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  • bakansky
  • ベストアンサー率48% (3502/7245)



  • 英文の和訳お願いします

    When coke which is almost but not quite pure carbon is burned many other chemicals are produced. When these additional chemicals come into contact with flux,ore and metals at very high temperatures still more reactions take place. Some of the products of these will almost certainly get into the final metal in the form of impurities. You can see, then, that when a steel of the greatest purity possible is required the elimination of gaseous or solid fuels and their products would heip. (ore・・・鉱石 chemicals・・・化学生成物 flux・・・溶剤 impurities・・・不純物 gaseous fuel・・・気体燃料) この英文なのですがどうしても和訳できず困っております・・・ どなたか教えてください!

  • *和訳至急お願いしますm(_ _)m 

    *和訳至急お願いしますm(_ _)m  一文がやたら長いです・・(´;A;`) Carbon in this form remained locked up in the fuel deposits in the form of hydrocarbons and did not take part in the carbon cycle until the invention of modern deviced such as the internal-combustion engine that made use of these fuels. 「この形式中の炭素は、炭化水素の形をしている燃料預金に固定され続け、これらの燃料を利用した内燃機関のような現代的な装置の発明まで炭素循環に参加しませんでした」 modern devicedは現代的な装置と訳すのは確かなのですが・・・ 日本語として意味が通らないし分かりずらいです。本当に困っていますお願いします!

  • 英文和訳で困っています

    英文和訳で困っています。 英語の得意の方教えていただけないでしょうか 出来れば意訳ではなくきっちりとした訳の方が助かります。 よろしくお願いします。 Biofuels are fuels produced from renewable sources. For example, one popular biofuel is called bioethanol, which is produced from grain. Bioethanol can be used to power cars with specially adapted engines. Biofuels can be produced from a host of different agricultural products. Their development has been brought about by a combination of new advances in technology and government backing. Brazil has been a pioneer in this field. It makes the biofuel ethanol from sugar cane. Partly motivated by the oil crisis of the 1970s and by a desire to reduce its dependence on oil, Brazil invested heavily in biofuels and incentivized their use, particularly in motor cars. In 2005, more flexi-fuel vehicles (cars that can run on ethanol, gasoline or a mixture of the two) were sold in Brazil than purely gas driven ones.

  • 英文と和訳があります。和訳は適切でしょうか?

    Then there are the growing numbers of people who never get married. This trend may be occurring because women are no longer willing to endure the lifestyle of their mothers who would do all of the housework. 和訳 それから、結婚しない人の数が増えていっている。女性が、家事のすべてを行う自分たちの母親のライフスタイルに もはやすすんで耐えようと思わなくなったので、このような傾向が起きるのかもしれない。

  • 英文の和訳で困っています 和訳を教えてください

    英文の和訳で困っています 和訳を教えていただきたいです よろしくお願いします!! 3They publicly expressed their horror at the brutality and made it known to the East Germans that they sympathized with their fate. 4The Western press made a great show of supporting those who took part in the uprising and gave the impression that there would be Western involvement and help, but this impression that there would be Western involvement and help, but this impression was deceptive. 8The inactivity of Great Britain must be seen in the light of this stance. 15Adenauer was taken aback by popular uprising. 16He was at a loss about both the origin and the extent of the potential for protest.

  • 次の英文を読んで質問に答えてください

    Fuels such as coal, oil, and gas are described an non-renewable, ( ) the reserves are finite and are not regenerated.Nuclear power also comes from a non=renewable fuel, uranium(although this is not a fossil fuel).Because of the harmful effects of carbon dioxide, nitrogen oxides, and other pollutant emissions produced when fossil fuels burn, these fuels have a significant and harmful environmental impact.Nuclear power raises the problematic issues of the disposal of radioactive waste and the devastation that would result from a nuclear accident, however unlikely this may seem to the advocates of nuclear power. 1,( )に入る最も適切な語句を選んでください。 rather,although,because,nonetheless 2,英文にもっとも合う見出しを選んでください。 How non-renewable fuels affect the environment Nuclear power and environment-friendly fuels Nuclear power and its superiority over fossil fuel The dwindling reserves of non-renewable fuels 3,5行目の真ん中あたりのraisesをほかの語に置き換えても意味が変わらないものを選んでください ingests transcends encourages involves 3,the devastation that would result from a nuclear accident, however unlikely this may seem to the advocates of nuclear power.の和訳として最も適切なものを選んでください。 実際に原子力事故が起こった時、結果的に推進派がいなくなるほどの惨状になる可能性。 いかに起こり得ないように推進派には思えても、実際に原子力事故が起こった場合には引き起こされてしまう参上。 推進派は一見すると原子力事故はどれも似てないをいうが、実際に起これば結果として大惨事になるという共通点。 原子力事故が起きた結果、大惨事がもたらされるかもしれないが、こういった事故は推進派にとっては類似性がないように見えるものだ。 この質問に補足する

  • この英文の和訳をお願いします。

    翻訳機能を使ってもわかりやすい訳がでてこなかったため、和訳をお願いしたいです。 As discussed above , the implementation of the Memoranda strategy systematically fails regarding its time schedules . Indicative of this failure is that from May 2010 to May 2013 their forecasts for GDP growth had to be revised downwards eight times . Correspondingly , the troika had to revise downwards seven times its own forecasts for the required fiscal adjustment : the initial fiscal austerity measures were 25 billion while the most recent estimate revises their cumulative amounts upwards to 66 billion . There is a similar failure to forecast the government debt , the ratio of foreign debt to GDP , the level of unemployment , etc . These results are at least unacceptable . What are the reasons behind these failures ?

  • 英文和訳です。よろしくお願いします。

    I got to thinking what was it about this piece of cloth that would cause people to literally put their life on the line?" ベトナム戦争時、捕虜になった米兵が、手作りの米国旗を隠し持っていたと言う内容の文に続きます。「人々を文字通り命の危険にさらさせるこの布切れについて、それが何であるか私は考え始めた。」 what was it about の訳し方が分かりません。 和訳と考え方をお教えください。お願いいたします。 参照:http://www.voanews.com/english/AmericanLife/2005-06-30-voa18.cfm

  • 困っています。次の英文の和訳をお願いします。

    英語の文章なのですが、私には難しくて和訳ができないです。翻訳サイト等を使わずに、和訳をお願いできないでしょうか? The Greek Memoranda strategy is organised through two EAPs and their numerous interim revisions . The first EAP was launched in March 2010 . It issued 110 billion loans (80 billion from EU countries and 30 billion from IMF ) with 5.5 per cent interest rate , for the service of the external debt and the needs of the Greek economy with a time horizon (in term of its loans ) until 2013 . Then it was assumed that Greece would not be needing support and could borrow directly on the international markets . This means that the loan program was planned for the three-year period of 2010-13. Moreover , it was planned that BD in 2014 would be less than 3 per cent of GDP . It was also predicted that for the first two years of the program the economy would shrink by about 6.6 per cent and that cumulative growth of 5.3 per cent would follow in 2012-14 .

  • 英文と和訳があります。和訳は正しいですか?

    It would be more accurate, if less colorful, to say that han bureaucracy was lord of all it could survey. For, in domain affairs as much as in their relations with the shogun, the daimyo were ‘’victims’’ of bureaucratization; most of the authority they had wielded at the beginning of the seventeenth century as personal rulers quickly passed to councils of hereditary ‘’clan elders’’ (karo). 和訳 藩の官僚が検分できるすべての君主であった、という方がたとえ面白みは減るにせよより的確であろう。それゆえ大名は、藩の事柄(内政)においても、将軍(幕府)との関係においてと同じくらい、領地問題では官僚化の「犠牲者」であった。すなわち、17世紀の初頭では個人的な支配者として彼ら大名が振っていた権限のその大半が急速に世襲の「藩の長老」(家老)たちの評議会へ移行していったのである。