• ベストアンサー



  • ベストアンサー
  • micronpen
  • ベストアンサー率65% (21/32)

この手の翻訳に文書に会社は金を出してくれないのが普通です。担当者がやる以外に方法がなくて、できませんと言えば、学校でなにを勉強していたんだと言われるのが落ちです。OK Waveの回答者が協力してなんとかしましょう。 記入は箇条書きでよさそうですが、その書き方の指示が箇条書きでないことと、イタリアのにおいのする英語で質問者が苦労されているのでしょう。 A:会社の創業年を入れる B:製品名 C:そのうちの主力製品 D:生産国(複数の場合はそれぞれの比率も) E:商標(ブランド名) F:自社ブランド G:ライセンスを受けているブランド H:過去5年間に参加したトレードショー、国名、主催者名 I:昨年の売上高 J:輸出額 K:製品名(製品毎の輸出額) L:加盟している商工会議所 M:加盟した年 N:従業員数 O:加盟団体(商工会議所以外のものを要求している模様) P:過去にMIPELに出展したことがあるか Q:あるなら出展した時の年と部門(Travel&BusinessとかAccessories) 他の回答者からの回答も参考にしてください。



ご回答頂き、ありがとうございます。 ご察しのとおり、会社では別経費を計上するのはNGで、 私が翻訳をしなければいけないのですが、 この分野の仕事は初めてということと、 イタリア訛りのような英語に苦戦しています。 Sinceのあとは、通常1991などの年数が入るかと思うのですが、 その後にyearsと続いていたり、英語の表現が分からず、 しめきりも間近の為、大変困っておりました。 翻訳して頂いた文を参考にさせて頂きます。 ありがとうございました。 大変助かりました。


  • アドバイスお願いします

    今回宿題でPlease tell me how long have you done the following 1、have a pet dog 2,study in your school 3,your sister working というのがでたんですけど、 1,I have a pet since 2005.I have a pet for 2years. 2,I have studied in school since 1996.I have studied in school for12years. 3,Mysister has worked at kindergarten since 2004. Mysister has worked at kindergarten for 4years. というかんじでいいのでしょうか? 私的には1のペットの部分がこれでいいのかちょっと不安なんですが・・・

  • 英訳の文章

    ホームワークとテキストの復習をやっと終える事が出来ました。 私は半日デスクに座ってパソコンから指紋の操作をしました。 しかし指紋の登録が出来ませんでした。 ギャオの登録は出来ました。だから映画を見て楽しみました。 At last I was able to finish with homework and a review of a text.. I operated the fingerprint from the personal computer sitting on the desk at half a day. However, the fingerprint was not able to be registered. GyaO can have been registered. Therefore, it enjoyed seeing the movie. 英文の添削をお願いします。

  • 翻訳をお願い致します!

    "Look, man, anyone can go online and be what they call a 'hater' or have an opinion and that goes in many different directions. We're just really trying to do something that feels good and not only honors the catalog of what we have but moving forward musically. "Looking at the last 10 years of STP, not much has gotten done and that's very, very frustrating to live with. I don't want the next 10 years of life to be like that. I want the next 10 years to be great and we contribute or at least try to contribute really valid music. It's really what I got into this for — to write the best songs I can write."

  • すみません、お手数ですが和訳お願いします。

    すみません、お手数ですが和訳お願いします。 何が言いたいのかいまいちわかりません・・・・ hi Could you also kindly provide the following information for me at least two referees of customers you have worked with in Zimbabwe; a photo of the Chassis number, and also the dents which are referred to in you description Please recommend at least two clearing agents you have worked with in Durban, so that i am also able to get quotation for port clearance. and also how much will it be CIF

  • 訳お願いします!

    when the moon is low,near the horizon ,it looks huge compared with how it looks when it is higher overhead. the effect is especially noticeable when it is a full moon. People have been wondering about this for at least two thousand years,since long before they even knew what the moon was or how it moves around Earth. Now would you believe that in today`s space age we still don`t know the answer to the puzzle about its apparent size? As you can imagine,people have come up with many "explanations" over the years. All but a few of them can easily be shown to be wrong. です。 自分で訳しましたがPeople~のところからよくわかりません。 誰か訳してください(・ω・)

  • for whichのwhichが示すもの

    We will send a list of “products” supplied to you, for which there are substances that are not intended to be registered. が上手く訳せません。for whichのwhichは何を指しているのでしょうか。

  • 翻訳をお願い致します。

    "I've loved STP since I was 13 years old and they've had a huge influence on me," explained Bennington. "When the opportunity came up to do something creative with them, I jumped at the chance. The guys in LINKIN PARK have been incredibly supportive of me undertaking this project while I've continued to work on new music with LP."

  • 完了形の前置詞について

    問題;以下の文で間違いを直せ。 1 )The popularity of skateboarding seems to have decreased since the past few years. 解答;for のみ表記 ですが、以下例文はをgoogleで調べてみました。で、in, over もアリだと思っています。in については、「the past few yearsかかって減ってきた。」か「続けてではないけど、ここthe past few years.でそうなってきた。」で使えるかなと思っています。合ってますか?Grammaryだとover しか出てきません。教えてください。 in は特に自信がないのですが、なんかよく見る気がしています。 ①Library usage has decreased in the past few years. ②Funding for area studies from virtually every source has decreased in the past few years. ③Since the number of aliens accommodated at the Centre has decreased in the past few years, the number of employees has also been reduced. ④the total number of Anglophone immigrants to Quebec has decreased over the past few years. ⑤The information reported in the paper has decreased over the past few years.

  • 英語の文法問題

    英語の文法問題です。 (1)We have the resources (to be matched/to match/matched/match) you with a job that fits your desires and abilities. (答)matched (2)(Work/Working/Worked/Have worked) full-time, you will be eligible for medical insurance, vacation and holiday pay, and other benefits. (答)Working (3)Our members are passionate, engaged people (shared/sharing/to be shared/having shared) their lives and interests with others. (答)shared (4)Please send your personal history with your picture (attached/attaching/attach/to attach) to it. (答)attached (5)The amount of money (spend/spending/has spent/spent) on advertising has increased dramatically in recent years. (答)spending (6)We offer everyhing (to have ranged/ranging/ranged/to be ranged) from computers to clothes. (答)ranging (7)If you need (to shop/shopping/shop/to be shopped) at our store, please click the go-sign (to follow/following/to be followed/followed) by the choose-sign and find out why so many customers shop with us every day. (答)shopping/followed 分詞のところなのですが、分詞は苦手なため全く自信がありません;;どなたかお願いします。

  • 英語の文法問題です。

    英語の文法問題です。 (1)We have the resources (to be matched/to match/matched/match) you with a job that fits your desires and abilities. (答)matched (2)(Work/Working/Worked/Have worked) full-time, you will be eligible for medical insurance, vacation and holiday pay, and other benefits. (答)Working (3)Our members are passionate, engaged people (shared/sharing/to be shared/having shared) their lives and interests with others. (答)shared (4)Please send your personal history with your picture (attached/attaching/attach/to attach) to it. (答)attached (5)The amount of money (spend/spending/has spent/spent) on advertising has increased dramatically in recent years. (答)spending (6)We offer everyhing (to have ranged/ranging/ranged/to be ranged) from computers to clothes. (答)ranging (7)If you need (to shop/shopping/shop/to be shopped) at our store, please click the go-sign (to follow/following/to be followed/followed) by the choose-sign and find out why so many customers shop with us every day. (答)shopping/followed 僕の答えであってるでしょうか?分詞は苦手なため全く自信がありません;;どなたかお願いします。