• ベストアンサー



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  • ベストアンサー率48% (3502/7245)






  • 英語の和訳に関しての質問です。

      Hideki's father felt offended that Octavio didn't seen to be satisfied with the arrangements he had made for him. という文の和訳なのですが、 [ [felt] [offended]が連続しているところが、なんだかよくわかりません。 ご教授お願いいたします。

  • 英語の和訳

    この英文の和訳教えてください(>_<) ↓ ↓ Many years passed and the young man was very successful in business. He realized his father was very old,and thought perhaps he should go to see him. He had not seen him since that graduation day. Before he could make arrangements,hereceived a telegram telling him his father had passed away,and willed all of his possessions to his son. He needed to come home immediately and take care of things. When he arrived at his father's house,sudden sadness and regret filled his heart. He began to search through his father's important papers and saw the still new Bible,just as he had left it years ago. With tears,he opened the Bible and began to turn the pages. And as he did, a car key dropped from the back of the Bible. It had a tag with the dealer's name,the same dealer who had the sports car he had desired. On the tag were the date of his graduation and the words PAID IN FULL.

  • as か、in か ("as the Olympycs")

    日本のソフトボールが大金星で金メダル!!という記事を読んでいて、少し気に掛かった表現があります(読売新聞のサイトです)。 引用: Right-hander Yukiko Ueno pitched out of two bases-loaded jams to lead Japan in the sports' final appearance as the Olympics. 「上野投手は、2度の満塁のピンチを脱する好投で、オリンピック正式種目としては最後となるこの競技で、チームを鼓舞した」というような内容でしょうけど、気になるのは"as"です。 なぜ in ではないのでしょうか。as だと、なんとなく"as one [part] of the Olympics"としたくなるようなところですが、それも変ですか?あるいは、スポーツ記事にふさわしくない間延びした感じになるので、"as the Olympics"と省略的な書き方をした……? ついでに、sports'は、sport'sではないのでしょうか。誤植っぽいですが、あえて複数形にしているのでしょうか? ちなみに、USA TODAYの記事では、"[…] beaten 3-1 by Japan in the sport's last appearance in the Olympics" という書き方が見られました。

  • 自分で解いてみたのですが…

    添削をお願いします。 (  )に入る適語を選べ。 1.She will call you back as soon as she ( ) her homework. finished, finishes, will finish, had finished            解答 had finished 2. I enjoy Shakespeare's works. Up to now I ( ) three of his plays. had read, have read, was reading, am reading 解答 was reading 3. By the time he retires my father ( ) for almost thirty years. will work, will have worked, has worked, will has worked 解答 will has worked よろしくお願いします。

  • 18-2日本語訳

    お願いします。  In about 269 BCE,Ashoka's father,King Bindusara,died.Ashoka was barely 30,but he had already proven himself a brilliant warrior.Ashoka's mother had not been his father's chief wife,so he had to compete with his half brothers for the throne.But by 265 BCE Ashoka had defeated all his rivals and was the unquestioned king of the dntire northern subcontinent.  He may have been king,but many of his people did not wish to be his subjects.They had lived in independent city-states for centuries and,and although a centralized state had its good points,like making the roads better and safer and increasing trade,they did not want to obey a king.Ashoka made royal visits to these regions to persuade his people to stay in the kingdom his father and grandfather had established.When persuasion didn't work,he sent his army.  Ashoka's grandfather,Chandragupta,ham united most of the northern subcontinent.His empire stretched“from the lord of the mountains[Himalayas],cooled by showers of the spray nf the divine steam[Ganga]playing about among its rocks.to the shores of the southern ocean marked by the brilliance of gems flashing with various colors.”Arhoka's father,Bindusara,had continued his father's tradition,earning himself the nickname“Slayer of Enemies.”But neither Chandragupta nor Bindusara had dared attack the territory of Kalinga in eastern India.  Kalinga was a particularly rich and powerful state.Its riches came from its trade with Southeast Asia.Merchants from Kalinga could be found as far away as Borneo,Bali,and Java.Although it had no king,Kalinga protected its riches with a huge and well-organized army,including an army of especially mighty war elephants.

  • 「英文添削していただけますか?」

    「英文添削していただけますか?」 下記の日本文を英文に訳しましたが、おかしな表現がないかアドバイスいただけたら 助かります。ちょっと長くてすみません。。。とくに過去完了などの時制がわかりません。  「父の日に御父さんにネクタイをあげて、ケーキといくつか料理を家族につくってあげたの。  昨日は一日中料理してた・・ 私は父が仕事でいつもいそがしかったから、子供のころ父と  遊んだことがないの。かれは相変わらず今もいそがしいけど。  とにかく、あなたがお父さんと楽しい時間が過ごせていたらいいな。(向こうは父の日の夜なので)  ところで、9月に友人の結婚式でグアムにいくの。 ハワイでなくて残念。。。  (メールの相手がハワイなので)」 「 I gave a tie to my father on father's day and I made a cake and some dishes for my family last night. I cooked all day yesterday.. I had never play with my father when I was child that he was always busy with his work. He is busy now as well though... Anyway, I hope you had a great time with your father today. Btw, I'm going to Guam in Sep for my friend's wedding. That's too bad its not Hawaii... 」

  • 大学入試レベルの英語の問題、解答お願いします。

    空所補充 ( )をうめてください (A)you can use my car( )you drive carefully. 1、as good as 2、as long as 3、as much as 4、as well as (B)studying abroad can be an ( ) experience for student. 1,excite 2,excited 3,exciting 4,excitingly (C) ( )did i dream of a letter coming from my father since I hadn`t heard from him for years. 1,even 2,little 3,quite 4,so (D) But for his phone call, she ( ) late for yesterday`s meeting. 1,had seriously been 2,seriously was 3,would have been seriously 4,would seriously be (E)Tom`s actions are not ( ) of a gentleman. 1,that 2,these 3,those 4,which 全問じゃなくてもいいのでお願いします!

  • 少々長いですが、質問に例示した英文の構造についてお教えください

    英語を本気で勉強し始めて3ヶ月目の者です。下記の英文を読んでいた時に、文章構造上、知識不足のため、きちんと理解できていない箇所がいくつかあります。少々長い文章で申し訳ないのですが、部分的にでもよいので、お教え頂ければ幸いです。 ■1つめの文章 Halloween, which had begun as a religious rite that included moonlit blood sacrifices, by the late 1880's had turned into a young people's holiday in the United States. 【質問1】 Halloweenにかかる関係代名詞節の中にthatがありますが、これはwhichで代用はできないのでしょうか。thatの前に「, which」があるので、もう一回whichを使うと読み手に混同させてしまう。つまり、thatは読み手にHalloweenではなく、a religious riteという先行詞にかかることを識別させるために使ったのでしょうか。 【質問2】 by the late 1880'sの位置についてお教えください。関係代名詞節を抜いた文章だと、Halloween by the late 1880's had turned into a young people's holiday in the U.S..になります。 この文章は、なんとなくですが、しっくりきません。個人的には、「by the late 1880's」は、文末に置いた方がいいと考えておりますが、文末におくと、動詞から離れてしまうから、前にもってきたのでしょうか。hadの前にby the late 1880'sを置く理由があればお教え頂ければ幸いです。 ちなみに、「turn into」は句動詞だと理解していますが、目的語をとるので他動詞と同様の扱いと考えてよいのであれば、Halloween had by the late 1880's turned into ・・・と書くのも可能なのでしょうか。完了形+他動詞の場合、I have just finished work.というように、haveとP.P.の間に副詞を置くと理解していたので。。。理解が間違っておりましたら、ご教授ください。 ■2つめの文章(前の文の続きです) It still revolved around superstition, but of a mild variety, with quaint rituals indicaating things such as whether a lover was being faithful or would become a future marriage parter. 【質問3】 Itがさしているのは、Halloweenと理解しています。そして、「, but of a mild variety,」がどこにどうやってかかるのか、その位置づけがよくわかりません。そして、なぜbutの後ろにすぐofがきているのかという点もわかっていません。 【質問4】 「, with・・・」以下の文章がどこにどうやってかかるのか、よくわかりません。ちなみに、such as 以下は、wheter A or Bの構文になっていて、quaint rituals indicaating thingsにかかっているというのは理解しています。が、どこからの繋がりで 「, with」が出てきたのか理解できておりません。 稚拙な質問もあり、回答者の方には笑われてしまうかもしれませんが、ひとつひとつ疑問を解決していき、数ヶ月後にはきちんと英文を読めるようになりたいと強く思っておりますので、ご協力頂けたら幸いです。 よろしくお願い申し上げます。

  • [至急]英語ができる人に質問です。

    宿題で分からない所があるので教えて下さい! He coverd his shyness by speaking absently, as though what really concerned him were far away. This manner of speaking had always been Newt's style, even in matters that concerned hom desperately. 今この文章を訳しているのですが、even in matters の意味が分かりません。 「This manner of speaking had always been Newt's style, even in matters that concerned hom desperately.」 この文章はどう訳せばいいのか教えてもらえませんか?? ちなみにNewtは人の名前です。 ヨロシクお願いします。

  • 英文訳

    As for choosing the microcosm of my father's life and of my relations with my father, I want to state at the outset that no matter how personal and idiosyncratic our experience have been, they are also characteristic of an era. 父の人生と父との私の関係の小世界を選択することに関して、どんなに個人的に特有な経験をされてきたにしても、彼らはまた、時代の特徴であるというのを冒頭で述べたい。 正しい英文訳を教えてください have beenがどこの文章にかかっているかいまいち分かりません。 オススメの文法構文の参考書があれば教えてくださったら有難いです。