if is ok for pick up from airport ? so please pay attention to some advices for your pick up : please wait infront of information office if you come out earlier , or driver delay , and keep my mobile phone no: 0098 - 912 - 436 1974 . if you call from iran , just dial : 0912- 436 1974 . please dont leave airport before calling me with some body else . the driver will keep a sign of your name in airport , and so you find him easily . what color of dressing you dress , do you have mobile phone no ? can you send me a sms if your flight has delay please . please don't take any driver who says i am from firouzeh hotel just see your name with him . so if i tell to driver to ask you money for transfer , please pay him . please let me know as soon as possible , please keep this phone no too: 0098 912 522 9592 , because most of time this is my driver cell phone and do my pick up service , so is better you call him at airport if you couldnot find him . the otherwise you call me , but in emergency case can call me any time . for exchange money just i give you some advices that , the rate for exchange in ika airport banks is much lower than exchange offices in city center , where is walking distance from hotel to there in ferdousi ave , for 1US$ in banks there offer you 12000 IRR , and in exchange offices :Around 19000 IRR .AND FOR Euro IN BANKS 16,000 IRR , AND IN EXCHANGE OFFICES 25000 IRR , and is ok if you won't pay my driver after arrival to hotel , can exchange later in noon and pay later or check out time to me . nice to hearing from you soon ,

  • どなたか下記の英文を訳して頂けないでしょうか

    宜しくお願いいたします。 What kind of job do you have Keiko? I am very friendly but I am difficult to travel with because I have a sick heart which makes travel very complicated. I am in Greece for 2 weeks and already I have been in hospital for 2 days. Would it be helpful, if my health allows it, to go to Japan and give you English practice for a few weeks?

  • 英訳お願いいたします。

    英訳お願いいたします。 The only way my day could start better is if you were here :) I quickly checked the train schedule and it's a bit disappointing. You would have to travel to Paris and then take a train from Paris to the airport. The last direct train leaves too early. I'll drive you back to the airport as well, ok? The traffic in Paris is a nightmare ... but since the airport is north of Paris ... it should be ok. So you don't need to arrange a train ticket, ok? Even before today I was considering going to Paris ... but I don't think we have enough time. Satomi! 4 days is very short :) You will have to come back another time, when it's warmer, sunnier ... and we can visit Paris ... Yes in Belgium it's also getting colder. Now it's about 15 degrees, but earlier this week it was only 3 degrees when I went running this week :) You don't like seafood? Hmm ... are you sure you enjoyed the sushi in Osaka? I hope so. As for the mussels, I think I can find a restaurant where you can eat something typically Belgian and then I can eat mussels. So then you can try some, is that ok for you? Please tell me other things you don't like ... because I liked to see a happy ●● :)

  • すみませんがどなたか下記の英文を訳して頂けないでしょうか。

    すみませんがどなたか下記の英文を訳して頂けないでしょうか。 宜しくお願いいたします。 ↓ how are you! hope you are fine and in good health!!! o I see english is difficult for you. But no problem I can teach you :) O! you are going to Morocco. Take care of yourself. Hope to see you soon in Yemen. no I don`t but we will speak when you come to Sanaa. yours

  • すいませんが下記の英文を訳して頂けないでしょうか

    ネィティブが書いた英文ではないため少し読みづらいとは思いますが よろしくお願いします。ちなみに文中に出てくる「Yemen」は国名で「Sanaa」はその首都です。 文中で今年の三月からイエメンは治安が悪くて100ドルのお金を貸して欲しいと書いてあるのは 何となく判るのですが・・・。 ↓ I wish if the situation in Yemen to be good the youth revolution in March 2011 and the situation got worst and not safe for tourists and not safe even for me and my family l would like to inform you the life its heard in Sanaa this time and every things is getting expansive and many people the leave sanaa and some shops the closes l was look for job l can not find this time l just want to ask you if you can lend me 100$ and transfer it to me by western union l will be so glad if you can and if you can send it by my name mohmmed almarwiny and when l will have it and work l will send it to you if you can l really dont want to ask you but is very bad time now in Yemen and when l work l will transfer the money to you im sorry but l think you feel what l feel if you can pleas let me know if you can not its ok l just ask you because you are my friend

  • 英文を日本語にしてください。

    解読できませんでした。 よろしくお願いします! thanks.i arrivied in african countryes kenya and uganda for visit after compleet visit i will back to go my country.are you have visit before any countryes .what you have wishesess and dreames in your life hello how are you dear this time i looking african country narobi city kenya

  • 下記の英文を訳していただけないでしょうか?

    下記の英文を訳していただけないでしょうか? Hello, My Name is Mrs Linda from Russia Base In Alberta,Canada.I want to make an urgent purchase for your item pasted on Yahoo Auctions for my Uncle in Nigeria.I will like to know how many of this items you have available for sale,and i will be paying you $1,000.00 USD for each Set + shipping via EMS SPEED POST to Nigeria due to it urgent need.Payment will be done through Bank Transfer.However i want you to reply me to my Email with your bank information's via (************@gmail.com) Await your quick response. Thanks

  • 下記の英文を教えてくれませんか?お願いします。

    I was out of the office last few days, I will discuss these matters again and will get back to you soon (hopefully this week). The trademark is a certificate that you mentioned that you might needed for AAA we wanted to provide support so you can join AAA. Please let us know what is that you need to join so we can provide assistance.

  • 下記の英文をどうかどうか翻訳して下さい。

    できないなりにPCの翻訳機を使いながら翻訳してるのですが、私の手にはおえず… 大変困っております。 We have received a claim under the A-to-z Guarantee program for order 702-5397143-0931462 because the buyer in this transaction believes the item(s) sent were materially different from how they were listed. This could mean that the item(s) are defective or damaged, that the wrong item(s) were sent, or that the item condition and/or details are different from what was represented in the product listing. The buyer's comments were "Terrible item, hurts feet, is not at all worth $180.00. Seller refunded $44.... That is in no way fair. Seller is also claiming shipping is $50 for a cheque. That is also impossible. Please resolve this issue.- : -Terrible item, hurts feet, is not at all worth $180.00. Seller refunded $44.... That is in no way fair. Seller is also claiming shipping is $50 for a cheque. That is also impossible. Please resolve this issue". Please note that you have seven (7) days to respond to this e-mail. Failure to respond with all the information below may result in a debit to your Marketplace Payments account. If a partial refund has been given we do require a response to the claim notification explaining the reason a full refund was not provided, failure to do so may result in a debit to your Amazon Payments account. If you accept this claim or want to defend this claim, the easiest and quickest way to refund the buyer or represent yourself is to use online A-to-z Guarantee forms. By doing so, you will ensure faster resolution between the buyer and yourself. Do not reply to this email if you use the on-line forms. よろしくお願いいたします。