• ベストアンサー
※ ChatGPTを利用し、要約された質問です(原文:仮定法の英訳について)



  • ベストアンサー
  • sayshe
  • ベストアンサー率77% (4555/5904)

(1) I will have been in university for four years next March. ☆単なる未来完了でよいのでは? 退学するか転学することを考えているのであれば、 If I should be [should have been] in this university until next March, I will (would) have been in this university for four years. 3月になった時点で4年間ですから、until next March とする必要はない様に思います。 (2) If I had been there, I could have helped him with his research. ☆「まとめる」と言う動詞を使わないのであれば、「help 人 with ~」でよいのではないでしょうか? (3) Even if you were not to be a member of one of the dancing groups, you could [still] participate in the festival. ☆「あなたがメンバーになる可能性がとても薄い」と言う意識が働いているのであれば、このような表現になると思います。普通に書けば、 [Even] if you are not a member of one of the dancing groups, you can [still] participate in the festival. あるいは、 [Even] if you do not belong to one of the dancing groups, you can [still] take part in the festival. ☆仮定法は「もし~ならば」と言う意味が入っていることが多く、if と言う接続詞もよく目につきますが、こちらは本当は関係がありません。話者が「事実の裏返し」を考えているかどうかで、動詞の部分の時制がずれることが仮定法の最も大切な部分です。この問題を拝見して、わざわざ仮定法にしなければならない様には、(2) 番以外には感じませんでした。「もしも」と言う言葉があっても「単なる条件文」の場合もあります。



非常に丁寧なご回答ありがとうございました。 今までは、仮定法を用いるのにとらわれすぎていた気がします。 これからはもう少し文章全体をよく捉えて仮定法を使うかどうかを考えようと思います。 ありがとうございました。


  • 仮定法について

    「I couldn't have done it without your help.(あなたの助けなしでは出来なかった。)」 質問(1)withoutはbut forに書き換えが可能ですか?また、その部分を"~があれば"と言いたいときはwithで合っていますか? 質問(2)「If you hadn't helped me, I couldn't have done it.」「If it hadn't been for your help, I couldn't have done it.」これら2つの英文は上の英文と同じ意味になりますか?前者は、なんとなく会話で使うとしたら、不自然なようにも思います。

  • 仮定法

    2文が同じ意味になるように空所に適切な語を入れなさい ・Were it not for the examination, I wouldn't study at all. =() the examination, I wouldn't study at all. ・I didn't have enough money; otherwise I could have bought it for you. =I didn't have enough money. If I ()()enough money, I could have bought it for you. ・It's time for him to get rid of such a bad habit. =It's time ()() rid of such a bad habit.

  • 仮定法について

    先ほど英会話の先生とTOEICの問題を解いていて、 ( ) I had been driving my car, I could have reached there in time. とありました。正解はBecause ofでしたが、私はIfではないのですか?と尋ねました。 (仮定法過去完了かと思ったので。) 時間になってしまい理由が聞けなかったので、うやむやになってしまいました>< どなたか解説していただけると嬉しいです。 よろしくお願いします。

  • 仮定法について教えてください

    高校の仮定法で分からないところがあります。 超基礎だと思いますが、どなたか心優しい方、教えてくださいm(_ _)m You could have solved the problem with a little more patience. この文を仮定法にせよという問題で、 解答は、 If you had had a little more patience, you could have been solved the problem. となっているのですが、この帰結節のyou could have been solvedの「been」は何故つくのでしょうか? 「could have Vp.p」に普通に当てはめたら could have solvedとなるのかな?と思ったのですが。 過去分詞が二回続く理由がよく分かりません><

  • 英訳(仮定法?)

    Everyone knew that meat went bad if you left it in the open air.And everyone,with the help of a microscope,could see the microbes in the meat. 恥ずかしい話ですがcouldの訳し方がわかりません。「~できるかもしれない」でいいですか

  • 英訳教えてください

    英訳教えてください 1彼がもっと忍耐強ければ、きっと成功しただろうに If he had been (    ) patient , he might have succeeded. 2彼の振る舞いを見ていれば、彼は頭がおかしくなったのだと思っただろう If I had seen his behavior, I would have thought he (   ) crazy. 3風が強くなかったら、ピクニックはどんなに楽しかっただろうか If it hadn't been(        ),how (     )the picnic would have been! 4英語が話せたら、君の通訳をつとめたのだが If I (     )English , I would have acted as an interpreter (   ) you. 5バイクがあれば、暗くなる前にそこに着けたのに If (         )a bike, I could have reached there before it got dark. 6君がそこにいれば、あの有名な女優を見ることができたのに If you (   ) there,you could have seen that famous actress. よろしくお願いします

  • 英語の仮定法で困ってます。

    仮定法の問題で困っています。だれか教えてください。お願いします。 Q次の英文とほぼ同じ内容になるように(  )に適語を入れなさい。また、訳もしてください。 1)If I were in your place, I would do the same thing.   =(  )(  ) in your place, I would do the same thing. 2)If I had studied more, I could have passed the exam.   =(  )(  )(  ) more, I could have passed the exam. 3)If you should die tomorrow, what would you do today?   =(  )(  ) die tomorrow, what would you do today? 4)If it had not been for the traffic jam on the way, we would have arrived sooner.   =(  ) it not (  )(  ) the traffic jam on the way, we would have arrived sooner.

  • 仮定法で困っています。

    英語の仮定法の問題で困っています。一応自分でやってみたので、間違っているところがあったら指摘してください。 Q空所に入れるのに最も適当なものを、それぞれ下の(1)~(4)のうちから1つずつ選んでください。 (1)I could have gotten much more for the painting if I (  ) it overseas. (1)had sold (2)would sell (3)have sold (4)sold 自分の答え→(2) (2)(  ) your help, I wouldn't have been able to accomplish this project. (1)Were not it for (2)If it had not for (3)Had it not been for (4)If it is not for 自分の答え→(1) (3)I do not deny that your information was invaluable. (  ) it, I could never have formed our plan. (1)Far from (2)In spite of (3)With (4)Without 自分の答え→(4) (4)Had I known you were coming to Tokyo, I (  ) to the station to meet you. (1)would have gone (2)didn't go (3)had gone (4)would go 自分の答え→(3) (5)The man at the window must be a spy, since he works slowly and keeps looking around. A real cleaner (  ) the windows twice. (1)had never washed (2)was not washing (3)would not wash (4)did not wash 自分の答え→(3) 問題は以上です。よろしくお願いします。

  • 高校1年 仮定法の模範解答を教えてください。

    (1)AS I have no money ,I can’t buy a car.  If I(    ) money ,buy a car. (2)I wish he were my brother.  I’m sorry he (    )my brother. (3)As he helped me ,I was able to finish the homework.  (    )his help ,I could not (    )(    )the homework. (4)As I could swim well,I was not drowned.  If I had not been able to swim well,I (    )(    )been drowned. (5)I’m sorry (    )I can’t go with you  How I (    )I (    )go with you. (6)I was unable to buy the car for lack of money.  I could have bought the car if I(    )(    ) enough money. (7)I am (    )I cannot speak English as well as you.  I wish I (    )speak English as well as you. (8)If he were to lose his position,what would he do?  (    )(    )to lose his position,what would he do? (9)(    )you did not help him ,he failed.  (    )your help,he would have succeeded . (10)His carelessness caused the accident.  If he had been more(    ) ,the accident would not have (    ).    以上、よろしくお願いします。

  • 仮定法の書き換え教えてください

    仮定法の書き換え教えてください (  )内間違いなので教えてください 1Because you didn't leave eary,you missed the train. ->If you had left eary, you( would haven't)missed the train. 2Because I couldn't take a long vacation, I didn't travel. ->If I ( could have took) a long vacation, I would have traveld. 3I could finish this job because you gave me good advice. -> If you hadn't given me good advice, I (could haven't finish)this job. 4The table broke , as I leaned on it. -> If I hadn't leaned on ( it), (the table)wouldn't have broken. 5It was snowing hard yesterday , so I stayed home all day. -> If it hadn't been snowing hard yesterday, I ( would haven't ) stayed home all day.