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※ ChatGPTを利用し、要約された質問です(原文:問題を解いてみたのですが・・)



  • ベストアンサー
  • taked4700
  • ベストアンサー率37% (777/2050)

日本文に会うように語句を並び替えてその記号を順に書いてください。 (文頭に置かれる語も小文字で始めてあります。) 1、写真を見ると高校時代を思い出します。 A)our high school days B)the picture C)us D)of E)reminds 自分の解答・・B,E,C,D,A 正解です。 2,天候はこの事故に関係がない。 A)nothing B)has C)this accident D)to do with E) the weather 自分の解答・・E,B,A,D,C 正解です。 3,この事故でかなり多くの人がけがをした。 [A]people B]were C]a few D] injured E]quite]in this accident. 自分の解答・・E,C,A,B,D, 正解です。 4,この結果に文句を言っても仕方がない。 A)no B) complaining about C)it is D)this result E)use 自分の解答・・C,A,E,B,D 正解です。 5,私たちは彼女にお酒を飲まないようにと説得した。 [A]not B]we C]persuaded D]to drink E]her]alcohol. 自分の解答・・B,C,E,A,D 正解です。 空欄に最も適する表現を選びその記号を書いてください。 1、 When we enter a shop, a sales clerk usually says,”( )” A)What’s up? B)Do you want to buy something? C)May I help you? D)Is there anything wrong? E)What do you do? 自分の解答・・C 正解です。 2、When a person says, “I’m sorry” to make an apology for his or her small mistake, his or her best friend probably replies, “( )” A)Oh, I’m good. B)That’s O.K. It’s not your fault. C)You’re welcome. D)Well, I can apologize next time. E)No, it’s my pleasure. 自分の解答・・B 正解です。 3、When one of two persons suggests that they shouldgo out for dinner, the other probably answers, “( )” A)That’s a good idea. B)I have to say thank you. C)I like it, too. D)Here we are. E)That’s good to know. 自分の解答・・A 正解です。 2人の会話を成立させるために(1)~(5)から最も適するものを選びその記号を書いてください。 1、A: This tea smells really good. B: Would you like another cup? A: (1)The cup is nice , isn’t it? (2)Iliked another one. (3)No, thanks. (4)These cups look different. (5)I don’t have tea cups. 自分の解答・・(3) 正解です。 2、A): Tom has a brother and a sister, B): What does his sister look like? A):(1)Tom likes his sister. (2)She looks like a movie star. (3)She likes to watch TV. (4)She isn’t like herself today. (5)She likes you to look at her.  自分の解答・・(2) 正解です。





  • you could go on a diet ?

    DUOより "Naomi likes to show off her perfect figure . I wish I were thin like her I envy her" "You could go on a diet" 「ナオミは自分の完璧なスタイルをひけらかしたがる。私も彼女みたいに痩せていればなあ。彼女が羨ましいわ」「ダイエットすれば」 「ダイエットすれば」?どういう could の用法でしょうか? 回答よろしくお願いします。

  • 英語の問題で分からない所があります

    英語の問題で分からない所があります 解答が無い上に体調がすぐれない為 思う様に進められません どなたかお力添えを頂けると助かります 次の英文中の () 何に最も適する表現を a ~ d 1つ選びなさい  ・ I feel like ( ) to the movies tonight .   ( a: but go  b: to go  c: gone  d: going )  ・ I wish I ( ) a bird .   ( a: am  b: am not  c: were  d: could )  ・ ( ) do you think of this ?   ( a: How  b: What  c: Which  d: Whichever )  ・ She ( ) be a polite person to do such a thing .   ( a: must not  b: cannot  c: dare not  d: ought not )  ・ Hurry up , ( ) you will miss the train .   ( a: or  b: and  c: after  d: before ) 恐縮ですが 和訳や解説等も頂けると助かります 宜しくお願い致します。

  • 英語の分からない問題を教えてください。

    次のA~Eと1~5で同じ意味なのはどれですか? A.It was a pleasure to meet you. B.I'd like to take this opportunity to thank you for your assistance. C.Do feel free to contact me for further information. D.With regards. E.I look forward to our meeting on Thursday 1.Looking forward to seeing you. 2.It was great to get together. 3.It was nice of you to help out. 4.All the best 5.It's OK to give me a call if you have questions.

  • これは正解?

    問題を解いてみたのですが答えがありません。正解の部分は正解と書いていただき、間違いの部分はその解説を書いていただきたいです。よろしくお願いします。 2人の会話を成立させるために(1)~(5)から最も適するものを選びその記号を書いてください。 3、A: Excuse me. Could you help me? B: (1)Yes, of course. (2)That was all right. (3)No, thank you. (4)Yes, I could excuse you. (5)Yes, I liked to help you. A: How can I get to the museum?  自分の解答・・(1)    4、A: Can I have your passport, please? B: Here you are. A: How long do you plan to stay in Canada? B: (1)I’ll travel about 300 kilometers. (2)This is my first visit. (3)Canada is very far from Japan. (4)I’ll be here for two months. (5)I have a special plan here. 自分の解答・・(4) 英文中で間違いのある語句(節)を書いてください。 1、A mother holding a baby / is/ sitting a bench /by a big tree/ in the park           自分の解答・・by a big tree 2、People were/ surprising/ to see a man /climbing/ the tall building. 自分の解答・・surprising 3、What would have happened/ if/ we didn’t follow /his advice/ at that time? 自分の解答・・we didn't follow 4、A few years ago/ dogs were/ not allowed /to enter in/ most of the supermarkets. 自分の解答・・to enter in 5、Not known/ where to go,/ he was/ just walking around /in the hall. 自分の解答・・Not known 空欄に最も適する語句をA)~E)から選びその記号を書いてください。 1、Some passengers on the train( )room for an elderly on the seat. A)made B)took C)get D)kept E)reduced 自分の解答・・B 2、The traffic is always( )on this road Friday evening. A)very B)heavy C)high D)many E)great 自分の解答・・B 3、The sign on the board( ),”Keep off the grass.” A)says B)writes C) notices D)is aware E)reminds 自分の解答・・B 4、He was made( )the piano alone in the school festival. A)play B)to play C)played D)to be played E)playing 自分の解答・・A 5、She got her car( )by a gas station boy. A)to wash B)wash C)washed D)to washed E)washing 自分の解答・・A

  • 英語穴埋め 教えてください 

    また質問させてください。たびたびスミマセン。 私も一度成らず何度か挑戦してこの答えかなって、多少勘も入りながら回答したんですが、まったくともって自身がありません。 皆様的には簡単だと思いますが、解答お願い致します。 He {(A)enter (B)entered (C)entering (D)entered into} the room to get some sleep. 私的にはDかなって思うんです。 Where did you put my {(A)couple (B)pair (C)double (D)two} of scissors? これは…全然分からず Dではないと思うだけで…。 The woman will {(A)leave (B)stay (C)go (D)come} for Japan on Wednesday. これは…will の後だから原形…って全部原形?…。えっと C 日本に行く?かな It was impossible to {(A)like (B)see (C)ask (D)tell} the good from the bad. うーん わからないです。Aですか? The cloth is {(A)described (B)measured (C)available (D)choosing} in six different colors. これはCだと思います… 汗; He says he {(A)like (B)likes (C)liking (D)is like} all kinds of music,form classical to pop. Aだと思います… By {(A)who (B)whose (C)whom (D)where} is this report handed in? これは…わからないです。Bかな?って感じです。 Bill had his sister {(A)clean (B)cleas (C)cleaned (D)to clean} the living over lunch. うぅ…。 I {(A)was watching (B)watching (C)have watched (D)am watching} TV last night when the electricity went out. これはAかなって・・。 Statistics show that income level is related to the amount of {(A)educated (B)educatinal (C)educationalist (D)education} one has. これが全然ダメです・・・。

  • この問題を教えてください。

    read the passage below and underline any phrases containing the word set. then use the phrases to complete the sentences. if you (A) something, you keep or save it for a purpose. if you (B) on a journey, you start it. if you (C) something, like an organization, you create it. if you (D) for something, you are the best at it. if you (E) rules for something, you decide what can and can't be done. if you (F)  something, you see it, usually for the first time. decided to hoped to agreed to offered to plan to 自分なりの回答は、 (A) agreed to (B) decided to (C) plan to (D) hope to (E)offered to (F)plan to

  • 英語の問題が分からないので教えてください。

    まず問題文の意味が分かりません。問題文の意味と選択肢の英文の意味を教えてください。 Here are some useful expressions you can use at different stages of a presentation. Group the expressions according to their use. A: This evening, I intend to show you.... B: I'd like to finish today with... C: Let me just run through what we'll be covering over the next hour. D: I'll return to this issuein just a few minutes. E: And finally,... F: Let's movea on now to... G: I'd like to change focus at this point Beginning… Changing topic… Summing up…

  • 英語でわからない問題があります。教えてください><

    次の各組の文がほぼ同じ意味になるように( )に適語を入れなさい。というものです。4問わからないものがあります。 (1) a. I like the moon better than any other celestial body. b. I like the moon ( ) ( ) all the celestial bodies. (2) a. She is the loveliest girl I have ever met. b. I have never met ( ) ( ) lovely girl as she. c. She is ( ) ( ) any other girl I have ever met. (3) a. He said that he was happy to meet us that day at that memorable party. b. He said, "( ) ( ) happy to meet ( ) ( ) at ( ) memorable party." (4) a. He said to her, "Will you attend the party tomorrow?" b. He asked her ( ) she ( ) attend the party ( ) ( ) ( ). 問題多くてごめんなさい><1つでも分かる人がいらっしゃれば回答よろしくお願いします。  

  • この問題があっているか分からないので見てください

    (1)あなたは宿題が終わっていないのですね?はい、そうです。 You have not finished your homework, (haven't) you? (Yes),I(have). (2)明日何が起こるかは誰にもわからない。 (Do) (you) what will happen tomorrow? (3)「お体を大切にねヘレン。」「あなたもね。」 Take (care) of (youself) Helen. You too. (4)I am not (A) to Mike in knowledge. A:equal B:even C:same D:like (5)Do not be (C) on others and do it by yourself. A:keen B:similar C:dependent D:careful (6)There is no chance that I will win the game. There is no chance of (me) (winner) the game. (7)The singer is going to announce that she will marry a baseball player. The singer is going to announce (of) (her) (marriage) a baseball player. (8)Please feel (B) to use the computera in this room. A:free B:possible C:right D:available (9)Mark wasn't aware that Jane was angry with him. Mark wasn't aware of (Jane) (anger) towards him.

  • 英語の問題が分からないので教えてください。 

    次のA~Hの英文は会話文1~8のどこに入ると思いますか?意味も教えてください。 A.All you need to do is B.I understand that C.I'm putting you through D.It's been quite some time E.it's convenient for you F.just to be on the safe side G.we're all set then H.You can't miss me 1.(a)When would you like to meet? (b)Whenever______. 2.(a)When did you last visit Prague? (b)______. 3.(a)How will I recognize you? (b)I'll have a hat on.______. 4.(a)How can I get to the nearest bank?(b)______ walk straight on and turn left. 5.(a)Shall we book the tickets today?(b)Yes,______. 6.(a)So,______?(b)Yes, we're ready to start. 7.(a)______ your flight leaves at six.(b)Yes, that's right. 8.(a)Hello.Can I speak to Mr.Motteram, please.(b)Just one moment.______.