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※ ChatGPTを利用し、要約された質問です(原文:この文章を訳していただけないでしょうか。)



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  • MXT500
  • ベストアンサー率67% (101/149)

要はPSPVC.exeを通常モードではなく、デバッグモードで起動してくれというでしょう。 デバッグモードにするには、ショートカットのリンク先にコマンドラインオプション -debug を付加すれば良いとのことです。 This bug has been fixed, in case you'd still have problem with extremely slow conversion speeds, follow the directions below: このバグは解消されました。もしそれでもなお極端な変換スピードという問題が発生するならば、以下の指示に従って下さい。 Install the most recent PSPVC version also make sure you have the most recent CCCP Pack installed (as of now, 2008-09-21) Download WitchMountain Trailer (32 Mb, 00:02:24 min) PSVCの最新バージョンをインストールして、CCCPの最新版(現時点では2008-09-21)もインストールされたことを確認して下さい。 [テスト用動画?の]WitchMountain Trailer (32 Mb, 00:02:24 min)をダウンロード Activate Debug-mode デバッグモードを有効にします。 Create a shortcut to PSPVC.exe PSPVC.exeへのショートカットの作成 Right click on the shortcut and select "Properties" [デスクトップ上にできたPSPVC.exeへの]ショートカットを右クリックしてプロパティーを選択 Enter the -debug prefix at the end of the "Target" field, when done, it should look something like this: リンク先(Target)フィールドの末尾に -debug と(追加)入力します。入力し終わったら次のようになるはず。 "C:\Program Files\pspvc\pspvc.exe" -debug Start PSPVC via the shortcut, select the video trailer and click on the "Tweak Image" tab and uncheck the "Activate" chec kbox. Do not change any other settings, it's important that everyone use the same settings and video. When you're done, then click "START". PSPVCをこのショートカット経由で起動してください。ビデオトレーラーを選択して"Tweak Image"タブをクリックして、Activateチェックボックスのチェックを外して下さい。他の設定は変更しないで下さい。誰もが同じ設定とビデオを利用することが重要です。終わったら、スタートをクリックして下さい。 Take a note of the FPS, how is it going? FPSの記録を取ってみて下さい。どんな調子ですか。 When PSPVC is done, a file called "pspvc_debug.log" has been created in the same folder where pspvc.exe is, open it in a text-editor and post it in this thread. PSPVCが終了すると、pspvc_debug.logというファイルがpspvc.exeのあるフォルダーに作成されます。そのファイルをテキストエディターで開いて、このスレッドに投稿して下さい。


  • what do you expect out of lifeとは

    When you were a kid and just starting out in this business, when you pictured what you expected out of life, is this how you ever thought it would end up? を訳そうとしたのですが、what you expect out of lifeのところが うまく訳せず困っています。

  • 倒置の文章について

    倒置の文章について Only when the signed document is received in this office will a contract exist between you and us. この倒置文を倒置のない文章に戻すと When the singed document is received in this office, a contract will only exist between you and us. となると考えていいでしょうか。

  • 次の文章を訳して下さい。

    Have you no regard For what you donʼt Understand is my only way Out Have you ever Thought it all through What your part is in all of this Noise Iʼm so happy You are my friend I am thrilled And so overjoyed Beyond I canʼt say Thanks enough For all that youʼve done Such support when Iʼm melting Down

  • 翻訳できる方お願いします。変な文章に思えます…

    翻訳できる方お願いします。変な文章に思えます… Hello love everything beautiful and wonderful but at the same time tormented and tired ... Love is beautiful when you feel your lover who loves you ... Be beautiful when you ask your lover to be beautiful when your lover by your side .. Be beautiful when it is shared joy and sadness will be beautiful when your pain is shared and the wounds .. Be nice when the medicine you .. Be nice when you hear your lover father and a mother you meet your affectionate brother and sister caring ... Be beautiful when found in nurseries makes you warm ... Be beautiful when it puts you in the chest compassionate .. Be beautiful when it puts you in his heart without any hesitation or thinking .. Be beautiful when shields in front of the Mnkhalafk ... Be beautiful when you defend in every place in every trip is defamation and insult defend you ... Be beautiful when it comes on a person other than the beloved and tell him I go, I will not be in the one day you would not say he will not betray my beloved, who have lost and sacrificed in everything for me, lost everything he had for me, lost the most expensive thing he has for me therefore I have a sincere or honest or sincere faith will not Okhounh one day I'll be with him until the end, I'll be in his arms I'll be when it needs to keep a sense of how you feel about their beloved Kalnevs feeling with your beloved to smile..

  • よろしくお願いします

    What was the moment when you realized you were worth more than you were allowing yourself to believe? Was it a moment? Or was it a gradual swelling? What actions did you take that helped you grow into this sense of worth? I’m asking because I can feel in my heart a stirring of this worth, and I see it eking out in bits of my life,https://www.thecut.com/2016/04/ask-polly-how-do-i-start-believing-in-my-worth.html a stirring of this worthと I see it eking out in bits of my lifeの意味を教えてください。よろしくお願いします。

  • 長文だった為文章を分けています

    後半の部分になります。 翻訳していただける方宜しくお願いします。 However do not let initial disappointments deter you. There will be an important Turing point that marks the transience from the old life and the new life with him, it will be almost like a rebirth of love within your soul, for you may meet at a stage when other things in your life seem to be ending or fading out, He and this love is the renewal of everything within you, the new life, the new self.. Gestures that are ardent romantic passionate, seductive and very extravagant will be made This love is a turning point in your life....

  • この文章の和訳を至急お願いします!!!

    *When creating your scrapbook, please keep terms in order and be consistent with your format! Make sure you do the correct terms that are assigned for each quarter! Incorrect terms will not be graded! Terms and Due Dates Quarter 1- Due- Tuesday, September 24th! (Due date subject to change per teacher discretion) TERMS- Liberty, Natural Rights, Representative Government, Popular Sovereignty, Checks & Balances, Entitlements, Constitutionality Quarter 2-Due- Tuesday, November 5th! (Peer Grading Day and turn in.) (Due date subject to change per teacher discretion!) TERMS- Federalism, Rule of Law, Social Injustice, Diversity, Bureaucracy, Internationalism, Judicial Review *Please plan ahead!! Do not wait until the last minute to work on your project!! When done correctly, there is a great deal of time and effort that needs to be put aside for this!! I expect there to be a tremendous amount of thought process that is put into your work. I will be able to tell if that happened by your final product that is turned in!!!!!!!! THIS IS A HOMEWORK ASSIGNMENT!! You will not have time to work on this in class. Other homework will be given simultaneously that corresponds to our daily studies. *I believe it is your civic responsibility to educate yourself about these terms and how they correlate to the life that you are living and that in which history has established for us! Do well and make this assignment a product of who you are and what you believe to be the foundations of our democracy.

  • 文章解釈

    添付ファイル文章: “Don’t return to philosophy as a task-master, but as patients seek out relief in a treatment of sore eyes, or a dressing for a burn, or from an ointment. Regarding it this way, you’ll obey reason without putting it on display and rest easy in its care.” に関する質問です。 全体的な意味の取り方が難しく分からないのですが、今の理解で合っているのかチェックしていただきたいです。間違っていたら解説宜しくお願いします。 1. task-master の解釈がよく理解できません。 これは哲学というものを擬人化している表現で、哲学を(あなたに)仕事を課す、義務を押し付けてくるようなものとみなして(何かあったときに)、哲学の教えを求めに戻ってくるのではなく、という事を意味しているのか分からないです。 2. そういった感じで哲学に戻っていくのではなく、いわば、病院の患者として、ずきずき痛む目の治療時や、火傷のための手当用品や軟膏から得られる安堵感を追い求めよ。と、伝えようとしている?のか分からないです。 3. Regarding it this way, you’ll obey reason without putting it on display and rest easy in its care. このようにみなせば、〜することなく、理性に従い、哲学の世話のもと、心安らかだろう。 putting it on display が全く分からないです。 it が何を指すのかも分からないです。 ですので、参考文献に当たってみました。 文章の形が添付ファイル文章と一致しないのですが、この参考文献の文脈の理解も難しいので、間違っている部分の解説宜しくお願いします。 Do not be disgusted, or discouraged, or dissatisfied, if you do not succeed in doing everything according to right principles; but when you have failed, return back again, and be content if the greater part of what you do is consistent with man's nature, and love this to which you return. 「正しい原則に従って、あらゆることがうまくいかなかったとしても、うんざりしたり、望みを失ったり、物足りないと思わない事だ。そうではなく、失敗したとき、もう一度、哲学に戻ってきて、自分の行いの大部分が人間の本質と一致しているなら、ほどほどに満足して、愛することだ。」 * And do not return to philosophy as if she were a master, but act like those who have sore eyes and apply a bit of sponge and egg, or as another applies a plaster, or drenching with water. For thus you will not fail to obey reason, and you will repose in it. 哲学のところに、仕事の命令を課したりする主人のようにみなしてもどってくるな。そうではなく、ずきずき痛む目を持つ人達のように振る舞い、ちょっとのスポンジと卵を使って?、また、別の方法として、漆喰を使って?、水でびしょ濡れに?。だって、そうなれば、理性に従うのに失敗することはなく、哲学で、ゆっくりするだろう。」 添付ファイル文章にあるwithout putting it on displayがこちらの文章になく、この表現をどのように解釈すれば良いのか分かりませんでした。 And remember that philosophy requires only the things that your nature requires, but you would have something else that is not according to Nature. そして、哲学はあなたの気質が求めるものだけを要求するというを思い出しなさい。それでも、あなたは、本質にそぐわない何か別のものを持っている事だろう。 It may be objected, why something is more agreeable than this that I am doing? But is not this the very reason why pleasure deceives us? And consider if magnanimity, freedom, simplicity, equanimity, piety, are not more agreeable. For what is more agreeable than wisdom itself, when you think of the security and the happy course of all things that depend on the faculty of understanding and knowledge? それは、反発しているかもしれない。何かが、私がしていることより好ましいのはなぜなのか?しかし、それがまさしく快楽が私達を欺く理由ではないか? そして、寛大さ、自由、簡潔さ、平静、敬虔がより好ましくないかどうか検討しなさい。ウィズダムそのものより好ましいもののために、?理解と知識の能力に頼る全てのものの満足な行く末と安全を考えるとき? —Marcus Aurelius, Meditations, Book 5 (tr Long) https://stoicbreviary.blogspot.com/2018/06/marcus-aurelius-meditations-59.html?m=1

  • 翻訳をお願いします

    どなたか翻訳お願いできませんか? Only when you fall in love with a man is your destiny truly decided for a fixed length of time. This fixed length of time may be presently, all your life, or for as along as a long relationship lasts. When you fall in love your spirit attaches to the fate inescapably, your drawn unconsciously like a moth to the light and you are propelled towards whatever destiny is there at the end of it. Be it beautiful or painful. This takes place on an etheric level. Its is a bit like boarding a train and not being able to get off before it reaches its predetermined station. There is a point before you board the train when the future is not formed, when you haven't stepped onto that path, and a point after your board the train when you cant step off and are compelled to remain there to a destination, this point is determined and becomes a destiny when you fall in love. your spirit attaches to this fate yet. If you don't fall in love, or if the love within you is destroyed you then move on to a different fate.

  • 短い文章を読んでいます

    その一・chaseとpursue違いをおしえてください。 A lie, once told, never vanishes, but chases after us. Perhaps it is the same with crime. A crime, once committed, pursues a person until he repeats it. その二・peopleとhuman beings, 後者を使ったほうが偉そうな感じでしょうか。 In most cases, people, even wicked people, are far more naive and simple-hearted than one generally assumes. And so are we. In the majority of instances human beings, even the evil-doers among them, are far more naïve and straightforward than we suppose. And that includes ourselves. その三・限られた文脈ですみませんが, moral supportの訳し方をおしえてください。 I want to be your ally in the things you do. So far, you have never made it difficult for me to give you whatever moral support I could. But in this instance, I cannot wish you success. There is something dark waiting for you not so far away, and before my very eyes you are heading straight toward it. I must try to stop you.