• ベストアンサー


'When spring came, even the false spring, there were no problems except where to be happiest." ヘミングウェイの"A Moveable Feast"という作品の一節らしいのですが(実際に読んでいるわけではなく、ある記事に引用されていましたので)、意味がよくわかりません。どなたか教えて頂けませんか。

  • 英語
  • 回答数1
  • ありがとう数0


  • ベストアンサー
  • SPS700
  • ベストアンサー率46% (15295/33014)



  • 和訳お願いします。

    The early democracy could thus be called “direct” democracy, where all citizens (except slaves) could, if they wanted, be involved actively in govenment, and where many matters of policy could be decided by referendum, that is, direct voting on particular problems by the entire state. This kind of democracy could never operate in very large states, as there would be too many people involved, and the result would be chaos. よろしくお願いします。

  • 和訳お願いします。

    You may see the 'corpse revier'in the Edison laboratory at Dearborn.Even Edison when visiting his friend Henry Ford in 1929 smiled at sight of it.'There is nothing missing here,'said he.When the 'corpse revier'is operated before ladies that visit the laboratory,occasionaly one inquires where such a machine could be obtained,while their husbands look sheepishly on Without blinking. Visitors were many at that period and they came from all parts of the world. Edison was often annoyed by by the constant interruptions to his work when he had to do the honors by showing personages round.The callers were rated by their consequence and accordingly either Edison,Upton,Batchelor,or one else wes assigned them.In mentioning these visitors I must explain that were the extra and special ones not included in the crowds that came every evening to see the exhibition.

  • 英文と和訳があります。訳は正しいですか?

    Differences in appointment time can create real problems when people from many different cultures must function together. Many years ago, I helped to take 20 bus loads of youths of many nation from Tokyo to Osaka to visit EXPO '70. There were problems every time the bus left in the morning after a stopover. The Japanese arrived early and were sitting on the buses by 9:00 a.m. The Indians and Southeast Asians never came on time, and usually someone would have to go get them. Some of them were still asleep or just getting dressed. Even then, they never hurried. 日本語訳 たくさんの違う文化をもつ人々が一緒に動かなければならない時、アポイントメント時間の違いは大問題を引き起こします。かなり前、私はエキスポ70に行くために、東京から大阪までバス20台分の多くの国の若者たちを連れて行くのを手伝いました。(人を乗せるためにどこかに)泊りの後、午前中にバスが出発するときはいつでも問題が起きました。日本人は早めに着いて、午前9時までにはバスに乗車していました。インド人と東南アジアからの人は決して時間どおりには来ず、通常誰かが連れてこなければなりませんでした。そうした人たちのうち幾人かは、まだ寝ていたり着替え中の人もいました。そのような時ですら決して急ごうとはしませんでした。

  • 和訳をお願いします。

    when seeing your pictures, made me even miss you more. How have you been doing lately? Do you go clubbing a lot? Last weekend I went to Germany to club, it was fun, but I drunk too much alcohol. The next day I have been clubbing again with friends in Holland. Did you knew that there is a big Japanese community living in Dusseldorf. They even got a Japanese town, I like to go to Dusseldorf, because there is the only place nearby where you can eat ramen noodles. When eating ramen reminds me of the time that we were eating ramen together when I have met you for the first time. Hope we can do that soon again...

  • 英語の文章と和訳がありますが、和訳は正しいですか?

    Now, however, Japan is increasingly becoming similar to other nations where there are clear lower and higher classes. One of the newer groups of people that are part of the lower class is called the “working poor.” The problem of the working poor in Japan is actually not so new. In the mid-1980s new labor laws were introduced. These laws allowed companies to hire employees at their subsidiaries where they worked for low wages and benefits, even though the actual duties were the same as at the main company. 和訳 しかし、現在、日本ではますます、はっきりした階級の高低が存在することに関して、他の国と類似してきました。 下層階級の一部である、人々の新しいグループのうちの1つは、“ワーキングプア”と呼ばれています。 日本のワーキングプアの問題は、実はそれほど新しくありません。1980年代中頃には、新しい労働法が導入されました。たとえ実際の業務が親会社と同じであったとしても、これらの法律は親会社が利益のために、その子会社において低賃金で従業員を雇うことを認めました。

  • 英文の疑問点

    英文の疑問点があるので教えてください。 By 1898, there were more than 3 million people living in New York City. これは文法的にはどうなっているのでしょうか。 livingは分詞ですか? 訳し方も教えてください。 Why did so many people come to New York? A lot of them were running away from problems in their own countries. They could start a new life in the United States. They came to live the "American dream." 最後の文、They came to live the "American dream."の意味を教えてください。 以上、よろしくお願いします。

  • “cafe girls”とは?―ヘミングウェイ「異国にて」(質問その2)

    シリーズ・ヘミングウェー6 気の向くままにヘミングウェイ作品を読んでいるうち、つぎつぎと難解な部分に直面しては、皆さんに質問を投げかけている者です。 さて、短編「異国にて」の非常にオモシロい箇所なのですが、困ったことに翻訳が分かれているので、気に掛かる一節があります。 (…) there were always girls at the tables and the illustrated papers on a rack on the wall.The girls at Cova were very patriotic, and I found that the most patriotic people in Italy were the cafe girls - and I believe they are still patriotic. 主人公を含めたリハビリ中の負傷兵たちの、行きつけのカフェ「コーヴァ」。 判りかねるのが 「カフェ・ガールズ」です。 龍口直太郎は、これを「女給たち」と訳し、大久保康雄は、あいまいに「カフェの女たち」、高見浩は「カフェに集まる女のコたち」としています。 果たして、女給なのか客なのか、これが大きな分かれ目で、当該部分のオモシロさが、相当に大きな影響を受けることになります。 またしても龍口訳は間違いなのでしょうか?

  • There's more where he cam

    ある小説の以下のくだりがわかりません。There's more where he came from,とはどういう意味でしょうか? 妻が夫の部屋を訪ねたところ他の男がいた、というくだりで、夫が妻に向かって言ったセリフです。 "Ah," you said, your eyes bright with mockery. "There's more where he came from, my lady. Help yourself." 原文は以下です。 But I saw the shock on your face, the flicker of disgust you were not quick enough to hide, and over your bare shoulder I saw Stephanos, the manservant, reclining on your bed, and despite the damp heat of the corridor I shivered in my black lace gown. "Ah," you said, your eyes bright with mockery. "There's more where he came from, my lady. Help yourself." よろしくお願いします。

  • 和訳をお願いします

    和訳をお願いします 長くなってすみません(>_<) Our next opinion was sent in by Mark Navarrone, who writes: Pets make great companios, and that's the main reason why more than half of household in the United States have pets today, but there are also a number of problems associated with pet ownership. It would be great if everyone were responsible, but unfortunately many people don't take good care of their pets. Some people allow their pets to run loose in the neighborhood orabandon them when they move. Many people also fail to take measures to prevent their dogs or cats from reproducing. This lends to the birth of many unwanted puppies and kittens, which often end up at animal shelters or, even worse,are simply dumped in rural areas. These irresponsible pet owners are a big problem. There must be strict penalties for the abandonment of animals.

  • 和訳を願いたいです。

    Delia and I were zoology students who had come to Africa to start a wildlife research project. After months of searching for the right place, we found the Central Kalahari Game Reserve in Botswana. We decided it was an ideal place, so in 1974 we set up our base camp in the reserve. Much of the Central Kalahari was still unexplored because of the heat and lack of water. There were no villages near our base camp. We had to bring our water across the plains from a small town over 150 kilometers away. In an area larger than Ireland, our tiny research team of two and a few groups of native Africans were the only humans. The Kalahari was a difficult place for us to live. And it was difficult for the wild animals, too. They sometimes lived together peacefully, but often fought fiercely to survive. After having observed their way of living, we came to understand what the laws of nature really are. On the Kalahari we were just uninvited guests. It was important for us to leave the plains and the wild animals and plants as they were. (1)Where did Mark and Delia set up their base camp? (2)Why weren’t there many people living in the Central Kalahari? (3)What did they come to understand by watching the animals’ way of life? 打ち間違いをしていたらすいません。 上記の英文を和訳して、(1)(2)(3)の問題には英語で答えてもらいたいです。 お願いします。 ・・・ついでに私の以前の名前はnogarinでした。 saysheさんなら気付いてくださると思います。