• ベストアンサー

year on year とは?

The majority of regions showed declines in new listings with the exception of Coromandel, Canterbury and the West Coast all of which showed year on year increases of over 50%. という英文ですが、year on year の部分が良く分かりません。 これは「年々」と訳せばいいのでしょうか???

  • 英語
  • 回答数4
  • ありがとう数5


  • ベストアンサー

new listings が何を指しているかわかりませんが、 (新規上場なのか、何かの予約数あるいは登録数なのか) year on year は、「前年比」、「対前年比」の意味です。 「そろって対前年比50%以上の増加を示した Coromandel, Canterbury, the West Coast を除く大多数の地域が、新規登録数の減少を示した。」 という感じでしょう。

その他の回答 (3)

  • SPS700
  • ベストアンサー率46% (15295/33014)

おっしゃるとおり、毎年、前年比という意味です。  http://eow.alc.co.jp/year+on+year/UTF-8/


対前年比、です。年々はご存知のとおり、year by yearですよね。




  • The tomato

    The tomato orginated thousands of years ago on the west coast of what is now Peru. の文の構成がよくわかりません whatはどういう役割をしているのですか?

  • histric nature of

    The South Carolina primary was the first contest of the year in which race rose to the forefront. While Mr. Obama seldom directly mentioned the historic nature of his candidacy, it was not lost on the thousands of voters who turned out to see him in all regions of the state. historic nature of his candidacyの大意を推測でも良いので教えてください。natureとかに慣れたいと思います。

  • 英文翻訳をお願いします。

    In the Lomé region, the German explorer, medical doctor, imperial consul and commissioner for West Africa Gustav Nachtigal was the driving force toward the establishment of the West African colonies of Togoland as well as Kamerun. From his base on the Spanish island possession Fernando Po in the Bight of Biafra he traveled extensively on the mainland of Africa. On 5 July 1884 Nachtigal signed a treaty with the local chief, Mlapa III, in which he declared a German protectorate over a stretch of territory along the Slave Coast on the Bight of Benin.

  • talk abt openings an offi

    「TOEIC TEST DS トレーニング」で次の文章を見掛けました。 As all of you know, we have talked about openings an office on the West Coast. 何故openingsは複数形なのでしょうか?

  • 日本語訳をお願いします。

    In February 1916, the Western Frontier Force was reinforced and a British column was sent west along the coast to re-capture Sollum. Air reconnaissance discovered a Senussi encampment at Agagia, which was attacked in the Action of Agagia on 26 February. The Senussi were defeated and then intercepted by the Dorset Yeomanry who charged across open ground swept by machine-gun and rifle fire as the Senussi withdrew. The British lost half their horses and 58 of 184 men but prevented the Senussi from slipping away. Jaafar Pasha the commander of the Senussi forces on the coast was captured and Sollum was re-occupied by British forces on 14 March 1916, which concluded the coastal campaign.


    Though it may not look it on the ground at times, India is one of the few bright spots in a global economy with decidedly dim prospects in 2009. It is forecast to grow at a robust 5 to 6 percent this year—which is faster than it averaged in the 1990s, and nearly double the rate of expansion over the country's first three decades of independence. インドはがんばってるぞという記事ですが、どしょっぱつの文章がわからりません。 時折、インドは ON THE GROUND でああみえてはいるが、2009年の世界経済が決定的に暗い見通しである中、数少ない希望のある国の一つである。 ここの "ON THE GROUND" の意味は2つ思いつくのですが、 1. 地球上の国々の中で常にああみえるが(停滞しているようには見えるが)の "地球上の国々の中で"という意味 2. 常に最低 の "最低"という意味 どちらかあってる解釈はありますか? それとも全く違う意味でしょうか。 宜しくお願いします(´_`。)

  • 日本語訳をお願いいたします。

    The French attacked again from 17–22 April and despite German counter-attacks on 19 and 23 April, advanced slightly on the Heights of Moronvilliers. After a lull, the French attacked again on 30 April and ended the offensive on 20 May. The number of German prisoners taken by the end of the battle had been increased to 6,120, with 52 guns, 42 mortars and 103 machine-guns.The Moronvilliers massif was a group of hills, densely wooded before 1914, to the west of the Suippes river. The village of Moronvilliers lay in a dip below the north crest of the main ridge. There is an outlying peak known as Mont Sans Nom, 700 feet (210 m) high, with a hollow then a ridge to the north-west, the highest part of which is the western summit of Mont Haut at 840 feet (260 m). West of the ridge, which in 1917 was between the left flank of the French Fourth Army and the Fifth Army, was an area of low ground about 7 miles (11 km) wide, between the Moronvilliers massif and the Nogent l'Abbesse massif east of Reims, in which lay the village of Beine. A road ran east from Beine to Nauroy, Moronvilliers and St. Martin l'Heureux on the Suippes, north of the Moronvilliers massif. The eastern slope declines close to the bank of the Suippes, between St. Martin-l'Heureux and Aubérive and the southern slope declines south of the road from Reims to St. Hilaire le Grand, St. Ménéhould and Verdun as it descends into the Plain of Châlons.

  • エルニーニョの名前の由来

    とある問題で、どうしても納得できないところがあります。 問題 Why was the current named "el nino"? The Spanish word "el nino," which means "the child," is also used to refer to Jesus Christ, the child of God. In Peru, the word has acquired yet another important meaning:it refers to the warm ocean current which flows from the equator to the coast of Peru every year at about Christmas time. Recently, because of the impact on the world that this ocean current has had, the word can sometimes be heard on Japanese television. 答え Because the current comes each year at about Christmas time. 私はどうしても、これが名付けられた理由とは思えないのです。 これは暖流のことを説明しているだけで、どうして名付けた理由になっているのでしょうか? よろしくお願いします。

  • 新聞記事の和訳

    L.A.Timesのタイトル記事です。 The sudden decline makes schools of the small fish a rarity on the West Coast, and the reason for the crash is not clear. Sea lions and pelicans rely on them for food. 上記の「makes schools of」の意味をお教えください。

  • 英文を訳して下さい。

    Further east the Third Army was forced back to the west of Verdun as German attacks were made on the Meuse Heights to the south-east but managed to maintain contact with Verdun and the Fourth Army to the west. German attacks against the Second Army south of Verdun from 5 September almost forced the French to retreat but on 8 September the crisis eased. By 10 September the German armies west of Verdun were retreating towards the Aisne and the Franco-British were following up, collecting stragglers and equipment. On 12 September Joffre ordered an outflanking move to the west and an attack northwards by the Third Army to cut off the German retreat. The pursuit was too slow and on 14 September the German armes had dug in north of the Aisne and the Allies met trench lines rather than rearguards. Frontal attacks by the Ninth, Fifth and Sixth armies were repulsed on 15–16 September, which led Joffre to begin the transfer of the Second Army west to the left flank of the Sixth Army, the first phase of the Race to the Sea, a series of operations to outflank the German armies, which from 17 September to 17–19 October moved the opposing armies through Picardy and Flanders to the North Sea coast.