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※ ChatGPTを利用し、要約された質問です(原文:other than とは)



  • 8princes
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other thanは「~以外の、~とは別の」という意味です。 問題文では、other than their ownの後にperspectivesが省略されているため、それを補うと「自分以外の視点」となります。


  • 英文教えてくださいすいません

    Preoperational children are unaware of perspectives other than their own – they believe that everyone else perceives the environment the same way they do. 前操作段階の子どもは自分以外の視点が存在することがわからず、周りのすべての人も自分と同じように外界を知覚していると確信している。 上記の文章の way they doとはどういう意味なのでしょうか? 夜遅くすみませんが教えてくれませんか?

  • 日本語訳お願いいたします

    Because young children can not appreciate points of view other than their own, they cannot revise their schemas to take into account changes in the environment. 以上の文章ですがわかりません 自分なりに、この文章を日本語訳にすると なぜなら若い子どもたちは彼ら自身以外の視点を感知することができない、彼らは彼らのスキーマを変える環境における変化をアカウント。 この場合のアカウントってどう使えばよいのでしょうか?

  • 代名詞theyが何を意味するか添削して下さい。

    【 】内の代名詞がどれを意味するか、添削して下さい。 もし違っていたら、なぜ違っていたのか、どうすればよかったのか教えて頂ければ嬉しいです。 また、以前theyは所有格を指す、themは目的格を指すなどと参考書でみたことがあったのですが、 この所有格目的格というのがいったいどういうもので、代名詞が出た際にどういう風に照らし合わせればいいのか、参考書を見ても良くわかりませんでした。 お手数おかけして申し訳ないのですが、このあたりについても教えて頂ければ嬉しいです。 (以下前文)children tend to process information about social interactions in ways that promote aggressive reactions to these interactions. (以下質問部)【1.They】 assume that other children will be aggressive toward 【2.them】, and 【3.they】 interpret other children's actions in line with these assumptions rather than using cues from the specific situations 【4.they】 actually face. in addition, 【5.they】 tend to believe that any negative action by a peer. 1.these interactions. 2.other children 3.前文のthem=other children 4.other children(比較級なので、3の対比) 5.the specific situations

  • 大至急!!!日本語訳お願いします

    This “evidence” can then be used to challenge the original custoby ruling. But shouldn’t the children have some say in the matter? Yes,says social worker Dr.Ruth Bettelheim in a recent new york times essay. “Once children have reached the age of reason ---generally agreed to be about seven--- they should be recognized as the ultimate experts on their own lives. In other words,they should have the right to speak up on their own behalf and,in effect,to decide with whom they want to live. To this end,Bettelheim proposes that every two years, children should be allowed to talk confidentially with social workers about their own custody.

  • 補充問題についてです!!

    For example, it was thought that most children would learn to read naturally if they were in an environment with lots of books and were (allowed) to develop reading skills in their own way. 上の文のallowedのところに、なぜsucceededを入れてはいけないのですか??

  • 日本語訳を教えてください(かなり長文です)(8)

    翻訳機では分かりにくくて、この長文の日本語訳を教えていただけたらと思います。お願いします。 私の質問の(3)(4)(5)も教えていただけると幸いです。お願いします。 There are all these new books out there portraying Asian mothers as scheming, callous, overdriven people indifferent to their kids' true interests. For their part, many Chinese secretly believe that they care more about their children and are willing to sacrifice much more for them than Westerners, who seem perfectly content to let their children turn out badly. I think it's a misunderstanding on both sides. All decent parents want to do what's best for their children. The Chinese just have a totally different idea of how to do that. Western parents try to respect their children's individuality, encouraging them to pursue their true passions, supporting their choices, and providing positive reinforcement and a nurturing environment. By contrast, the Chinese believe that the best way to protect their children is by preparing them for the future, letting them see what they're capable of, and arming them with skills, work habits and inner confidence that no one can ever take away.

  • 英文の添削お願いします。

    課題文:Do you agree or disagree with the following statement?Young people should start to live on their own and become indepentent of their parents as early as possible.Give reasons to support your opinion. 解答: (1)I think young people should start to live on their own and become independent of their parents as early as possible. (2)I think so because,when they start working they will have to do everything by theirselves.Their parents won't help them any more.If they are not independent of their parents,they cannot work. (3)Second, if they start to live on their own,they will know that doing houseworks such as making meals,cleaning rooms is hard work. (4)And the most important reason is that,when they have their children,they have to teach their children a lot of things by them selves.If they are not indepentent of their parents,they can't raise their children properly. (5)I have friends who live on their own.They are doing everything by theirselves,so they look confident. (6)With above reasons I think young peole should start to live on their own and becomeindependent of their parents.約150words,30分 TOEFL対策の問題です。 後々読み直してみると、 firstがないのにsecondを使ったり、 一番大事な理由を述べているパラグラフの位置が中途半端だったり、 無駄にパラグラフを多くしてしまった点がよくなかったように思います。 文章構成・表現・文法なんでも稚拙な部分が多くあると思うので直したほうがよい所やアドバイスがあったらぜひ教えてください。 よろしくお願いします。

  • 和訳の仕方

    この夏休みに英語の本を一冊読んでみようと思うのですが、 和訳が難しくてあまり進んでいません;; 和訳のちょっとしたコツややり方を教えてください あとこの文ってどう訳すんですか? For a second they stood quite still wands directed at each other's chests; then,recognising each other ,they stowed their wands beneath their coalks and started walking briskly in the same direction. です。 あと、「;」と「,」の意味がいまいちわからんのですが、 この二つの記号はなんですか? 返答よろしくお願いしますm(_ _)m

  • whoever

    Americans generally do their own cooking, their own washing, ( ) ---doctors professor, or lawyer. ( ) の中に文章をならべたいのですが and other tasks whoever they may be と並ぶとおもうのですが、この文の中で whoever が 譲歩をあらわす関係代名詞だと思うのですが 主格なので 後ろに 動詞がくるんじゃないかなーと 思うのですが 後ろに S V がくるのが よくわかりません。どのように理解したらいいのでしょうか?

  • 主語の見分け方について

    以下の文章で、 Parents are often upset when their children praise the homes of their friends and regard it as a slur on their own cooking , and often are foolish enough to let the adlescents see that they are annoyed, and が二つ出てきており、私は以下のような名詞と動詞の関係だと思いました。 (1)Parent are upset (2)their children praise (3)their children regard (4)Parent often are foolish しかし、(3)のregardはParentが主語でした。 だけど、どうしてそうなるのかわかりません。 (4)は「,」が入っているのでParentが主語だと勝手に判断したのですが、(3)はtheir childrenでも文が成り立ちそうな気がします。 やはり、文脈で分けないといけないのですか?