• ベストアンサー



  • ベストアンサー
  • sayshe
  • ベストアンサー率77% (4555/5904)

彼らは、組合を作って、適切な契約、医療補助を求めて闘いました、そして、それと共に、雇用における公正さを強く求めました。 ☆ come a push for と言う部分が少しわかりません。and along with that pushed for fairness in hiring. の意味で用いられたと解釈して訳しました。 push for: ~を強く求める http://eow.alc.co.jp/push+for/UTF-8/


  • includingについて

    このコーナーでは大変お世話になっております。 以下の文についてお教え頂けないでしょうか。 We offer a competitive salary along with a full range of benefits, including health coverage and a minimum of 15 paid holidays a year. (1)includingと考えましたがあっていますでしょうか? (2)もしそうでしたらincludingの前は何が省略されていますでしょうか?  And there areでしょうか? (3)この文を以下のように変えることはできるでしょうか? We offer a competitive salary along with a full range of benefits which including health coverage and a minimum of 15 paid holidays a year. どうぞ宜しくお願い申し上げます。

  • 和訳をお願いします

    和訳をお願いします 長くなってすみません(>_<) Susan Morton submitted the third opinion selected for publication. Research has shown that there are health benefits to having pets, and that is an important advantage of pet ownership that is often overlookd when discussing the pros and cons of pets. Studies have found that they can lower people's blood pressure and cholesterol levels and ease feelings of loneliness. There are other health benefits as well. Walking a dog provides exercise for both the dog's owner and the dog. Many elderly people who live alone find that a cat or dog makes an excellent companion, and studies have found that elderly people with pets have lower rates of depression. In this way, pets benefit both our physical and mental health.

  • 和訳をお願いします。

    以下の文の和訳をお願いします。 A report this month from the London Chamber of Commerce and Industry concluded that Britain’s leaving the European Union would directly affect “firms’ ability to do business,” “their access to skills” and, therefore, the British government’s tax revenue. The report also said the 2.2 million European Union immigrants were “much more likely” to be employed and less likely to be reliant on public welfare benefits than either British citizens or immigrants from outside the European Union.

  • 和訳してください

    [ ]に入る適切な語を選んで和訳していただけませんか? In the 1980s, when the Soviet Union’s last leader, Mikhail Gorbachev, came into power, The Soviet Union was faced with two serious problems. First, their economic planning failed to [meet/ reflect/ find] the needs of the State, which was caught up in a vicious arms race with the US. This led to a gradual economic decline that called for economic reform. Second, the Government had underestimated the growing demand of the non-Russian ethnic groups for independence from the Soviet Union. In order to address these problems, Gorbachev introduced a two-tiered reform policy: glasnost (freedom of speech) and perestroika (economic reform). However, perestroika did not work and only encouraged people to exercise their newly given freedom of speech to [praise /criticize/ explain] the Government for its unsuccessful economic reform.

  • 和訳をお願いします

    和訳をお願いします 長くなってすみません(>_<) I took the fist turn to the right at the Medical Records Dept. and made my way along the corridor, but it came to a dead end, so I turned around and headed toward the entrance. But I was so frightened and it was so smoky that I got lost. I remember turning to the right somewhere and getting to the door of some room,but I have no idea where I was. I sat down in front of the door and desperately called out for help again and again. Finally a man heard me. He came over to help me, took me by the hand and led me to the entrance.

  • 以下、英語の和訳のヒントお願いします

    In the 19 century, two-thirds of Americans worked on farms. Then along came laborsaving machinery,and it put almost everyone out of a job この文章で、Then along cameの訳し方がわかりません。alongて前置詞ですよね。cameて過去形ですよね?なんで、前置詞が動詞を修飾してるのですか?またどのように訳すのが適切ですか? もう1つ、it put almost everyone out of a job このputは、letと同じ意味で考えていいのでしょうか? よろしくお願いします。

  • 和訳をお願いします

    長くてすみません(>_<) 和訳をおねがいします The health benefits of walking are highly praised by experts ――and backed up by solid research.“Exercise can cut the risk of developing heart disease by half as well as lower blood pressure, reduce stress and minimize the risk of blocking the flow of blood to the brain,”Professor Charles George,medical director for the British Heart Foundation,told a journalist. “Since walking is one of the easiest,most convenient and inexpensive forms of exercise,it's an excellent choice for many people.”

  • 和訳の仕方が分かりません💦

    和訳お願いします(*..) Nobody doubts that a reasonable amount of sleep is vital for health and safety,

  • 和訳をお願いします。

    以下の文の和訳をお願いします。 Big British employers of foreign labor include service businesses like hotels because, the report said, part of the problem with such sectors “is their poor image and the belief that they do not offer career progression opportunities.” Still, many British business leaders criticize what they consider meddlesome employment rules by the European Union, like rules on maximum working hours and workplace rights for staff members on temporary contracts.

  • 大至急和訳お願いします

    Americans' style of negotiation tends to be rational and legally oriented. Americans usually like to keep negotiations on a strict time schedule: moving along logically from one point to the next, hoping to reach an agreement and to sign a contract as soon as possible.Japanese, on the other hand, tend to see negotiation as a slowly evolving matter of building trust and respect. They value informal verbal agreements and long-term relationships more than the legal contracts and short-term goals usually pursued by Americans.