• ベストアンサー


(1)意味が同じになるように(    )に何がはいりますか? 1 I am sure that he will get the prize. → He is sure ( ) ( ) the prize. 2 It is certain that he will get the prize. → He is certain ( ) ( ) the prize. (2)動名詞を使っての書き換えです 1I wonder why you did not take his advice. 和訳も教えてくだされば、嬉しいです! よろしくお願いします!!


  • ベストアンサー

He is sure of getting the prize. 彼は賞を取ることを確信している。 He is certain of getting the prize. 意味は上と同じですが,sureのほうが主観的(悪く言えば,思い込み)で,cetainのほうが客観的(誰が見ても,そう思う)という違いがあります。 I wonder about your not having taken his advice. 私は,あなたが彼の助言を受け入れなかったことを,不思議に思う。 述語動詞より前の時制(この場合,過去)の動名詞は,主語+(否定ならnot)+having +過去分詞






  • 動名詞の書き換え教えてください

    動名詞の書き換え教えてください i wonder why you did not take his advice. → i wonder (about) your not having taken his advice. (   )内が違うみたいなんです。何が入ったらいいのでしょうか? 教えてください

  • 動名詞(構文)を使った書き換えが全くわかりません

    動名詞(構文)を使った書き換えが全くわかりません 下の文を動名詞(構文)を使って書き換えたらどうなるか教えてください She insisted that her husband should cook lunch yesterday The man denied that he had failed in business As soon as I finish my homework, I will go to see the movie It is impossible to tell when he wil get better It is of no use to tell him so I am proud that my son won the speech contest I am sure that your daughter will be nurse She was proud that she was healthy I could`t but cry alound for help I was surprised that the mountain was covered with a lot of snow The train didon`t arrive at the station on time on account of the earthquake He complains that his room is too small My parents object bthat I go abroad

  • 動名詞の書き換え問題

    She is pround that she has a fine collection of painting.をShe is pround ( )( ) a fine collection of painting.にしなければならないとき何を入れればいいのでしょうか? 同じようにJhon regrets that did not call her. Jhon regrets (  )(  )(  )her. I insisted that he should answer the question. I insisted (  )(  )(  )the question. 等もあるのですが,( )中になんと入れていいのか分かりません!!どういう風にまず,説けばいいのでしょうか?アドバイスお願いします!!

  • この文法の意味を教えてください

    I am sure that he will help us. =It is certain(sureは×) that he will help us. =He is certain(sureでも○)to help us. I am sorry that I have kept you waiting so long ≠It is sorry that... =I am sorry to have kept you waiting so long この2つの文でどういうような文法がいいたいのでしょうか? ノートにはこれしか書いていなくてわかりません。 回答お願いします。

  • 動名詞(構文)を使った書き換えが全くわかりません

    下の文を動名詞(構文)を使って書き換えたらどうなるか教えてください She insisted that her husband should cook lunch yesterday The man denied that he had failed in business As soon as I finish my homework, I will go to see the movie It is impossible to tell when he wil get better It is of no use to tell him so I am proud that my son won the speech contest I am sure that your daughter will be nurse She was proud that she was healthy I could`t but cry alound for help I was surprised that the mountain was covered with a lot of snow The train didon`t arrive at the station on time on account of the earthquake He complains that his room is too small My parents object bthat I go abroad

  • 動名詞を使うとどうなりますか?

    動名詞を使うとどうなりますか? I reminded him that he had promised it. よろしくお願いします

  • proud of動名詞 proud to不定詞

    (1)be sure ofは「主語が~を確信している」 He is sure of making it. = He is sure that he will make it. (=主語自身が、成功すると確信している) (2)be sure to 「主語が必ず~する」と話し手が確信している。 He is sure to make it.=I'm sure that he will make it. (彼は必ず成功する)と話し手である私が確信している。 という違いがあると教わりました。 (3)be proud of 動名詞 (4)be proud to 不定詞 (3)と(4)にも何か同じような違いがあるのでしょうか? 連続の投稿で失礼致しますm(_ _)m 通ってる学校の英語の先生では解決に至りませんでした。

  • 動名詞の書き換え問題

    お世話になります。 1.彼女は、見知らぬ人から突然話しかけられてびっくりした。 She was surprised ( )( )( )( ) suddenly by a staranger.   自分の答えto being spoken to 疑問はShe was surprised at the news.のように名詞の前はatですが、動名詞の前はtoそれともat のどちらですか。 動名詞を使って書き換えなさい。(自分の答えで合っていますか。) 1.Frank is angry that I never give my opinion clearly. =Frankly is angry at my never giving my opinion cleraly. 疑問 前置詞はatでもaboutでもいいですか。 2.He is happy that his favorite soccer team won the game yesterday. =He is happy at his favorite soccer team having won the game yesterday. 疑問 前置詞はatでもaboutでもいいですか。forも使えますか。 以上よろしくお願いします。

  • is there possibility that he will come?を動名詞をつかうと

    is there possibility that he will come?を that he will comeのぶぶんを動名詞をつかうと is there possibility him to come? では、だめでしょうか? 多分駄目だと思うのですが、、、よろしくおねがいします

  • 動名詞

    1 I need to repair my car =My car needs ( ) 2 Would you mind if I smoke? =Would you mind ( ) ( ) 3 Whenever I visit him, I find him absent =I never visit him( ) finding him absent 4 He insisted that I should pay for it =He insisted on ( )( )for it 5 She is proud that she got high scores =She is proud of ( ) ( )high scores 6 Lee couldn't go to the concert because of a cold =A cold prevented Lee ( )( )to the concert 7 Needless to say, you have to do your best =It goes ( )( )that you have to do your best 8 It is impossible to tell what will happen in the future =There is ( ) ( )what will happen in the future という問題なんですが、よくわかりません。 答えと訳を教えて頂けたらありがたいです お願いします!!!」

  • WRC-1900GST2はクロスパス対応しているのかについて質問があります。
  • 急ぎのため、回答をいただけると嬉しいです。
  • エレコム株式会社の製品であるWRC-1900GST2のルーターがクロスパス対応なのか知りたいです。