• 締切済み


(1)最近、北海道南部で地震がたびたびある。 (2)毎年、洪水で家や命を失う人がかなりいます。 (3)昨日の大雪で、北陸地方の家屋や鉄道に大きな被害があった。


  • love_pet2
  • ベストアンサー率21% (176/826)

(1)最近、北海道南部で地震がたびたびある。 There is often an earthquake recently in South Hokkaido. (2)毎年、洪水で家や命を失う人がかなりいます。 There is considerably a person losing a house and life by a flood every year. (3)昨日の大雪で、北陸地方の家屋や鉄道に大きな被害があった。 By the yesterday's heavy snow, there was the big damage on a house and a railroad of Hokuriku region.


(1) South Hokkaido has been suffering earthquakes since recent time. (2) Every year quite many people lose their housing and their life because of deluge. (3) Yesterday's heavy snowfall seriously damaged houses and railways in Hokuriku region.

  • sayshe
  • ベストアンサー率77% (4555/5904)

(1) Earthquakes have frequently hit the southern part of Hokkaido recently. / There have been a lot of earthquakes in the southern part of Hokkaido recently. (2) Quite a few people lose their houses and lives due to floods every year. (3) The heavy snowfall yesterday caused great damage to houses and railroads in Hokuriku District.
