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※ ChatGPTを利用し、要約された質問です(原文:英語の例文は原文のままでいいのでしょうか?(翻訳))



  • ベストアンサー
  • ollivan
  • ベストアンサー率12% (1/8)

こんにちは。 挙げている文は原文のままでいいです、 例文ですから。 僕は翻訳する時も例文を翻訳しないです。 (1)Whereas smoke is a natural sign of fire, causally connected with what it signifies, the red flag is a conventional sign of danger: it is a culturally established symbol. These distinctions between the intentional and the nonintentional, on ”the”(THEをつけないほうがいいと思います。) one hand, and between what is natural and what is conventional, or symbolic, on the other (HAND), play a central part in the theoretical investigation of meaning. この文(These--meaning)はちょっと長すぎて、わかりにくくなるかもしれませんけど。These disctinctions between the intentional and the nonintentional, or(and) the ones between what is natural and what is conventional plays an important part in the theoretical investigation of meaning.に改めたらどうですか? (2)That the verb 'mean' ”is”(つけないほうがいいです。) being employed in different senses in the examples that I have used so far is evident from the fact that Mary means trouble is ambiguous: (The verb "mean" used in the sample sentences with different meanings I have said so far proved that "Mary means trouble" is an ambiguous sentence.)こういう言い方がいいと思います。 it can be taken like Mary means well or like Smoke means fire. Indeed, with a little imagination it is possible to devise a context, or scenario, in which the verb 'mean' in Mary means trouble can be plausibly interpreted in the way that it would normally be interpreted in That red flag means danger. Most language-utterances, we shall see, depend ”for”(ON) their interpretation upon the context in which they are used. And the vast majority of them have a wider range of meanings than first come to mind. Utterances containing the word 'meaning' (or the verb 'mean') are no different from other English utterances in this respect. 02-11-27 10:48 全部翻訳してなくて、 ごめんなさい。



olivan様、ご回答ありがとうございます。このように、アドバイスをいただけて大変に助かります。最初は例文も全部翻訳しなければならないのかと思いましたが、 この論文のような言語学に関する論文ですと、例文まで日本語にするとなんかしっくりきませんでした。でも、翻訳なのだから原文をそのまま挙げておくのもいいものかどうか悩んでしまいました。そこで、意味論や記号論の論文を調べ、内容を見てみると(翻訳後のもの)例文の部分だけはそのままのものと、例文も日本語にしているものといろいろありました。それぞれケースバイケースだと思いますが、自分で判断できませんでした。頂きましたアドバイスを元にもう一度取り組んで見ます。本当にありがとうございました。



すみません。私はolivan様のアドバイスを取り間違えてしまいました。ここで質問いたしました英文が原文になります。これを日本語に翻訳する際、例文の部分はそのまま、英語のままでいいのか、日本語にした方がいいのか悩んでいる次第です。 その部分もふくめて、日本語訳のアドバイスをいただければと思いました。 質問の内容が悪くて申し訳ございませんでした。もしお時間があれば、日本語訳のよい例をいただければ幸いです。よろしくお願いいたします。


  • 和訳のお願いです。

    意味論についての論文だと思いますが、和訳お願いいたします。自分でも訳してみましたが、読み返して見て分かりづらいため、和訳が上手な方の文章を参考にしたいと思います。よろしくお願いいたします。 (1)Whereas smoke is a natural sign of fire, causally connected with what it signifies, the red flag is a conventional sign of danger: it is a culturally established symbol. These distinctions between the intentional and the nonintentional, on the one hand, and between what is natural and what is conventional, or symbolic, on the other, play a central part in the theoretical investigation of meaning. (2)That the verb 'mean' is being employed in different senses in the examples that I have used so far is evident from the fact that Mary means trouble is ambiguous: it can be taken like Mary means well or like Smoke means fire. Indeed, with a little imagination it is possible to devise a context, or scenario, in which the verb 'mean' in Mary means trouble can be plausibly interpreted in the way that it would normally be interpreted in That red flag means danger. Most language-utterances, we shall see, depend for their interpretation upon the context in which they are used. And the vast majority of them have a wider range of meanings than first come to mind. Utterances containing the word 'meaning' (or the verb 'mean') are no different from other English utterances in this respect.

  • 自然記号に関する論文の和訳について

    自然記号(煙=火)と慣習的な記号(赤旗=危険)の例をあげて動詞"mean"の様々な使い方に関する論文なのですが、内容が難しく、上手に和訳できません。 大体の意味を取るだけでなく、他の人にも読んでもらうことを考慮して和訳していただきたくお願いいたします。 (1)Whereas smoke is a natural sign of fire, causally connected with what it signifies, the red flag is a conventional sign of danger: it is a culturally established symbol. These distinctions between the intentional and the nonintentional, on the one hand, and between what is natural and what is conventional, or symbolic, on the other, play a central part in the theoretical investigation of meaning. (2)That the verb 'mean' is being employed in different senses in the examples that I have used so far is evident from the fact that Mary means trouble is ambiguous: it can be taken like Mary means well or like Smoke means fire. Indeed, with a little imagination it is possible to devise a context, or scenario, in which the verb 'mean' in Mary means trouble can be plausibly interpreted in the way that it would normally be interpreted in That red flag means danger. Most language-utterances, we shall see, depend for their interpretation upon the context in which they are used. And the vast majority of them have a wider range of meanings than first come to mind. Utterances containing the word 'meaning' (or the verb 'mean') are no different from other English utterances in this respect.

  • 英語の訳し方

    That the verb 'mean' is being employed in different senses in the examples that I have used so far is evident from the fact that Mary means trouble is ambiguous. の訳し方が非常に難しいです。 確かに全体の意味の捉え方としては 「私がこれまであげたいくつかの例の中で'mean’という動詞がことなった意味で使われていることは”メアリーには問題がある。”という使い方があいまいであるということから明白である。」 という捉え方にしかなりませんが,これを英会話の中で聞いたとしてすぐに意味がわかるかというと絶対にわかりません。何かコツは無いでしょうか?

  • 翻訳をお願いいたします

    以下の英文を和訳していただけるかたに。 お願いできますでしょうか? 難解な部分は意訳でかまいません。 どうぞよろしくお願いいたします。 The ruling planet of your seventh house was in your twelfth, this is not such a good sign, it can be a partner of lower or obscure birth. It brings a certain amount of discord into the relationship. An omen of separations, divorce, or health problems connected with partner, since this is the house of institutions, prisons and hospitals. It also means that your partner will prove in time to be your secret enemy.

  • 英語の翻訳お願いします

    But apart from of any potential payoff, I believe that the quest for knowledge for the sake of knowledge is irreplaceable. It seems to me essential that a developed nation participate in this expansion of knowledge for the good of all mankind, and that it devote to this effort a fraction of its resources, even without any film hope of material benefit in return. If unexpected applications do materialize as a bonus, so much the better. A few remarks are in other, however. This“pure”science does have an obligation. It must produce truly original results. There is no place for research which merely reproduces, expect for a detail or two, an experiment already successfully performed. But how does one judge the degree of novelty? At present, this difficult evaluation is carried out informally, by the seat of the pants so to speak, by the scientific community-not entirely without errors or injustices, to be sure, but, by and large, with fairly satisfactory results. A word of caution:it does sometimes happen that, in order to reach a particular goal, several avenues prove feasible, utilizing very different means, some quite elaborate, others much simpler or considerably less costly. Should one, for instance, send humans into space, or should one rely on unmanned spacecraft? One must constantly remain alert to the danger that research might get mired in enormous projects of doubtful utility. This is the responsibility that scientists must assume on behalf of the taxpayers of their respective countries.

  • 翻訳をお願いいたします

    以下の英文を和訳していただけるかたに。 お願いできますでしょうか。 どうぞよろしくお願いいたします。 A traditional church wedding may be had in the best way, but may not be easily afforded, but there will be the makings of a good ceremony, a high ceremony that is planned hastily but with some trimmings of a better wedding, something is made of it ceremonially. There may be money troubles or debts in the early part of marriage. Tradition has it that Saturn in Aries, means A mature minded or older partner, but one who has a touch of jealousy in his character.

  • 英語の翻訳お願いします。

    I care so much about you I care about you more than I can say. And that caring and that feeling have a meaning that is more precious and more special to me than I can explain. But let me try to tell you this... Stying ''I care'' means that I will always do everything I can to understand. It means that I will never hurt you. It means that you can trust me. It means that you can tell me. What's wrong. It means that I will try to fix what I can,that I will listen When you need me to hear,and that ~even in your most difficult moment ~all you have to do is say tha word,and your hand and my hand will not be apart. It means that whenever you speak to me,whether words are spoken through a smile or theouge a tear... I will listen with my heart. I do care about you... In a very special wey. メッセージカードの柄としてあったので気になりました。お願いします

  • ネットワーク英語の質問です

    翻訳サイトでの訳はやめてください。 よろしくお願いします。 It is the part of the Internet that contains websites and webpages. It was invented in 1989 by Tim Berners-Lee at CERN, Geneva, Switzerland. It makes web pages display properly on the Internet. It is a markup language, which means it has a mix of a normal language that people can read and a special programming language that tells computers what to do. It is a part of a computer system or network that is designed to block unauthorized access while permitting authorized communications. It is a device or set of devices configured to permit, deny, encrypt, decrypt, or proxy all (in and out) computer traffic between different security domains based upon a set of rules and other criteria.

  • 英語の翻訳お願いします

    先月、金星堂出版の英語のテキストを購入したのですが、解答が付いていなく、訳が分からないのでお忙しいとは思いますが翻訳お願いしたいです。以下長文。 English is often called the world's lingua franca. About this, there is little dispute. However, what about the term lingua franca? It means the Frankish language, but how did it come to be known so well as an expression in English? The language is full of intersting idioms and expressions whose origins we often fail to give even a thought to. If we did, we would find that English expressions and idioms often have fascinating stories behind them. Pidgin English is one such expression. If you ask a native English speaker what thia means, he or she will likely explain the meaning corrently:broken, or badly spoken, English. If you ask why people use this exprettion, they might explain in it this way: Pigeons are not very clever birds, so it means someone whose Englilsh is not beyond the level of a simple bird. However, this is not correct at all. During the period of the Opium Wars,1839-60, Potuguese, British, and Dutch traders went to China in large number to do business. They created a simplified from of English that could be used to do business. Business English often sounded like pidgin English when spoken with an accept, so this name stuck. Flea market is another intersing expression. Most people think that this word comes from the old goods that are often sold at such markets. Because they are old and possibly durty, they might be full of fleas. Fleas are associsted with dirty things. People used to think that those selling goods at such markets looked dirty,too. They might have been carring fleas, which could have been a cause for the name. Neither is correct. There was a market in New York City long ago called the Vallie Markt. In Dutch, it meant Valley Market. It is easy to forget that the Dutch were the first European settlers in New York, before the British too over in 1664. Over the year, Vallie Markt became Vlie Market. In Dutch, the "v "sound like an "f" in English: "Flee" or "flea" both sound like the "vlie" in "Vlie Market." The term "flea market," however, has been translated into "market of fleas" in many languages, Japanese and French included. When a ship is in troublle, it sends out this message: "Mayday! Myday!" Many believe that this word is used because something bad once happened on May 1. Actually, it is the English version of "M'aidez!," which means, "Help me!" in French. "My brother is up the river!" thismeans that your brother ia in prison. How did English get this expression? Ossining State Prison was 30 km away from New York City... along the Hudson River. Therefore, if you did something illegal in New York City, which has never had a shortage of criminals, you might have been sent to Ossining... up the Hudson River. So many words and phrases have entered the English language in an intersting way. Bcause English is the lingua franca of the world, it gets to borrow from many launguages of the world as well/ Bravo for English! Brovo... that was originally an Italian word, by the way.

  • 英語の翻訳お願いします

    丸投げですみませんがよろしくお願いします。 From the behavior of macromolecules among themselves, we moved quite naturally to the problem of their behavior toward other substances, notably solid grains in suspension, which led us to the science of colloids, or suspensions of fine particles. More about those later. “TO LEAVE IS TO DIE A LITTLE”(E.HARAUCOURT) I have just described the chronological evolution of our group, perhaps in a way that is too utopian. In truth, switching fields is not as easy as I made it sound, even for a theorist. It means some three years of work, each time, just to come up to speed For an experimentalist, the prospect is even more daunting. He also has to contend with a traumatic change in instrumental expertise, a completely new set of scientific apparatus. To change disciplines is to leave one scientific community for another. Often, these communities have different languages, different books, different instruments. Just about everything is different. Still, I am happy to have participated and helped in two or three such changes.