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※ ChatGPTを利用し、要約された質問です(原文:英文解釈 文中のit が何を指すか教えて下さい)



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解釈は、 their pasts = father's past and mother's past = them it = father's past であろうと推測する。 姉と作者が "Andrew Sisters" の歌を聴くことが「私達が父親の過去を引きずりはじめたとたんに・・父親のつらかった時代(例えば、母に会う前)の思い出を引き起こす。」と云いたかったと考える。両親は同じ時代を生きているがために境遇が似て同じような考えを抱いていたとしても、母親はこの歌を聞いても”過去の悪い思い出”を彷彿しなかったとも考えられる。



ご回答ありがとうございます。 私の質問に引用した文が短すぎ、実は、次のような場面もあることから、「父のつらい過去」説は、私には無理がありそうに思われます。つまり、レトロにのめりこんだ息子がニッカズボン、サスペンダー、シルクハットといういでたちで外出しようとするのを父が力づくで阻止しようとする場面など、息子の珍奇な服装が主に問題になっているなどです。 ただ、私の引用した文だけで判断すると、pasts をあえてpast にしてあり、そして、その後の文に父がうめくという文面から、父の過去とする解釈は見事につじつまが合っており、なるほどと思いました。いずれにせよ、英語の面白さを改めて学ばせていただきました。大変ありがとうございました。


  • 英文

    英文の和訳をよろしくお願いします My mother laughed. "It wasn't his name," she said. "His name was Harold. He was my mother, my only brother. Harold was eighteen when the war began. I was twelve then, and my sisters were ten and nine. Harold liked to play with us―"

  • occurの意味とAnd it would occur that whenのitとthatの指すものは?

    And his sons went and held a banquet at the house of each one on his own day; and they sent and invited their three sisters to eat and drink with them. And it would occur that when the banquet days had gone round the circuit, Job would send and sanctify them; and he got up early in the morning and offered up burnt sacrifices according to the number of all of them; for, said Job, “maybe my sons have sinned and have cursed God in their heart.” That is the way Job would do always. という英文を訳さねばなりませんが、この2文目の前半の訳し方を教えてください。occurの意味とその前後のitとthatの訳し方に苦戦してます。 宿題の説話の英訳ですが、聖書の一文のようです。 お願いします。

  • 英文解釈です。

    以下の文章の、冒頭の running account とはどのような意味で使われているのでしょうか。よろしくお願いいたします。 Whether they’re aware of it or not, all people keep a running account of what’s happening to them, what it means, and what they should do. In other words, our minds are constantly monitoring and interpreting. That’s just how we stay on track. But sometimes the interpretation process goes awry. Some people put more extreme interpretations on things that happen—and then react with exaggerated feelings of anxiety, depression, or anger. Or superiority. Mindsets frame the running account that’s taking place in people’s heads. They guide the whole interpretation process. The fixed mindset creates an internal monologue that is focused on judging: “This means I’m a loser.” “This means I’m a better person than they are.” “This means I’m a bad husband.” “This means my partner is selfish.” People with a growth mindset are also constantly monitoring what’s going on, but their internal monologue is not about judging themselves and others in this way. Certainly they’re sensitive to positive and negative information, but they’re attuned to its implications for learning and constructive action: What can I learn from this? How can I improve? How can I help my partner do this better? Chapter 8 is about changing the internal monologue from a judging one to a growth-oriented one. It shows how mindset change has enabled people to pursue their goals more effectively and it shows how a mindset workshop boosted students’ motivation and grades.

  • 文章解釈

    以下の[ ]内の文章に関する質問です。 “shove *it in their faces” と “the wear and tear it* put on the engine”の 理解が難しいです。 [Many successful people will try to tell you that anger is a powerful fuel in their lives.The desire to "prove them all wrong"or "shove *it in their faces"has made many a millionaire. But that's shortsighted. Such stories ignore the pollution produced as a side effect and the wear and tear *it put on the engine.] 1. The desire to "prove them all wrong"or "shove *it in their faces"has made many a millionaire. 「彼ら、全員が間違っていることを証明しようとする欲求や、彼らの目の前で、それ? を押し付けようとする欲求が多くの者たちを億万長者にしている。」 itはこの場合どのように理解すれば良いのか分からないです。 it は怒りを意味して、「怒りを彼等に振りかざす」のように理解すれば良いのか自信がないです。解説宜しくお願いします。 2. Such stories ignore the pollution produced as a side effect and the wear and tear *it put on the engine. the wear and tear *it put on the engine. の部分を関係節がないものとして表現すれば It put the wear and tear on the engine.となって 「怒りが消耗をエンジンに置く。」→ 「怒りが(エネルギー)の原動力に負担をかけた」 となり、比喩的に「怒りが私たちの身体に残した傷や負担」を表現しているという理解であっているのか分からないです。 解説宜しくお願いします。

  • 英文解釈について(><)///

    (2-21)It still revolved around superstition, but of a mild variety, with quaint rituals indicating things such as whether a lover was being faithful or would become a future marriage partner. (1)was being faithfulでwas beingを使うのはなぜでしょうか? (2-23)Between 1900 and 1910 some nine million immigrants came to America, drawn by the conviction that in this land of opportunity they would find what the old country had denied them. (2)conviction thatのthatは何用法でしょうか? What they found in America severely tested their faith- and their courage and stamina as well. (3)whatは、the things whichに置き換えられると理解していますが、whatを使うときの考え方について教えていただきたいです。 (2-25)The answer came the following year, when a three-hour, $1,900,000 extravaganza called Intolerance opened at New York City's Liberty Theatre. (4)year, when~のように、whenの前にカンマをつけるのはなぜでしょうか? "Intolerant is so colossal gorgeous, and stunning to the mind that words fail," wrote the NY Tribune, and the NY Evening Post called it "the highest achievement which the camera has recorded." (5)to the mind that words~でthatが使われているのはなぜでしょうか? (2-28)The real music was being produced in relative obscurity. (6) was being producedで、beingが使用されているのはなぜでしょうか? (2-40)Their intention was to distinguish themselves from German, Italian, Sicilian and other immigrants who had arrived later. (7) was to distinguishのように、be動詞+to不定詞になるのはいつでしょうか? Today many Cajuns still live in and around New Orleans and cling to their old customs and French dialect. (8)and cling to~は、Cajuns areが省略されているのでしょうか? Native New Orleanians may speak with a southern drawl or a Cajun-French accent, in a pattern that curiously resembles the speech often associated with sections of NY city. (9)in a pattern that curiously~のthatは、関係代名詞でしょうか?

  • モームのサナトリウムの英文の解釈で分からない部分が

    1. What have I done that I cannot fulfil my modest end, but must be taken away from all these other bricks that support me and thrown on the dust-heap? 訳者の注で、What have I done :いったい自分がどんな(悪い、まずい)ことをしたというのだ。 上記の英文は I am glad that you passed the exam.と同じ文型と考えられますか? 他に、I am sorry that your wife passed away.t I am proud that my father is a Nobel Prize winner. などもありますが、そもそもこのthat 以下は文法的に何なんでしょうか? SVOCの何に当たるのですか? 2. It is not everyone who can find solace in art or thought. It is the tragedy of our day that these humble souls have lost their faith in God, in whom lay hope, and their belief in a resurrection that might bring them the happiness that has been denied them on earth; and have found nothing to put in their place. 上記で、in whom lay hope の構文が分かりません。何かが省略されていますか? 何となく意味は分かるのですが、全体的に訳して頂くとはっきりと理解出来ると思いますので翻訳をお願いします。 コピペ出来なかったので、短い英文の抜粋になってしまって申し訳ないのですが、 この部分は、平々凡々と大過なく生きて来たHenry Chesterが運悪く結核にかかってしまい、彼自身が自分の運命を呪うような描写がありました。彼の不運な運命に言及した部分です。 宜しくお願いします。

  • 英文訳してください

    On the morning of that day,a big bomb fell on the city of Hiroshima. Many people lost their lives,and many others were injured. They had burns all over their bodies. I was very sad when l saw those people. It was a very hot day. Some of the people fell down near me. I said to them,"Come and rest in my shade.You'll be all right soon." お願いします(・・*)

  • 「it」と「them」の違いについて

    初歩的な質問ですみません。 問題を解いていましたら、ふと混乱いたしました。多分本当に理解しきっていないからだと思います。そこで、きちんと理解したいので、解説をお願いいたします。 「it」か「them」に置き換える問題です。 (1)Please give back my book. → Please give it back. (2)I'm searching for my glasses. →I'm searching for them? (3)Pull into the parking space slowly. →Pull into it slowly. (4)She was careless and burned down the cabin. 分かりません。 単純に単数と複数の問題でしょうか? なんだかモヤモヤしています。どうかよろしくお願いいたします。

  • (295) While it is……この英文はどのように訳せばよいでしょうか

    (295) While it is……この英文はどのように訳せばよいでしょうか (1)(ll. 502-503) While it is yet midsummer command your slaves: 'It will not always be summer, build barns.' (2) (ll. 504-535) Avoid the month Lenaeon 1321, wretched days, all of them fit to skin an ox, and the frosts which are cruel when Boreas blows over the earth. (3)He blows across horse-breeding Thrace upon the wide sea and stirs it up, while earth and the forest howl. (4)On many a high-leafed oak and thick pine he falls and brings them to the bounteous earth in mountain glens: then all the immense wood roars and the beasts shudder and put their tails between their legs, even those whose hide is covered with fur; (5)for with his bitter blast he blows even through them although they are shaggy-breasted. He goes even through an ox's hide; it does not stop him. 試し訳と語彙について質問します。よろしくお願いします。 <試し訳> (1)(ll. 502-503);本編の行番号 真夏の間にお前の奴隷に命じるのだ。年中、真夏ではないぞ、納屋を立てさ せろ。(2) (ll. 504-535) 本編の行番号 二月(脚注1321)の、過酷な日々を 避けなさい。全ての日々は、雄牛の皮を剥ぐのにちょうど良く、北風が大地を覆 って吹き荒れる時の残酷なあの霜柱を(避けるのだ)。(3)彼(北風)は馬を生むト レイスを超えて、広い海(エーゲ海)の上を吹き荒れて、それ(海)を奮い立たせ、 一方、大地と森が怒号する。 (4)あちこちで、たけなわの葉をつけた樫の木や鬱蒼と茂るパインの木を倒し、 山中の渓谷で、惜しみなく与える地球にこれらをもたらす。さらに、巨大な木が皆唸り声をあげ、動物達は身震いして、しっぽを両足の間に隠す。肌(体)が毛で覆われているというのに。(5)というのも、動物達は毛むくじゃらで、ものともしないが、それでさえ、彼(北風)は激しい暴風とともに、それらを突き通して吹き荒れるからである。彼(北風)は雄牛の肌さえ吹きすさび、彼(北風)はそれを止めない。 * Thrace; A region and ancient country of the southeast Balkan Peninsula north of the Aegean Sea.  マケドニアの北、トルコの西端の向い側、黒海に面する <質問> (2)の Lenaeon; The names of the months at Cyzicus; February URL; The ancient Library (2)の and the frosts which are cruel when Boreas blowsについて     このwhichが難しい。     叙事詩の、詠嘆を表現しているのでしょうか。 * (2)の文の最後に、「避けるのだ」を追加してみた。 訳の意味が曖昧な時、言葉の重複を避けたと読んで、 これを補足すると、散文として読める文章になるように思われる。   (5)のthrough themのthemについて      獣皮の毛のことではないかと思うのですが、動物達という意味でしょうか。   (5)のit does not stop himについて      itはhim(Boreas)の意味でしょうか。 この場合、「止まない」であって、「止みそうにない」とは書いてない。

  • (1)以下の英文について教えてください。

    There were six of them, the best and bravest of the hero's companions. Turning back from his post in the bows, Odysseus was in time to see them lifted, struggling, into the air, to hear their screams, the desperate repetition of his own name. The survivors could only look on, helplessly, while Scylla "at the mouth of her cave devoured them, still screaming, still stretching out their hands to me in the frightful struggle." And Odysseus adds that it was the most dreadful and lamentable sight he ever saw in all his "explorations of the passes of the sea." We can believe it; Homer's brief description (the too poetic simile is a later interpolation) convinces us. Later, the danger passed, Odysseus and his men went ashore for the night and, on the Sicilian beach, prepared their supper—prepared it, says Homer, ‘expertly.’ The Twelfth Book of the Odyssey concludes with these words. “When they had satisfied their thirst and hunger, they thought of their dear companions and wept, and in the midst of their tears sleep came gently upon them.” この英文について質問があります。 Turning back from his post in the bowsというのは、bowsが「矢」で、postが「持ち場」の意味になるのでしょうか? Later, the danger passed, Odysseus and his men went ashore for the night and, on the Sicilian beach, prepared their supper—prepared it, says Homer, ‘expertly.’ ここのsays Homer, ‘expertly.’というのは、Homerが"Odysseus"を上手く書いた、という意味ですか? また、prepared their supper—prepared itのハイフンの意味がよくわからない感じです。言い換えているのはなぜなのか?? お手数をおかけしますが、よろしくお願いします。 (2)に続きます。 ---------------Tragedy and the Whole Truth: Aldous Huxley