
  • 小説の中で気になった英文とは、push came to shove という表現についてです。
  • 小説の中で気になった英文とは、訳と it had to be の意味についてです。
  • 小説の中で気になった英文とは、come to terms with what's happened の説明についてです。
  • ベストアンサー

小説の中で気になった英文です。 【2】

小説の中でいくつか気になった英文があります。 気になったところだけでいいので教えてください。 1. –though we all knew where her loyalities would lie if push came to shove. (push came to shoveのところを教えてください) 2. I'd have shinned up a rocket-ship tree to have avoided passing Bugs, and Sal would make me give her a troublesome report on our guests on the neighbouring island, so Cassie it had to be. (訳と、it had to be のところの意味を教えてください) 3. It gives me time to think and come to terms with what’s happened. (come to terms with what's happenedのところの説明をお願いします) 回答よろしくお願いします。

  • 英語
  • 回答数1
  • ありがとう数1


  • ベストアンサー
  • Ambition
  • ベストアンサー率49% (43/87)

即答できるものだけ回答させてもらいます。 2. "if push comes to shove"は、 「いよいよ追い込まれたら」「いざとなったら」という意味の慣用表現です。 "push"には「窮地」や「危機」といった意味があるので、そこから生まれたんでしょうね。 「いざというときには、あんなやつはあてにならない」と言いたいときなどに、 人の正体を語る表現としてよく使います。 3. "come to terms with ..."で 「…(厳しい現実など)を受け入れる」「…にけじめをつける」「…(気持ちなど)を整理する」 などの意味になります。 文脈が分からないので直訳になりますが、意味は次のようなものになるはずです。 「そのことは、起こった現実を考え、そして受け入れる時間を私にくれた。」



回答ありがとうございました。 1. if push comes to shove 「いよいよ追い込まれたら」「いざとなったら」 の慣用句ですね。 3. come to terms with 「…(厳しい現実など)を受け入れる、 …にけじめをつける、…(気持ちなど)を整理する」 ですね。 勉強になります。 回答ありがとうございました。



もしよろしければこちらもよろしくおねがいします! http://www.okweb.ne.jp/kotaeru.php3?q=433356


  • 英文

    以下の英文の翻訳お願いできませんか? (1)I had a sister who had diabetes. She died when she was 39. If she had lived a century ago, she would have been dead by the age of 14. Had she been born today, she probably would have lived a full life because gene therapy would soon be able to replace her defective genes. My parents told me Andrea had diabetes when I was a high school student in California. And later, I learned Andrea would have the disease forever and world be taking shots every day of her life so she could live. I knew it was serious. Without insulin, Andrea's cells would die even though she had plenty of sugar in her blood. Each day she would measure her sugar level and then inject insulin into her thigh. (2)Time passed, and I went to Colorado College. Andrea went to the University of Southern California. I think that USC was a good choice for her. She went to classes, parties, and maintained her California blonde good looks. She graduated, married a lawyer-to- be, adopted a child because of repeated miscarriages due to her diabetes, and got divorced--- a typical American story except for the diabetes. (3)Andrea died on the operating table at the age of 39. It was cardiac arrest, not an uncommon fate for diabetics whose cardiovascular systems were compromised. She had visited me to say goodbye ---except I did not know it. (4)One day Andrea came to Buffalo. We soon learned she was going blind. She told us that only an operation would help her eyes. Her physicians did not hold out much hope because of her lifelong treatment with insulin; although it had saved her life, it had also caused malfunctioning in her circulatory system. Her eyes were only part of the problem; her entire cadiovascular system was compromised. The operation, in fact, would be dangerous. (5)My sister was adamant. She had tried going to classes designed to help patients who were going blind. She said she would rather be dead than blind. She was going forward with the operation, which would be in a couple of weeks. (6)Andrea, along with the rest of my famiy,remainedin California while I was moving about the country getting an education, as well as being a wife and mother of children. I settled on the two opposite side of the country in Buffalo, New York.

  • わからない英文があります

    "An ordinary beginning, something that would have been forgotten had it been anyone but her." -would have been forgotten had it been anyone but her の使い回しがよくわからないので、説明できる方いたら教えて下さい。

  • 英語です。

    仮定法過去完了に副詞節があった場合、 もし彼が来た時に彼女と話していたら、大変なことになっただろうに。 を英訳する時、 1.彼が実際来た場合 If I had been talking with her when he came,I would have been in deep trouble. 2.彼は実際には来ていない If I had been talking with her when he had come,I would have been in deep trouble. というふうにwhen節の時制が変わるのでしょうか?

  • 英語

    1:I like my job,but I wish I made more money. Me too. If I (),I could buy a new car. (1)did (2)do (3)had (4)have 2:If I ()you, I would not accept that kind of offer. (1)am (2)have been (3)were (4)will be 3:If I() a camera with me I would have taken a picture of the lake. (1)have (2)had (3)had had (4)have had 4:Would you have taken the job if you() how terrible the conditions were? (1)knew (2)had known (3)have known (4)would have known 5:If she() late,give her this message. (1)were coming (2)would come (3)should come (4)shall come 解答と訳をお願いします

  • ( )に入る適切な語句を教えてください

    1,I am surprised to see you are already through with that difficult job.( ) (1)What did you finish it? (2)When do you finish it? (3)When have you finished it? (4)When will you finish it? 2Peter ( )to find a new apartment for some time (1)has been trying (2)was tired (3)is trying (4)goes to try 3When the plane finally took off,she ( )in her seat for more than three hours (1)sat (2)had been sitting (3)was sat (4)has sat 4He told me he would be here about seven.Anyway,I'll tell you when he ( ) (1)comes (2)came (3)would come (4)will come

  • この英文の意味

    以下の文の意味についてです。 No one can read your Python program and say, “That’s a nice little program you have there. It would be too bad if something happened to it.” " "内のyou have thereやif something happened to itの言いたいことがいまいち理解できません。そのまま直接日本語に訳しても違和感が出ます。 出典:https://www.oreilly.com/library/view/introducing-python/9781449361167/ch01.html

  • 以下の英文について教えてください

    The mournful truth that a man — every man-must die alone, had been thrust sharply into my mind and kept there by the frequent violent attacks of my malady I suffered at that time, every one of which threatened to be the last. (中略) Then my mother died. Her perfect health failed her suddenly, and her decline was not long. But she suffered much, and on the last occasion of my being with her at her bedside she told me that she was very tired and had no fear of death, and would be glad to go but for the thought of leaving me in such a precarious state of health and with a mind distressed. Even then she put no questions to me, but only expressed the hope that her prayers for me would be answered and that at the last we should be together again. I cannot say, as I might say in the case of any other relation or friend, that I had lost her. (中略) It came to me as a great surprise a few years ago to have my secret and most cherished feelings about my own mother expressed to me as I had never heard them expressed before by a friend who, albeit still young, has made himself a name in the world, one who had never known a mother, she having died during his infancy. <最後のIt came to me~の英文について>: It came to me as a great surprise a few years ago~のasは「~として」ですか? as I had never heard them expressed ~のasは「~のように」ですか? (themはmy secret and most cherished feelings ?) my own mother expressed to me as I had never heard them expressed before by a friend のところの意味がよくわからないのですが、 expressedの取り方は、 my own mother expressed to me私自身の母親が私に表現した、 I had never heard them expressed私はそれらが表現されるのを決して聞いたことがない、 ですか? she having died during his infancyここは独立分詞構文で、「彼女は彼の幼年時代に亡くなってしまったので」? ----Far Away and Long Ago :W.H.Hudson

  • 英文を訳して下さい。

    to bless your's job, strengthen her to achieve the goal of her career, to be an excellent in your work with satisfaction and good channel in good things. bless me to be an outstanding businessman to help more people with the wisdom and talent from God. Dear Father God, help us to achieve our career and financial goal that we would have more time for our sweet relationship and love. May Go bless us to be the blessings to people via our jobs. よろしくお願いします。

  • この英文の訳はこれでいいでしょうか?

    こんにちは。 よろしくお願いいたします。 Ross took the common sense view that it would be better to stay at home. It would have been better to hold the debate during the day. I would have thought it would be better to wait a while. ロスは良識を持ち合わせているからうちに泊まっていくといいでしょう。 今日のうちに議論をするといいでしょう。 もう少し待ったほうがいいと思います。

  • 英文について教えてください!

    英文について教えてください(*_*) カッコに当てはまるのを教えて頂けたら幸いです(*_*) 1、I couldn't help () at such a sad move. (1)to cry (2)cry (3)cried (4)crying 2.When I was in Salem, I ()often play tennis with John. (1)used (2)would (3)should (4)will 3.Poverty ()him from going to university. (1)pushed (2)prevented (3) resulted in (4)preserved 4.If I were you,I () him. (1)help (2)helped (3) hadhelped (4)would help 5.He would have become a great marathon runner if it()for his knee problem. (1)was not (2)had not been (3)has not been (4)would not have been 6.You ()throw your money into the sea as lend it to such as person. (1)may well (2)might as well (3)will do well to (4)know better than to 7.It won't be long ()we can travel to the moon. (1)when (2)if (3) before (4)until 8. The party was good. You () come! (1)must have (2)can't have (3)should have (4)ought have です(´д`∩ 宜しくお願いします (∋_∈)