What Does 'Their Lifestyle Will Not Cause Undue Problems Given Your Sensitivity' Mean?

  • Find out the meaning behind the phrase 'their lifestyle will not cause undue problems given your sensitivity' in a roommate application.
  • Understand the significance of 'their lifestyle will not cause undue problems given your sensitivity' in a roommate application.
  • Learn the implication of stating 'their lifestyle will not cause undue problems given your sensitivity' in a roommate application.
  • ベストアンサー


"State clearly and boldly in your roommate application that the main (and perhaps only) thing you care about in a roommate is that their lifestyle will not cause undue problems given your sensitivity." この文にある"their lifestyle will not cause undue problems given your senstivity"の意味がよくわからないので、教えてください。

  • 英語
  • 回答数1
  • ありがとう数1


  • ベストアンサー
  • SPS700
  • ベストアンサー率46% (15295/33014)

given は、下記の接続詞の意味で「~を考えると」と言う意味です。     http://eow.alc.co.jp/given/UTF-8/     あなたの敏感さを考えると、望ましからぬ問題を引き起こさないような生活様式だけがルームメートに欲しい主な(そしておそらく唯一の)心配事だ、とルームメートの申込書にはっきり、かつ勇敢に言いなさい。


  • givenの意味

    Q. Strict parents, bisexual best friend: I’m an 18-year-old girl living at home with my very conservative parents. They are very against gay people and seem to think they’re all monsters. I’m not able to live in the dorms when I go to college because my mother is afraid I’d end up with a lesbian roommate who would rape me. She also proudly recounts the time she talked a friend into a gay conversion camp. My problem is that my best friend is bisexual. I want to have her come over to study sometimes, but if my parents found out she’s bi, she wouldn’t be allowed in the house, and I don’t want her to have to hear my parents on one of their rants about how gays want to adopt children just to molest them. Is it possible to maintain a secret friendship with her or is it better to wait a few years until I move out of my parents’ house? A: I can’t imagine it would be very comfortable for your friend to study at your house if your parents are that often given to making wildly homophobic statements. givenは「好きな」でしょうか?よろしくお願いします

  • 和訳してくださいっっ

    Outer Searching Gives You a New perspectiv About Disabilities 1,Contact with Other Families Youer Outer Search leads you to other families who have chidlen with specal need. You will meet and hear about children and families with problems similar to youra and problems that seem greater or less than yours. You will see how other families have struggled with succeeded with the difficult emotions ofr Surving and the challenges of Searching . Families define and deal with the idea of disability in their own way, according to their personal and religious value systems, cultural beliefs, and personalities of individual family members. 2New Awareness Your Other Search gives you a new awareness of how peo-ple with disabilites are viewed and treated in Amerikan society. Before your experience with your child, you may not have givin much thought about people's attitudes toward disadilities. You will encounter people in your neighbor-hood, in the grocery store checkout line, and at the park who will say things that will absolutely amaze you with their sensitivity or total lack of it . You will find yourself zeroing in on newcasts and articles about the experiences of people with disabilities and learning how American so-ciety meets and fails to meet the special needs of people with disabilties.

  • 【英文→日本語】和訳をお願い致します。

    2つの文章を長文ですが、訳して頂けたら幸いです。 お手数をお掛け致しますが、よろしくお願い致します。 ※文章は、非英語圏の友人が書いてます。 ⚫文章(1) In life, everything happens. And in such situations, perhaps, it helps only the idea that all your stay with you. And all your people will stay with you. If they leave, then they were not your people. I hope you and him will get better. And if not, then life does not end due to the fact that someone is leaving. We must live and look forward. ⚫文章(2) I worked in the city administration. Yes, you can probably say that it was often boring. But I am glad that I worked there, it was a good and very useful experience.

  • 英語の訳をお願いします。

    Making it easy for your clients to reach your office and settle in will reassure them that their business is in reliable hands. 長すぎて分かりません… どなたか直訳程度でいいのでお願いします。

  • 翻訳をお願い致します

    以下の英文を和訳していただけるかたのみで、 お願いできますでしょうか? 意訳大歓迎です。 どうぞよろしくお願いいたします。 In your chart you planets on both rising axis and descending or falling axis. This makes for a balanced relationship where the power will swing one way and then the other. Sometimes you’ll be the one in charge who makes the decisions and dominates, sometimes your partner will. Inevitably this will cause the occasional clash, and power struggles will ensure, where you’ll both pull in opposite directions. But this doesn't mean a difficult union necessarily, just that both of you will be strong willed, perhaps in different ways.

  • 和訳してください

    I'm Really worried' cause of your welfare. and yes, the whole world is now praying with the problems in Japan and Libya

  • 英文の和訳

    英文の和訳をしていただけるかた のみで、お願いできますでしょうか? 抽象的かもしれませんが どうぞよろしくお願いいたします。 Venus rules your seventh house and was in Virgo. This means you will set you heart on your soul mate, you will marry him for love. Virgo can be extreme, either very virginal or very passionate, and usually both, because their love is given totally and completely, mind body and spirit, but to only to one much idealized person. In love you are patient, devoted, choosy, and with high morals, or a natural detachment, an emotional self control that is not conducive to relationships.

  • これは be given to の用法ですか?

    If you're GIVEN TO taunting, and win a fight with one punch, you might say to your opponent, "You're no fun, you fell right over!" be given to に関してお尋ねします。これは普通の英和に出ている意味とは違いませんか?文脈から判断して「喧嘩になったら」「喧嘩の場合」の意味ですよね?これはもしかしたら "Given that" という時の、"if" や "suppose" に近い意味ではないでしょうか?

  • Draw you out

    "You might find that friends and activities you enjoy will comfortably draw you out of some aspects of your sensitivity. " Draw you out の意味を教えてください。

  • The cause that you originate in the

    The cause that you originate in the within will produce its effect in the without, regardless of what your opinions may be. Your personal life will consequently be the result of what you think, but it will not necessarily be what you think it is. 上記の文の最後の文章but以下が良く分からないのですが どなたかご教授いただければ幸甚です。