Who Does What? Discover the Answers to These 10 Questions

  • Discover who cooks dinner in your household and see if it matches your expectations.
  • Find out who is in the car with your grandparents and learn more about their adventures.
  • Meet Natsuko, the piano virtuoso, and find out why she is the best in town.
  • ベストアンサー


1.Who cooks dinner?(Mother) 2.Who is in the car?(Our grand parents) 3.Who can play the piano best?(Natsuko) 4.Who painted the picture?(Keiji) 5.Who was running in the park?(My friends) 6.Who has broken the vase?(I) 7.Who was given the gloves?(Ayumi) 8.Who will come here tommorow?(My teacher)9.Who has to write report?(Hitomi) 10.Which is the shortest month?(February)

  • 英語
  • 回答数1
  • ありがとう数2


  • ベストアンサー
  • Milancom
  • ベストアンサー率41% (117/285)

翻訳修業中の者です。とりあえずやってみます。 各問2つ、ないし3つの答え方が考えられるように思われます。普通の話し言葉では、それぞれ最初のものが自然に感じられるようですが、学校では2つ目や3つ目の方が好まれるでしょうか。 ご参考になれば幸いです。 1~10の疑問文に()内の語を用いて短く答えてください 1.Who cooks dinner?(Mother): Mother./Mother does. 2.Who is in the car?(Our grand parents): Our grandparents./Our grandparents are. 3.Who can play the piano best?(Natsuko): Natsuko./Natsuko can. 4.Who painted the picture?(Keiji): Kenji./Kenji did. 5.Who was running in the park?(My friends): My friends./My friends were. 6.Who has broken the vase?(I): Me./I have. 7.Who was given the gloves?(Ayumi): Ayumi./Ayumi was. 8.Who will come here tommorow?(My teacher): My teacher./My teacher will. 9.Who has to write report?(Hitomi): Hitomi./Hiromi has to do it./Hiromi does. 10.Which is the shortest month?(February): February./February is.


  • 文構造を教えてください

    高校の教科書でわからない文があります。。。 Even more interesting than who the subject is, is the question of why this one portrait, among so many painted in the Rsnaissance, has become so famous. モナリザの絵の話で,the subjectは描かれている女性ということです。 1. has becomeの主語はinterestingですよね。interesting thingということでしょうか。 2. among ...Rsnaissanceは文全体の修飾句ですよね。このpaintedは名詞の働きをしているのでしょうか。 3. is ... portraitの部分の構造がわかりません。isの主語は何ですか? ofは何でしょうか? 接続詞がないということはこれも修飾句ですよね。どんな働きをしているのでしょうか。 よろしくお願いいたします。

  • 文の書き換え問題

    こんにちは [1] My father is proud of my brother's having been educated in United States of America. このような(単)文を、that節 などを用いた複文に書き換えよという問題です。 私は my brother's having been educated in United States of America. この部分は受動態の完了形だとみて [2] My father is proud that my brother has been educated in the United States of America. 若しくは ( has を had とも意味が取れそうだから) [3] My father is proud that my brother had been educated in the United States of America. と思いました。 別な人の意見によると [4] My father is proud that my brother was educated in the United States of America. でも、これは、that節以下は単に受動態だけになっていて完了形がないのでは?と思いました。 適切な回答と解説をお願いします。

  • これらの文を疑問文に直すとどうなるのでしょうか?教えてください。

    1.Akane is very kind to children. 2.My father cut down the large tree. 3.Takuya has to study English everyday. 4.The girls are singing in the garden. 5.They know my brother. 6.The record will be brought by Junji. 7.There are some books on the desk. 8.They have washed the car. 9.The work can done in two hours. 10.These dolls were made by Mika.

  • この文を日本語訳してください

    この文を日本語訳してください "Gatsby, the man who gives his name to this book, was exempt from my reaction-Gatsby, who represented everything for which I have an unaffected scorn." "If personality is an unbroken series of successful gestures, then there was something gorgeous about him, some heightened sensitivity to the promise of life."

  • 文型と文の種類の問題です。

    同じ意味になるようにカッコ内に適語を入れてください。 (1)There are four seasons in a year. →A year ( ) four seasons. (2)My mother cooks very well. →My mother is a very ( )( ). (3)How early you rise! →What ( )early ( ) you are! (4)I couldn’t find anybody in the room. →I could find ( ) in the room. 各文が意味の通る英文になるようにかっこ内に適語を入れてください。 (1)”How ( ) do you go to the movies?” “About once a month.” (2)I don’t see that while dog these days. ( ) has become of it? (3)”What’s the ( ) today?” “It’s December 5.” (4)”( ) was at the door?” “Tom was.” 各文には文法上の誤りがあります。誤っているところを指摘して、正しい形にしてください。 (1)”Where is the capital of Japan?” “It is Tokyo.” 指示に従って書き換えてください。 (1)This street goes to the station. (this street を尋ねる文にして下さい。) (2)You’ve met my mother. (付加疑問文にして下さい。) 日本文の意味になるようにかっこ内の語を並びかえてください。 (1)彼が試験に合格したので両親はとても喜んだ。 (happy, made, in, his, very, his, examination, parents, success, the). これを解いてみると、 (1)has (2)well cooking (3)an/ rise (4)nobody (1)long (2)what (3)fine (4)who (1)is→does (1)Where does this street go to the station? (2)You’ve met my mother, didn’t you? (1)His examination made in the success his parents very happy. になりました。 間違っているところがあれば、訂正も含めて教えてください。

  • 不定詞の複文教えてください

    不定詞の複文教えてください 1.The company was said to go bankrupt. It was said that the company_________________ bankrupt. 2.He is requested to hand in the paper by tommorow. It is requested that he ______________ hand in the paper by tommorow. 下線になにが入ればいいのでしょうか? よろしくお願いします。

  • school system

    My son graduates from high school this month. There is a girl in the same school system who has severe cerebral palsy. She has been in the same schools as my son since kindergarten, and was mainstreamed into the classrooms; she even “graduated” along with the other kids in sixth grade. school systemのsystemはどのような意味でしょうか?よろしくお願いします

  • コンマの使い方

    (1)と(2)の意味(ニュアンス)の違いをどなたか教えてください。 よろしくお願いします。 (1) My sister who lives in London has two children. (2) My sister, who lives in London, has two children.

  • 疑問詞の主格に関係代名詞

    Who cares about national holidays in my working place?うちの職場で誰が祝日なんて気にするの? を、例えば主格に関係代名詞をつけて、 Who, who is working in my working place, cares about national holidays? と出来るのでしょうか?

  • 日本語に訳して欲しいです

    I am Capt Ken Anderson a United States solider in Afghanistan. I was married before but my wife is late and i am left with my little daughter who is in USA under the care of a nanny. i am 46 years and i wish to have a good relationship with you.bye please send me email