• 締切済み



  • violet430
  • ベストアンサー率36% (27472/75001)




遅くなりました。有難うございます。 複雑なアドレスにしているのでどうやって送られてくるのか 不思議だったんです。 今のところ届いておりませんので少し様子を見ようと思います。 有難うございました。


  • 英文の意味を教えて下さい。

    アメリカのネットショップで小物を購入予定です。日本人向けに注意書きがあったんですがすみませんが意味を教えて下さい。お願いします。 I hope that this finds you well. I received the exchange of email below from AAA  Brands as we handle all the apparel and accessory business for BBB as well as all its international distribution relationships. Would you mind sending information about your CCC, the type of brands (domestic and international) that you represent, and how you would like to plan to sell BBB accessories in Japan? Looking forward to hearing from you.

  • 翻訳をお願いします

    投資に関する話です。 "All investors in aggregate must hold all stocks in proportion to the fraction that the aggregate market value of any stock represents of the total market value of all stocks." "aggregate"は「総数」で大丈夫かと。 "fraction that~"と"represents of"の扱いに苦労しています。 よろしくお願いします。

  • 翻訳をお願い致します。

    You are and always will be my favorite frontman, and singer of all time. U2!

  • 下記の英文を教えて下さい

    I am out of the country at the moment and it is my colleague you are speaking to. I am back on Friday and will make sure that the labels MADE IN USA will go on all of the bags and purses. Please bare with me till this Friday.

  • 英語わかる方、教えて下さい

    英語に詳しい方、教えて下さい。 ↓これはDREAMS COME TRUEの『DIAMOND 15 THEME』の歌詞です。 DIAMONDS,OH DIAMONDS CAN BE CUT ONLY BY DIAMONDS DON'T YOU SEE WHAT MAKES YOU SHINE AND GLOW IS YOU IT'S ALWAYS IN YOU <DIAMONDSはDIAMONDSでしか磨けない あなたを輝かせるのはあなたしかいない> という意味だそうですが、この言葉が気に入りipodに刻印したいと 思いましたが、文字数がオーバーしてしまい、できませんでした。 <あなたを輝かせるのはあなたしかいない>の部分、もしくは同じ様な意味合いのもので、 もう少し短い英文がありましたら教えて下さい。 ちなみにipodに刻印できる文字数は、半角22文字が2行です。 宜しくお願い致します。

  • 英文の和訳をお願いします!

    I’d always have the feeling that you had be en taking a chance just on that, and that kind of love would be disappearing. というのと、 Then I’d always feel that you kept on writing to me only because you were lonely and had no one else. この2つです! 和訳お願いします!

  • You of all people should know ---. これ、正しい英語?

    映画を見ていたら次の表現がでてきました。 You of all people should know, there is always someone watching. この you of all people は正しいのでしょうか。 All of you はよく見たり聞いたりするのですが。

  • Stylish and Sophisticated

    It is a well stated fact that shoes are the perfect reflection of a man's character. At workplace, well polished and stylish formal shoes( http://www.queenia.co.uk/shoes.html ) helps to give a complete look. In fact, formal shoes only makes a man look more professional and elegant. Thus, selection of perfect formal shoes for men is definitely important. There are various brands which specially design formal shoes for men. But, before selecting these shoes, you need to consider on the material of the shoes. Generally, pure leather or patent leather shoes look glamorous and stunning. But, men generally detest the idea of moving around at malls and comparing the products for a perfect pair of shoes. For them, online shopping comes as a great relief. These days with the popular option of online shoes shopping, you also need to be careful about the size of your feet. Again, when you are going for different brands, you should also be aware that different footwear companies have different standards of measurement. So, it is preferable if you take prior measurement and stick to a single brand. Again, since online stores does not give the chance of trial. So, you should understand the terms and conditions of the company. So, take care of the few important guidelines and go for online shoes shopping. Major Brands is one of the most fashionable online store which showcases a reviewed range of formal shoes for men and formal shoes for women. In addition, you can also get outfits like business wear, party wear and many more. Managed a proficient team of experts, you will definitely have a great time shopping here. In fact, with the comfortable online shoes shopping, most people these days are quickly shifting their interests to online shopping. In fact, this online store is the crucial store house of brands like Aldo, Charles & Keith and many more. Again, when it comes to fashionable accessories like sunglasses and watches, you can also get these here. It would be more appropriate to state that it is a one stop shop for fashion and style. See more at: http://www.queenia.co.uk/evening-dresses.html

  • 私あてのトランプ大統領のメルマガ翻訳を希望します

    私あての、トランプ大統領のメルマガですが、文章が何を伝えているか教えてください。出来れば日本語に訳してください。 Don’t worry -- we’ll take care of getting you and a friend to Palm Beach and reserving your room... ...You just have to decide who to bring for this once-in-a-lifetime opportunity. You are receiving this email at com Trump Make America Great Again Committee, 138 Conant Street, 2nd Floor, Beverly, MA 01915 We believe this is an important way to reach our grassroots supporters with the most up-to-date information regarding the efforts of the Trump Make America Great Again Committee and President Trump, and we’re glad you’re on our team. It’s because of grassroots supporters like you that we will Make America Great Again, and we appreciate your support. Thank you for all that you do!

  • 和訳をお願いします

    以下の英文の和訳をしていただけるかたに、 お願いできますでしょうか。 よろしくお願いいたします。 Love has a power. Thoughts have a power. Once you have met this man, a fate unlocks which though mysterious and irresistible, propels you together. You will be reminded of him so often in so many ways, it will be as though your mind walks down all the paths and avenues of daily life, but that they all lead back to him. Not only will you think of him but fate itself will seem to bring him continually to your attention. This bond is like a chain that forever ties your destiny, that joins your soul to his and always has, it is always there, its intangible, and inaccessible to the conscious mind, There can be something of the obsession about such love, a love that never lets you go, but it is a sweet dramatic obsession. Moving, painful at times, wonderful, and total. Once you meet it strengthens a thousand fold. All the weight of history and time, the more you think of him, and love him, the more it consolidates the karma life time after lifetime, this love is more powerful than life and death The bond is fate and even if you part it will work to subtlety always draw you and him back together to help you find each other in the world.