• ベストアンサー




  • ベストアンサー
  • Nannette
  • ベストアンサー率26% (1499/5697)

1.総売上高(※総所得)、もしくは前年中に事業から発生した所得。 2.給与、もしくは※総所得、もしくは専門的な試験、もしくは業務上の研究等から得た所得。 3.不動産から得た収入。 ※印 RECEIPTSは受取額といった意味ですので、GROSS RECEIPTS を総売上高とするか総所得、総収入とするかはこの部分の前後の文意によります。


その他の回答 (1)


こんにちは。 1.総売上高、もしくは本年度の契約獲得 2.給与または報酬その他所得 3.不動産収入 ご参考まで。



ご回答ありがとうございます。 役所が使う言葉の難解さは世界共通ですね。



  • 和訳お願いします!!

    和訳お願いします!! Revenues(called "turnover" in British Commonwealth countries)represent the total value that a company receives in exchange for providing services or selling goods to customers. This "total value" can take two forms: cash,or the customer's promise to pay cash in the future. For this reason, a company's total revenue for a period is not necessarily equal to the total amount of cash received by the company during the period. On an income statement covering a year ending on December 31, for example, total revenue may include some sales made on credit in November or December but not collected in cash until January. If revenue is earned from the sale of goods to customers,it is called sales. If it is earned from providing services to customers, it is called fees earned. Some companies have both types of revenue. Chevron,for example,records sales from the sale of gasoline and tires, and fees earned from automobile maintenance and repairs. Other companies have only one type of revenue:sales in a grocery store,for example,or fees earned in a video rental store. Expenses are the costs incurred by a company in the process of generating its revenues. And like revenues,expenses are recorded whether they are paid in cash immediately,or taken on credit to be paid in the future. Acompany that pays its workers their salaries on the fifth of each month for work done during the past month would pay its workers on January 5 for work done in December,but it would record this"salary expense" in December. よろしくお願いします(>_<)

  • すいません、和訳お願いしたいです。

    Jensen and coworkers traced the annual spring outbreaks of earthy-musty odor in tap water derived from a major Canadian river to actinomycetes, which were introduced into these surface waters during snowmelt and runoff. Klausen et al. concluded that actinomycetes were responsible for low concentrations of geosmin and 2-MIB in streams flowing past trout breeding aquaculture operations, because isolated strains of Streptomyces from these habitats were able to synthesize geosmin and 2-MIB, while cyanobacteria were not present in large numbers.

  • 和訳して欲しいです。 年齢差別についてです。

    However, there have been few attemps to compare quantitatively the relative importance of these three kinds of prejudice and discrimination. We have analyzed the race, sex and age inequalities shown by the U.S. census statistics using the method of the Equality Index. We compared inequalities in terms of income, education, occupation, and number of weeks worked. The Equality Index summarizes the amount of similarity between the percentage distributions of two groups, such as the aged and non aged, on a given dimensions, such as income or years of education. We found that age inequality was greater than race and sex inequality in the number of years of education completed and in the number of weeks worked; that is, there was more discrepancy between the aged and non aged in their education and weeks worked, than there was between the whites and nonwhites, and between males and females. However, in terms of occupation, age inequality was less than racial and sex inequality. Age inequality was also greater than racial inequality in terms of income. When comparisons were made combining two of the factors, the joint effects were generally additive. The combination of all three factors produced the lowest quality in both income and occupation. Changes since 1950 show nonwhites and the aged gaining substantially more equality in income, occupation, and education; while women were barely maintaining their generally inferior status. The extent to which these inequalities are directly due to racism, sexism, and ageism, as opposed to biological or cohort differences, is difficult to determine. However, it is clear that the relative amounts of race, sex, and age inequality vary depending ono which inequality is being mesured.

  • 和訳お願いします!

    In 1879-80 London incomes formed as predominant a share of all taxable business and professional incomes as did London's wealth among the very wealthy, a fact made clear in Table 3. thetwenty-eight provincial towns with populations in excess of 100,000, and with a combined population of 5,773,000, were assessed under Schedule D for £78,106,000, while the ten London boroughs, whose populations totalled 3,453,000, were assessed for £87,674,000. No less than £12,297,000 in Marylebone, and £10,302,000 in Westminster; by contrast, Liverpool, the wealthiest provincial town, was assessedfor £11,014,000, Manchester and Salford together for £10,800,000, Birmingham for £4,016,000, and so on. Moreover, obviously many provincial cities like Liverpool, Bristol or Edinburgh were primarily commercial or governmental rather than industrial in their primary roles and, again, as with the 1812 data, Schedule D does not include any income arising from ground-rents, from the profits of the public funds, or from any government employees's salaries, all of which would evidently add still further to the lead of London. Since the combined population of the leading provincial towns was two-thirds higher than the London total, it is a plausible inference that London not merely possessed a larger total business income than all of the chief provincial towns combined, but that its middle class was richer per capita and almost certainly more numerous than in the provincial towns.

  • income / salary

    income と salary の違いがピンと来ません。 income --money that someone gets from working or from investing money salary --a particular amount of money that you earn each month or year from your job

  • 英文の和訳で質問です

    就業規則内給与計算事項について、下記英文の意味が取りずらいです。 たぶん現地語から英語に一度翻訳していると思うので、そこで瑕疵があるのだと思います。 However, if the Overtime Payment and Holiday Work Payment are not of constant character or the monthly average of the Overtime Payment and Holiday Work Payment over a period of twelve (12) months (or a shorter period of employment) immediately preceding the Specified Date (refers to the date of termination), for the purpose of calculating payments specified in Clause 17.3 is less than twenty per cent (20%) of his average Monthly Salary during the same period, the definition of Monthly Salary shall not include such Overtime Payment and Holiday Work Payment. 「are not constant character」の意味や、その語のor以下が非常にわかりずらいです。 最後の一文は簡単なんですけどね・・・ どなたか宜しくお願いします。

  • 和訳をお願いします。

    At the outbreak of World War I, the Belgian army was in the middle of a reorganisation. Historically, Belgium had a reputation for neglecting its military. During the 19th century, military reform had been a major political issue as successive governments remained unsure of whether the signatory nations of the 1839 Treaty of London would intervene to guarantee Belgian neutrality if the country were invaded. Belgian politicians were also aware of the rapid expansion of French and German armies during the period. From the 1880s onwards, the Belgian government embarked on an ambitious series of fortress construction but failed to expand or reform the military itself. In 1902, the regular army stood at just 42,800 men with a potential post-mobilisation strength of 180,000.

  • 和訳をお願いします。

    A German counter-attack on 20 August, forced separate battles on the French armies, which were defeated and forced to retreat in disorder. The German pursuit was slow and Castelnau was able to occupy positions east of Nancy and extend the right wing towards the south, to regain touch with the First Army. During 22 August, the right flank was attacked and driven back 25 kilometres (16 mi) from the position that the offensive had begun on 14 August. The First Army withdrew but managed to maintain contact with the Second Army. Between 24–26 August, both French armies repelled the German offensive at the Trouée de Charmes and subsequently regained the line of 14 August by early September. Casualties In 2009, Herwig used records from the Sanitätsberichte to give 34,598 casualties in the 6th Army during August, with 11,476 dead. In the 7th Army there were 32,054 casualties in August, with 10,328 men killed.

  • 和訳をお願いできますか

    以下の英文を和訳していただけるかたに。 お願いできますでしょうか。 3文節の構成です。 ちょっと内容がリンクしていないかもしれません。 よろしくお願いいたします。 The individual chart resembles a book with many volumes,, when we read it we turn the pages of through the mists of time and in each detail given to you, you see the reflections of his life, his thoughts, the past and the future. The third celestial house is about faith and faithfulness places far away from him, and time spent apart from you. The environment you will share together in the future. This house is also how you communicate. He gains from long journeys and relatives. Or money comes to him from distant places But if ever he is entangled in law suits, it will become costly. Your soul mate will live his life in public. He will become well known in his field of work gain personal or individual authority over the general public who he will deal with in the course of his occupation.

  • 英文和訳をお願いします

    Regrettably, the notion of rights of ownership of capital and other income-earning assets remains conflicted, especially in societies that still believe that profit seeking is not quite moral. A key purpose of property rights, after all, is to protect assets in order to use them to profit or personally benefit. Such rights are not supportable in a society that holds any significant remnant of the view of property as “theft.” That notion embraced by Karl Marx rests on the presumption that gained wide acceptance in the first half of the twentieth century that wealth created under a division of labor is produced jointly, and hence should be owned collectively.

  • 布が逆に進んで縫えない
  • 質問の製品名はCPS4210 brother PS203です
  • ブラザー製品に関するトラブルで、布が逆方向に進むため縫えない状況です