• 締切済み



  • yoakemae
  • ベストアンサー率43% (14/32)

まずこの英文は倒置文であるという点が指摘できます。Thenという副詞要素が文頭に出たことにより、the outer~towersまでの主部とcameという動詞の間に倒置が起きたわけですね。訳されているように「次に現れたのは・・・」という解釈でよいかとは思いますが、主部を指摘せよといわれればthe outer~towersまでであり、動詞を指摘せよといわれればcameですね。なお、主語ということであればwallsであることは明らかです。 withの働きについてはどちらのwithをさしているのでしょうか。1番目のwithは付帯状況のwithです。with O Cのパターン。2つ目のwithはthe main templeとits magnificent towersを「~をもった」という意味で結びつける名詞句を作るwithですね。 読解で大切だと思えることは、あなた様の行われているこのような作業+反復音読だと思いますね。主語はどこか。動詞はどこか。というように英文を構造的に追いかけて読むことはとても大切なことです。それに加えて、構造的にも意味的にも自分なりに処理した英文を繰り返して音読することは引けをとらない程度に大切なポイントだと思います。私もまだまだ修行のみではありますが、お互いにがんばりましょう。


  •  英文読解

     大学の講義で、非拡散条約に関する英文を読んでいます。明日の講義で、私が当てられそうなのですが、三つの連続したパラグラフでつっかえてしまいました。  以下が、そのつっかえた英文です。   In April 1992, the Nuclear Suppliers Group adopted a common export policy. They agreed that transfer to a non-nuclear-weapon state of nuclear facilities, equipment, components, material and technology, as specified in the so-called trigger list, should not be authorized unless that state had brought in force an agreement with the IAEA requiring the application of safeguards on all source and spesial fissionable material in its current and future peaceful activities. In 1993 this agreement was formally recorded, but not all exporters of nuclear items subscribed to it.   Nuclear-weapon states are not obligated by the NPT to accept international control. They may, however, do so upon request of the suppliers of nuclear materials wanting to ensure that their materials are not used for the manufacture of nuclear weapons. A certain number of facilities in the nuclear-weapon states have been submitted to IAEA safeguards on a voluntary besis. Moreover, in the late 1990s Russia and the United States agreed to submit to IAEA safeguards weapon-origin fissile material designated as no longer required for defence purposes.   What is clearly missing is an international body to which complaints of non-compliance with the NPT, other than those related to nuclear safeguards, could be directed for investigation. The absence of such a body led to the application by some states of unilateral sanctions against suspected but not proven violators.  具体的にわからない文は、  「 They agreed that transfer to a non-nuclear-weapon state of nuclear facilities, equipment components, material and technology, as specified in the so-called trigger list, should not be authorized unless that state had brought in force an agreement with the IAEA requiring the application of safeguards on all source and spesial fissionable material in its current and future peaceful activities.」 ・state of nuclear facilities, equipment components, material and technology  私が訳すると、「原子力の施設と設備と部品と材料と技術の非核保有国」というわけのわからない文章になってしまいます。この「of」はどう言った役割を果たすのでしょうか? ・~on all source and spesial fissionable material in its current and future peaceful activities.  の「all souece」はどんな風に訳するのが適当でしょうか? また「its」は何を指しているのでしょうか? 「 They may, however, do so upon request of the suppliers of nuclear materials wanting to ensure that their materials are not used for the manufacture of nuclear weapons.」 ・私の辞書で調べた限りでは、「do so upon」という熟語はないようです。それぞれの単語をひいても、上手く訳できません。  「do」がこの文の動詞だと思うのですが、これが間違っていないならば、どう訳するべきでしょうか? 「 What is clearly missing is an international body to which complaints of non-compliance with the NPT, other than those related to nuclear safeguards, could be directed for investigation.」 ・What is ~ となっている点から、最初は疑問文だと思ったのですが、疑問符が文末についていないので違うと判断しました。ですが、「疑問詞から始まる文=疑問文」ぐらいしか覚えていないので、どう訳すればいいかわかりません。  長文失礼しました。見づらいと思いますが、ヒントだけでも教授いただければ幸いです。

  • 英文読解に困っています。

    英文読解のために英文の記事を読んでいるのですがいくつか分からないところがあるので教えて頂きたいです。 While I was growing up, my family never got that involved in the discussion over whether the idolization of Disney princesses is a healthy thing or not. With three boys and no girls in the family, most of my parents’ time was instead channeled towards more immediate topics like telling their sons not to aim for the face during their regular battles in the backyard with their stockpiled arsenal of plastic battleaxes and broadswords. この文の中の "most of my parents’ time was instead channeled towards more immediate topics like telling their sons not to aim for the face during their regular battles in the backyard with their stockpiled arsenal of plastic battleaxes and broadswords."が解りません。 As a matter of fact, one talented artist thinks Disney’s leading ladies make excellent stand-ins for all of the seven deadly sins. "stand-ins"とはなんですか? Even if a lot of it is just junk that’s drifted down to the ocean floor, it is a little covetous how the daughter of the Sea King is hording a stash of artifacts from the surface world. この文はアリエルについて述べているのですが、"how the daughter of the Sea King is hording a stash of artifacts from the surface world"のところが解りません… Yes, her name means “beauty,” and she’s also the more attractive half of the Beauty and the Beast duo. That said, you can’t really blame her for the name her parents picked or the well-balanced facial features their DNA gave her, and seeing how Belle spends more time staring at the pages of her favorite books than checking her reflection in the mirror, we say she deserves a pass on the “vain” label. 美女と野獣のベルについて書かれているのですが、" you can’t really blame her for the name her parents picked or the well-balanced facial features their DNA gave her"が解りません。 We imagine there’s a certain number of apples that gorging yourself on will trigger a coma, but the fairest of them all didn’t collapse because of her big appetite, but from the generous portion of poison in that one particular piece of fruit. 白雪姫についてなのですが、"but the fairest of them all didn’t collapse "のところが解りません… 沢山聞いてすみません。お力を貸して頂ければ嬉しいです。宜しくお願いします。

  • (2)英文読解

    (1)の続きです。 Certainly the word is not likely to appear in our appreciations of living or dead writers. Every nation, every race, has not only its own creative, but its own critical turn of mind; and is even more oblivious of the shortcomings and limitations of its critical habits than of those of its creative genius. 確かに言葉は生きているか死んでしまった作家についての私たちの評価に現れそうにありません。あらゆる国家、あらゆる人種はそれ自身の創造性を持っているだけでなく、それ自身の鑑識眼のある心も持っています。そして、その創造的な才能のそれらに気がつかないより、その重要な習慣の欠点と規制にさらに気がつかないのです。  と訳してみたのですが、以下がわかりません。 ●Certainly the word is not likely to appear in our appreciations of living or dead writers.    ここはどういう意味なのでしょうか?  言葉が~に現れそうにもない、とは?  ●and is even more oblivious of the shortcomings and limitations of its critical habits than of those of its creative genius    この英文の構造は、  more oblivious of (the shortcomings and limitations) of (its critical habits) than(oblivious) of those of its creative genius  ですか?    thoseは the shortcomings and limitations of its critical habitsですか? ----Tradition and the individual talent:T. S. ELIOT  

  • 英文読解

    When a liquid travels along a tube, it may do so in either of two ways.It may travel by means of laminar flow or turbulent flow. These two forms of flow can be demonstrated by an experiment in which a very fine stream of coloured ink is injected into a tube of water. When the pressure of this jet of ink is at the correct level, the ink will form a uniform stream which passes through the water without mixing with it. It remains a separate layer,or lamina of liquid --hence the term laminar flow--and the force of the liquid is used to push it forward through the water. None of the force is used to push the liquid sideways into the water. However,if the pressure of the flow of ink is increased beyond a certain value,the ink will mix with the water as soon as it enters the tube. Much of the force of the liquid is in this case used in side-to-side movement in mixing with the water and striking the side of the tube. The ink becomes thoroughly mixed with the water, and in this case the flow is known as turbulent flow. Various factors will determine whether the flow of liquid through a tube will be turbulent or laminar. As will be seen if the pressure of the ink is increased as it enters the waterm the greater the force of the liquid, the more likely turbulence is to occur. If the experiment is carried out that the diameter of the tube has an effect on whether laminar or turbulent flow takes place. It will be found that turbulent flow is more likely to occur as the tube becomes narrower. Thirdly, if the diameter of the tube is irregular, or if the tube is bent, turbulent flow is more likely to occur than in a uniform diameter tube. 上記の文を読んで、以下の問に英語で答えてください。お願いします。 1A.What is likely to happen if the diameter of the tube is reduced? 1B.What is likely to happen if the diameter of the tube is increased? 2.How many different factors can influence whether the flow of liquid in a tube is laminar or turbulent? 3.What does the force of the liquid do when the flow is laminar?

  • 英文読解

    (1)When I had the chance to go to college my mother was against it because she wanted me to go out and get a job and bring some money into the house. This was (1) the fact that the government was going to pay for my fees, my books and even my living costs. (2)The government paid for any student who managed to get into higher education and only denied funding to the rich. Without such funding it would have been out of the (2) for me to go on with my education and therefore climb my way higher up the food chain. Looking back now, I shall always be grateful to those post-war politicians and officials who (3) the welfare state and gave me the gift of a free education, free medical treatment and the safety net of unemployment benefit. Those were the days. Harold MacMillan, a Conservative Prime Minister of the era, famously said, “You've never had it so good.” And he was right. Today is very different. (3)(4) of the 47 universities that existed by the early sixties there are now over one hundred and the percentage of school leavers going into university education has gone from less than 10% to over 60%. Clearly the government can now no longer afford to subsidise education as it once did and the burden will fall on the students when they graduate. The baby-boomers who benefitted from free education are now the parents or even grandparents of these children. They can sometimes help financially but more often than not they have enough to worry about struggling to survive on inadequate pensions. (4)Students and their parents are facing further nightmares as universities have recently been given permission to charge commercial tuition fees. This means that on average fees will probably double and in many cases triple. The likely effects on student recruitment and on the quality of education can only be guessed at. The present government insists that students can manage the rises because these fees will not be charged until students graduate and get a job paying over 21,000 GBP. This is hardly a fortune and is, in fact, slightly below the average annual income in Britain. The new policy has brought a storm of protest from students, parents and leftist activists. The National Union of Students organised a demonstration in London against the fee rises. This went off peacefully at the beginning with thousands of students and others taking part in an orderly march to Parliament. Unfortunately on the way, some students, possibly under the influence of alcohol and egged on by more violent minded elements of crowd, stormed the Conservative Party's London headquarters. Grass doors were broken, the light security force was overwhelmed and protesters entered the building causing havoc. Furniture was smashed, offices were broken into and their contents destroyed. Even fire extinguishers were thrown from upper floors. Some protesters and police officers were injured. It was chaos. The police admitted later that they were not prepared for such violence. 【設問】 ( )に入れる適切な語 (1) アdespiteイin spiteウinsteadエthanks to (2) アeconomyイproblemウquestionエsituation (3) アfindイfoundウfoundedエhad found (4) アBecauseイDespiteウInsteadエRegardless 自分はエウウアを選んでみました。難しく感じました。

  • 英文読解

    In writing these pages, which, for the want of a better name, I shall be fain to call the autobiography of so insignificant a person as myself, it will not be so much my intention to speak of the little details of my private life, as of what I, and perhaps others round me, have done in literature; of my failures and successes such as they have been, and their causes; and of the opening which a literary career offers to men and women for the earning of their bread. (中略) That I, or any man, should tell everything of himself, I hold to be impossible. Who could endure to own the doing of a mean thing? Who is there that has done none? But this I protest:— that nothing that I say shall be untrue. I will set down naught in malice; nor will I give to myself, or others, honour which I do not believe to have been fairly won. (中略)以下の英文について教えてください。 That I, or any man, should tell everything of himself, I hold to be impossible. ・・・・私やいかなる人が自分自身の全てを語ることは、不可能です? Thatは「~のことは」ですか? shouldは話者の強い意志を表したものですか? Who could endure to own the doing of a mean thing? Who is there that has done none? 修辞疑問文ですか? I will set down naught in malice ・・・・私は悪意で無を書きとめるつもりです? どういう意味ですか?in maliceのニュアンスが掴めません。 お手数をおかけしますがよろしくお願いいたします。 ----An Autobiography: Anthony Trollope

  • 英文読解について。

    中学英語から1人で復習している大学生です。 英文読解に取り掛かっているのですが、問題が起きました。 アメリカの絵本を購入し、これを訳して勉強することにしたのですが、自分で訳した英文が正解なのかどうか、分かりません。泣 グーグルや翻訳アプリを使っても、一文が長いせいか、的外れな翻訳をされてしまいます。 こういった場合、皆さんはどのように対処すべきだと思いますか? 身近に英語が出来る人がいますが、訳すたびに頼るのは気が引けてしまっています。顔を合わすことが難しい知り合いなので、ラインからお願いすることになってしまうのも、失礼に思えてしまう理由の1つです。

  • 英文読解

    The Life of Books Some writers think about the life of books as some savages think about the life of men - that there are books which never die. They all die sooner or later; but that will not hinder an author from trying to give his book as long a life as he can get for it. The fact that it will have to die is no valid reason for letting it die sooner than can be helped. 指示代名詞、代名詞が指すものを教えてください。 They all die sooner or later・・Theyは"some writers"ですか? but that will not hinder ~・・・ thatは "They all die sooner or later"ですか? as he can get for it・・・・・・ itは"his book"ですか? it will have to die とfor letting it die~・・・itは"his book"ですか? 全体の訳を頂けると助かります。 お手数をおかけしますがよろしくお願いいたします。 ----The Note-Books of Samuel Butler : SAMUEL BUTLER

  • (1)英文読解

    Let us begin with the longest look into the future—The Next Million Years. Paradoxically enough, it is easier, in some ways, to guess what is going to happen in the course of ten thousand centuries than to guess what is going to happen in the course of one century. Why is it that no fortune tellers are millionaires and that no insurance companies go bankrupt? Their business is the same—foreseeing the future. But whereas the members of one group succeed all the time, the members of the other group succeed, if at all, only occasionally. The reason is simple. Insurance companies deal with statistical averages. Fortune tellers are concerned with particular cases. One can predict with a high degree of precision what is going to happen in regard to very large numbers of things or people. To predict what is going to happen to any particular thing or person is for most of us quite impossible and even for the specially gifted minority, exceedingly difficult. この英文の But whereas the members of one group succeed all the time, the members of the other group succeed, if at all, only occasionally.の個所に出てくるif at allはどのように訳すのでしょうか? また、the members of one groupは"insurance companies"、the members of the other groupは"fortune tellers"を指しているのでしょうか? ----Tomorrow and Tomorrow and Tomorrow : ALDOUS HUXLEY

  • (2)英文読解

    (1)の続きです。 The history of the next century involves very large numbers; consequently it is possible to make certain predictions about it with a fairly high degree of certainty. But though we can pretty confidently say that there will be revolutions, battles, massacres, hurricanes, droughts, floods, bumper crops and bad harvests, we cannot specify the dates of these events nor the exact locations, nor their immediate, short-range consequences. But when we take the longer view and consider the much greater numbers involved in the history of the next ten thousand centuries, we find that these ups and downs of human and natural happenings tend to cancel out, so that it becomes possible to plot a curve representing the average of future history, the mean between ages of creativity and ages of decadence, between propitious and unpropitious circumstances, between fluctuating triumph and disaster. This is the actuarial approach to prophecy—sound on the large scale and reliable on the average. It is the kind of approach which permits the prophet to say that there will be dark handsome men in the lives of x per cent of women, but not which particular woman will succumb. この英文の it becomes possible to plot a curve representing the average of future history, the mean between ages of creativity and ages of decadence, between propitious and unpropitious circumstances, between fluctuating triumph and disaster. にある"fluctuating triumph"とはどういう意味ですか? 変動する偉業? また、It is the kind of approach which permits the prophet to say that there will be dark handsome men in the lives of x per cent of women, but not which particular woman will succumb.の意味がわかりません。 大変お手数をおかけしてしまい申し訳ありませんが、教えて頂きたいと思います。 よろしくお願い致します。 ----Tomorrow and Tomorrow and Tomorrow : ALDOUS HUXLEY