• ベストアンサー


1 Information about housing on and off campus is available through the Office of Real Estate and Housing Services. 特にon and off の部分 2 His father may have been with him every step of the way, but when Koji Morofushi picked up the hammer in Athens, he was in his own. 特にin his ownの部分


  • ベストアンサー
  • cbm51901
  • ベストアンサー率67% (2671/3943)

1. 住居・不動産紹介部を通じてキャンパス内外における入居情報を得ることが出来ます。 [注] 恐らく "Office of Real Estate and Housing Services" は大学内に設置されている部署の名称でしょう。 2. それまではずっと父親と二人三脚でやってきたかもしれない。だが、アテネの競技場で室伏広治がハンマーに手をかけた時、彼は独りだった。 [注] 文脈からしてハンマー投げの室伏広治だと思います。 "in his own" は "on his own" の間違えだと思います。





その他の回答 (1)

  • SPS700
  • ベストアンサー率46% (15297/33016)

1.  不動産オフィスとハウジングサービスを通じてキャンパス内外の情報が得られる。     on は、on campus 「学内」すなわち「大学の敷地内」の略、off は off campus 「学外」この場合「大学付近(だが敷地の外)」という意味です。 2。父親がずっとついていたが、モロフシ・コウジがハンマーを拾った時(あるいは買った時)はひとりだった。 on his own は、下記のように「一人で」と言う意味です。in ですかね?     http://eow.alc.co.jp/search?q=on+his+own http://eow.alc.co.jp/search?q=in+his+own






  • 次の英文の訳し方を教えてください

    A man who is held up to the best and finest of his nature while on the court go off it and be a mucker.

  • 次の英文を和訳してほしいです。

    In his experiment, Millikan examined the motion of single tiny drops of oil that picked up static charge from ions in the air. この英文を和訳してほしいです。

  • 次の英文の和訳をお願いします。

    次の英文の和訳をお願いします。 1.A census is an official record of who lived where on a given date.There have been censuses in the UK since 1801 and the information recorded has increased over time. 2.The guide telks you that when Michelangelo had finished this statue of Moses he was so thrilled by the figure he had created that, feeling it must come to life, he struck it on the knee with his hammer and commanded,"stand up!"

  • 次の英文について質問です。

    He remembered the sunsets on his own planet, and how he tried to watch them by moving his chair. (自分の惑星の入り日を思い出し、椅子を動かして何度も見ようとしたのを思い出した。) 文中のhowはどう解釈すればいいでしょうか。 訳の「何度も」の部分に当たるのでしょうか。 それ場合、howだけで回数を表すことができるのでしょうか。

  • お手数ですが、次の英文を訳して下さい。

    Colonel Nureddin had over 55 days to prepare his defenses, and his forces prepared them well. He deployed his forces in an L shaped formation. The 38th Division occupied the long part of the L. The new and fresh 45th Division held most vulnerable part of the line, the small leg of the L on the left, with one regiment up in the front line trenches and two in reserve. There were 12 strong points along the first trench line, and a complete second line of trenches to fall back into. In general reserve was the veteran 51st Division. The 35th was across the river.The Ottoman artillery was centrally located where it could support his left flank or the central part of his line.The artillery was ordered to fire first on the British gunboats, and then shift fire to support the Ottoman reserves.

  • 次の英語の和訳をお願いします。

    Some American universities offer an on-line roommate finder or roommate search service. These are useful sites brought to you by off-campus housing services at the universities, which are designed to assist current and in-coming students in their search for compatible roommates. Whether you are looking for a roommate or a room for rent, you should visit the websites, and you may find affordable rooms and friendly roommates. You can live in an on-campus dormitory if it is available. If you want to live in an off-campus apartment, it would be a good idea to share the apartment with other students. In many cases, you can have your own room and share a kitchen and a bathroom. In order to search for a room, you can use an on-line roommate or apartment finder. Or go to see bulletin boards for getting information about "roommates wanted." That will let you cut costs and reduce your bills so you can save money on housing. If you visit an American university during your long summer vacation, you may sublet a room. The summer vacation starts in mid July, and many students are out of town for vacation for a while, so they may sublease their rooms. If you need some information about sublets, visit an on-line apartment finder offered by the university you visit.

  • 英文解釈について

    以下の意味について教えてください。 Today more than half the population lives outside the city, more often than not in segregated worlds of housing tracts and office parks and shopping centers. わからないのは後半部分下記です。 more often than not in segregated worlds of housing tracts and office parks and shopping centers. よろしくお願いします。

  • 次の英文を訳して下さい。

    General Stopford is blamed for the failure of the Suvla operation but responsibility ultimately lay with Lord Kitchener who, as Secretary of State for War, had appointed the elderly and inexperienced general to an active corps command, and with Sir Ian Hamilton who accepted Stopford's appointment and then failed to impose his will on his subordinate. On 13 August Hamilton had written in his diary, "Ought I have resigned sooner than allow generals old and inexperienced to be foisted up on me." By then it was too late and Stopford's departure contributed to Hamilton's downfall which came on 15 October when he was sacked as the commander of the Mediterranean Expeditionary Force. Under General de Lisle's command, the Suvla front was reorganized and reinforced with the arrival of the 29th Division from Helles and the 2nd Mounted Division from Egypt (minus their horses). The fighting climaxed on 21 August with the Battle of Scimitar Hill, the largest battle of the Gallipoli campaign. When it too failed, activity at Suvla subsided into sporadic fighting until it was evacuated by the British in late December. Conditions during the summer had been appalling because of heat, flies, and lack of sanitation. On 15 November there was a deluge of rain and again on 26/27 November a major rainstorm flooded trenches up to 4 feet deep. This was succeeded by a blizzard of snow and two nights of heavy frost. At Suvla, 220 men drowned or froze to death and there were 12,000 cases of frostbite or exposure. In surprising contrast to the campaign itself, the withdrawals from Gallipoli were well planned and executed, with many successful deceptions to prevent the Turks realising that withdrawals were taking place. Minimal losses were experienced, and many guns and other equipment were also taken off. English physicist Henry Moseley, famous for the discovery of the atomic number, died in this battle to a sniper bullet.Following the appointment of Wing Captain Frederick Sykes to the command of Royal Naval Air Service units in the eastern Mediterranean in July 1915, plans were put in place for air reinforcements to be made available to Sykes. However, the landing at Suvla Bay began before the reinforcements arrived. Nonetheless, Sykes's aviators did succeed in destroying several Ottoman ships which hindered the resupply of Ottoman troops. This interdiction forced the Ottomans to depend on land resupply over an extended route. While this did have a diminishing effect on Ottoman ammunition stocks, the failure to close the land routes meant that it was not decisive.

  • お手数ですが、次の英文を訳して下さい。

    The French and British divisions had marched north from Thessaloniki in October 1915 under the command of French General Maurice Sarrail. However, the War Office in London was reluctant to advance too deep into Serbia. So the French divisions advanced on their own up the Vardar River. This advance gave some limited help to the retreating Serbian Army, as the Bulgarians had to concentrate larger forces on their southern flank to deal with the threat, which led to the Battle of Krivolak (October–November 1915). By the end of November, General Sarrail had to retreat in the face of massive Bulgarian assaults on his positions. During his retreat, the British at Kosturino were also forced to retreat. By December 12, all allied forces were back in Greece.

  • 次の英文を訳して下さい。

    On 14 April the British left Shaiba to look for the remaining Ottoman forces. They found them at Barjisiyeh Wood. Fighting started at about 10:30 AM and lasted until 5 PM. Melliss had to adjust his forces on the battlefield under fire to bring them to bear on the Ottoman positions. Ottoman fire was intense and by 4 PM the British attack had bogged down. Men were thirsty and running low on ammunition, and the Ottoman regular troops showed no indication they were going to give up. The Dorsets then launched a bayonet charge on the Ottoman lines that caused the rest of the Indian troops to follow, and the Ottomans were overwhelmed. They retreated from the battlefield. The British, worn out from the day's fighting with little transportation and with their cavalry tied down elsewhere, did not pursue. Sulaimann Askari would end up committing suicide over the loss, which he blamed on the Arab irregulars and their failure to support him. On the British side the battle was described as a "soldier's battle" meaning a hard fought infantry fight, where they, especially the British troops, decided the day. The battle was important as it was the last time the Ottomans would threaten Basra. After the battle it would be the British who generally held the initiative in Mesopotamia. It also changed Arab attitudes. They began to distance themselves from the Ottomans, and later revolts broke out in Najaf and Karbala up river. Major George Wheeler of the 7th Hariana Lancers was awarded a posthumous Victoria Cross for his actions during the battle. The Battle of Dilman (April 15, 1915) was a battle during World War I fought at Dilman between the Russian Empire and the Ottoman Empire. Despite having the larger forces, the Turkish suffered 468 dead, 1,228 wounded, and 370 missing in the first day. Many injured Ottoman soldiers were abandoned on the field of battle. More than half of the Ottoman troops were Kurdish, almost all of whom deserted. By the end of the battle, the Ottomans had 3,500 of its soldiers killed. The result was a Russian-Armenian victory under Tovmas Nazarbekian and Andranik Ozanian. Armenian and Assyrian volunteers had an important role in the victory. Apart from the Armenian officers who served under Tovmas Nazarbekian's Russian Caucasus Army, the Armenians also deployed a volunteer battalion under the leadership of their commander Andranik and with the participation of Smbat Baroyan. One month later, Halil Kut abandoned Persia with his army reduced to half of its original size. Halil blamed his defeat on the Christians and ordered the execution of all Armenians and Assyrians among his own soldiers. German military advisors reported the murder of several hundred unarmed Armenian and Assyrian soldiers and officers. The Armenian, Assyrian, and Persian civilians of Northern Persia were also massacred by Ottoman troops.

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