• ベストアンサー
※ ChatGPTを利用し、要約された質問です(原文:英語がいまいち訳せません。)

Are we more lonely than we used to be?


  • cowstep
  • ベストアンサー率36% (756/2081)

Are we more lonely than we used to be? 我々は昔よりも孤立しているのだろうか? "used to"は、昔は何々したものだったという慣用句で、質問文を省略せずに書くと、 Are we more lonely than we used to be lonly?となります。 ビートルズのYesterdayという歌詞の中に、 I'm not half a man I use to be.という一節があり、これと同じ用法です(今の自分は、昔の自分とはかなり違っている)。



なるほど! 慣用句なんですね。 覚えておきます。 回答ありがとうございました。


  • 英語 整除問題

    よろしくお願いします。英語の並べ替えの問題です。 問題は、 Recent studies show that tides are higher ()()()()(). 選択肢 now, than, they, to be, used です。 これをどう並べ替えて{}にいれるか、なのですが、 nowがどこにはいるのかわかりません。 自分は、 than they used to be. かなと思いましたが、ここにどうnowをいれたらいいのかわかりません。 現在の潮流は]ならば、 Recent studies show that tides now are higher than--- となると思います。 さて、このnowはどこに入りますか? 答えはまだもらってないのでわかりません。 よろしくお願いします。

  • 英語教えてください

    My research revealed that lucky people scored much higher than unlucky people on a dimension of personality known as extroversion.Extroverts are far more sociable than introverts.They enjoy spending time visiting friends and going to parties,and tend to ( ) to jobs that involve working with other people. ( )に入れるもので(1)attract (2)be attracted (3)be attracting (4)be attractiveがあります。 答えは(2)ですがなぜかわかりません。 親切で英語わかって優しいかた、他の選択肢の何が悪いか、などを含めて教えてください!!

  • 英語No.6

    institution =a building that people are sent to when they need to be looked after, for example old people or children with no parents - often used to show disapproval - often used to show disapproval つまり不満を示す時にしばしば使われる この最後の文は養護施設と関係がないような気がするのですが、どういうことですか?

  • 長文英語

    訳をお願いします。 Wolves are famous and wild, dangerous and dark. They are found everywhere in folk tales. In children's stories the wolf blew down the little pigs'houses and swallowed Red Riding Hood's grandmother whole. There is legend that the wolf is the devil in disguise and ( ア )some men become murderous werewolves when the moon is full. Poor wolves. They have done little to deserve their reputation. In biological terms, they are little more than large dogs, such close relations that they can easily breed together. All our domestic dogs are descened from wolves. Sometime, more than 15,000 years ago, wolves were domesticated and, over centuries of breeding, turned into Man's Best Friends. If there were no wolves, we would have no guide dogs or sheepdogs or retrievers, and no pet dogs. Our own distant ancestors were hunters, and competed with wolves, which were much more numerous than today. But people then probably felt they had little to fear. Wolves are shy and unlikely to attack something as dangerous as a person. Like many predators, they choose the easiest target ― old, sick or wounded animals. The native peoples of North America called them brother and sister hunters, and respected them. The change in human attitudes came when people became farmers, keeping animals in fields. Wolves soon learned to make use of this. They attacked farm animals, and gained a reputation as fearsome thieves, who must be hunted to death. Wolves,(over /to /used /wander /which) most of Europe, have disappeared completely from much of the continent. They are more numerous in North America, and believed to be around 8,000 in Alaska alone. There, these fine animals can be seen in the wild, living as they should under the open sky, and in the vast northern forests. (ア)に適当な1語と 上の(over /to /used /wander /which)の並び替えもよろしくお願いします!  

  • 比較

    並べ替え問題ですが、あっているか教えてください。 1.There are (Japan/more/in/people/than)in New Zealand. →There are more people in Japan than in New Zealand. moreはpeople前であっていますか? 2.I am very busy these days. (have/spare/I/than/less/time) I used to. →I have less spare time than I used to. less の位置が自信がありません。 宜しくお願いします。

  • 英語の質問です!

    採点、訳をお願いします。 1.Because of his diligence, James is more trusted than (4) classmate. 1.few 2.else 3.other 4.any other 2.When we were told not to see that movies, we became (1) eager to see it. 1.all the most 2.much less 3.too far 4.too much 3.He insists that his robot is (2) mine. 1.superior 2.superior to 3.superior than 4.more superior than 4.You should return the book by next Monday (2). 1.the latest 2.at the latest 3.in the latest 4.for tha latest よろしくお願いします。

  • 英作文 添削してください

    ・たくさんの本を読めば、ますます物知りになると信じている人が多い。 A lot of people believe that the more books they read, the more knowledgeable they become. ・今度の家の部屋数は前に住んでいた家の倍だ。 Our new house has twice as many rooms as the one where we used to live. ・英語ほど世界中で広く使われてい言語はありません。 Nothing is more be widely used than English all over the world. ・過去について知れば知るほど、過去から学ぶことの大切さを教えられます。 The more you know the past, the more importantly to learn from the past you learn. 文法的、意味的に自信がありません;; 宜しければ添削お願いします。

  • 英語 和訳をお願いします。

    Asian people rarely question their doctor, assuming that he knows much more than they do and is skillfull, honest and kind. 前半は「アジアの人々は医師にめったに質問をしない。」 後半のthat以下がどのように訳せばよいかいまいちわかりません。 よろしくお願いいたします。

  • 英作文の添削をお願いします。

    昔は同じ町内に怖い人が何人かいて、子供が人として恥ずかしいことをすると、 いつも本気になって説教してくれたものである。そこには、子供を地域社会全体で 育てるのだという強い意識が存在していたのだと思う。そんな雰囲気のおかげで、 子供も自分は社会の一員であるという自覚をはぐくんでいくことができた。 There used to be some serious people in the same city as we lived. When children did something shameful as a peson, they used to preach the children seriously. Considering this, there must have been a strong belief that children should be brought up by everyone in the community. Thanks to the atmosphere, children were able to gradually understand that they themselves were one of the people in the society. 怖い 系が afraid と frightened しかでない残念な語彙力のため serious を使いました。 問題はないでしょうか? 回答よろしくお願いします。

  • 英文の中のwhenについて教えてください。

    Quite largely the workers were won over to socialism by being told that they were exploited, whereas the brute truth was that, in world terms, they were exploiters. Now, to all appearances, the point has been reached when the working-class living standard cannot be maintained, let alone raised. Even if we squeeze the rich out of existence, the mass of the people must either consume less or produce more. (George Orwellのessayから) Now, to all appearances, the point has been reached when the working-class living standard cannot be maintained, let alone raised.の中の"when"について質問があります。 *このwhenは文法的にどのようになっているのでしょうか? 関係副詞の制限用法ですか?