• 締切済み




こんばんは。 「私の出発日を3月29日から3月28日に変更したいです。なので、宿泊期間を一日早めて考慮してくれませんか?(3月28日から4月29日の1ヶ月間)」 じゃないでしょうかね?これって誰かお友達が、nekomaomaoさんのお家に1ヶ月間ステイするという話で、最初は3月29日で決まっていたのを28日に変更したいと言っていると思うんですが・・・? どうですかね(*^_^*)??


  • 誰か直してくださいお願いします。

    "私は4月6日にバンコクに到着します。そちらのホテルには10日から16日まで宿泊します。バンコクに長く滞在したいので6日から9日までの4日間は、ロスメンに泊まります。" と、いうことを伝えたいのですが、 I will arrive at the April 6 in BANGKOK. I stays at the hotel from the 10th to the 16th. Since I want to stay at a long time in BANGKOK,it stays at loss men for fore days, from the 6th to the 9th. 多分めちゃくちゃだと思うので 誰か教えてください・・お願いします。

  • 若干、訳の分からない英文の和訳をお願いします。

    i am roxanne rockys sister he is in th hospital he will get out march 1-3 he will make payment soon he has a direct line 347-304 rocky will try to contact you thanks roxanne

  • 「~することにしたの」と書きたいです。

    I decided to stay here till the year 2016. この文が思いつきましたが、 例えば下の文では同じ意味になりますか? I ended up staying here till the year 2016. とても怪しい感じです・・・ よろしくお願いします。

  • 日本語訳をお願いいたします。

    The armoured cars decoyed the German defenders, while cavalry got round the flanks and captured the villages. Outpost villages close to the Siegfriedstellung (Hindenburg Line) south of Quéant had to be held by the Germans for longer than expected, because of the need to complete the additions to the defences being built to remedy defects in the original position. Heudicourt, Sorel and Fins were lost on 30 March. The northern outpost villages were lost on 2 April and Lempire fell on 5 April. The German order of battle after the retirement from north to south was 23rd Reserve Division, 220th Division, 26th Reserve Division, 2nd Guards Reserve Division, 38th Division, 4th Division, 50th Reserve Division, 9th Reserve Division, 22nd Reserve Division, 199th Division, 29th Division, 111th Division, 221st Division, 25th Division, 15th Reserve Division, 47th Division, 46th Reserve Division, 13th Division, 211th Division and 222nd Division.

  • 和訳お願いします!

    ▼ Question/ help: could you explain to me how you get some of your textures? i was looking through your work and i was amased by the feeling of everything! the color of my art is a little bland and i was wanting to do some texture studies. could you please give me some advice from one artist to another? ▲ 具体的に、何を教えてほしいと言っているのでしょうか? 宜しくお願い致します。

  • 和訳してください

    I love all of you twitter peeps :) you make me smile from ear to ear!! Have a wonderful evening, thanks for all the nice tweets! よろしくお願いします!

  • 和訳をお願いします。

    On 16 April, patrols went forward during the morning and found the area between the old and new front lines to be empty, the Germans still apparently in ignorance of the retirement; one patrol captured a German officer scouting for observation posts who did not know where the British were. Only in the late afternoon did German troops begin to close up to the new line and the British troops in the Battle Zone easily repulsed the German infantry, the 4th Army diary recorded that patrols discovered the withdrawal at 4;40 a.m. that afternoon. Next day, the Belgian Army defeated an attack from Houthulst Forest (The Battle of Merckem) against the 10th and 3rd Belgian divisions from Langemarck to Lake Blankaart by the 58th, 2nd Naval and the 6th Bavarian divisions, with help from the II Corps artillery. The Germans captured Kippe but were forced out by counter-attacks and the line was restored by nightfall. On the afternoon of 27 April, the south end of the outpost line was driven in when Voormezeele was captured, re-captured and then partly captured by the Germans; another outpost line was set up north-east of the village. Battle of Bailleul (13–15 April) Bailleul バイユール From 13–15 April, the Germans drove forward in the centre, taking Bailleul, 12 kilometres (7.5 mi) west of Armentières, despite increasing British resistance. Plumer assessed the heavy losses of Second Army and the defeat of his southern flank and ordered his northern flank to withdraw from Passchendaele to Ypres and the Yser Canal; the Belgian Army to the north conformed. First Battle of Kemmel (17–19 April) The Kemmelberg is a height commanding the area between Armentières and Ypres. On 17–19 April, the Fourth Army attacked and was repulsed by the British. Battle of Béthune (18 April) Béthune ベテューヌ On 18 April, the Sixth Army attacked south from the breakthrough area toward Béthune but was repulsed. Second Battle of Kemmel (25–26 April) French marshal, Foch, had recently assumed supreme command of the Allied forces and on 14 April agreed to send French reserves to the Lys sector. A French division relieved the British defenders of the Kemmelberg. From 25–26 April, the Fourth Army made a sudden attack on the Kemmelberg with three divisions and captured it. This success gained some ground but it made no progress toward a new break in the Allied line. Battle of the Scherpenberg (29 April) On 29 April, a final German attack captured the Scherpenberg, a hill to the north-west of the Kemmelberg.

  • 和訳をお願いします。

    In early March, Gaza was garrisoned by two battalions, supported by two batteries of Ottoman field artillery. The "Group Tiller" garrison from the Ottoman Fourth Army was later increased to seven battalions. The Group consisted of the Ottoman 79th and 125th Infantry Regiments, the 2nd Battalion of the 81st Infantry Regiment, one squadron of cavalry and one company of camelry. Further reinforcements of between 10,000 and 12,000 soldiers were ordered by Kress von Kressenstein as a result of the 300th Flight Detachment's reports of the EEF's advances towards Gaza. Arriving before Eastern Force made its attack, these reinforcements consisted of the 3rd Infantry Division (31st and 32nd Infantry Regiments) from Jemmame, and the 16th Infantry Division (47th and 48th Infantry Regiments) from Tel esh Sheria.

  • 和訳をお願いします

    thanks again for letting me have some extra time to pay for this. my husbands disability check comes on the 3rd each month so I will have the payment for you by that date

  • 和訳をお願いします。

    The tunnel entrances were invisible to air observation and a French advance across the top of Mont Cornillet could be attacked from behind from them. Every move by the French, was under observation from the German positions but the ridge from Mont Cornillet to Le Téton and the woods to the west and east, hid German movements from ground observation and could only be detected by French aviators, who were frequently grounded by bad weather in the winter and spring of 1916–1917. By the beginning of April, the German Higher Command expected a French offensive from the Ailette to Reims but the quiescence of the French artillery east of Reims, led to no serious operation against Nogent l'Abbesse or Moronvilliers being anticipated. During Easter, General Chales de Beaulieu, the XIV Corps commander and the general commanding the 214th Division at Moronvilliers, briefed his subordinates that only artillery demonstrations were likely, between Reims and Aubérive. General von Gersdorf, the 58th Division commander, disagreed with the corps commander, which led to his resignation. The German defences were held by the 30th, 58th, 214th and 29th divisions from east to west. The 29th and 58th divisions were considered to be of high quality but the 214th Division was new division and its troops had had little opportunity for training; the 30th Division was considered to have one good and two indifferent regiments.